The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 07, 1949, Image 3

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This story is* meant for the fish
who plans to become the fresh man
version of Al Capone. Our advice
pspective aafe erackers,
jlackmailere, water fighters, and
reckless drivers is to take the
first boat down the Bratos River.
Bad men at Little Aggieland have
n't got a chance; the K. IPs will
?et them sooner or later.
The K. K's are officially known
as the policemen of the Campus
Security Force. The Security Force
boosts only thrsje full time cam*
pus policemen, but the trio really
gct^f around. Though the three
patrolmen are primarily concern
ed with law enforcement at the
Whether it is
a young man
ache at 1 a. bu or an
emergency pass to go home, the K.
K.’s can be of assistance. In case
of electrical trouble, water or gas
leaks, accidents, or any other sit
uation that calls for a helping hand,
.urged to call on
• A
arms are not worn W enforce
As Sweat says, “If a law enf<
ment officer can’t enforce
without the use of a gun, he
much good.” The wei
sen-protection alone.
say, H is not the freshmen
the police want to protect 1
selves from, but thugs and
dais on the campus.
One of the bigge
of the force is traff
ment Already a number of ; traf
fic violatlion tickets have, been is^
:ross file
bers, owners, and traffic
is kept All fines go into a woi
i H M|
repeated Violations are coi
the uae of the car may he
freshmen are.
the “campus cops”. According to
their chief, L. L. Sweat “The force
is not the best trained or qual
ified of all of the world's police,
hut you will find that they are as
agreeable and as much for the
college student as any member of
the faculty.'?
Sweat, * brunette good-looking
man, makes his headquarters in
the Administration Building next
door to the Housing Office. Though
this office is the best place to find
the cqmpua police, they also may
be contacted as they make their
rounds. The rounds are frequent in
the day-time, and at least hour);
at night. r.
Rounds Clocked
A watchman's clock is used to
prove that the rounds are made.
On seven Scattered, buildings
around the campus, bracketed
“keys” to the dock are posted.
It is necessary for the officer
visit each of these “keys” oi
an hour. Each key fits a “keyhole’*
on the clock, and when the key
is turned, a record of the tiihe
and place is recorded ©*! paper in
side the dock. V1 j }
Contrary to popular Aggie be
lief, the authority of the police
does not end with the border line of
the campus. Though the force’s
payroll Comes from the College,
each of them is a deputy sheriff
of Brazos Coqhty, and the force
is recognized by the Texas I>epart-
f standard . .
choice of equipment if 'left up to
_tbe individual man, and as a rujle,
only the night men carry guns a
ed, or the owqer may be
to send the automobile ,hoi
The goal of the Campus
Force is to get the job
Three of the outstanding Fish
28-1$ victory over Wee
were (L to r.) WUHam Garner, guard.
ish Veterinarians
oose Officers
and efficiently. Sweat and
men, A. L. Nevill and P. (
well, stand ready at all times to
serve anyone connected with I the
NjWj l ■ . ' }.
Barracks Begin || |
Group Pictures
c. A. Taylor, a aer' 1 - L
started taking Individ
pictures, Tuesday night
dent Center and has an
will be back at appointed time* to
take the other barracks.
The proofs of the pictures! Will
be back a week after 4ey fare
takeiipTaylor said. The pictures
will be, $” by 10” on a glossy fin
ish, with the barracks number
and Class of *53 on the bottom bor
der,: he , added.
tyres in bis spare time as a stud
ent concession and plans to do:the
same this year. ; ^ y
Baptist Students To
Meet in‘T’ Chapa 1
A genera) fellowship meeting of
Baptist ptodents will be held- in
''" Fit
the “Y” Chapel, 7:30:p. r».
announced Bob Davis, BSD I pul
licity manager, today. '
All numbers of all Baptist or-
,, . ,v n '
A. WtUJams
StADley Wood, a.K.
is*l Au«iq .........
Britton Bell was elected presi
dent of the Freshman Veterinary
Class Thursday, and John Davis
was named vice-president.
Other officers elected included
Martin Pigott, seertary; Richard
Naoert, treasurer; Noe) Bryan and
Raymond Herbert, sergeants at
arms; and Jerry Flneg, parliamen
Students named as representa
tives of the Junior AVMA were
Paul Kramer and Philip Caden-
head, council members; Thomas
ublirity; Dub Anderson,
Moore, membership
“M, Ralph Grogan,
special committee.
^ iirau, cvuiivii
i Benson, publi
iV social; Guy
Sly gnd r>rinyy«<»"
Pre-Lawyers Elect
Kreager President
Dave Kreager was named pres
ident of the Pre-Law Club at its
first, meeting of the year, Tuesday
night. Other officers elected were
Douglas Heame, vice-president;
Ray Hengst, secretary and Don
Garrett, Sgt. at Arms.
Brian Moray was hamed chair
man of the steering committee.
Members of this committee are
Herman Golloh, Joe Peary, Will
Barker and Jim Reed.
Kreager stated that the club
membership is not limited to pros
pective lawyers only. It was em
phasized that majors in Economics,
Business and History would benefit
greatly from the clubs' activities,
Mrs, Barney Byrne
Wins Contest
Mrs. Barney Byrne of 8-B Vet
Village won first place in a draw
ing held by Stanley Home Pro
ducts company of Houston, Her
pij% Was a Lullaby radio-bunp
combination.* “
Mrs. Carl Gorily of 22-B Vet
Village, a Stanley dealer, and Mrs.
Byrne attended a luncheon given
in honor of the winners at the
Shamrock Hotel in Houston.
Iiarri5. K*r.n*-tti Monroe.
Acting Bdltor
... Acting AiwIsuintR
. Editorial AMiBlant
' f ■ \
. Reporter*
No. 2%
18-Oz. Jar..
32-Oz Jar .
“T 1 '“l”-' -
Grape JuicebX 1
A 16-Oz.
. Cana
1 Pound
Shortening 3
Blue Berry Pie E^h 51c
Uil-Jr ^ lh i *1 |—I—h——
Orange Juice ^ cr»p.._.
Pound 53C
■I 1
Pound 43c
Ralph Reynolds, halfback,
guard. Garner played for
feight, Twek
Men Sought
The Annex Weig^i Lifting Chib
met today at 6;00 p. m. in tye
gymnaslunt.* Emfl Mimaliga, dub
sponsor, dwcussed briefly the ben-
. and Ttwcnas Wright,
guard. Garner played for Waco last fall. Rey
nolds for Fores (Dallas), and Wright for Alice.
\ -, jlj ■ V' . I ' • . i • • i ■ -i ' ; I
Telephone Silence . .
griping about the telephone situation at
How Golden Is
Much grumbling and
' Little Aggieland” has sifted into the Freshman Battalion office in th^
Student Center during the last few days.
For the thirteen hundred and fourteen freshmen at the Annex
d ' r i' f \ * . r .1 t
as well as the wives and families of the veterans, there are only two
pay stations available for use during the hours that the Student Center
i i open. Of these two pay {stations, the door of one is completely tom
Ibose and the latch on the pther is broken so that little or no privacy
is possible from the noisy lounge.
More times than once students have received urgent calls from
home or other places, only to find a long dine waiting to use the
telephones. Saturday and Sunday afternoon also finds long
Students waiting to call prom or their girls back home.
Something be done about this intolerable situation ? The company
has the franchise for this area can certainly afford to go
expense for something that would in due time make them much more
Not only do the students have inadequate telephone service, but
i Iso the members of the faculty and the administration of the annex.
In checking with Dean of Students, W. G. Breazeale, it has been found
that only five outside lines! are available for these people. After five
O’clock, the lines are connected directly from the main switch board
i peo!
pnes with telephone servic4.
If it is -impossible for the company to which these instruments
Iclong to install more phones, it would be beneficial for them to at
least repair the booths thait are in the Student Center so that better
use of the facilities already at hand may be made.
interested in
whether exper-
or bot, to be at next wed-
day’s meeting, at 5:00 p. m. in
gymnasium. If the response St
meeting la great enough, the
will take trips to various
Uu Mamahga, said.
James R. Hill announced a meet
ing of track prospects Friday noon,
Oct. 7, in the gymnasium. Those
who have run track before, or .have
a -deeire for the sport, are request
ed by all to attend the meeting.
All freshman who would like to
become intramural managers can
still join by seeing Nick Pon-
thieux at their earliest conven
ience. More managers are needed;;
to help in the program, Ponthleux
All Friday and Monday Intramur
als will be postponed until further
notice because of the evening drill,
he added.
ton. Ricketts, who calls Wichita
Square] Dancers
Organize at Annpx]
tlahctajr to the tune of i , ‘Pistol
icldn* Marama^, the Bryan Field
ire Dance Club opened It
last Monday evening, wi
i j
T. R Collins wert]
, , 9*50 school s -1
night in the Annex
ht 13, hails from
home, belongs
P i —.,. Cofllina the other l
,, ,,, r selected at the twilight prac-
The votO was taken by hiving
late* line ui
day eve
prdJrimately twenty members re*
Square Dance Club opened Ita
son last Monday evening, with
Vance Sumner was elected high*
stepper of the organization; with
L. S. Dillon and William ; HayS
selected to serve as secretary and
treasurer, respectively. ; .
The club, Which is composed of
faculty members, veterans,; aptt
their wives, is in need of: more
members, said and he urges ail
those whose names fall in the cat
egory mentioned abov
egory L.
hand at the next regular meeting,
Plans are being made to have
a host and hostess for each meet
ing, with refreshments to supple
ment the agenda of the evening oc
casionally. Meetings will be new
up across
thp gyip ^ith their voters stand
ing |n line behind them. The count
waa then taken. [
Runoff Held
ell leader spots.
1 rathe runoff
rinnera were M
taken Tuesday. night;
was a runoff of a previou* election
wffich found tldrty-two candidate®
for the freshman yell leader spOi
Those competing n
besides thp three Xrini
follows: 1 'i
iFtyd Musgrove, Flight 12; John
StityiFer, : Company 6; Fnincisco
Coroncidoj Flight 9; Dale]Fooshee,
Company 4; Van Gorey, Flight 10;
G. C. Weber, Flight ,18; Chari
Little, Flight 12.
j jj j Athletic Office**’ ] ■
.{ Studdni athletic | officers were
also chostm last week ‘to serve aa
coaclies for their respective com
panies or flights In Intramural con
test* throughout, the year. ■ •• •
The fo lowing cadets met with
very Friday at 7:30 p. m, in the Nick Ponthieux lost Friday evening
iS! College Life Is Different,
to - Say Ninety-One Fish Veterans;
to five extensions, and the people on these five extensions are the only dard of competition is in full force
at the Annex again this year.
Of the thirteen hundred and
fourteen freshmen enrolled, ninety-
one have served in the armed
forces, acordcing to W. G. Brea
zeale, Dean of Students at the An
: This is a veteran enrollment
slightly larger than that of last
year. Twenty of the veterans are
in the corps.
The reason for these men choos-
ng A
They just like It,” explains Roy
I. Bruns, of San Antonio, who re
cently received his discharge after
three years in the army. He is
Studying pre-veterinary medicine.
The backgrounds of the veter
ans are varied. Among the combat
inen is Ralph Gonzales, who,
Bice Bruns, hails from San Antbt’
Don’t Tell A Pig By Its Covering...
I I I: J I i
According to philosophers, you can’t tell a book by ita cover. Some
now information recently sltyws us that we also must not tell a pig by i,,™- ^ universal
the dirty stories we hear sjbout him
Dr. Henry Stewart, bead of animal breeding and swine research
^t North Carolina State College in Raleigh, says, “pigs have become
associated with filth only because we don’t give them a chance to get
siway from It.”
“With the temperature ho\*ering around 95 degrees on hot summer
days, pigs just naturally sdoot for the nearest waterhole. Since these
ften times aren’t provided, the normally clean-conscious pigs swallow
eir vanity and collapse into the closest mud wallow."
And surprmingty enough the porker is the smartest animal on the
nn. Our plump, four-footed friends have outsmarted even chiuv-
lanzees, brightest members of the ape family in intelligence teats.
Pigs, contrary to layman's belief, don’t have gluttonous appetitee.
Tfoo many farmers fail to feed their pigs enough, not realizing that
these animals require plenty of food because they grow proportionately
faster than any other compion animal.
A kind of-physiologic* 1 fear is created in the animals by this
actipn, giving them the impjression' that there isn’t going to be enough
food to go around. When sblf-feeders are provided and leas competition
is present, swine never shofw any indication of ravenous appetite.
We are glad to know that the poor mistreated poricer has been
beared of his malevolent reputation. Prejudice against the pig should
now be a thing of the past.
' I > * I j I j |r*
Burrs And Bunions Bother
Would-Be Bacteriologists
“Bugology" lab classes always
d give me a headache bujt when
comes to field trips—well, this
fc» “wha-hoppin?" | ,
It all began innocently (enough
last Thursday morning whjen our
Idology lecturer, R. B. Rypma,
cieerfully informed us that we
Were going to have a little tour in
obr lab period that aftemobn. Of
ouiwe, It seemed relating ty think
of h nice walk in the fielus then,
but you should have heal'd my feet
scream that afternoon after! it was
aill over.
As scheduled, we met oqr class
right after dinner, fully prepared
for the trip. Anyway, I thought
I wasjj I can’t clearly recill. To
let the day off to a bat > start,
M. Rowell, the lab director, tried
pull a sneiik test on us but we
fboled him. Through some power
ful conniving and a few, “V’e have
t had that yet" cries, we slid
t of it, througljr the door, and
to the field. !
Our Course was ideally plot
ted. We hit every patch of
grass-burrs within a two-mile
radius. The first “objet 4’ urt”
we stumbled upon -— I repeat,
stumbled upon—was some com
mon old grass that is found
growing wherever it Isn’t sup
posed to.
Such specimens as these were
found everywhere. At any rate,
there were too many to remember.
In fact, I don’t remember any.
As our contingent trooped mer
rily (f) down the dusty trail, we
upon a ^ “
Jovial herd of “Elsies^,]
wisecracked among them*
came upon
Bossies, and Gertrudes” who must
selves: "Look, Gertie, another rues#
of those silly biology students out
to catch the birds tnd the bees.
Nothing like nature, 1 always say,
especially human nature.”
cries of “Hello, girts!"
must not have pleased
though, for they soon snu
their soft, ’’ninny” note*
loped off. Maybe they h
their milkers calling. Anyhow,
that was all we aa* of them.
Too many footsteps later, We
stopped, rested, and tried to relax
among the beautiful (7), creations
(?) of Mother Nature. (She must
be some mother to have { such Un
ruly children and such lousy weath
er as we have had stops i than.):
May I make a suggestion? Why
not award A’s for effort to all
the. poor souls who survived the
ordeal ?
How about it, Mr. Rowell? ■;
The muster of deadly serious
veterans who have given to every
freshman clam since the war an
air. of {maturity and a high stan
ice. He remained
|ay plus forty.
^ During his military career Gon-
Zalea saw much action In the South
Pacific, mostly in the Australian
theatre. Consequently, he Is able
Jo retyte^ authentic and extremely
ihtereUtihg episodes from some of
the major battles, and to a very
<SolorfuJ manner, rich wjth army
slang. He can also capture one’s
interest with stories of life on va
rious islands, when Japanese strag
glers were being cleaned out.
H On his return te the Texas The
atre, Gonzales secured a job, mar-
tried, and tried to settle down, but
he found that he missed the army
life and wanted te re-rtilist How
ever, With the help of his wife, he
decided that It would be more prof
itable to enroll at A AM where he
could live a modified venioti of
the army life he knew and study
business administration at the
same time.
Upon his arrival hfre he found
that his thirty-two years banned
him from the corps, arid he has ap
plied through official channels of
the school and the Fourth Army
for special permission to become
a cadet
Tall, blonde J. C. Diebel has en
tered AAM for slightly different
reasons. He feels that hero “you
don’t have to be the president's
nephew to get along. Everyone
get* a clean break.”
At the time of J, C.'n graduation
from high school the compulsory
training law was under uncertain
contemplation. For that reason he
left his home In Elgin, Texas, and
signed up with the intelligence Di
vision of the Air Force ’’to get It
over with.”
Released from service on May
91, he entered the summer session
of AAM five days later to start his
< ©liege life as an accounting ma-
J. C. does not particularly mind
the Annex life, except that it is a
little too suggestive of the army.
“I lived on the campus last sum
mer,” he says, "and I am looking
forward to getting back over
Most of the veterans pay tha
they “tyel like Aggies." They are
not learning all the yells; >bnga,
and customs as fast as the cadet
but this Is because most of thei
having been out of school for
number of years, feel the heed fc
extra attention to their books.
’ We are Aggies, and we are! mi
tog to be as good Aggies as pos-
ible; it just might take a little
war |
more time,” is a po
ipoh*.! j ’ _
Norris Beard, Co. (T-160); Ro>
Co. 2 (T-IBO); Karl,
Co. 4 (T-221); H„ .A.
5 (T-209); R. L.
Blinders] Co. 6 (T-229) F. M.
ardcastle, Co. 7 (T-216); R. B.
cCaitley, Co. 8 (T-304); Wayne
Eaton, tflt 9. (T-3-8); R. S.
George, iFlt. 10 (T-326); ‘David
Chambers, Fit 11 (T-308); J. R,,
Kennedy, (Fit 12 (T-328);\ r Lee
Htogall, Fla. 13 (T-356);; Edward'
Walker, Veterans (T-360)j
iWhijmx pointed out* that an
fcthletic officer has a big respon
sibility. He must bo interested
orris ooan
mep Chapa, C
AnderhpnE Co.
ScltynlcelJ Co.
win oMm,! ^ «T
t TN-
like this
Pal Hollo*
Ground —
ground like
i . barber’s r aZor
!1 I
U,„ol Bln*'
ground HkC'
0 j«kkcil«
pal ground INJECTOR blades
1N magazine dispenser
fit your INJECIOR R^'' J? PtRrECT
\ lasissja®?'!
) us* W"
S Hollow Ground Initdor
!« oU»3ony^d«_qs_yoy_^L.
! thi/roth# fintit Injector Blodtr^,,;
i{ or return the container to us, an
" y 1 . I
for 39* * t for If* fa
refund your money.
^ . BLAP^S?
• -ni
■ -
. s«Wsr;
MilrO. vnwrapp*d
r.ocy Y*'" "
" p-m ]
nr «“•••»» .rvv
Got any BOOKS yen want to sell—Bring ’em to LOU hell treat you swell
Lou wants to buy the following book*—bring ’em In no matter how they look’