.1 rffl i ■yH, ■ l .' i -V • • ' y /i ■ pt^m Ed Staff to fi. .v ^ ^sakt. .. :, - •., su«ov;car^ I —““ Made Just For Football dih N..— nijtbt Ip! r' i? 1 "; "i?' h :■ -tt c^i It WM bar* "or fra r- v't: / rang uj f' 1 / ^ .[■y [■ ra cost form Here ^1 t “ ( The Sti' U. S. “l«o pj 5S2T J: !l r- ’"j t* ,> ^ * lr if :' . ' I ' V. s ;• j . Here ie just the trips home, or to a PAK-PAJC weekend bag, made by the L era of the world famous VAL*A*PAK. Its ; aiBftrt appearance and shape retaining qual- if i- >r.r * • . • ■ .^ r r | w - ,F M Hies are achieved by the patented No-Sag . Aero Prame, and a spring wire construction found in no other bag. Come in and see • i- ■ L ' • c fr them in a variety of styles. ( The Exchange Store Serving Texas Aggies" ! ; i-l Main Campus A. & M. Annex IT : • i ip - i from Pkg*U fundi ritb tho enitnent find the St»t* for tho Administration korka with and hap#* th# dh- to th* VA. Any diaabl#( >n#rt »t AAM ibonld com# »IMr « Wheli asked bow he f# flomeon* stares at said it l* a com of feel 401 ry for the people who look ed tho 'ked. ,, ‘'Mary people wh|o have some trouble feel that the world them a living, but after a they get accustomed to their tap.” “When people ask me how I lost my ams toy favorite answer 1* •while ; Isiting in New York I saw a long cigar butt and dived for it. 'ff i-- T db Abercrombe’s hobby is rock col lecting, although be admits that he doesn’t know anything about It. In addition to his geological inter est, he is working on a master's degree hi educatiion. He graduated from i AM in 1944. Mad| is a very proud of his “ring”. He wears! is on a tie- clasp.;. I ' "i | 1 •/ PoMer to finish plain "giving party, acc< Holkuid, reporte • Battalion | || CLASSIFIED ads AY, OCTOBER 6,1948 'I 1 rr, .Mi t' r ■ - — Italian Page 4^ rfBU. WITH A BATTALION CLAP AD. Rates . 3c a «-cnl THUKSDJ — 1 per insert 23c minimum Spare rates Ip PrcUon -60c per i cdumn Bead aU ‘classlfl-ds with remit the Student Activities Office aui ads should be turned In oy 10:00 e.m of the day before ipqblhiatloo Dogs ShoolJPeople In Qlney Area Olney, Tesy—bTf—Man’s best friend 'is turning on him in this area . . unintentionally, of course. Jack Bishop, young farmer near here, had finished dove hunting and headed for his car. His dog scrambled in ahead of him, his paws i truck the trigger of a load ed shofeun, and Bishop caught pel lets in the face, arm and leg. A f iw weeks ago 16-year-old John Sjchlittler of Graham was shot when his dog clawed a shotgun that kas leaning against chair In the Scplittler homo. John suffered sever* arm Injuries. _ PESltoEABLE nyt 10 bath, Drlvs. publication RENT •! ' tn prlv.at* hon*. 4-45)17. 710 IsWood COMFORTABLE furnished bedroom. Ad joining bath, 4io«ns furnlBl.nl, near ram- l. Profssflor or graduats itudact fsmd. Taiephons 4-1*724. ! 'if' TWO BEDROOMS on bus line, j Ope bath. 2010 Court* Road. wu wai private spfaoss u rgjf 07 Highland.: One-half Mock south of project bouses. Phone 4-b27t. ATTENTION: lAtftM. V gage with tailor made Uier UBormstion see Ugett. rote.t your Hit- rovers. Kor fur- lelger. Room 65 • WANTS •> • -i. | ; RIDE from 910 X. 30 8t. win Hall. Phone 2-5888 , Bryan to Good- 1 ”! r: 1 ; . MitLeeandCo. -NASH DEALER^; Special Used Cars ■ 1 GOOD CLEAN transporTatio I i 3-6905. e FOB: a\c«|scit TABt.R TOP Brt runie. w .turn. ISO. Ned Joltoicn. I0p fil l. Apt. 3. 2«h - I941» j PORT) convertnbl*. y*llow, radio art heater whits sidewall Uw#, seat <—' many other occessortes * . . U U«« priced to soil. OoU Bryan 3-b2 4 CALL APPROrBIATE I MARKET SPECIAL DMlur*. Tall Korn— BACON ..... lb. 58c i m "'Rt f ■r Frenb t 11 Aged Wise Chcdder CHEESE . IL lb. 49c ROLL ROAST. Ib. 52c » ! 'ilri i ; the , 'Few* con- ,i .^(whlch paper dr bill ahd stop Vet. Villagi ^usually get *.*•••*•••. .1 ireoR f ivT" 1.•>***.••.•*., .ee’l.rt in ..._ RFD... ’J I ' - ! \ JTERS Pint •**•#•*■***••4*****•*».»•••*« BHi CHECKED N) a - I si tIMP : Lb. I i; Rio Grande Salad Bowl— STUFFED OLIVES 7H jar.. 21c VEAL CHOPS. lb. 63c fS i' —4- i ■: Is facial quail ’ TISSUE 1000 sheet mil TOILET Klothlike brand 2 roII$ 25c LlT T’ f il! 1 . Double Site—Marcal FACIAL TISSUES 80 sheets in box “mma beans 1 lb. cello bag . , .. 25c 21b. ceUo . . . 47c A ffl ways Fresher SANITARY] FARM DAIRIE I*aateurlzed— MHJt ^ . . . qt IvIIJmIV • • i j# CRISCO ^ 3 lb. PORK STEAKS or ROASTS * * *. . lb. 58c WrareW • ’I FROZEN FRUITS IQUS APPLES J Lb. il Ki | Ul Rocky rE PLUMS Lb. D * 4 " 79c i JUHJISB Orange jGr a p# Grapefruit 3 fwOTc SJ. 16 Bin JADOS Each i .! ttOUPES 2|or29c TT Ib.^uncolo Roma or |i1 El. ; i 1 Frigid Dough BLUEBERRY PIE Bit 1 Lb. 10 Oz. 59c "’strawberries 12-oapk^ ' Bird’s ' CUT CORN ! I j Fl-nx. nli -pESH i afT ABLEjs • $ ears 25c 'll ‘El l 9c lb. W . ... 9c lb. " "EEn beans - i "l :\ ira ' 11 ■ r •: .ra ■ : i i p ! 11/1 n y 1 3c lb. LOWER lb. il I • I ! ; f ■ ra u >i ti L