Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1949)
.1 rffl i ■yH, ■ l .' i -V • • ' y /i ■ pt^m Ed Staff to fi. .v ^ ^sakt. .. :, - •., su«ov;car^ I —““ Made Just For Football dih N..— nijtbt Ip! r' i? 1 "; "i?' h :■ -tt c^i It WM bar* "or fra r- v't: / rang uj f' 1 / ^ .[■y [■ ra cost form Here ^1 t “ ( The Sti' U. S. “l«o pj 5S2T J: !l r- ’"j t* ,> ^ * lr if :' . ' I ' V. s ;• j . Here ie just the trips home, or to a PAK-PAJC weekend bag, made by the L era of the world famous VAL*A*PAK. Its ; aiBftrt appearance and shape retaining qual- if i- >r.r * • . • ■ .^ r r | w - ,F M Hies are achieved by the patented No-Sag . Aero Prame, and a spring wire construction found in no other bag. Come in and see • i- ■ L ' • c fr them in a variety of styles. ( The Exchange Store Serving Texas Aggies" ! ; i-l Main Campus A. & M. Annex IT : • i ip - i from Pkg*U fundi ritb tho enitnent find the St»t* for tho Administration korka with and hap#* th# dh- to th* VA. Any diaabl#( >n#rt »t AAM ibonld com# »IMr « Wheli asked bow he f# flomeon* stares at said it l* a com of feel 401 ry for the people who look ed tho 'ked. ,, ‘'Mary people wh|o have some trouble feel that the world them a living, but after a they get accustomed to their tap.” “When people ask me how I lost my ams toy favorite answer 1* •while ; Isiting in New York I saw a long cigar butt and dived for it. 'ff i-- T db Abercrombe’s hobby is rock col lecting, although be admits that he doesn’t know anything about It. In addition to his geological inter est, he is working on a master's degree hi educatiion. He graduated from i AM in 1944. Mad| is a very proud of his “ring”. He wears! is on a tie- clasp.;. I ' "i | 1 •/ PoMer to finish plain "giving party, acc< Holkuid, reporte • Battalion | || CLASSIFIED ads AY, OCTOBER 6,1948 'I 1 rr, .Mi t' r ■ - — Italian Page 4^ rfBU. WITH A BATTALION CLAP AD. Rates . 3c a «-cnl THUKSDJ — 1 per insert 23c minimum Spare rates Ip PrcUon -60c per i cdumn Bead aU ‘classlfl-ds with remit the Student Activities Office aui ads should be turned In oy 10:00 e.m of the day before ipqblhiatloo Dogs ShoolJPeople In Qlney Area Olney, Tesy—bTf—Man’s best friend 'is turning on him in this area . . unintentionally, of course. Jack Bishop, young farmer near here, had finished dove hunting and headed for his car. His dog scrambled in ahead of him, his paws i truck the trigger of a load ed shofeun, and Bishop caught pel lets in the face, arm and leg. A f iw weeks ago 16-year-old John Sjchlittler of Graham was shot when his dog clawed a shotgun that kas leaning against chair In the Scplittler homo. John suffered sever* arm Injuries. _ PESltoEABLE nyt 10 bath, Drlvs. publication RENT •! ' tn* hon*. 4-45)17. 710 IsWood COMFORTABLE furnished bedroom. Ad joining bath, 4io«ns, near ram- l. Profssflor or graduats itudact fsmd. Taiephons 4-1*724. ! 'if' TWO BEDROOMS on bus line, j Ope bath. 2010 Court* Road. wu wai private spfaoss u rgjf <c t* ; LET ME do your Fall sfcwlng and alter ations. >07 Highland.: One-half Mock south of project bouses. Phone 4-b27t. ATTENTION: lAtftM. V gage with tailor made Uier UBormstion see Ugett. rote.t your Hit- rovers. Kor fur- lelger. Room 65 • WANTS •> • -i. | ; RIDE from 910 X. 30 8t. win Hall. Phone 2-5888 , Bryan to Good- 1 ”! r: 1 ; . MitLeeandCo. -NASH DEALER^; Special Used Cars ■ 1 GOOD CLEAN transporTatio I i 3-6905. e FOB: a\c«|scit TABt.R TOP Brt runie. w .turn. ISO. Ned Joltoicn. I0p fil l. Apt. 3. 2«h - I941» j PORT) convertnbl*. y*llow, radio art heater whits sidewall Uw#, seat <—' many other occessortes * . . U U«« priced to soil. OoU Bryan 3-b2<i0 • ' '"i—T”, roi'R ROOM furnished bouse, Located on Job* Street. CoUegt ttatloo, UK n. See owner, mjeet Laundromat Equipped . . . One Half Hour Laundry Open Daily 7:30 a.m. Last Wash Received Monday 7:00 p,m. — Sat 3:30 pjn. Other Days 6:30 pjn Starching A Drying Facilities Available LTION ,1-41936 Ford ...I. $125.00 i-4-1946 Nash 'GOO's.... :| from $1000 up 1-+1939 Plymouth Coupe j Good buy I $275.00 Model “A” Ford Very clean $175.00 (Many others to choose from) MIT LEE & CO. USED CAR LOT MAIN STREET Phone 8-6159 Bryan — — CHIROPRACTOR . W7 o. W. Bnetiaw. D.O. COLONIC X-RAT : 305 E. 28th St. Phone *-6148 — r - I^Ksssir" 4 The "New .11. j, Lj RCA VICTOR “45 only $12.05 Nee them In our ulndnw AGGIEi RADIO A APPLIANCES 1ST SQTS.... Save Your Outfit Money BUY SIGN CANVAS CHEAP! See STOKES, Dorm 4, Rm. 122 UNDERWOOD TYTEWRITERS SUNDSTRAND ADDING MACHINES ! ! 15% Discount on Portables G M. WRIGHT 7? ft. by no IkMSd 110-B. dtsre, from ' VVJ9.D. Clothiers PHONE 2-1475 Brvan, Texas ROTAL portable typewntsrs, elusive autherUed Roym yoa th* fsotory try. and toy. from a typewriter clalut—easy terms. Bryan Bvnin*« un* Company. 2W North Main, Bry- Late model rentals, all molts*. 1M7| OLD* SEDAN, very cteOli. aj* RA. ct Houee Area. ALMA HOUBB TRAILER, bUtune, . i four, esoelleht condition, ttecry. flrt for quick oak. Hehn-d , Beal’* lt|imbie Service Hut lor.. 480 BuUth Coi- l«pe. Phone 2-1462. 8PECL1L NOTICE -:4i i. 1J.LUI..4- LE? MK do your foil sewing anil Altera tions. 107 Highland: One half block sojutli of project hounee. Pitooe 1-6276. ' Help Us Spend Our Up To $100.00 I ! ■ ; i timbers ' ■ d 1' ■ *• ■ ‘ I !■ i, •! J i h . -j ’ 4 If . ’ j 1. , ' I"' : ■ ! • i . Yll Students i $~ :.-J. t ') ,! ' f ■{ , j ME l | j t '• y Bring This Advertisement Tn R. R iTill rev -‘IRI !. I ■' -i il; ,i: j' \ \ ■ .1 • ‘V r'! 1 ; i I 4...V; ■ _ i v 1 . • | Paint Store dllege Road And Art allpa \y A . J OFF rials In Stock OffOBERjl^ i : if 4 ’ .44j 4 'j 4, : - . 1 j-t—rrr r I.. < y: }■ 8 BIG AWARDS’—Five for merely turning in this coupon The Sonthside Food Market serves a community that i» ex tremely difficult to reach with any single medium of advertising, other than handbills. The Battalion, The Eagle, and the new Friday Issue of The Bryan News all reach a portion of our poten tial customers, but ads each week in all three ar* obviously too expensive for a modest community store. Can we ireduce our ad* of our ▼ertising to one of these papers and still reach tomers? Which one shall we use? (In doing this, we would ex pect still to place handbills In the: residential areas occupied by the married students.) To decide this, we need YOUR help. Read the coupon carefully and flU it in COMPLETELY. Then bring it with you this FRIDAY OR SATURDAY to theJJOUTH- store those two days, or $15.60 in grocei value c The Big Con ~., 14- -14 n... lii THE SOUTHSIDE FOOD (Pleite chefk arpicprltt- «UW In {my own case, your grocery advert(semei when they appear in— •ni 1 New* Jill* SECOND AWARD: Twice the value of your grocery purchases at our store this weekend or $10.06 in groceries; THIRD AWARD; The value of your weekend grocery purchases here dr $5.00 in gro ceries, whichever is greater;, th next fiVe awards; $2.50 In gro- ed by the num- i’ou have, Ei ( )Rryanjtyl* ( ) A We Uke only one of the newsp* ) We take the Battalion but do not ) My husbaml leaves the Battalion! at uh me better Histently. I ) dp pot ( ) ;! i cedes FREE. (Y ber of appropriate! Your purchases will be determine jnijto ber of appropriately dated cash register Receipts you have, EACH SIGNED BY YOURSELF AND COUNTERSIGNED BY OUR CHECKER at the time of purchase.) Persons to receive the awards will be determined after the store closes Saturday night, and they will be notified by mail or telephone Monday. Other than in the cases of incompletely filled in coupons, winners shall be determined by a very young pre-school age child, and its find ings shall bf final. Store employees and their families are not eligible. (Print) NAME cut this coupon out of..... .,U*-44W4.4“« handbill ) I suggest you cover entire community w (We sre not at present merit! handbills) i i ji { , ij i jjj;| ! i |j * x Number — Phone No..|. i .1 ‘ostoffice . Li h- SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY, OCT. 7-8 “f- *1 rl Popular Kinds CARTON] ! CIGARETTES. $1.70 . 11 ' - - ■ ■ ■ —.. New Aluminum foil wrapped BLUEBONNET Quarters OLEO . . . .lb. 87c Baker’s Premium 8 oz. BAKING CHOCOLATE... 39c Sunshine KRISPY CRACKERS . lb. 25c Blue Label Star Hint TUNA .... * can 33c Improved grated ,4._ ir u-X„ 4 ; Cha*e and Sanborn's COFFEE ***** lb. 49c 1 Lb. vacuum can Del Comldo—No. IJiJ Can TAMALES 15c 46 ox. Hotel Fancy GRAPEFRUIT JUICE .... can 24c No. 1 Tall Seat SARDINES . can 15c Natural Oil ifl No. 1 tall car PINK SALMON. 43c Parcel Pott Brand li —• 1 ——4——■——— ; Del Monte—Large size— DRIED PRUNES 1 lb.... 1. i • $3c 21b.carton..45b Ii *•«•*.«****^.**•••»*•.•*•«»6*•**^* * j .marUu ■ > 4 CALL APPROrBIATE I MARKET SPECIAL DMlur*. Tall Korn— BACON ..... lb. 58c i m "'Rt f ■r Frenb t 11 Aged Wise Chcdder CHEESE . IL lb. 49c ROLL ROAST. Ib. 52c » ! 'ilri i ; the , 'Few* con- ,i .^(whlch paper dr bill ahd stop Vet. Villagi ^usually get *.*•••*•••. .1 ireoR f ivT" 1.•>***.••.•*., .ee’l.rt in ..._ RFD... ’J I ' - ! \ JTERS Pint •**•#•*■***••4*****•*».»•••*« BHi CHECKED N) a - I si tIMP : Lb. I i; Rio Grande Salad Bowl— STUFFED OLIVES 7H jar.. 21c VEAL CHOPS. lb. 63c fS i' —4- i ■: Is facial quail ’ TISSUE 1000 sheet mil TOILET Klothlike brand 2 roII$ 25c LlT T’ f il! 1 . Double Site—Marcal FACIAL TISSUES 80 sheets in box “mma beans 1 lb. cello bag . , .. 25c 21b. ceUo . . . 47c A ffl ways Fresher SANITARY] FARM DAIRIE I*aateurlzed— MHJt ^ . . . qt IvIIJmIV • • i j# CRISCO ^ 3 lb. PORK STEAKS or ROASTS * * *. . lb. 58c WrareW • ’I FROZEN FRUITS IQUS APPLES J Lb. il Ki | Ul Rocky rE PLUMS Lb. D * 4 " 79c i JUHJISB Orange jGr a p# Grapefruit 3 fwOTc SJ. 16 Bin JADOS Each i .! ttOUPES 2|or29c TT Ib.^uncolo Roma or |i1 El. ; i 1 Frigid Dough BLUEBERRY PIE Bit 1 Lb. 10 Oz. 59c "’strawberries 12-oapk^ ' Bird’s ' CUT CORN ! I j Fl-nx. nli -pESH i afT ABLEjs • $ ears 25c 'll ‘El l 9c lb. W . ... 9c lb. " "EEn beans - i "l :\ ira ' 11 ■ r •: .ra ■ : i i p ! 11/1 n y 1 3c lb. LOWER lb. il I • I ! ; f ■ ra u >i ti L