The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 05, 1949, Image 1

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    I "
r ;
i i
• !
Beckner arid Lowery
Lead Off Season’s
Vaudeville Shows
j! i i ■ '
Frankie Girle
Not t« Appear
Six of the nations outstanding
j be presented at Galon Hall on
The two-hour show will feature such outstanding
ities as Fred Loweiy,” America’s Foremost
tUoso”; and Eddie Peabody, “King of the Banjo”.
Denny Beckner, acting as tnaa-f
ter of ceremonies, and his orches
tra; the Winter Sisters, “interna
tionally famous acrobatic /team”;
and the Troyans, billed as ^he
greatest handbalanciiig act in the
Americas”, and Pryde and Day, .jaj
juggling act which fllpfi Indian
f Clubs around the stage, ‘will also
f7 First Show ,■
This is the firs^ big tbow offer
ed at A&M this year and two per
formances will be held. The first
show starts at 7 p. ?n.' and the
last show’ at 9 p. m. ( i: ■
Rescn-ed seat tickets; will eoat
one dollar, tax included and gen-
Jeral admission will be seventy
! cents, Tickets will go on sale In
‘’Spike White’s office hi Student Ac-
; tiyities Thursday. First come, fltf t
' served is tho rule on ticket sal
Wlilta aald. " ; v
Fred Lowery, “the blind whli
lor”, has been featured on rai
shows, night chibs and recordings,
lie htarted whlstllnr while a boy
tn PalcsUue, 'IVgwi, and was en
couraged to make the: tuneful
pastlum u earijer. l/»wery took his
step toward ratne with
Frankie Carle and
hli or-
first big
V mount Im
estra, including d
Vocalist Marjorie Hug]
hot appear on the campUs on
:t. 21, the week end of the
Baylor game, C, G. Whljte,! Inssis-
tant dean of {students for activities
announced today. i
Carle’s original agreemefit to play
for a dance hero on that woek-end
was hinged on an agreement at
lloustou’a Shamrock tHotol' {{which
was cancelled, White said. [:/
Student Activities office ijs cur
rently dickering with;Carlo and his
orchestra for an amwOrupce on
Nov, >1 and 6, which In »h<
of the MMU game. i
i lie will do a two hour concert
from 7 to 9 im Saturday ydth a
dance from 9 to Ig.
Hlnro October 27, White sa(d, he
had] a written agreement^: with
Car Ik but Had not slgnodhia corl-
trici. It In agent baek*«l opt^WuM
he wmldn’t line up enough appear,
anjrieii In Mile area,
- I li
and Day, attractive juggling team, famous from coast to
»st, will appear in the show ut Gulon Hall Wednesday evening,
October 12. C. G. White, assistant dean of students, $tated that this
show is one of the best put on in several years.
wMkoSd Stalin Scratoheil
• •
fills fixHiurhtly
Loppa's orchestra,
1h» nppMrml with llororo Hddt and I
Ills oroimstra. lie has uton rrltlcii)
iwOMtilliun from John Charles
Thomas and Frits Krelskr. 11«
whistles everything from animal
soiiikIm to th> "Indian ls>vt' Cali”,
Former Commsoder ,
Fddlo Peobody, “tho wizard of
the Jginio” Is formerly h Nuyy
cotnhmndor. During Uto war he vis-
Ttml inuny Pacific oases ploying his
banjo as a troop eiitertaliwr. "
In six months hi olaywl 7119
shows hnd travelwl 126,000 miles.
Recontly he appeftred in some of
the nation's top,night clubs, hotels,
and theaters, j - ‘ i ’ .
The Troyans,. nn .International
handbalancing net, were crowned
handbalandng champions of Mex
ico in 1SM6-
They have appeared at the Pol- ^ L
, fergwe, where they were a ^
Dr. Thomas addressed . the an
nual meeting of the TeM« Bee
keepers’ Association on ithe campus
which began Monday ^
Lng ended yesterday
of officers. More thah
He said that the
in the bee industry ,.. m
about primarily through the util
ization of bees as pollination agents
on legumes and using honey as a
Featured with his orchestra are I byproduct Dr. Thomas estimated
The Harmony Hilltoppers and The that beekeepers and leghthe farra-
Gleo Club- Beckner and his orch-1 era could realize betweenjjllB and
estra have been featured in top, 250 times as much through the pol-
Collectors to Vi
In Pipe Con test
Do you have n good colhsdloh
of Frank Medico pipes 7 Then here
Is Tour i-ham’c to add xlx inorf
‘>M'lmens UbMihiteiy free by tdin»
ply entering your asNOrtiiU’ut la
this year's Maltalhm Mpe Hmokln
ia|d, since you niv lure of
sit artists upbearing out
on tlw stnge.
, *’t*T*“ fi •" .i'
Beekeepers In
Beekeeping ih now enter-
ine- upon a period of change pip,> " Co,wt ltute only one of thf
ed as revolutioi
every Battaliou reader will gift his
chance to via With his fellow nico-
tiitc slaves in almost every phase
corfnccted with pipes and smoking.
ThC half dozen Frank Medici
famous of
great success. Later they headlined
at tlw. luxurious Sans Soud for
more than nine weeks and ap
peared at the world premiere Of
“Bad Boy" In Dallas.
Beckner Emcees
Denny. Beckner, “The Mad Cap
Merrymaker", will be^ master of
ceremonies during the Gulon per-
' Tomances. Ills famoua-orchestra
will play and-also furnish back
ground music for the show.
ti* meet-
ery one but Joe Mtalin wilt
h« eligible to enter. Stalin, one
Malcolm Orchard
Speaks Thursday
J Malcolm Orchard, editor of the
Southern Agriculturist, will; be In
of the most famous of nil pipe
smoker*, was dls*|uat|n«Ml fol
lowing last weelkTs tkiiiiPtmcrMeiif
of the ItipMlan Admmk
It was feared {that till'' hUipbet
OiHt Moscbvlt#{ milght secruth a
stray bomb III ithd Idiwl of his
enormous plpt 1 n.nd usiif the con
test US n pretence tor planting it In
thil country. ! . J
Others, thmigh, win lej given
ample opportunity lo pllff t«i IhblV
heart’s content. And fofj those who
don’t have n preferenej'i for pipes,
other competitioma have] been plan-
ned. i ' ; j j r i
Adroit fag-fjixhiqners will dash
in a cigarette'rojUing ConUait. 'Fhe
finished product (will be Judged on
appearance and servictjiioility. The
main factor, of Course,| will , be- the
epeed of the content. !
li. ' ' ]‘ (
The puffing meet wf I be judg
ed much as it was last! kear. Each
entrant will light his ; pipe, set-
Library Head
Quits Position
Oh October 29
j. \
Paul S. Ballante has tend-
sd his resignation as librarian
of the Cushing Memorial Li-
brarjy and the Texas Engin
eers Library. He Will be re
lieved of Ids duties October 29, ac
cording to Dr. F. C. B dton, presi-
of the college.
llaneo came to A&M in 1943
organized the ’ Texas Engin-
Library. The following year,
took charge of the main li-i
brary and also continued as head
of t! to Engineers Library,
He received bis BA Degree froii
North Carolina State College arid
latei did graduate work at Colum
bia University where he received
his Bachelor of Library Science.
B(,Uance will return to his native
stab' of North Carolina to be bend
Hbirjxian of the Qrtensbprough
Public LibnpY-
According to Ballonce, he resign
ed bcenuno the climate In this part
of t ie country Is very bod for his
wife’s healtli. Ho also wants work
nontcr hits home. |
d Sixteen
. \ ; i
ii# i
en an
lected to Sen
kudent Life
[ik r Jlatiki
hotels and night clubs throughout
the nation.
Beckner’s hobby is flying, and .
on one occasion, he was flying over
Bryan to play an engagement In
Dallas. But the motor of his single
engineo plane fell ou£ Surprising
!y he made a successful landing in a
nearby field, i
\ Three Slaters
The Winter Sisters are three
lovely girls with fabulous acrobatic
> sblUty. They have been featured
at the Latin Quarter In New York
City for a year, The Capitol Thea-i
ire, New York, and Milton Betfafs
Television show. ‘ | * I
Tlioy have become international
favorites, having played in Lon
don, Pario, Stockholm, Copenhaf*
en and Holland. Once they enter
tained the Shah of Persia. Appear
ing in many, motion pictures,; they
have been rated a Class A Vaude
ville team.
Pryde and Day, are an attractive
couple and famous juggling act,
have appeared in top night-clubs,
hotels and theatres all over the
*" nation.
lination services rendered 15 and
20 times as much through tho pol
lination services rendered by the
hey could from the sale of
honey. He said the main problem
facing the beekeepers was to con
vince the legume fanners th^it hon
eybees could render such a .valuable
pollination service.' j
A systematized pollinating sys
tem wou d double the normal yield
of legunlo seed, is waa pointed out.
!-—H *■ i - '"n-Ml
College Station Thursday aijd will tie back,'andJtiUeindt to best
speak at 4 p. m. that day, acdordiiig i his opponents at keeping the
to D. B. Burchard, head of the Jout-1 embers alive,
naliam Department. i I Smokers will be diVidcd into
prehard, an Aggie ex-student, | is ] groups in accordance witii pipe
arriving from Nashville, said Bur- j style and size, Tobaheo will be
chard, to discuss agricultural writ- j furnished.
iug at the meeting. r, ! Additional ideps proposed for the
Sponsored by the Journalism De- conte8t inclu d c a smoke-ring con-
t u j ’J 11 " 6 . j 0 p | ^ i test. Serious consideration is be-
Ihari** ^ 00 ^ W ^ n Hall, said Bi|r- mg given, toward awa rping a prize
Jap Housing ‘Making
Progress Backwards’
Tokyo, Oct. 5 tfi—Japan is “milk
ing progress backwards” on hops-
;ing, Constniction Ministry Chief
Hldeji M&sutani said toilny. Earth-
luakes, typhoons and floods are
estroying homes faster than they
can be built, he said.
for the liest all nroujijd pipe col
lection entered. This would be in
addition to the Flunk Medico
award to be donated py the S. M
Frank Co.
More siwcific detai
the contest will; appea
in Friday’s
paper along With an ei try blank for
tho affair. The contest date, in
cidentally, has been i|<jset to Wod-
nesday, Oct. 26,
Casha^a^hy ; j { ■ h, | jj
petting Full Face Value
Shaw’s Chorale
Leaves on Tour
Nhv York, Oct. 5 (Hpl.)-
?})« Robert Hhitw Chorale,
with HoLmtI Shaw conducting,
louffoM Oct. 2 on a 10 wceku’
cor cert tour. During thin per
iod the chorale will sing <10 Qon-
certs with th* first one in Hamil-
Urn, New York, on Oct, 2.
Some of the dtles to be visited
are Chicago, KnnsiM City. Dallas,
Kai: Antonio, Miami, AUnnta, Phil-
ndc phia.
Thiv xeuron’s plans originally
called for a six Weeks' tour in the
fall ami another Jtour in the spring.
Because ut requests for repeats, tne
ful{ tour has been extended to ten
we<‘ks. Some of the cities to re-en
gage the choraiej are Chicago, Ced
ar Kails, Philadelphia, Kansas City,
Stillwater, Pensacola and Atlanta.
An extended spring tour to start
in March is also being aiTanged.
({Editors’ note: — The Robert
Shaw Chorale will appear at Guion
Ilajll on the Towm Hall
Nojv. 9.) r ■
Jl : i - J . ; n
Paul Ballance. abo\ne, leaves for
North Carolina after heading
Cushing Memorial Library shtce
December, 1944.
Holt Outlines
TB Network
■it ; -1 j ,
Alt outline of tho oiYttQiia*
lion and general gpending of
the National IMbereulofll* Ah-
Hociution wot presented by
the president or tho atate or*
gunlzHtlon U'foro a mvetlug of th«
Ihnzds County Tub«rculo«l> As-
sodittlini yoMtimlay, l i
: Dr. R K. Holt, pivsldent of Imth
the luni nnd suti* umoeiatlonn, pro-
Hi'iitisl his outiino to a inoetlng of
thirty asAoi'latlnn inombtmi at the
ftrn/o* MDsoclatiun's headquarters
ht Bj Van's Masohle bulldtiig.
Tho mooting was prlmArlly. im
organljuitlonal move tp prt'pAro for
the annual sale of Chrisllnms Heals
which bogins Nny. 21.
f Of] the fumU reaiizod from the
4ale of teals, K2'<r is kept fb^ lo
cal campaigns against TuUTrtilO-
iis, l8'"r goes for state work, nnd
f» f r is sent to the iiational organiza
tion to fight thojdjsfiosei, Drl Holt
tela. T | ']
Plaas aro being mode now f
nnothor X-ray survey of the Hrya
College Station urea, Holt Said.
Last year tiicre Were Cfi new, case*
of TB reported, 6 deaths occurred,
and there were 310 known! cases
in the community he said, j
From the college, between* five
and six thousand chest X-rays
of sjtudents were made, 1 Hojlt con-
eluded, i . j .* -j v |
Floyd H. Henk r Ja
lerman, and Bob S
lorning as the five
ledtlon committee cl
Although the exact, 0
' m
as A&
short coupes and confep]
>nces have been scheduled at TeX-
&M during October.
Texas Bookkeepers’ Ajtso^]
ion met October; 3-4. Nel
son Ross of Corsicana is jph 0 * 5 **
dent of the association. More thaii
100 attended. ' ■ f '
The Instrumentation for tlie
cess Industries Short Course
300 attending, will be held ]
her 12-14. G. L. Oarrar of i thA;
Chemical Engineering Departuieoft
is chairman, ’ | ! ]|
The Junior College Conference
will bo held October 17*18. Ah at
tendance of 260 I* expected, pr, T*|
I). Brooks is chairtnan, ,
I The Texas Nutrition Confijrcbciv
with J. R. Couch, of the Bi
istry nnd Nutrition Dqpar
a* chairman, is schedulml fo|
ober 20-21. Atti'nidanco Is
ed to roach 160.
On October 21*22 the
Association of I wans and
ora of Men will meet. W,
berthy, dean of studmiti,
secrotary-troasuivr ami W
Tate; dean «/f students; HM
oharge of the protrrnm.
imntely 40 men are 0;
tend this meeting.
The Atilninl Husbandry
count of vot
completed as ye
; pluralities hilvp
ami all winnertl
“Chupk” Cabs
and B<d) Page
tiibtnliors; of the 1
mittee.iOhly thr
of which are
the military rei, a
committee are i fill
They qro the cadet
dent of the ‘ Sinlolr
de^t Of ithp Junior
co-ed |
jra of me
orte votOi
I New Sen
tlje three new
t Life. Com-
oj-e chosen, all
smen since
kejntjatlves on the
by position,
Class, presj-
C ass, and the
Battalion, who
? Tr ,'.
Othljr now Student Senators are
L, E. ICfirt'dl from Dormitory, 14.
B. 0. Houser of Darinitory 16; A.
rneiit and the Ameilcfti
Horen Ammcbitloh I# spo
Quarter Horop Type (,'nnfi
Is* held October- 28-29. li.
Is chairman ami 160 lire es
Quarter Horse Conference To
Be Held Here October 28 - 29
- The Animal Husbandry Depart
ment and the American Quarter
Horse Association aro sponsoring a
Quarter Horse Conference here
October 28-29. ! ! * j
Total of 3,000 cattlemen from
Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, ,;and held October 28^9.
ehown following the supper.;
Annual Rodeo J ,
At 8 p. m. timse attending the
conference will be entertained by
the Saddle and Sirloin Chib’# An
nual Rodeo which is also to bo
Band Travels Tn
LSU Game Friday
Continuing drill practice through
• this week desplte inclement wefttn-
"v ep, A&M's 170-piece marching band
plans to perform at.the LSU-A&M
game, according to Lt. Col. E. V
Adams, director.
Action on the Tiger field by the
X band is styled to include precision,
drill, and showmanship. A “wander-
. - lng Indian" counter-march, a scat
tered band drill, a formation spell
‘ lng "Tigera" In script letters, i
formation saluting A&M, and i
?' special execution of letter march
ing will be performed. IpF ,
The band will leave for the game
) Friday night at 7:30 with the foot-
i ball teaih. 's' ; '
."ia.. • ' '•■':■ J
» .
Ever try to cash a
strange town? If Vour answer is
in the affiratetive,; you need go
no further. It U for the uninitiat
ed Aggie that the following words
have been written, j
It was only ’ through the most
diligent work that I wail able to
uncover this most commonly used
and proven method of converting
lifeless paper into genuihe United
States currency.
The L first jstei
proaching the unsi _
er —I perhaps we should use the
Partially Full Face
heck in a
resent* the problem of wihnt persuasion he conserjlis to tho loan
of his battered ink-dlijponser.
Having coinjillmenuid him on the
way the fine j old ham 'vrites, you
hand him the finished product
During the long silence that fol
lows our friend scrutinizes the sig*
{step consists of ap-
suspecting suck-
should u:
more formal connotation of “long-;
lefactor — am
lj introduce
This is a definite step
ends and ipfluencing
ih win
malitie{s you
work and force
vulge hU name,
ability; will be!;
which iwill be Coni
nounced during the ii
second step
will: take (for the
call him
to see your
I is to
lly mispro-
{Thjp r n m m
will best serve to designate you
/rom your fellow humans! and eth
er Aggies.
Rome people use draft cards or
drivers’ licenses or even letters
from home. The author used ar
old, worn T. S. card.
Now—what to do for a check
blank? Ninety-three times out of
106, the Aggie does not !carry| his
check book with him, nor does he
know- what it looks like. This lack
of a proper check book goes over
like a black sheep at a family re
union With friend SmulchN^
After Mr. Gulch—I mean Smulch
—is convinced that you do have a
checking account at the alleged
bank (its left for you to convince
him), he will ask how big a check
is to be cashed.
After 32 minutes of debate (in
some eases as Imuch as 34 art re
quired) a sum Js agreed upon and
the actual wprk of ur
check is about to start.
At this point It is tradli
to have a pen. Almost in the
time-hallowed manner, Mr.
is reluctant to let anyone u
($ .98 Watterplug. After a
the c)
vM Mf/Vtti
rt *
nature on th
it With that
He also pu
writing r . x ._.
thoughtfully while
mittant grunts and
snd compares
j 1 I
tuki out; a
of PlamorV S
Analysis, 1
Sure Hand-
s it over
ttering inter-
ther forms of
gibberish, and then; roaches into
the till to extract tjv
sum. Of coupse, 3
to cover collection
hTo round tihe mat
Aggie fashion, the
money invariably
from his new-found
Two hours later t
forth from the Jo<
borrowed cmrettie,
f8 that he now
cf the realn|ij and
vrild week-i
<Editorial te
with the
little mated
agreed upon
is taken out
»nd exchange
ir out in true
lipient of. the
ims a Fatima
ic hero strides
smoking his
ounts out the
in the coin
immences bis
is keeping u
icnt’s eef
: T
~ : - ■
Npw Mexico have been invited; ac
cording to B. Ii. Dana, chairmbh of
the Quai-ter Hbrsc (kmuuittiih-
“The purpose of the confei&ncc
is to get breeders, judges, auq in
spectors of quarter horses togeth
er to crystallize their; idea.4 lis to
what constitutes a good qi&rter
home’’ said Dana. I j | ■;
Starts Friday
The conference will get tinder
way at 1 p. nv Friday, October 28,
with a discussion of various jparti
of the quarter horse.
Some of tho speakers slated for
the program will N Dr. Jf- K.
Northway from tho King Ranch,
Kingsville, Texas; D. !W. Williams,
vice-chancellor for agriculture', Dr.
J. C. Miller, head ol* tho Atiinial
Husbandry Department; Dr. A. A.
Lenert, of the 8chi>ol of Veterln-
cry Modi cine; and Dr. D. B. Scrota,
KiUeen, Texas.
At 6:30 p. m. Friday an infortnal
Supper will bo served in Sblsa Hall
to those attending the conference.
A technicolor movie Jentitled ‘‘The
American Quarter [Horse’* will be
amos and Will.nan
b Head Players [
Lindy James was elected presi-
lent of the Aggie Players at that
p’s first meeting Thursady
t Other officers elected for
he ensuing term were George Will-
nan, vice-president, and Countess
(Jones, secretary-treasurer.
j In the discussion Which followed
the election, the dub decided to
present the play, “K.U.R.," in De
cember. Plans for speakers at reg
ular meetings and better or
tion of the dub composed
of the meeting's agenda.
Saturday morning
will be a quarter ho;
contest which will be
at Bi there,
orse judging
; open to all
tho$e attending! tlie conference.
There will bo three classes: stal
lions, mares, und wcanlhtg*i. Prizes
will bo awarded to the top judges.
liMemliers of the Quarter Horse
Committee working with Dana are
W. M. Warren, P. I. Dahlberg, D.
W. Williams, R. W. Bnyder, and
A. L. Smith.
Students Ma
Apply for Degree
Applications for degrees to be
awarded ut the end of thf Fall
semester aro now being aj
ed in the Registrar's OffR
cording to H. L. Heaton,
tear. j, ' I, r
All students who expect to
complete tlie requirements for
a degree during the currOnt ho
mester should call by the r» glk*!;
Yrnris office at their earliest
convenience and file formal ap
plication for the degree. J -
This applies to candidates for
the Master’s Degree its welFa#
candidates 1 for the BacnedorV
Degree. .. ; j},- ■
PK .
Gi Hu)za from Dorinltory 16, and
H. E. iStringor of Dofmltory lJ*
is the! n
! I
Milner; 1.
new senator,
E. Ail Ingram j wn
Mitchell electejl C.
itii Nprcsentqtlve. /
Profit Legatt|Toi
the now senator, 1
tt. F^jilbr, Keith Allsi
ryonr, sml I
larno Royalty got
Wf R, Mosijftndf
wero nlocted m i)aj
a tins; nnd W.j D, 1
ciut*' elvctlotf ljf< (
’ftlltoun U
chided Jog
was chosen
Ha t Hall,
> ni*l, I 1
B, Korsvih
Ituduht Hmi-
mt wmi ti»e
illegie View,
lea, Ci H.
ctedi liArry
ng '|i<temn*
■■ re.
Prim tlw frailer]
Ituluiy I* tho ttnw mi
flfarjnan is the Bryi
alter.; V»jt V Hinge
Ramiy and th« A
••leetH Jiatk li ll<ir Tr . ,
Krtmtie wlnlicr* from IRpmltorl*
(miOne Ihrottgh Twtilyn were an-
non ii cod in jliestenlay'a MatlollUi
and lire ns fhllowst
Dormitory Om, Ham
Itorir Two, Frank Clel
Rory Three, Uuls Bpl
itory Four, <1 en Dun
lory Five, Kim Land)
llorg Six, Bun Grant
Scvitii, Jlmmlv Magnj
tory Teh, '’Bruce''
Dormitory ER-vf-n, a;
jeo(; of Donditqry , r
|' ‘New )|«Mtpre
Newly elected stud
ill; meet tojii
Hat tall!
, I), Fox of
ox of Domtei
u<l of Dorm-
nk of Dphn-
o of Dorml-
pf l)onii-
r pf porml'
jompson* pf
Loyd Mah-
a tors
Team vs
K AF . ,
A VET, U;3, .1
B COMP;! 4M i
E AF 7M-i
B AF 10,
A ENG j 13;1
B TC 16,1
meet tonight wi
senate ail 7:30 I;
Chitpel, announced Cl
ham, retiring presi
e moot ng will
members of the Sena—
tuplty to report tho r
work of the past
ne'w senatoi-K Kirkham
tho Y1 J .
ties K^-
of the,ten-
of the eight atahding
e old schalte wi
mittees of the
the new senatp rnembel.
duties in the various lommitte*#.
This meeting, as arc all senate
meeting#,. 1 s open to tho
and visitors are welcome
ve retiring
the oppor-
year I to the
said. Mem*
te WiilTll \ |
rs of their
j - There are approximately ten old
ators on the campus. The new
late has only 42 membert be-
!'(Ktt»e the Freshmen and Sopho-
ore clussc-a have not dlceted class
fleers. , J
I'bc vice-presidents of ouch cloaa
automatic member#; of tho ren
te. Two scats ore hold in the new
caate by the co-vlce-presldehts of
irganiga- Wo
the rest | for
Corifci Trip*
planning. “
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