Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1949)
|h # v: HI I piswfi, Upset® Social Ki : . V: BV b#W!TT UmB£N2IB f Uy thnt AP Fortljn Ajffaln AmIM That'! qaiu a/tempoat which hfti (Man worked up in me InUraa* ttanal toapot over th* Annourict- )pont titat tha young Makiu«h of Milford 1 Raven, oouMn of Rrit> nln’a King (Vrw VT, la b«throt)u*d to a New York divorcee — the oharminr Mr«. Aomnintv-Oahlgren Pierce Sinipaon.. '■ v ThU eogaaement I* In part an unawer to the old query ''what'* in a unmet", eiiico a nosey world iiK'viuhly recalhi that it wan an other Americnn divorcee named I. 1 tnow Duke Of Windeor) abandoned ds throne in *86. r Daring the memorable yearn since then the Ducheen of Wind sor han found no welcome at Buckingham Palace. Britain's royal family has fol- •j , lowed tradition in maintaining j thumba.,.down on" divonceea who rarely, if ever, have been received even at the largely attended royal courts.. i- ~ Of course there is little similar- nolwdy tho present It'a the Mrn, and objections to expect that Ml the affalir of the llmieoa and the a preti wrwer, the fact reinalik. that royal house long han lived by zra; ' ‘ ■ ■juir, I mind tlwt it belongs to the oiiplre and j la The symbol of nol|tdorliy. And thln han pleased public which, without Intrude dnrlty, the British m Mining to on private prerogatives, other American divorcee named has placed nho royal fat nil Simpson for whom Edward VIII mighty lofty pedestal. An for the Marquess ford llaveto he haturallj throne. M ill’ ' •.[ I Maybe tho royal faml[y has no j B> get ticket 4-53? classified ads wit ling but a date and Texas game., Call JLL / :V ■y ,'J- ; tm / S^. r ' Isn’t in are the »n* One would laven would gr; .K by King OeoTv*' before boing aneau 11 si tflO VHAiIsOpPk , ^ I'll bet a ahlny new six- “ZSy'Zlv, Duch. rwc tirst-bo esn of Windsor. When he vinltt his U-loved mother he gws alone. I ■ i ' L-f II. ■ - *• IN YOUR FAVOR when you (fapioMm ;j . to < ] ■ \ A&M vs. USC at Baton Rouge October 8 » : r PIONEm Phone Bryan 2-1418 for •i'J i; . ,'1 e Extra time e Extra fun Extra comfort Fast flights lie Convenient schedules e low fares >1 4jS formation and reaervatic I . "II I IT" TT- 1 1.1 i ! ; 'f'f ! eld Sal A4M PfMbytMjKl AtU todny. picnickers will _ _‘and will go io Area Three, for the ]iicnic. provisions are arranged for and the meal wlllj be ^on the one," OFFICIAL BALLOT NON-DOBMITOHY STUDENTS .i STODENT SENATE BRYAN FIELD ANNEX (married veterans) ^ Earl D. Sherman IMar , W. R. (Bill! Moss Trent, V/. D. DAY STUDENTS (Mqrk out all but two names lor this areal : ’ H M’ I; ?s ;• • Forsythe, Wm. E COLLEGE VIEW (Mark out all but biie name for this area) Huhey, Codl H; II I f r • !i ■ i- M ( : TRAILER AREA Hightower, Kenneth D. Jenkins, Ifayi ! ! lien I. VET VILLAGE Raney, Harry SENATORS AT LARGE (Scratch all but $ names) Belker, Julis William Parker, Philip Sykes, Bobby R. Jackson, Charles Jordan, A. C. (Ace) Ramsey. Patrick H. Ball, Thomas Wyatt Jr. Kadera, George Steve Scrimgeour, Bubba Gordon, Don B. M Zimmerman. Walter W. Selph, Qayton B Henk. Floyd H. Williams, Alvie Paul McSwcdn, Arlan Miller, Jack B. Walkup, H. Cleve i ! Neff, Glyn A Burch, Irven R. j Thoropeon, Sammy J. McClure, M. R. (Bob) Mayo, fijill ; j Hencerling, Pat Hampton, J. D). Hambright. J. Fred Happy, Jack K. ; Hahnfeld, Ralph GrelniCr, Max G, Gorman, Ralph E. :Jr. Allen, Wayne M. Davis, J. A (Bitsy) Blankenship, Bill Adair, Ben Fineg, Jerry STUDENT LIFE COMMITTEE all but tlnee names) (Only Non-military students may f v y Charles Davis (Chuck) Harry Gorman Jr. I :! Carlton, f Elpton, Pdyid M. Page, Robht* W. Area mus dropped into Box These ballots must be filled out and Faculty Excpani •1: Vn '(H kICl, Signature ol Voter turned injo Studeht Activl ios or ge before 8 AM. Tueadgy. i ! ll-: THE EXCHANGE STORE Is always _ within the limits of bur cash working fime Cashiers at the cash registers an on checks paying for purchases, or $5.00 for Aggies. If Cash in excess of $5.00 is desired,: pl< main office. If no attendant is at for senKce. • | .V THE EXCHANGE STORE does npt charge Main Campus ™?£ x ,tiS. Store T—— for Texas Aggies Mf • ' . t I ! [ J IS i i 1 \ ? i p to give up to $5.00 in change ipt for cash checks” for up to present check to cashier in idow, please tap call bell ije on checks. Mi. ,2 n--' j ;d*J ’ : . r .'i ,V’ it- |j l* i’-MM - -’fl i ! i •. . • i Li.:; ’.ii; n* n Annex 1 :i.b .HIj ! '• —s Os Ml Dr. Carltoi i; I OPTOMETRIST With Your Visual Problem* 203 8 Main Bryan , Phone 2-1662 :! ' I' >' ll'lf 1 SSbcvSTt irH-l V ■’ 1 j !1 >CUT»aCCMO*XXiR “ inutrftMDTO a 1 , Wm UX Where i I IwtQftQWtotaantrffliKkHoaeVttidtVlMuni Th« rmnn ill odiir oisnf hM flemocd k hseut Ihsv k k *l^a^TS^-n»nwh{^ifpUSWwTPS Peltlcq CtMfi i ,1 ’.-I i : -V if li .• s ¥ fm J1 ; i Nothin could be wronger.: And there ip" has the cause of |U Trouble, and Wbr. mean I • Hav ! 1 r UR each N ■i! Mil I I’ f. *^oi3rpH55nsr : I ' I . ' H AI YV. Bogart Fights Affair Of Honor, DefendkiA Friend NEW YORK, Sept. 30—fPV—Humphrey Bogart’s two-fisted de- _ ttagkji , - Morocco night chib will get a court airing tomorrow. fense of a Toy Panda from the Humphrey attack of two pretty girls at E! » The movie he-man was served with a summons charging assault, at his hotel early this morning—“too damned early,” in his opinion. The summons, i calling for Bogart’s? appearance hi mid-Manhattan court, today, was obtained by Miss Robin Roberts, 23-year-old model. Miss Roberts and Peggy Rabe were the girls who landed without ceremony on El Morocco’s plush carpet in the fracas early last Sun day. i i The 20-pound stuffed Panda, which the actor had taken to the club and installed at his table, proved quite fascinating to the Misses Roberts and Rabe. When they made a pass at it, Bogart went Into action, his weap ons including flying saucers that were not a figment of someone’s imagination. I ; : IJ M ■ i *■! 1 : After the excitement died down, Bogart was escorted gently had firmly to the street and asked not tor trek back to El Morocco any more; •' .• | : :M:{ f -FARMERS- (Continued from Page 3) urday’s game because of a sprained i ■ . ■ tor ac tive scrimmage Wednesday. Inside Dope In last season's Hunters Faces Red Like Shit Is j j ■ .1 i u ■. H I't. • CUCAMONGA, Calif.^- OP) — Th^ routine goes like this: \ The Hunter levels his sights on ... tl,< * HhoUllicH Of ft big six-point .“.p .* 84-14 verdict The Aggies scored I yard put retmn yard ^ass interception. on a 90 yar4 put return and a 50 ,8c goes up to investigate, finds he's shot a stuffedldeeri with a Tb thi • * * ‘ from scrimmage, shake loose one They claim no less than 80 of their shifty open field runners nj^rods have fallen victim thus for another tally, and hold the de- f a ,j. But they point out that ail of ceptive Sooner offensive scoreless, them have ignored "no hunting" and “no trespasing” signs to get A . ( [ [f , Here's a Best Groomed Guy HI In Town ^ Is the Guy who takes her clothes to CAMPUS CLEANERS “Over The Exchange Store’’ 1 : F AMERITEX winter cottou An^rHsx’WlnVr tbtlonj offer an exciting varkty of texture and color, ore shrink-control ed) to stay beautiful for life. Washable, smart, easy to sew. i for tkwoi ood coko oAMunkrtf OASUOMT OAYITiiS quolnt prlnh to victorias rows*/ SanfarUod. Mi for yard i" 1 ,|.. • 25 Assorted Patterns and colors — 36’' wide I i; ; H 106 MAIN ST 79c per yd. j I J j j ■ DL Dalnc St * .‘ I v I HI. Li ; • ■\t r ■ ill jrl, oppe BRYAN in ipopition for a shot. n . . n H' j j ! UNDERWOOD] ]• ; TYPEwibnrER8 SUNDSTRAND ADDING [( MACHINES 15% Discount on Portables C. M. WRIGHT WAD. C C'lothicrs )NE 2-1475; Texas \ y ni . . l'|J«aM«>i|.4 ! - i CLASSIFIED ADS Page 4 FRIDAY, S*U. WITH A BATTALJON AD. RatW 3c k word wlUi a 25e minimum Space CIlMtflad Section 60c per inch Band aU elaaolttodO with r«mlt lance to tha Student Activities Office AD ads should ba turned in bj 1^:00 e m of tha day before pabUcatlan I o FOR RENT o ■nvo NICE ROOMS with aout and connecting bath. Colin] ; tors or graduate student* {prefer 202 N. Pierce, Bryan. Telephone *5 • WANTED TO RENT ■•J.- lJ lER 30,19-9 FOUND k a V-: hlac OoUege 1 -r- . ill BV RITTINQ uuiie u, u., v, . md except durlnit home games. Mn. H. A. Knight. A-i-JC, College View. ATTENTION VRESKMAjf: Shoe^ OARAUE tor student. Near Dorm 4. Rick Westoott. • FOR RALE - — - ■ ■ " 1 TABUO TOP OA8 R.VNOB, ditlon, S&0.00. Ned Ja 26th St., Apt. 3, 1 ONE 1H8 black Ktylemastrr Tudor Owv- * rolet Sedan and one 11H7 Ford Rtiitlon Wagon. Sealed bid* will be receive,! tn Um> Office of the Comptroller until 10 A.M., Tueeday, Octcjber 11, IMS.' jTne . right ’U reserved to i reject any and a»l bids and to waive any And jail tMlml- eallUts. Addresa Comptroller, A. Si tf. College of Texas, College Stai' for further Information. —— i— SEVEN PAIRS of boots, nil sUee have to be eold. Pour pilr Loer PWltA TRADE WITH LOU, iHEfs ItigHT WITH TOU. NORTH OAVk. |,i . 1100.00 SHaRS in Bryan I am-Her plant, wejl located; box. Rent tiaid 'until frth ruary, PrlceJIM.OO. Baby mnttreaii same as new—43,M. Call t-1449. "i 4—i" 1 ■■i""'—*•— - IF TOU can t)lpe. but can't wrljc, see {mi. t He has a typewriter that len't; exietly new. but It's good for ybu. Trade islth IXlU. HE’S RIGHT WITH TOU, Ngrth 1 , • I : v L ; ii;- ’ LOUP OIVIN awat oradJu poiicrs Tyre those themes, get A’e and B’s Not C'e and D'a. 1 Typewriter* for sale at Lou's. TRADE WITH L6U,. RIGHT WITH TOU at North Oatg. if.. . a WA.VTRU • I : ■ 'V 1 I! — ■/ i CHIROFRAGTOB Geo. W Bnehumw. D.C. :i'■ Phuop M24S i ■' I ft 7TT -rrH:; 4 ) ! ■IL 8TI1.ES! FLOWER $11 ) Ifl03 8. College Rd—Ph. ROMPT DELIVERY ' WIRE ap \ A •« ' / 1 ’" ’ ‘ 1 m ; ** a. Stjles ’48 Allbritton ’5 3 - I EXPERT NEGATIVE retoucher for fart time piece work at home.; Slbppy work ers need not apply. Phone 2«84W>. B1CTCLES, Slide rules. Calculaa Book*. 203 and 204, TRADE WITH LOU. HE’S ^ .. r- — ATT RIGHT WITH YOU, N’ est — Czech Pri< Prague, fl -' oslovak au demanded money church rites for fW Smallest Bit of Dust tor Your Match Can Cause ! K Damage if Allowed to Krmal ,r I 6ont take a ounce Will Ini - 1 ~- IIMaa ■1: HAVE YOU GOT A NICKEL? for performing . Conuntmlrt.^ T iii, "L j.|; I, ;i|, : : : : ; : • | ; /jr f : Fine;. . . that will buy two sheets of sandpaper. After you have used that on old painted wood fi ti ; nl I | »» ■! Next to Post Office" w 1 •,] r Phone 2-131S FREE GIFTS!!! /ili - f r : 1 u" j y > ii Mother’s come in and Register your Babies — V- ' ■ iv m lu 11 ^.Ooltoxe • i - I' ! .Ili AND RECEIVE A FREE GIFT I i S’S TOY & TOT SHOP i Plertty of Parking Space .2-1618 : '■ 'li 11 i' ;. i; I;. i •! : ■ • i i ill- i ! ilj I K !ii . * i MUI Inspect Voar Match B. L MeCARTT (Across Street From Bus ntatfcm) North Gate \ J ' T 111 We’U Keep Your wl* RoUi' • ! e check your tires for iropej- ihfl ition each time u| 4rive in. And.^hen We’re ft!, Ti : |\r SERVICE fou do havje a flat or he ther Ure lepair®, our men ve you speedy service— nd at low coat! ; P STATION olmed and operated ; nj by an Aggie.. [km S. College mi Service Statiol Ju«t Soutkof T- Wo Tow# ili. -1' ll'. % % & ■.] ■' i- M