Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1949)
•1; . yi.-i ■ % Under — er Meet To :! i - { t.f • - n <r' W 1 . An international air willj return to Aggie sports this fall i if the current plans of Richard Mendoza can he carried out. Mendoza js seeking to reorganize the A&M aoc-i ' cer team so tnat Aggieland can field a team lit Southwestern com petition.' i All students interested in soc cer are invited to attend an organ- icatlonal ^meeting in the Ihbhy of the VMCA at /:30 p.m. I'riday, Mondoia luUd. - Last full the Aggie tea n part icipated In the first soccer matches > over played in Dallas 1 Cotton Bowl. The word “mutches" is mod be cause there were two gambs play ed on the same afternoon, double- - header style. ' 1 The A&M team tied Oklahoma A&Mi, l-i, In one tussle and an- oUt6r{ Oklahoma team played a Tc.xai combination in tlib other . game. A feature article ion the contests was carried by tMv Dallas Morninjr News and emphasized the httcrnational aspect of the. pro. gram ainfe most of the 'imrlicipants * Were frbm Ljitin American and Scandinavian nations. - Feelers for contests h P; ■y-'w Jii ~ A—Si iA BY **; 1! . BILL P0TT8 me rtiAll If \ ooth Ru ir! j j ANIB8 I i Glowing with pride over las forecasting front, we sit down igjain at ouf tbn to try to duplicate the feat. However, .>• week’s achievements on the battered Reming- the odds are de- live al- rea<ly been received frrom Texas UniveTsityi“''Oklahoma, O A&M, Allen Academy, and • amateur teams that play • Dallas Soccer ^Association. f ■clahoma several in the SKnmi NOW: LAST DAY j;^ SATURDAY ONLY - Double Bill - finitely u^-whoever heard of a Batt sports editor who coukl predict games With evlen reasonable accurracy ? (Since Wt hear nDtlilnp but sllcnbe,# 4 'that the memory of ibt recall. »ny such phe- we iiMsuma that the memory of man edn nc nomaM.) . ., :j , 11 Only TCllI crossed us up "al lowing'' the Sobher Cowpokes to gain a tie In thtlr Fort Worthicon- fllbl. Mven considering thla un- fbrtunat^ occurrence, w« have a .929 averntje of correctness so’ far this season. We won’t attempt to predict what our . average will be after Saturday, however. SM(t 14$ Missouri 18 It's a wavering vote of confi dence that we cast in favor of the Ponies. Fiifst comments on this toughie were “7-6 with SMU win ning" by-'Fotts and “They’ll both score at least a coupla’ times with Missouri winning” by Cabaniss. " Of dourse, a reminder that Wal ker is still on thd Hilltop made Cabaniss weaken, so the final agreement brought the above pre diction. Hold those Tigers.! Rice 21, LSU 0 The brackish bayou air of Baton Rouge (pardon mb, Huey) won’t be anything new to the Owls from Houston and the Ricemen should prove it by taking their first win in several seasons from the Felines. t,r- Also Tex Williai IN 80-MINUTE, WES ."MV ADA Traitor J-j- -4- Your Fall Suit Is Hire • • • ti QoodFood We 1 cater to fussy eaters gnd hearty appetites. . . 1 Delicious food at moderate prices.. Try' uk'Tbrf Hospi tality and Good Food. " V ' . • I:! I HOSPITALITY and GOOD FOOD TALK ’() THE TOWN ''m a. ■m / ' l ij ’i- i- ■ m m m ;•>. m Mm m |jji m F - T 1 t \ We have a splendid array of 1 Fall Suits in all the J new, Colors and , Fabric* . . . Muy we suggest that you stop -- in to set them * todsyix ■■I !ii u i rJ 1 Conway & Co. 1>3 N. Main Bry an i— B R Y A >j| v\ 1 ll DU to Williams via the air lanes Ith Wyatt tind Untrlp carrying rerlmid la uj good enough argu- diU for us.! TC'U 27, Arkansas 14 I Temporary league lender after this wcekehd should be the Horned Frogs. Wei don't think Ihey'li stay Oh top too long after all the con- fiirence tepniH start playing the as. but with only one ' for the Intra-league here’s to the new aslc; slated campaign -v h leaders! When The Razorbacks allow NTSC to bolb a 13-12 edge at the intermission,.We can’t see anything but Lindy Berrf; and his coherts of the Purple Plague. Baylor State 7 The Maroon twosome of Shorty McWilHarris and Harper Davis cbuld do no better than a 7-7 tie \yith the Bruins last fall, so with those illustrious point seekers gone We’ll lake the Bears, two to one. f Not exactly sensational looking last week, the Baptists may real ize that they had better do their Winning from non-loop teams, slhce '49 league opponents are plenty strong.' J Texas 4& Idaho 0 This tilt looks like no contset despitei the trouncing of Willam ette by the Idaho Vandals two Weeks ago. Even if Dixie Howell has a good team, he’ll still have to figure out some way to keep the heat from exhausting them— and we don't think he can solve this last prpblern. The Steers no dbubt outman the Idahoans any way since the northern visitors are generally Pacific Coast Conference doormats, j ,/ • i ;j !"■, Oklahoma 27, A&M 7 Despite our feelings in this case We have to take the Sooners. Our junior-sophomore squad doesn’t qjuite Stack Up as being in OU’S rctasa—jwi . j • f If the score is closer than three touchdowns between team totals, our hats are off to the Cadets. If you can prove us wrong well, we’ll appreciate that more twm n anyj 1.000 percent correctness 1 we might ever have on our predictions. ;] : 'f' ■ |.i i j ’• 'ii ■ .j u j '■ ,..U Enrollment Announced | El Paso, Tex., Sept. 29 Texas Western College's final en rollment for the fall term is ex pected : to be! near the 2,800 mark. Yesterday, 2, i-J! n ! a* nerslEl ; !’ -♦ ^ i I , • : (l ( ^ ' J ! - ? J 1 j j j ; jf .j j • | . j , } | j j I'id u ml above are the members of the Conaoll-4 Gathrle, Donald Royden, George Johnston, Billy datert High School grid aquad which meeta Son)- Blakely, and John Hlldbran. Third! row. Cosch ervllle High here tonight. First row, left to right, Othel Chaffin, Jack Burchard, Billy KichnrdN, Jason Magee, j Jerry Leighton, Bobby WllUsma, Bob Barlow, Loyd Gay, Tom McDermott, Billy Rodgers, Sergio Trevino, Kenneth Wnrah- Conor, James Dudley, Dickie Dowell, and Roland an, and Bobby Smith. Second row, Kermit Jones. Schlamoua, Thomas Wade, Back Roh«. Eddie rr 44 B a t t\a l i b n JPl aliitw FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1949 Page 3 ’M UR A L NftWS ■ ! , H y i 111 The largest sophomore aggrega tion in many years showed up foi* the first social meeting of the In tramural Managers Wednesday night at the barbeque-banquet. barney Welch, Director of In tramurals, opened (the meeting with a; welcoming speech to the new and returning members and expressed a desire that the sopho more will enjoy their work -ajw will feel at home in the Intramuijail office. Dean Penberthy and Spike Whitfe were guests of honor. Penbertlijl, the founder of intramorals in A&M, gave a brief talk on the history of the dub and told the members that they were working on one of the largest programs of its kind Sin j the world. A talk by White followed ih which he highly complimented tjhe ,163 students had reg- I I rrrnnin •’S Freed The Joes Where L j - i. i TT an r! ^of choice) starts where people live and ; study. ! There have been vast cltahges this na^t decade).... hot only in the! world ahdjn^tion. but also in your , schoolijand city. Anti more are on the way. I ( Readr your college ndripitueb with care — the advertising as well as the; news columns “ - - 0 jj choices that abundant life, r •to cliHcover the promises you & hwjjilkfri right here in your - j OBtnpiis. I National Newspaper Week, Ocl v._ .1 ! 1 Vi! !i;i urn and op your ;L ; ; Battalioi L'l. t r f t Ilf I! k it 1 to,8 intramurals program for the char- . ^ Initial Meet Held - j I . ' ! By Aggie Bowlers The first- meeting of the Bowl ing Club was held Wednesday, Sept. 28. The members discussed the future plans for the club, during the 1949-50 season. The major plan for the near future is a bowling tournament in which every one js eligible for entry. The idea for the tournament, is to fill the open spots in the teams. As a highlight pf the evening, a movie, “Fundamentals of Bowl ing,)’ was shown. Marvin Hagemeier is president of the club, with Wally Dixon and Bob McClure as vice president and Secretary respectively. I Vf l Last year, the club was very. Suc cessful, winning four out of seven matches. Its opponents were Bay lor, University of Texas, University of Houston, and T. S. C. W. This year, they plan on meeting those they challenged last year, plus Ric4 Institute and S. M. U. South Zone Dov4 Season to Open According to State Law, the South Zone Mourning dove season opens Saturday, October 1. Since, Brazos County is located in this zone, many Aggies will pro- ably being going out to try their skiii. . y . Here are some suggestions to hunters that if followed will pre vent them from running afoul of farmers and game wardens. Be sure to have a proper hunt ing license. Use only a shotgun, no larger than a ten guage, and plugged to hold no more than three shell*.' Do not shoot inside city limits or from public roads. Always gain the land owner’s permission to hunt upon his prop erty before hunting, and be sure to shut any gates you open. LoAk for other hunters and live stock before shooting. Shoot only your bag-limit, ten per day, and don’t be tempted by a quail that may fly up. The hunting day is from one- half hour before sunrise to one-half hour before sunset, and the sea son ends November 14. • r 1 . iv • V Vf A if ] ] i ■ 1 -i' 8h Y° lH AW to Feature Ke Hay-bv-Play; Kiekofl homa where they will tangle wit] morrow afternoon^ Th! Aggies r this afternoon in order to remove tl ■ • .H 1 vitably set in after the 400-mile J*unt | This Itussle, AtM’s third of the^ ’■ ? 4™ ; - year, will be broadcast at 2:30 p. rece ive a- vi t m. over WTAW with dean of Southwestern O sports-casters, doing the rr „, , , play. ! ■ ■ VL ■ 1 According to the dope book, OU 0 will be as tougfc as last y*ar de- oW spite the loss of numerou^'itafa. j that The Sooners verified this assertion ; had by pounding Boston College deep Dub Into submission last Saturday. T “t* 1 I Sooners Get Nod Writers have given fne. Bopners th|:‘victory nod for aevsml rea- ons but AAM his one factor on Its side. They have played two gumos, one with highly ranked Viilanova, us compared to the Sooners' one. ! j The Farmer coachlhg crew won't have to worry abou^ Paul B All American guard,. Homer I three-time all-Big SeVen taefcb Okla-» ners to- workout hich ine- facsimt l*t Pete Tilman, all Big-Seven secopd team center. They have With Jock Mitchell, clever . terback gone, this is definitely tl focal point of Sooner poach Bud Wilkinson’ worries, Darrel Royal, former halfback, will be the man- under in the split T-attack. This is definitely the focal point Of the Aggie coaching staff’s worries.' ' Royal has been highly, adver- tisea as second Jack Mitchell and he is out td prove that Oklahoma can duplicate last years perform ance. t 1 : ’ Anyone wanting to get some idea of how the four horsemen of Knutc Rockne fame ran, can Mil op hi, her ane ra*n# dd| Pull had Ok j/J’: ( ■ thorn Sooner 'Row • ! blicist Har- pointo out it* never have in a row. ^ publicity >th tluit 8Mur had lit a row uittll ckoiJ 4s the niim- ' the nation by tfiTwima • I' 1;. -J: ■ m of «[ Tha WHHamtoM homa tanked behind top-funftlngJTeXM, : end Tsnaa A .v M was In thb nuiubcr ;i8 pO*J- tlon;;|ak week ] TT Tlw farmer* «rsi mot Oklakomw wap:butk ln L 190i3. Iksce then, they have dashed on; n%| different oc- U Ing flyi V i casiohs^ i uk of them. Ai far as Injuries are concerned, A&M is relatively free of them. Bob: Smith was forced to iiftiss this week's ; scrimmages .because of a pulled thigh muscle teceived in the Tech game but'it i4 expected that I Brusin Bob will be ready to roll jby game tlmeJ f, r bijr question otthe week is, ‘ alhjLiirv will con-[: puting.! Layy, - • whether or tinuje his TTHT i. Jimmie I action idiirii !i, : :(Bae: f -4411’ lent p .■ a sophomore, Has ayeraged better th*|T4# ov rs did not sOe any e last haij^of Sat- Yr Watches (Repaired ... by skilled mechanics who know the intricacies of all move ments. Moderate Prices, i mm jiwmaxtmmWm - Ji —-—ir-H-i 1 lA Vi yl \i\ ■ 1G 2-1976 ’.i j— ? i ‘FT •.Ji a.t,r biiildinK .hich! I.! ^ riThS IWite. . ; ober 3 at tb. Y at 7:30 p. m. Sot>homore and Junior Manager work-lists will be posted in the jti- tramural, office Thursday, BiM Richard has, announced.,- Officila s B FA C CAV A CWS B ENG B ATH 4,5,6 B VET 7,8,9 D AF 10,11,12 D FA 13,14,15 and managers should check by the A s i r , c VET office for next jweekj s schedu|et- j 1 Basketball , n jfr I [ ’ j Team vs Team Court | Manager’s jerseys will be is-; a QMC F AF 1 sued Flriday »nd Monday afternoon * INF E FA 2 in the "Mural office! i INF B FA 3 i s {& | , -Mil wrr e fa 4 team Tennis !• c av h af i Tennis Schednle For >i«»nda> A CRD D VET 2 Time 4:30 5:15 LET’S SINK THE SOONERS J, j, . -'l l! ; I'Miil'i'n I" 1. T. * i il •> •aATOT “inl'T 7 ■ I 1 I • ■ i | ' | | then ,7. ! , Meet Me At.,, Team VS Team Courts A FA SEX CQ lJ2i3 . ! T JJ ,e pn c CAV A COMP j j Made! Just For Football Trips I 3 li**T ' 1 Ik li ‘ ■ [fj! j. II. • | jBXy ' Here is jilst the thing for those weekend MaiOl trips home, or to a ball game.... It is the PAR-PAK weekeMci bag eta of the world famous made by the mak- i VAL-A-PAK. Its j 4 smart appearance and shape plaining qual ities are achieved by the patented No-Sag* Aero Frame, and a spring wire construction of styles. found in no; other; bag. Come in and see them in a variety il I, j • : : : 1 Main Campus PIT '• if !■ tt'it .)• !»■' The Exchange Store IBMlpi 'Seiwiiig it- ii i. A. & M. Annex — 1 Kelley's COFFEE SHOP “Where Aggies Are Always 0=3->[3=0 I V’ BABY BEEF T-BONE or SIRLOIN Welc ome’ il: 11 : ';I| u i. With French Fries k Hot Rolls n hi ih- : . if MHiNON ■n With French Fries k Hot Rolls i- 11 ■H I. on ft CHICKEN DINNER I] i liL r r - II; ,11; | | H k’l. . i FULL ORDER ENCHIMDAS. LARGE BOWL OF CHILI 4 . 4 mM ■ i i\ In ! 114 Vr,U ■ ; KELLErS AGGIE SPECIE .SPAUHETTI—with Twn»le», Knchllwliw Mid 4 41 "Good ;i 1 . * '' j ^ That’s AH" 4 ■ •r LV| ; i • r ''4 4 • 1 t I .. ’ /|ri 1 / . I•; t. I- ,*14: — i- 'ii mt i —r- Owner M '■ f . ‘4 i. IVJ' a I f J:: i'l!. ji ll k> ii.-’ '■ hi': I 4 'll <7