The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 28, 1949, Image 4
1 V •; > ‘ y V 1 . .* • • t 1 1 1 • • • 1 V .* « •• u* ' •j' • - •• . 1 Capt. Artis M. Duty, College Station, fires the 2.9 launcher under the supervision of Pvt. C. Stapleton, 12th Armored Infantry battalion, a unit of the famed “Hell on Wheels” 2nd Armored division'Regular Army unit stationed at Camp Hood, Texas. 1 . .'f; P 1 * Floral Sales i Jobs Still Open in Dorm Positions of salesmen in the i whil«j, Tolle said, Concession plans Student Floral Concession are still for this following year include open in some dormitories, accord- wide)* sales promotion, thus In? ing to L. J. Tolle, student mana- creasing the salesman’s opponun- ger of the concession. ! , ' ities. I Dormitories for which salesmen Salesmen who have already sp are still needed Are Dorms 3, 4, 5, 9, plied for one dormitory may now 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, Milner, Leggett, ask for more salos territory, if tjhey Hart, Law, Puryear. A conces- desire, according - to the manager, sion representative is also needed Men interested in the sales pps^ for the Annex. i ' itidns would obtain application The salesmen can earn enough banks an the floriculture green- money through their sales to make houses, Landscape Art) Depart 1 - the time spent welt worth their I ment, 1 or Room 23, Mitchell Hall. Watchmen Consider Eac Other Very ‘Suspicious’ ST: PAUL, Minn., Sept. 28—'/Pi—Two detectives were senit last night to investigate a suspicious-looking man standing in alley. i 'nJ They found the man was the watchman at am industrial He told them that for half an hour he had been keeping an eye suspicious-looking man at the other end of the alleys \ “Fine,” said the detectives. "Keep it up. We'll chicle anjd him from behind." ! • T i H l \ ! They did; | " Suspicious-looking man No. 2 explained: He is! a watchih^ an ither planf and for half an hour had' been keeping &n eye suspicious-looking man at the other end of the allei'. I r | . . -I ” i ' ' ^ J H • Goodwin Elected President of SAM j jat the first Fall meeting of the Student Chapter of the Society for Advancement of Management, last ni^ht, Charles-J. Goodwin Jr., sen ior‘management enqineering stud ent from Houston was elected president for the Fall term, Jt. A. Flake, secretary, said today. In addition to the election of Goodwin, Dick Trainer,! senior Man.E student from Bryan was elected vice-president; Nick Drag- na, junior in A Signal Corps, trea surer; R.; A. Flake, senior regi mental staff Signal Corps, secre tary, and L. M. Caplan, junior in G Airforce, representative on the Engineering Council. ; ,J- 352nd Artillery Meets Thursday There will be a paid meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. in the Products Marketing Administration Building for assigned | personnel off the 532nd Armored Field Ar tillery Batalliah, Major p. D. But- lef, Field Artillery Reserve, com manding officer, said today. Members of the Corps in field artillery units who are interested in joining are invited to be present, Major Butler said. Police Dept. Robbed Portales, N. M„ Sept. 28—bTt— The Portales Police Department was robbed last night. Someone took Police Judge F. T. Burke’s loj:k box and another box contain- Parker, Hood, and ing $425 in fines. The four-man .counties are fofce is diligently investigating. ' said. Eaton, senior from San Antonio, was appointed Enfinqer representative and Lewis' Burton senior from College Station wns ap pointed Battalion 1 represenitativei' E. C. Prival, new instructor .in the Management Engineerinc De partment, talked to the chapter about consultant engineering. Taylor Selected To Head Rifle Team ! 1 \ Clifford A. Taylor, senior from Ft. Worth was fleeted captain of the Rifle Team at the first meet ing Thursday night, Lt. Col Frank R. Swoger, team: sponsor said to- day. J George Keht also a senior froni Ft. Worth was elected co-ca 5tain. Other officers will be elected later in the year, Swoger said. Range procedure was discussed with the new men and the jaftge schedule for the semester wa$ set. Weatherford Club Will Meet Thursday - j J- j j ' ii I A meeting of the Weatheji Club will be held Thursday- ing after yell practice in 123, Academic Building Flojd ;H. Blackburn, president, announced to day. ! i i .• i •:! (fl The election of officers fo r the present semester will take place during the meeting Students from Palo Pinto Bladjiburn What’s Cocking AGGIE PLAYERS, Thursday, Room 7:30 p. m., Music Hall. • WACO-MeLENNAN COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p. m., Room 301, Goodwin Hall. Officers will be elected. BRAZORIA COUNTY A&M CLUB, Thursday, after Yell Prac tice, Room 106, Academic Build ing, To elect officers. ' DISCUSSION AND DEBATE CLUB^ iJWednesday, 7:30 p. m., Room 825 Academic Building. FANNIN COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, after yell practice, Room 104, Abademic Building. HEART OF THE HILLS CLUB, Thursday* Room 303, Academic Building SAN JACINTGr CHAPTER, HOUSTON CLUB, 7:30 Thursday, Room 104 Academic Building. RID GRANDE VALLEY CLUB, Thursday, after Yell Practice, YMCA r AMARILLO CLUB, Thursday, September 29, after yell practice, Academic Building. Officers will be elected and plans for Christmas jdaoei discussed; j i , - -• EASTLAND & STEPHENS COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, Sept ember 29, 7:30 ip. m., Room 323, Academic Building. BAYTOWN CLUB, Wednesday, September 28, 7:30 p. m., Room 106, Academic Building. Elections. EL PASO CLUB, Thursday, September 29, after yell practice, erc/ffa Yes, at tobacco auctions Lucky Strike pays millions of dollars more than official parity prices for fine tobacco! V . I • .1 I t ' ’ ^ i • i 1 I j' ;• M • | There’s no finer cigarette in the world today than Lucky Strike! To bring you this finer cigarette, the makers of Lucky Strike go after fine, light, nhturally mild tobacco —and pay millions of dollars more thdn official parity prices to yet it! So buy a carton of Luckies today. See for yourself how much finer and smoother Luckies really are-how much more real deep-down smoking enjoyment they give you. Yes, smoke a Lucky! It’s a finer, milder, more enjoyable cigarette! .. f ’ j ; * | T , ' I ' [ ' 1 • ■ ■ i I ’ !. 1 -l" 5 ! • . j : j- DAN CURRIN, independent warehouse opera- lor ' ' has smoked Luckies for iLii lor of Oxford, N. C. 20 years. He says: “Tome, Luckies taste better. I’ve seen the makers of Luckies buy fine, prime tobacco, you know!** Here's more evidence that Luckies are a finer cigarette! ' -Ti-.V-'i " 11 j l ■' : Academic Election ibf officers. I ; I. ' HILL BOUNTY CLUB, Thurs day, September 29, 7:30 p. m., Room 307, Academic Building. ii - COOK ^COUNTY CLUB, day, September 29L 7:30 p. nURoom 125, Academic Building, election of officeii. 1' •: j FT. WORTH CLUB, Thursday, September .29, 7:80 p. m., Science T ’all lecture room. , i. I WEATHERFORD CLUB, Thurs- Hall lecture room. THERFOR! day, September; 29, after yell prac tice, Roo C0RP TOWN ber 29, 227, Aca 128, Academic Building. CH^ISTI H O M E- mrsday, Septem- practice, Room Soviets Escort h‘ I . I [' : Anchorage, 27-(*-A te&ysiiirf that Aichison prohhbly saW th« Paramushiro Airfield, and added that It: would be normal procedure fpr a Russian fighb r to look'over^ any strange plane t tat cams Mar. New Professor In IIImHHH Another teacher ment been add- ,tio mic Building. JR, AVMA, Thursday, Septem ber 29, 7|30 p. m M Fall smoker at The Grove, for veterinary students and faculty. Refi*eshments. AGGIE. BOWLING ,CLUB, Wed- nesday, September 28, 7:30 p. m., YMCA qhapel. Short movie and practice (session. SAN ANGELO CLUB, Thurs day, September 29, 7:30 pj m.,' Room 2 |3, Agriculture Building. Discuss plans for annual Christ mas danee. m 'Jj MANAGEMENT ENGINEER ING WIVES, Thursday, September 29, 7:30 p. m., Cabinet Room, YMCA. fElection of officers for Fall. | I i;l STUD SNT Senate, Wednesday, September i28, 7:30'p. m., assem bly room, YMCA. » PORT ARTHUR CLUB. Thurs day, September 29, after yell prac tice, Astembly Room YMCA. Plan Organization of club for ’49-’50. CORYELL COUNTY CLUB, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Rotunda of Academic Building. Organizational meeting.? f 1 • SUL ROSS RESEARCH CLUB, Wednesday, September 28, 7^30 p.m., C.E. lecture room. j> f j CORPUS CHRISTI CLUB meets Thursday, Sept. 29, in Room 227 Academm Bldg. Immediately after yell pra^tidei NAVARRO COUNTY CLTJB, Thursday, j 7:30 i p.m., Academic! Building. Officers will be elected, BELIi COUNTY CLUB meeting, 7:30 p.ity, Thursday, room 128, Aca demic. ^Election of officers. PANHANDLE CLUB meeting, 7:30 p.nt, Thursday, room 125, Aca demic. jElgctionlof officers. i | ; j . Newcomers Group Meets Wednesday All new comers on the college staff arid all members of the New comers iClub are invited to a tea at the ^president’s home Wednes day afiernoon from 3 p. m: to 6 p. m. Mjrs. IF. C. Bolton said today. Mrs. |.-B. Baty, pianist, and Mrs. John mil, violinist, with Mrs. A. B. Madljen as accompanist will- play during the afternoon, she said. Baytown A&M Club To Meet Tonight At 7:30 Officers will be elected at the organizhtional meeting of the Bayr town A&M Club tonight at 7:3l> in Room lj06 , of the Academic Building, according to J. A. Davis* presideht. i • | - SHRINERS - (Continued from Page 3) 11 | J j . j i I | which sell for $1,50 each, have been moving; fast since they were put up 10 days ago. The tickets are on sale at;the Ben Hur Shrine Temple, and cgn be obtained by either writing or telephone Recorder Abe Swaiudh. j ’ I | : J i j Swansan said Saturday the pre* limindry rosters of the two freshmen squads indicates there will bp as many, if not more,! for mer High school stars in the game 1 as there were last year when.the meeting was billed as a running duel between Glenn Lipproan of A&M and Townsend. / ‘T’vq heard this boy T. Jones U a WhiW.t.jSwanson said, “and I’m sure all the football fans in Cen tral Texas, particularly. Austin wai)t to see what the Longl future; quarterback looks lik (Aggie supporters are not ) nearly so interested in what T. Jones Can do as they are in what the Aggie Fish can keep him from doing. If the Fish are aa successful in harnessing “t h e Longhorn’s future quarterback” as last year’s freshmen were tal stopping Byron Townsend—welL ’ at least the partisan Texas crowd will be able to see something— what is going {to happen to the next few years. lines plane was , ‘‘escorted” for several minutes last Sat urday by a Russian fighter plane While .flying over (he North ern Kuriles, a passenger told the Anchorage Times. ' ! The newspaper said’ yesterday its informant was Bruce Aichison, Tokyo attorney and a director of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce American Club. ; ’ if Aichison said the fighter plane shot up from a huge airport on an island in the Northern Kuriloa.i It flew alongside the new plane for Ft Alexander, head)of the” de] several; ndnutes, looking it over ment. carefully, but making no effort to change it* course, i (In Tokyo, t. A. Groe, the NWA Hancda airport station manager, said similar experiences have been reported *?perhaps five or six times in the last 18 months’’ by pilot*. He said he presumed they ware tqn, Texas and seven years prior Russian craft on dawn patrol along to thgt. ■k—Hr ! ■ j •; Shaw is a. graduate of Missi: pi State College, wtyBre he rec< his BS degree in agricultural “ -J J ip- ejlVed - , _ lied- . ucatiop. He received his MS from Jle taught vocational agriculture fourteen years; seven years at Bel- yei Page 4 Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,1949 BBLL WITH A.BATTALION CLA88IVTKD AO. RatM . . . Se s word ptr InMrtloa wHS; s 26c minimum. Space mUs in Claaalfled Section . . . 60c per columa todu. Send all cluoinedo with remit tance to the Student Actlvltlee Office. All ads should be tuned la by 10:00 a.m. of the day before publication. TWO NICE ROOMS with aouth exposure and connectlnc bath. College Instruc tore; or graduate atudenta preferred. AtlOIE BALLROOM Ctaaaes on Campui 202 N. Pierce, Bryan. Telephone 2-6780. In Music Mali. *t«rtlnc :lmmedlaUly msEmsmaB&m^mmBmmmmmsmsmsmuamB HegHter Music Hkn,I Tuesday. 20 Sap LIKE NEW. eeven-dlamond platinum wad ding my;, fish-tail mounting. Nsw 1296.00 Recent appraisal (226.00 — will sell for (100.00. Phone 2-663* after 6, weekalgbts. *‘T, I I DIETZGEN Engineer’s Drawing Set. Made In Germany — Like new. Reasonable. Sec 214 Houston Street, Campus. ■ ■ i " I. 22’ TRAILER HOUSE, In good condition. Equipped with gas. water, electricity, 8* J x 12’ room sewage, and furniture. Priced at (850.00. Contact Box 6583. Campus, or see at Trailer A-3, Ana 1, Mon.-Wed. after 6:00. . j 1-4— ■ ' | i: ' i TABLE TOP GAS RANGE, excellent con dition. (50:00. Ned Johnsba,' :400 E. ; AND FOUND VJp, v ,, Commencement Day burst shape, j each . pearls, small dlamon ;era! reward. Conti tie* Office. ntlmental Spring ; has In cen Sun- ilrow o( Ur. Lib- Student Activt MI.Si r.v, I" tednlWf. M, for Infonnatloi. «M. Bog 170*; Col- Mublc . 7 -lf:00 P. Clara Howi BApT STTTlNo dons lly day or byi hour, ! except during home dames. Mrs. H. A.' IKnlght, A-6-X. Collsge View. epair ATTENTION PREHUMAN: Rhoe Rep [work will l)e picked Op and delivered on ; Tuesdays and Thursdays at your ASM Exchange store Annex: This la a serv ice to you without'.additional charge. •JIOLICK’S ; SHOE REPAIR SERVICE, ** L «— — -» »-*»e « fTf f* MORI VTE, COLLEGE STATION. 26th St GARAGE for student. Near Campus Call Dorm 4. Rick Westcoft. LABORATORY TECHNICIAN — gradutU preferred—Department Veterinary ' Bac teriology and Hygleqe. Office Rooiq 228, Veterinary Hospital. R. C. Dunn. ; ; LAUNDER Bf LEISURE Laundromat Equipped J . .j One H«|f Hour laundry ];i Open Daily 7:30 a.m. 'Last Wash Received Moo 7:00 p.m. — Sat. 3:30 pi • • i Other Daya .5:80 pjn. Starching A Drying FacLUttoa Available. j: ! • ■ vljf 11 i if M EXPERT NEGATIVE retoucher for part time piece work at home. Sloppy work ers need not apply. Phone 2-8495. , j.-.M. Waitress Wanted; Work S days a week, off Saturdays. Sundays, and student- holi days. Experience not neceMary. Idea) for Student Wives. Also e-doy ahlft open. Bmltty’t College Orlll, Phone 4-1264. STILES FLOWER SHOP 1903 S. College Rd-Ph. 2-6188 PROMPT DELIVERY and WIRE SERVICE J. S. Stales '48 / ’ Reed Allbrittan> ’51 : Byron fhorn’s il For Your Patterns — GO TO PRUITTS — IN STOCK — McCalls Simplicity Designers ! Take Orders for — VOGUE ORIGINATOR PRUITT’S Fabric Shop Sduthside ‘ College Station (Continued from Page hart giant is only a sophomore bat is. the anchor of the defense. He probably was the top Aggie line man against ViUanova (the offense uriit didn’t play as much as the a unit) and is sure to gain honors dcjring the season. •i [ I J ' ■ •' r J. TO the AGGIB... Most likely to Succeed, !• 1 ij . l.r. '! The one who encased 38 times in our “EGG CON TEST” — Even if your closest time was 49 hours off, come by for your Parker 21 set, just for trying. SHAFFER’S Book Store j 1 1 , North Gate ;; j :: CHIROPRACTOR ;Geo. W. u Buchanan, D'.iQ. COLONIC i X-RAY 805 E. 28th St ( k i Phone Wslw |cw i DONT TAKE i*i CHANC KSU Inuprcl You* | Wxteh 1 f~ -— ■ T" I^i 1 '*1 - ir Dr. Oarltori R. Lee OPXOMESrtllST [T With Your Visual Problems || 203 S. Main- Bryan TT. | Phone 2-1682 r for you. ttj I .IK Ml OGIHIf S SORRY GIRLS i .... all j»,of you, 1 who .wrote ’ages an " |j descriptions and quested an to co-sit wit Watchers”. ]|We can’ use you all because don't think Aggies like Winunln.” f Til ij I Herb Shaffer I !': Wi !i..y i * jfj ■ i i