The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 28, 1949, Image 3
V .!■ I t 'I c ■• i- ' :l ; ', . .H- ' Nr'. : i '’• v i'-ili Battalia P OR ' P 0 R WEDNESDAY, SEPT l28 t„ wr- ^..•:rr.!r r—* rr Simmen Ends With Finn OnRatiUff ( 3 ■ ■’'•K ;>t ■ T r’" 4 ’•'Cii'; i y >■!%' ’ • V ■ -I ' I ■ • W i j I .. V ff i- 'i' -V AY FRANK SIMMEN. JR "If you cap bear to hear the truth i you've spoken i Twisted by knaves to make a trap I i| for fools" ” ^ ^ ' 1 ^ P l ! 'I } ' j j j I ^ ’I, I I N I refbr you, Harold, to a line or two of a poem many years ago by a man named RUdyard Kipling. Let’s compare facts again. In your recent co H ment levi- first g no jp to S ir - Now, please, Rarold, let’$ go back, concerning the pos sibility of hazing being the cause of tho Aggie’s present plight in football. j ,'j .. “Chick the raster i jof the grid squad 'and see how many names you recognize as being among the her alded! high school stars of two years'ago.” another'statement went like this “Why don’t 1 more out standing high school athletes go to A&fi£?” f-:47 2 I may be wrong. Mr^ Ratliff, but both of the above extracts are in the present tense. i — If 1 may refer to ypur first column again, r. Harold, J'atwther jfoint which this silly lirgi seems to be thriving on is dent. You mentioned in your article about Aggieland havir stars; then when, I referred y' some high school stirs of the past two seasons, you came back * with the answer that they were not all- state. We, however, are otf the op inion that all of 'tfexak’ best foot ball players are not allistaters.i IjL.; answering ole, Haloid, you kept referring to the Texas Sports Writers’ Association, Which I nev- '(er mentioned. I was referring to the mary leading sport$ .writers in Textas, not the Association. As for/these leading writers, both in and out of !the Association, declaring the ’48_Fish as, the best ' freshman team irl the state, I still contend that the Aggies were apd’ I am sure most of the Texas sports writers' will agree with me. i - Wfhat I was referring to was a consensus opinion of Texas sport serines. It appears quite evident, Harold, that^ no proof of either sidd of this argument can be; obtained at the present time. Let’s dose the matter until the end of ; the ’51 season \khe.n we will have W-oof pr disproof of the tbiiity^pf the men in question. answer to the article I wrote, you said, “Ih the second , our column wasn’t talking about, this year but of the! few years when Aggieland didn’t get top athletes, j ! Now, pleaSe, Harold, let’s go to your column concerning the ■ m wntteti column, ih place past —h- Bryan Bombers «ill Be Sold To Highest Bidder T i ' i 11 Ij.. P. Coffey, president of the bdard of the Bryan Base ball Association, was author ized by stockholders | at a meeting-Monday night to liq uidate :the assets of the corpora tion which has operated three sea sons as the Bryan Bombersy The Bomheis ended the ieasoiji last place in the East Texas I h ' ' : v ' / rilfc i f'v H: i' •• % ■ff '"-nJ . 11'! King, Tech Game Pictures On Thursday’s Quarterback Club he second nieeting of The Batt- (Ta Quarterback Club kicks off :30 ThursdUy night, immediate- • i A The Consolidated High scrimmage session on ’MURA NE WS ei standings. ; j j , j ffey’s unpleasant duty is to peddle the clpb’s East Texas Lea gue franchise to the highest bid der—with preference going | to a local buyer, if any. The “asking?’ price i$ $25,000 . . . for franchise, player contracts, bus and equip ment—i the litter item consisting only Of uniforms, since all the of uniformsshrdl shrd shrdludddd equipment ished the Intramural Athletics thiis year begin with the big- j program in | the history) of A&Jf. 1 ■ Nonday, Wednesday, and Fri day will be for Military matches. Due jto the great | increase in the nun be^ of teams this year, it will be iccjessary to play two basket ball games on each court onj Mon day i arid Fridays, and one ort Wed- nescayp. The first gime will; begin at 1:30 and the (pecond at 5:15. There are 44 Military teams, an in- cm se of 14, ten rion-military, and 25 :lub teams registered for play this year. ] . Tjesdays and Thursdays tjrc r ®- whi;h includes both the nor dor ns and the clubs. The^e Tigers were district champions last year. N OF ME WEEK .. r ■' JpB : . j npn-reg ese will begin at 5:15 eadh Tuesday and Thi rsday. IV Uitarjy basketball begins at 4:30 Monday on the new ! Grove cou 'ts. Tennis begins at the same tim; on the courts behind Kyle Fie d. r __ . Trying) to hold its championships ryan’s Bombers fid-jc£last year will be E Infantj-yj'the son with two broken ' bas cetbajl winpersi and A Infan- )bats, Und noj baseballs at aJL I try, the tennis champions. A infan- Failing to! find a buyer on his ! try was also the runner-ups in Own hbok, Coffey is expected to ) basketball while a QMC wjas the turn the franchise over to the second place in tennis. -—probably To facilitate the Filling Station Twice Robrod; Same Results Dallas, Sept. 28 OTi—R. C. Vickerp says 75 is his'unlucky mim-. her. Thugs held up the : gas station attendant a month ago and got $75. They did it again early to day/You guessed it: Vickers lost $75 again. ti' ,7 I — League for ah appraisal—probably* at the East Texas Leagpe mfeetimg riekt Honday) or Tuesday] Then |f the club can’t] find someoijie willing to pay the appraised priefl, trie league will .‘tell the franchise for whatever the traffic will b^ar. No Refinancings i ; No consideration was given to the idea of re-financing,- by local, public subscription. Il As for the park and itsj sur rounding real estate .totalling some 28 acres in all, it apparent ly rest* between the government (with a tax) claim totalling,.moj/e than $5,000),: Contratcor R. B| But ler, with a judgement on ajpuiRI- ers’ note amounting ] to ifitlrel thfn $0,000, and tlie Firet National Bank of Bryan, with a mbrtgage amounting to some $20,000. The government comes first, however, and its part will be deducted from Whatever the franchise bt i necessary. | I f Defunct The term ;conspiciously meeting aft T ; ■ i —OPENS DAILY 1:00 P. ■‘ -'I • ,4 Every Girl Should Be Married^’ r ■. ■ | rr i —With— ; j s I j • ■ • CARY ORA NT FRANCHOT TONE Thursday & Friday ness runs a taxes and items. However/ st in amateur golf championship wdte Dave Egan, who was 20, apd Fred Herreshoff, only] 10, the loser. mfA: . ((VfcH wSSifwc :• N,r IMDOLPH SCOTI MIHTinil lEFFICU. Enufiam mtSjm »Ag IWMCW MI *011 W OitiUli W UT INlttKT $1.0,450. The was ]arrived other Lul in the past two ye; increased pro- gi-alm, four new basketball courts have been built at the Glove to relieve the conflict in the schedule which arose when the; varsity tham begins practice October It. This enables eight games j]a day to <be played where two had been the limit last year. Most of the) teams have been taking Advantage of the |;new r courts for practice all thi s week. Beginning in tomt>rrows f Batt, therq will be a schedule of the games two days in advance. Watch thdsq notices because each forfeit will Jcost the team lien poihts to ward the championship at the end of the year. Thefe is going to be an effort to eliminate thy great nu nber of forfeits that plagued the intrarirural program last year ac cording t6 director Barney Welch. ‘defunct” waj$ used in the stockholders :r Accountanp Carl 'jNiederaueri presented the ; year’s financial statement. It showed yn operating losis, over the 3-yiear per iod, of $40,£99.21. Total iudebted- ound $57,.584j)0, plus wyeral miscellaneous |i Hany Logan,) ony the club dV’ectors, estiriikted 20 player contra cts to be worth afourtd $25,000 asking at on the i basi .Leagie fianchiseS kold gt fkin. Henderson Uitid Tyler with -VJ- The finall mir r ic o5 e I904 ; U. A SKramr NOW: LAST DAT 1 nx; lucky ucen tonite I . . Two Li x f I I ■Tf Selected For , Each IT l . - FRIDAY ?. I; iriners Discuss |ish-Year ling Tilt Austin, Sept. 28—'A 1 )—Flails for the Texas-A&M freshman foot ball clash in Austin the Saturday before Thanksgiving were! worked out at a,meeting of Ben Her Temple Shrine officials Monday. 1 he Shrine is sponsoring ; the] gane and the proceeds will ge to the Shrine’s crippled children’s . 'j / Ijtip! the scales at 190 /be Swanson.i) Temple recorder, 'both ale fine blockers The sfcond alion’s at 7:30 ly after'yell p: Featured speaker fOr this weeka’ meeting is Aggie end coach J. T. King v«io scouted the Oklahoma Sooners last' Saturday when they plgyed Boston College in Boston. King will speak on Oklahoma and what the Aggies will be up against when they meet next Sat urday afternoon in Norman. Awards will also be made to the inrl ing contest, i To close the meeting, the game pictures of the A AM-Texas Tech game in San Ahtonio last Saturday night will be ihown. Open to Everyone The Battalioi phasize that th to everv studeht, faculty member, and college employee and to all other persons who present guest admission tickets presented them 11 winners inl lasY week’s guess- would like to am meetings are open ■ Aggie lineman of th|e week for the Texas Tech Mqlberg, No selection was m Villanova gam«, io this award for the j’49 st week the sports Staff of The .Batt alion will honor the linnman whom it ifeels was the most performer in the Cat wall in the last game, Molberg, 19(|-pound won tl njiaitgins Fredricksburg the slimmest ol Molberg is a mjember ferisive unit employed Harry Stiteler Mrix Greiner and tackle §am Moses. CARL M.OHLBERG game is guard Carl nde for the is the first ason. Each outstanding et forward uniorfrom honor by over guard of the 6f- by Coach bpt Saturday night the defense said Saturday extra efforts were bei ig put forth this year to get a large crowd out to, the game. “•Twelve thousand attended last year’s game between the two freshmen teams at College Station, and we believe that with a little extra effort we can dou- bl* that attendance figure,"'he s|qja. ance ticket sales indicate the Shrine hgd a good chance of meet ing that aim. Reserve seat tickets-, See SHRINERS. Page 4) he jwas playing some on as well. His key block that cut down two. Raiders, slowed down a third, and enabled safety John Christensen to j carry a print back twerity-one yards to the Tech 15 was one of th<] highlights] o{f the whole con test,. Sports writers! have -eferred to Molberg and his runnirg.mate on the offense, Gjreiuer, as the “watch charm” guards because bdth just However, and sturdy ic eyes of have seen ! $ ’ 1 * * * • >tar played As a school defensive playees in tl all grid observers who them an action,' ^ . This; week’s linenian fullback in high school boy ptayer, he annexe<ji both all- district iand al|rCentral Texas hon ors. A business major, he appeal’s to be following in tho shoes of Odel Stautzenberg6i% ti e San An tonio ^‘businessUian” SWC opponent* 6o much past few seasq: Molberg had previofisly \l SAVE 10 TO 20% On Your Automobile h • ■ and Fire Insurance honored by! being nominated for Sputhwestein Lineman of the Week fpr his play against Texas last Thankskivirig Day] The only thing that kept the lightweight Cadet from taking the honpr was the fine play tjrimed in by his team- mate] Jim IWinkler, who won the award for thpt week. Greiner, iHke the other half of the Aggie guard combination on offense, pllayed defensive ball again the Raiders when they be gan to threaten to get an offen sive underway in the second half. Max, a seriiot in the Corps but a junior as f^r as football eligibility ,is concerned, Will prabably be the last of the Ajggie four-letter win ners, The Beaumont product al ready has tw'b and two more ap pear; near certainties. Moses, defensive tackle for the Cadets, may develop into the fin est player A&M has seen at his position in a number of years. Weighing 220 pounds the Lock- (See LINEMAN, Page 4) Frogs Winless Against Hawgs Last 5 Seasons Fort Worth, Sept. 28 —(Spl.)— When T. C. U.’s Horned Frogs leave Friday niight for Fayettevi|le, Ark., where on) Saturday afternoon they will open the 1949 Southwest Conference football season against the Arkansas Razorbacys, they will have two thoughts uppermost in their mirilds. ! M, First], the Frogs have dropped four consecutive games to Arkan sas, and Us a result, there is not a single member of this year's T. C. U. team who has ever had the pleasure of drowning the Razor- backs. Not sirice 1943 have the Frogs won in the annual engage ment of the t]Ao teams. Second, the Frogs have lost all their games to the Razorbacks, three of the four aforementioned defeats, since Tennessee’s John Barnhill became Arkansas’ head coach in 1940. i As a result^Jthe T. C. U. player's by merchants sponsoring the Club. The guessing contest goes on Again this week wHh the s] again giving 11 rho guess I lie sponsors to the per, sons who guess closest to the win ners and actual scores of game* » which Southwest Conference teams Play. 'if ) : ' , | • The games in which Conference teams play this week ate: AAM vs. OKLAHOMA U. j X Norman. h, TCU vs, ARKANSAS in Fay-i etteville. i '. i i BAYLOR X i MISSISSIPPI STATE in Starkville. 1 RICE vs. LSU in Baton Rouge. - SMU vs. MISSOURI in Dallas. TEXAS vs, IDAHO in Austin. In Thursday’s edition of The Battalion on the Quarterback Club page can be found an entry blank. Entrants in the j contest should fill out the blank. in the order in which this week’s games are list ed above. All entry blanks should be' turn ed into The. Battalion Sport* Desk by 5 p. m. Friday or postmark by that time if mailed. ) ] ! Eleven Pritea ' •r-| Each week during football &ehrj son, the sponsors will give ll jpji-j res. By last Friday at 5 p. m„ .131, people had turned in their guejt^cs as to the results of the gaipes in; which Southwest Conference teams ] played last Saturday. GriesseaFa Electric Co., H. era Music Co., Joe Faulk o Auto Supply, Charlie Fe The Triangle Drite Inn, The Par* keri-Astin Hardware Co., Ml. S. D f Clothiers, Alexand*r-Be*l Insur* ante Co., Travis B. Bryan of The First National Bank, and Charlie Cade <tf the Bryan Motor ™ The Battalion gives . two to the next AAM vrume.' il 4- Co. | tickets 111 W7CO, Sept. 21 r Bears The Baylor , ajipecial charter day morning tfor Mississippi where Baifpi Sta t*ycu i»rn oatuMiity. '•Biir Adlttin Seventeen entrants picked all: the) jg $ definite i 8 ^ Fri. kV wni mget fhe Mississippi State M ftroon , H Saturday afterndon. The Bruins (jame out of their 20*6 victory river] the South Caro lina) Gamecocks id perfect physical condition, though Coach Bpib Wood njift ■ admitted | tjhat his. defCnsi and ground wari far. from! AdrainlBMk show 11 gairih Jin the iconics n wlwt he that ho winners with the exception of the j TCU-Oklahoma game. The lie be- pftpsU8 & init Sj)Uth G tween those two teams threw! ^ nel R * jn ^ touchdowns. He ] Vecciv have e on )e tri regard Saturday’s tilt with Arkansas as a “make-or- break” game for them. The Frogs feel that if thdy can overcome the Razorbacks jinx of recent'yearn it may provide an omen of better things to comri in 1949* ' Saturday’s- T.- C .U.-Arkans«s game will be the 26th between the two teams and, except for the facts fresh in the minds of this year’s Frogs, the series record reveals T. Ci U. advantages at every point. The Frogs have won 14 and the Razorbacks 9 of the previous games with two ending jn ties. T. C. U. even has an advantage in the games played in Fayette ville, having won six there while Arkansas has won but four on its home field. Orie game in Fayette ville ended in a tie between the two, In games' at Fort Worth, the Frogs have won eight, Arkansas five, and there was also one tie. The Christians also possess the longest victory streak in the ser ies, six consecutive conquests (from 1938 through 11943), and thh big gest margin of victory in the ser ies, 40 to 0 in; 1930. Coach Leo R. (Dutqh) Meyer of the Frogs has the narrow mar gin of one game in the 15 en gagements his teams have had with the Razotbacks since he became T. G: (J. head coach in 1934. Meyer- coached eleveiis have won seven, lost six and tied two against Ar kansas . brith of ties be lors I for i everyone off. j. : Winners were selected by adding up the scores of the winning teams and the scores of the losing teams separately and determining the' numerical difference between: the two. i r i ! T ! ! Then, the actual scores of tlriY winners and losefs were ^dded up separately and the difference in- totals determined. The persons’ differences in : tot als which Were closest to the) dif ference in totals of the actual Scores were declared the Ti iwirt- nera. I Each week’s prizes wfllj be awarded to; the 11 winners at the riext week’s meeting of the Quar-j terbuck Club. The Winners J'5 . [ The, following winners of •' last week’s contest will be awarded pfl-t zes Thursday night: Jack ; El , . , , , ^ . Welch, A, R. Rider, B. F. Higgirif one i last y,^ rs K^me wi botham, Robert D. Boyd, VornpU ■ roons resu lt nsr ,n a tUJ . 2. Martin, R. V. Garcia, R. A; Hooker, Ralph I>. Terry, R.. E. Duckett, Grady Elm’s, and ]J. X Desharzo. ' ] ' iljj j'/ " The sponsors who give prizes each week are J. C. Hotard of Hof tard’s Cafeter|a» C. E. Griesser of American call- 10 riiit of 12 ina for nd two nsuch Williams om made *en | two tririch* by comnletirik Is UgainSt ISput a net gain off 1,3%yard touchdowns. He Xecei' help ! from ends Stanle and J. D. Ison, brit outstanding patch Gamecock defend! dqwas. This year's gafie with lihe !|Ma* rtons should, be lone of, more of fensive display -for both teams. Last year’s gamd played jin Mem phis, Tennessee resulted In a ,7*T tie, With a blpckad punt giving the Maroon’s thpir .only touchdown. Frank Boycjstun,' who is playing regular fullback for the jBears this year rammed over for Baylor's on* score. ) • ^ ' 1 ' i I The Bears! wjUfbe pit^ijig ari^6l| most intersectional record against the Maroons Saturday, fpr m thi two years that Coach ruff has beep at paylor only one non-copference Woodj has lust will roons result; ng ip a tie. : The ganx irif'jMissisfi start Baylor’s nigged riulc, which pits them a? Tech in Lubbpck, T« ,vho dealt misery the ; been ALEXANDER ■ BEAL AGENCTP| Phone 2-5547 South Main AGGIES .. i 1 I • \ Why Go to Bryan to Buy u: ■ SIGN CANVAS ) . T jkf Your L has just what you need! , College Y A. MILLER, North Gate| College VE You Moneys Time and Gas! j | Don’t — SEE — eury A. IVIiller ^ardware; YOUR SIGN CANVAS — 14 . "I :!'• y j Li! ' tl ijv: § »— IJ *. v — Station HH.-fr 1 Delay! jv — AT T E N TI t)N! II Chemistry & Physics Students The Chemical Rubber Company has reduced the student price of the Handbook of Chem istry & Physics from $6.00 to $5.00 and has 1 :: -i made the reduction retroactive on all copies of the 31st edition sold to students. IM Students who bought the 31st edition from THE EXCHANGE STORE, prior to Mon day, Sept 26 are requested to bring their M Copies to the store for a refund of $1.00j Present claim to Mrs. Della O’Neil at Lobby billing desk. -Tx -i) / I / j !' ! ' ,-f ; . ! THE EXCHANGE STORE "Serving Texaa Aggies” tl.T.-r M I -i J i •i ■ ■! II IfP '! • ll il:,!:. I FRESHMEN a pi !wi|l ad Sch inst Te as AA,. T Uhlverl in College ®tatlo|n, Te: )sity In Austin, SMU in Dallas, uni Ric^ Institute in Houston. <■ j ' "If l'l7 LET US TAItOK YOUR RIOTER DARK GREEN SLACKS : - 4 “Made to Your Measure” REGULATION -i- HIGH BACK flaps U Zipper front ^ BRING L’pJyoUR ALTERATIONS ' mmm UNIFORM SPECIALISTS f ”3 r ’ ; ' wf North Gate i.! T i Iv Bentine ■ '■■I i i — 1V A- 7 7 J 4 1 J-HHIT All-PURP0S|)PERSONAL POPTAILI •lATTEIT AND ACM I ; 'll ;■ 1 » '• -I 4 • • . ' lln l . >1 • •• H*ire’» the wjr personal porta ble that makes keen;fadio your tonstanj tom- ton — wherever you arc, never you go . . , -anii at rewtejagy Um mtl ‘ ' » STUDIO TONE IN YOUR HOMI^OR WHIREVI^ YOU MAY JO AM light socket. Aj Kttle look ac —a marvel of ante, with that nth,’ a-bcll tonal qu*lit> all Sentinel radios for value!j Come in ; I. i rail ohwhireyUyou TT — ,> " w "') k i y j f ii m