Exchange Store Profits Are Yours When you buy your books and supplies from The EXCHANGE STORE you not only get the best quality available at fair prices but you are making a definite in vestment in special services for you and all other Aggies. Profits from EXCHANGE STORE operation, over and above operation needs, are pledged to student welfare and recreation. During the past three years more than $180,000.00 has been returned and expended on a wide range of wel fare and recreation projects. During the same period ap proximately 35,000.00 per year has been paid out in salar ies to students and students wives. TRADE AT YOUR FRIENDLY College Exchange Stores And Keep the Good Work Going f Above — The bandshell at the grove was built partially from EXCHANGE STORE profits. Of the total construction costs, $5,500.00 was supplied from the EX CHANGE STORE. The grove with its new bandshell was the mecca of the sum mer recreation program at A&M. “!• SSSSSS Above—Two-thousand five hundred dol lars worth of equipment was bought for the Music Hall from EXCHANGE STORE profits. Directly using this equipment were the Aggieland Orchestra, singing cadets, and the summer Aggieland Com bo shown above. Below — Boxing, wrestling and Gym- profits. Shown here is some of this nastic equipment worth $1,000,000 was this equipment in use. purchased from EXCHANGE STORE he EXCHANGE STORE lade two donations total- ig $135,000.00 to the new' [emorial Student Union, he Memorial Student Un- >n Operating fund was en- uged by $85,000.00 from 1XCHANGE STORE rofits. A total of $50,000.- [) has been pledged to the ailding fund of the Mem rial Student Union by The IXCHANGE STORE. IMKMMh