1 \'K !K - j-, ■ " •>:• - ■’ n?.: V 1 - ft } . Battalion Page? V ,w. v f T ? r ii!" ? ! TT f: i'! ^ Both the Old - 'I: , V* I ■ i - jn on the A&M hsK;! r! 1 : Itoriah ' 1 — the New ■j^nd no matter how varied! their age before in ypflr life, there is little diffelrence nor how far retnoved their bus- need for us to say that you are welcome inesjs' and social interests in life, two Agt here. t, 11 .1 m -year to year, A & M’s football ■; 5ER, 11, 1949 fortunes may vary, the enrollmen rise and fall, and a war may even some of its fringe habits, but one will always remain as a jtruism—A gies will always jhavo a strong bond of friendship. We have! never fallen into a bull session with an jAggie ex in which he failed to recountr-tie time an older ex $ . gof him a place tq stay, steered him into a &M is job, or, more than tiat, gave him that / of* of the friendliest places in the world, ^greatest of confidence builders; the state- l’s t _. ery freshman, since the tydi establishment, has been urged, sometimes even whrmly urged, to do two things above "l others: meet as many people as he can speak and be friendly toward $yery he sees. . ; j~ i *. ’ ■> '! 4*° person ment that, “If there b anything I can do for you, just let me know.” : That spirit can neither be bought nor measured in terms of, that green stuff issued by the treasury department. So to all of you Over a period of 73 years tbe the campus for the 1! >49-50 semester tice^s paid off, In thiir relations] with -whefher you be new •! each other,, and,the public at large i^ bus iness associations, A&M men have made Inapid strides, many time* far out of keep- f ipg with their business ability* simply be cause they got along with their assc ' -1 1 people coming onto students or old iates. we say, "Welcome.’ You old students know what we mean by the expression. ^ nd in four years it will mean jr great or7ii"Writarji Hrnnatli Matak, Ala* Mimrua, Kmmail-Muit, ^ ,<3a»WilUajS I V . Oi. L I , . . (an. • <'. i . > • • <’• > ■ Latry Plivar i, pm I , photo (.Advtfinma Harman dallo I W, W.'Aid frad Holm#*. »n Srlitalu. ...■ ■ ■•j*.- -. ■ * i I , i I I 11 <••>**••••* .< r: 1 4-5444) ml iphone ( Ohjtriaa Kirklipm •a t'liarlHM, Clayton nfen ' IS l "I re ‘ erT *f: ' 1 HopreMintod nationally by j National Ad- vartialnd'larvlae Ine.. at Ntw York City. Chltaao, Loa Awtflai and San Kranelaao. ! m ■ ' m i r^r— editorkl office, Ro<»n 201. Jr Jt the editor ‘ •5124) or et tb< <> Btuudent Actlvitle# rt.llLj. Ml, .. nil* dwana— | CoOBdltors ■., i i j ij, »*1 1 . t> . t Martin, twnmy I'riia, n. A. Mi I avid ..b . !■ f. f| s ... , i ; fcfl k( Chairman P v: t ; J ■ '•!![' ’ . ...i,..,MtterM HNrd Amuaamanta WHor 1 • 11. * • ' . i •«♦ . AmuMvran !Krrt“» , K I ■ L. ltd, am •»— u'.'^Na *r«S, Sharia* Bab w«d HlWl, •viia > wiarowavr |ij| *$ e 4 • t e 4 {]] ■ I . ! ■ i JIU- jtovern- campus States were n bat- ]• m [ I 1 “ J 1 Student elected by each Annex, Keith Ali the; Student ,iaee« liuMy.. , . ent Senate is tb ig organiaatielf comparable to ^the Uni Hous^ of Reprefientatives Last year thw&_ Sena elected by the thre^ fi talions at\he Annex and lone Sen- ' ator, from the veteran group. In addition to the Senators elected bY the battalions \and veterans, the Freshman Class Wice-president. by virtue of his office v became a mem ber of theLSenate. v , The Student Senate is composed of 43 members. These tnembers are ejected by the following methods: each dormitory and housing area on the i-main campus deists one member; day students elect two members; vice-president^ the classes (Freshman, S< Junior, Senior) are mem, a number shall be elected! to bring the total Senate j member- , ship to 48.’ ] Senate Officers] i! The Senate electa from its own memberihip the Senate officers— president, secretary, and parlia mentarian. Every Senator is a member of one of the nine stand ing committees. Frpm time to time special committees are appointed,* Once * ntonth Ahle Senate meets to discuss the fitters of student government under; consjdcratioti. Committee reports, and rqcommcn- dations are heard, and hew bus iness is discussed, | For the past two years the Sen ate has been organized, j It con cerns itself with matters, of gen eral student body importance. It acts id an executive cap»city for :e mHI|yL ovei-nment jerv Jke bers) . . . . 7 Phc .. the student bndy and represents the student body both ort and off the campus. The Senate serves as a liaison organization! between the faculty, the student bn Senate activities, ess, Hospital, an re -screened, and strange enough? these theatres pften ceive fkms before those hot-’ of culture and crime, Houston a Dallas. >; . j: ]■ A somewhat erratic policy in en tertainment offerings is follows : by thelQueen. Both Grafle-A am ipediocfe films find their way this sdben, as do the ’irst-ru and sec6nd-time-arounds. And wi Crn addicts may have their I for hosb ridin* and gun plly stated at thel Dixie, which i> rteticeably partial^ to the talents of Johnny it^asaJgsijtis'rfsj handled six shooter. sec- l -j -j . rmr, ^ Guion Hall is primarily a ond-run house although' is casionaliy \ bills a contemorary attraction. At Guion,; also, the works of the Effglish infidel, J. Arthur Rank, appear]on occas- : jons which are not too rare. Last, and least, we have that droll little Annex establishment the] Rivoli) A&M’s contribution to the barn theatres of our country. The absence of arm-rests on the seats could hardly be termed con ducive to the full enjoyment of a film. The same may be said of the ventilation, which had its ori gin, beyond a dopbt, iii Cro-Mag,- I , 1 ' I. i ,1 the movies aren’t' all wo offer, Fish Jones. Several; times during the year Town Hall, .np admirable campus organization managed this year by Jarvis Mil ler, presents in concept the top musical personalties not only of this country but the world as well. :ti‘a» :eer;n I 4^ * S v-iiio vv/M11VI ,Y a/uv Wliv »» v *»• eso Joseph Szigeti, the violinist ext ordinary; Burl Ives th* ballade *•' i Which hap been gleaned fir the coming ycarF] ' j f f ' ’> Aggleliand givjsa its answer to (he ’Great White Way two op three times a year at Guion Hall . when director George Dillavou IMayere, an i) inception f students and tnembers of the community with . ionel < toristic of previous playef, efforts mukes way for substantial optl- nffitnii op this year’s attractions, Which are as yet unannounced. So bear up, iFiah Jones. Thd grind is not so intolerable nor the entertainment so scarce that you can’t take time to venture within the dark confines of a theatre and partake of the thoans of illusion it ’ \ A I: 'i 1 affords. ;;|.M II ■ —c AL ■ j / 1 ? / ■ - . t / i i j i —■ -LTJl V'V j ill 1,': a« V 1 :i . lit !' fell- UJ