The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 22, 1949, Image 1

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; Number 30
Town HaU To Have
Burl Ives This Fall
■ ‘ ■ Il x ! : J jj
Among the top Town Hall attractions of this Fall will be
Buri Ives, famous ballad singer, who will give a concert on
October 27. i i j!
lyes, who is associated in most people’s minds with
r oolly Boogie Bee,” or another of his
Celebrates New
School Ppepng
A&M Consolidated High
School will celebrate the op
ening of its new school build
ing with an informal cere
mony Thursday, August 25,
according to Raymond Rog
ers, chairman ofii the enter
tainment committee.
'4 ' V
“Blue Tiil Fly,” “The Woolly
well-known songs, has been called*
“America’s Mightiest Ballad Sing
er” by Carl Sandburg. JA !
4 J ... . The towering minstrel, who
1 * V stands 6 feet 2 inches and weighs
{ 240 pounds, appeared in the
Broadway musicals, “I married
An Angel,” "The Boys From Syra
cuse,” and “Heavenly Express,”
before the war. [During his year
and a half as a soldier he was the
ground crew Corporal in “This Is
—'The Army.” .
Since 1942 when Burl received
h|s medical discharge he has mad
musical history with amazing suq-
ecss on his'radio show, “The Wi
farin’ Stranger,” and with his p
formance in : the Theatre Guild's
“Sing Out, Sweet Land.” jl.j
In Hollywood, Ives has made
five successful films, of which
his second, “Green Grass of
,« Wyoming,” received the trade-
, paper “Box-Office” Blue Ribbon
Award, for the best family film
of 1948. fj"; • • \
Burl was-born in 1909 in Illinois,
the son of family of preachers,
river gamblers, and steady bid-
time farmers, Christened Burl Icje
Ivanhoo lyes, he says that as far
back as he can remember his fami
ly used to sing ballads to him.
He made his professional debute
1 at the ago of four when he sang
before a gathering of old sold ers
in his home, Newton, Illinois. Ives’!
great-uncle, a preacher of the old
fire and brimstone school, was the
youngster’s Idol and his childhood
. ambition was to follow in his
uncle’s footsteps.
- ___But when Burl reached his teqns
he realized he would never be an
evangelist singer. He entered
Eastern! Illinois State Teachers
College where he became star full
back on the team that won a Con
ference championship. Three
months before his - graduation he
gave in to a life-long yearning to
‘see America. .
With fifteen cents in his pock
et and a banjo on which was In
scribed “Vagabond Lover,” he
started thumbing his way east
ward^ from village to town, to
city, "singing for his meals In
small restaurants, at church
, socials and barn dances,
j. During this cross-country tour
Ives ,enlarged his repertoire of
folk songs and amassed a collec
tion so unrivalled that he can sing
for several days and nights with
out repeating one ballad.
The next few years Ives alter
nated between troubadoring and
settling down briefly. He played
professional football, sang on ah
Indiana radio station, traveled
with a group of evangelists, and
finally wound up in Greenwich
Village and then r BroadwayJ
Burl has received national re
radio reputation bn the concert
stage, on radio, on the stage, in
night clubs, in films, and as a re
cording artists. His records are the
largest selling folk song records
ort the market.
Today Burl Ives has won dis-
* tinction ,in his seventh field of en-
deavor with the publication of
“Wayfaring Stranger,” his auto-
I ; ■ j|j
Leon County Club
Elects Treasurer !
., At a special called meeting; held
* Friday at 1 p.ra.- the Leon County
_Club elected Clem Woods to act a$
■treasurer until the Fall semester
I begins.
| It was necessary ^to elect Woods
to his hew'position to fulfill the
.vacancy left by the graduation of
the 1 old treasurer, Jack Carring
- ' 1 This was the last meeting of the
club for the summer. Notice will
be given when the club will hold
1 ,ff lits first meeting in the Fall se-
i *»?«*«*• j . I '*1^
iWhot’t Cooking
WIVES CLUB, 8 p.m., Tuesday,
August 23, South Solarium of the
YMCA. Dr. Mayo, head of the
Highlight of the opening will
be a picnic sponsored by the Col
lege Station Recreational Council,
Rogers saic^ ;
The program begins at ,5:30 at
which time; there will be skating
tot nil the Ms under 12 years of
Also at MO the fln*jl| (softball
game of the year will get under
way to delide the championship.
The pichio lunch will begin at
' At 8 there will be square
dancing on the Patranella Slab
with Manning Smith doing the
tailing. j . \ T i : ; •
The youngsters will be enter
tained with a movie in the gym
nasium starting at 8. -
In the skating contest there are
going to be six prizes which will
be distributed among different age
groups. ” , Ix
Juvenile Crime
Is Subject Of
Kiwanis Talk
I i • • r f i • ‘ » i ■ •IIM Pm ’
“Victims of Parental De
linquency” was the title of a
talk given to the College Sta
tion Kiwanis Clubj 1 Tuesday,
by the Rev. Vern Swartsfag-
er. Rector of Sjc. jjiAndrews
Episcopal Church, |Bryan; and
founder of Kids’ World, an
itiii mtW
Wmk —
HP p Wm
. I l • M
renowned ballad singer, will appear on Town HaU Oc-
In addition to concert taunt; Ives has won distinction
tage, night clubs, films and as a recording artist.
p Pip, OicfBean . . . j
ober 27.
Architect Group
Tours in England
••• i i
Freshmen to Begin Orien
Sunday September 11, atAnnex
Animal Husbandry Department
Offers 3-Week Sheep Course
A special three weeks course, “Sheep and Wool Pro
duction Problems,” will be offered by the Animal Husband
ry Department beginning August 22 and, ending on Septem
ber 9. r
j Dr. J. C. Miller, head of the department, is in charge
♦of the course and J. A. Gyay, ex
tension animal husbandman; is co
ordinator for the course.
The first ten days will be spent
on the canipuo and the third we^k
will be spent in the .field. Professor
J.. F. Wilson, head of the wool di
vision, Animal Husbandry Depart
ment, University California, Davis;
California, Will give five lectures
during the course.
He will discuss the international
sheep and wool situation; Austra
lian. method of preparing and mar
keting wool; recommendations fpr
H *
V * -'!
jfish Department will be guest
»ke]r. x - .1
LOUISIANA: Fair this after
noon, tonight and Tuesday. Oen-
tle to moderate northerly winds
* 14 on the coast.
fair this
noon, tonight
and Tuesday;
hot mu C^h
change in tem-
/perature. Mod-
erjarte mostly
northeast winds
on the coast 4]
*: <' • FAIR AS: Generally
fair this afternoon, tonight and
Tuesday; h^t much change in tem
perature b
set juvenile-
t h e right
England is very { much like a
£hly crowded museum. Itfs dif
ficult to turn anywhere without
seeing some point of historical
interest back for many cenjturies.
The Aggies have been ini Eng
land for three days now, and we
halve seen most of those
plices in London ranging
Big Ben 1 ajnd Westminster
right down to the Subways
they all call the “tujbe.”
Every place has evidence of
the war and the bombings. Many
downtown blocks are razed to
tpe foundations, mostly because
• the terrific fires started by
bombers in 1940. But f»ome-
ow you’re not conscious of the
asional empty building or the
e|mpty block anymore than a
cjhild is conscious |of the cavity
left by a tooth pulled last week.
Many ruined places have gar
dejns, displays, or signs about
:m. Some of them are quite
ective. The people of London go
their separate ways, hop
ping on of off the moving double
decker buses, running,up and down
the tube’s escalators, or “queuing
organization to
delinquents on
Rev. Swartsfager said that out
of the more than 500 i juvenile
delinquency cases he has handled
in Dallas in three years, only ten
parents were not delinquent.
He cited the incident that led
to the. ['writing of his book, . __
“Bellringers.” A juvenile gang in * escalators or ‘que
Dallas rang a huge bell io summon “ p Uinmg up) m the better res
its members to crime. Mr. Swarts- an J[^‘ting for a table.
Today’s] ifingland is a topsy
turvy world, (full of shortages and
fager contacted the gang of 15
boys who called themselves “The
Royal Legion lot Blackshirts.’' He
succeeded in breaking up the gang
and helping the boys.
None of the 15 boysieame from
a home where the.father’s income
was less than $5000 a year, he
said. J
’He. showed the club blackjacks,
knives, pistols and other weapons
used by the children.
Rev. Swartsfager said the Kid’s
World is working to establish a
“ranch” in Colorado Springs which
will keep and work with misguided
children, for six month? t</ two
years without charge.
Wool Technologist
To Visit Gunpus
Janies E. Wilson, professor of
animal husbandry from the Uni
versity of California, will be on
the campus this week, according
to C. N. Shepardson, dean of the
Agricultural School. j i
Wilson is one of the outstanding
wool technologists of the world
and has studied widely both in this
country and in Australia and New
Zealand, Shepardson said*
A ( special lecture open to all
who are interested will he given
by Wilson Thursday afternoon,
August i p. in the Animal Hus
bandry lecture room at 3 p.m.
Shepardson requested that all
members of the agricultural facul
ty and all agricultural students
attend. Any others that are inter
ested will be welcome, he added.
College Station
Reports Influenza
Although septic
the Brazos County
port for the week ending August
20 with 19 cases reported for Bry
an and College Station, influenza
reached a new high with 12 cases
reported for College Station alone.
c wo were in otviLzeiluiivij
i could buy in the banks
sterling for about $2,70,
s the exchange here is
No Decision Is
Reached About
Rice-A&M Ball
No definite plans have been
reached concerning the pro
posed joint student body
dance in Houston after the
Rice -jA&M football game on
November 12, reported
Charles Kirkham, president
of the Student Senate.
Kirkham was among a delega
tion of four Student Senators and
the assistant director of student af
fairs, Grady Elms, which attended
a meeting Friday afternoon in
Houston with Rice student govern
ment officers. The meeting was
called to discuss the proposed dance
ond the selection of a orchestra,.
While agreeing wholeheartedly
on the idea of holding a joint stu
dent body dance, the meeting
could not work out details of the
dance beyond a few general points,
Kirkham said.
All dancing facilities in Houston
capable of holding an estimated
1500 people have all been reserv
ed prior to the Rice attempts to
find a place fpr the joint student
body dance. As an alternative, the
Rice group proposed that the <dance
be held on the Rice campus in
Rice’s Field House and m the base
ment of her new library. *
After inspecting these facilities,
the group found that even these
facilities would not accommodate
an estimated 1500 people. The esti
mate of 1500 people was based
upon the thought that a name
band would draw that many, Kirk
ham said.
However, instead of having a
_ name band, the A&M delegation
and its traditionally wet and foggy guested that a local band, perhaps
improving Texas
paring and marketing Wool; Cali
fornia sheep and
method of pre-
only.” What a curious state the
world is in, when a country is
producing faster than ever, but
for other countries only.
There is severe gasoline ration
ing tn England which hardly
makes it worth while to own an
automobile, even an economical.
English model. A ration for nor
mal non-essential driving is about
four gallons per month.
Food is still very short, especial
ly milk, sweets and meats. It
isn’t too different in the homes,
however, from' our wartime rations
ed meals, except that the duality
of the meat is lower when they
can obtain it.
Yet somehow, with all England’s
shortages and ruined areas, with
its strangely accented language
climate, I can still readily see the
poets pride in this fascinating lit
tle {island, this “Spot of Earth,’’
this England.! [
curious economic facts. We found
that while wej were (in Switzerland,
where we co
a pound
where as the exchange
about $4. It I isn’t (hard to under
stand why there is a close regu
lation as to the amount of money
a person can j bring into thei count-
Another fact is that wc can
buy in almost any store items
completely free of the purchase
tax, which is nearly 100 percent
on some articles, provided they
are taken directly to the U. S.
.'There are majny standing
“cracks” and jokes about the
articles in the stores “for export
CV Garden Plots
Will Be Plowed
Garden plots in College View,
which are furnished students by
the college, will be plowed about
September 15, Prof. Fred M. Bri-;
son of the Horticulture Depart
ment said today.
Students who now have gardens
growing, or who intend to plant
fall gardens, should plan them ac
cordingly, he added.
Quite a variety of vegetables
can be successfully produced by
planting after this date, he said.
Semi-hardy plants such as car
rots, cabbage, turnips, and English
- peas may be planted as late as
September 15.
For later plantings hadry vege
tables which will withstand heavy
frost include collards, onions, let
tuce, and spinich, Brison concluded.
the Aggieland Orchestra, play for
the dance, Kirkham - added. The
thought behind this was that & local
band would not draw as large a
crowd, and the limited facilities
would not become excessively
crowded. j .!r.
“Both the Rice and A&M stu
dents want a joint dance, and I
think we will have one. It won’t
be as large as we’d like to have,
but this first joint dance will be
a good starter for better relations
between our two schools,” Ben
Hammond, president of the Rice
student body said.
Another meeting early in the
fall semester is expected if corres
pondence between Rice and A&M
cannot complete plans for the
joint student body dance, Grady
Elms said.
Members of the A&M delegation
were Harry Raney, Keith Allsup,
Richard Denny, Kirkham, and
Elms. : L " / ■
problems and West Coast wool
Students Enrolled
Dr. Miller in his lecture will
handle the nutritional requirements
of sheep and some of tho problems
that are encountered In sheep
breeding work. J. H. Jones, pro
fessor of animal husbandry, Texas
Agricultural Experiment Station,
will discuss “Lamb Feeding and
Lamb Feeding Problems.”
L*' J ' •%
Professor Stanlby Davis, animal
husbandry department, Texgs Ag
ricultural Experiment Station, will
discuss cooperative wool marketing
in Texas under the Research and
Marketing Act, and Gray will han
dle such items as shrinkage, mar
ket classes and kr&des and flock
culling and selection.
Lectures Scheduled
The field itinerary calls forf stops
at the woolen mills in New Braun
fels dnd Eldorado; Sonora Wool
Warehouse; Sohdra Experiment
Station; visits will be made to two
or three sheep ranches in the So
nora afea for culling demonstra
tions, and one ranch will be visited
near Kerrville. At the Sonora sta
tion the group will see the ram
testing project that is being con
ducted there.
Field Itinerary
Enrolled for the course are the
following county agents and the
counties they sem: R. E. Nolan,
Menard; O. P. Wferst, Callahan;
W. M. Day, Upton; E. S. Hyman,
Mason; J. W. Jennings, (Kimble.
M. B. Templeton, Nolan; E. O.
Nevills, Reagan; W. A. Bergfeld,
Jr., Crockett; D: C. Langford, Sut
ton; W. G. Godwin, Schleicher.
L. J. Wilson, Fisher; A. R. Grote,
McCulloch; A. A. Storey, Jr., Ed
wards; D. R. Alford, assistant,
Brown and Jack Waide, assistants-
in-training, Bandera. S. B. Phillips,
West Texas Utilities Company, San
Angelo, is also registered for the
course. • .
Undergraduate or graduate cred
it will be given to those completing
the course. J. L. Matthews, exten
sion administrative assistant, was
in charge of registrations.
GROVE schedule;
Monday, August 22—Bingo.
Tuesday, August 23—Free movie,
“Slave Ship” starring Wallace
Berry and Mickey Rooney.
Vets Gorillas, Too
tjuroat led
rbidity re-
Ex-Aggie Enjoys Trade
As Circus ‘Horse-Doctor 9
Recently glamourized in the
ugust 20 issue of the Saturday
ning Post, J. Y. Heiiderson,
luate veterinarian of; Texas
&M, is an example that the
mewhat drab business of being
a! “horse doctor” can reach to
sublime heights.
As veterinarian for the I :ingling
Brothers Bamum and Bailey Cir-
Doc Henderson’s daily rounds
:es him out of the commonplace
orse-cow-pig” level, and through
‘mal territories infested with
dogs, ocelots, gorillas, lions,
rs, elephants, and African
Born near Kerrville,
forty-one years
grew np on his
and fell in love
the age of five. It waa this love
i i
that caused him to come to A&M
and enroll in the school of Vet
erinary Medicine;, i
After graduation j from A&M in
1937, he practiced afc a licensed
veterinarian for a year in Shreve
port with Dr. A. Y« Young, whom
Henderson considered the greatest
vet in the United States.
Just about this time, Hender
son’s circus predecessor, Walter
McClain, waa killed in an accident.
Through inquiry at the King
Ranch, John Ringling North, now
searching the .country for a circus
vet, heard of Henderson. North
tracked Henderson down in
Shreveport and propositioned him
about going to work for the circus.
Henderson thought it over for a
month, joined the show for the
season of 1941, and has been head
vet ever since.
oing to work foi
ion, thought it
joined the sh<
at 1941, and ha
r since.
Henderson soon found oat that
there were as many tricks to
this trade as there were animals
ia the circus itself. The care and
remedy of a toxic gorilla hadn’t
been included in his carricula at-
A&M, but with experience aai
common sense, Henderson haS
kept the circos animals in a rel-
etively healthy condition.
However, chimpanzees in par
ticular have failed to arouse in
Henderson his natural lo ve °f a , n '
iraal kind. He has managed, oafhe
contrary, to work up » cordial
dislike of them. Perhaps its be
cause they’re so much like humans.
At any rate, Henderson has set
quite a high standard for A&M
veterinarians. Of course everyone
can’t expect to get under the Big
Top and marry Martha Wallenda
of the Flying WaUendas, but it’s
nice to think about. Someone has
to take care of the hoof-and-mouth.
• *
j .]
Freshmen Week will
her 11, for all studenta
for students t|
aiccording to H. L. Hea
unday, September
n at 1 j>,i
nning thei)
From Si
ingjiesa than 15 hou
eaton, registrar, i
Member 11, until
1 |iifFi^*tart j on Tv
., Sunday, Septem-
college career And
urs of College ci
iman das
♦ start | on Tuesday, September 20j
J. T. Dotson, mechanical engines
ering major from San Antonio,
has been named colonel
mnnd of the Artillery Regiment
for 1949-50. f (111 iT
Grove to Close
Tuesday Ni^hi
. Tomorrow night will (mark
the official closing of the
Summer session entertain
ment activities in The ^rove,
announced G. G. White, di
rector of Student Activities.
“Slave Ship|” starring Wal
lace Berry and Mickey Roon
ey, will be the title of the free
movie , being shown, i] |M
“Due to Exchange Store prof
its, the seating capacity of i The.
Grove has been increased b;
proximately -4000 seats,!’(j
” If:
“The interest and cooperation
extended by the Entertainment
Committee wais largely rejsponBible
for a 50 percent boost in attend
ance at the Saturday night dance,”
commented White.
More money can be,; Spent; on]
next Summer’s Grove activities be
cause of, an allotted increase in
Student Activity fees, White con
cluded. j •
the new students Will follow
schedple designed to orient the
with the customs and traditioi
of A&M.
! A
K of C Slate Meet
For September 23 ^ .. „
1 Knight Chofc:). •«*■*•*!
of the College Station X rU‘ H
Knights of Columbus announced
Wednesday night that his council
will not have another meeting un
til Septen^ber 23. ;
! At this time the jcouaHl will
resume its regular meetings bn
the second and fourth Thursdays
of the month at 8 p.m. in the
basement of St. Mary’s Chapel,
Gabrysch said.
On; Sunday, S^ptehiber th
Freshmen will receive housing
signments from 1-5 p.m. ^
,YMCA will hold, an informal
ceptiqn for the nqw students, their
parent? and friends from 3. to 5|
p.m. in the Annex Student CenterJ
Sunday evening beginning at 7,"
J. P. Abbott, assistant to the dean
of men, will preside at a generall
assembly to be held on i the south'
side fof the chapel.
Week’s Activities
Monday’s activities will be re
stricted to testing. F. p. Bolton,
president of The College, will de
liver! a welcoming address at
general assembly that evening.
; i; Tyree L. Bell, Class of ’J3 and
member of'the A&M Board of Di
rectors, will address thfl group on
^Whht It Mean# To Be A Texas
Ml®-” : I / lf4:- ■
The schedule fpr TWdav Will be
ame ns for the preceding day.
evening tnpyifB of famoue
e football gajnes will be
#hown. Jj | 7 j ; ' '.v.
Wednesday, September 14, will
be^devotfd to morn testing. At
Wednesday cvervingV general as
sembly the .senior yell leaders.
Glenn Kothmiin, ”R4tf' Duke, and
Bill Thornton, will Ipad yell pract-|
ice fq’r the Freshmbni |
Further Orientation I
Tnursdoy morning oriejitatlon
will be given in the 1 Anne
nasium and will feature
W. | L. Penberthy, dean
Col. H. L. Boatner, Commandant,
.uui U. Col. Robert L. JMelcherj as
sistant to the. cojnmahdant.
In the afternoon additional In
struction will be given 'as an
nounced by the Tactical Officers
at the morning seksion. . _ |
M. L. fashion] YMCAl] secretary;
will preside at the general as
sembly on Thursday evening.
Advisory conference* will be
held/all: day Friday to be followed
thaV night by the President’s Re
ception in the Student,Center.
Saturday and Sunday have no ■
activities scheduled. Transportaj-
tioii w^l be provided for all, Fresh
men who desire to see’the A&M-
Villanova football game Saturday
night'- j! iU . ] 7
i Registration Monday
The (Freshmen will register for
classes on Monday, September 18
and classes will begin at the An
nex on Tuesday;
All activities of Freshmqn Week
will take place at the Annex, Hea-
itil i
i >0$
[' 7. •
BH& 4
* ' v
I wm
iN TWIXLING GGNTEST—Fancy-stepping Marie Love of Nav
Song entries in the baton twirling contest to be held as an _
feature of the Texas A&M-VWanova football game at College Stat
on Saturday n^T “ “ ““ ~ ‘ d
add color to the
sept. IT More than 500 high school musicians
i 1 ill'
• ' 1
■j— '
. N '
1' ,■ &
1 ^ 11
K, , '
1 1 ( : if
j j II
r . ji
>!, £. j.
Young Methodists
To Have Picnic
Methodist young adults
ning, Au*
Methodist young ddults from
College Station ; Bryan, and neigh
boring areas will meet at Caldwell
on | the Methodist. Church grounds
ic supper | Tuesday eve-
st 23* lit 7, announced
Brkd Waddle, president 1 of the
grcjpp: K ‘
Gpne Cragg, assistant piostor at
Bryan, will conduct a wor#hip ser
vice. A discussion of aims and
plajns for activity in young adult
work will be included on the pro
gram as ' well as »- discussion on
the Young Adult Conference,
scheduled September 3-5, ft Lake-
view, near Palfstine.
ling to
jhlc and
: I J
educational fihtns will
Wednesday afternoon jin.
torium of the Pet
eering Building, Ho
director of the Phot
Visual Aids Laborat
Wednesday's fill
lifesaving, diving
techniques, Berry
A film on sp;
will feature coed#
siyt of California,
ftihl is also on the
said.. t] j :
Three other ft
in addition
Tmjt'. oiw
mientary TfSactiqa
The weekly showing of educa
tional films, which has been car
ried on through the sundnen will
i 1
diving |
be shown I
ier films will be shown
to thk diving picture*.
“Learning How to
ctica'of Lifesaving".
be resumed in September, -Berry
announced. /
it at 3:30 p.m.
in' .j: :
s 1 pictures
will bt
; i