The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 17, 1949, Image 4
Frustratioi and Contradictlo BY JAMES Dj WHITE ' Foreign KevVs Analyst Some of the giddier ideas abroad 1/ .’.i nboilt Americla are;being hopped , "up by Communist prbpagandists. 1 ,'t Sajnples: A' rtecent Moscow car toon shows an American football J game so violent that!the referee operates in an armored car among i | players and fans armed with guns and clubs. A recent article in -“Rude Pravo," the-official Com munist newspaper! in. Prague, ! Czechosolvakia, depicts America as -4 a place where sitting on flagpoles > is common. ' : rry According to AP’.S Prague cor respondent, Richard Kaslftchke, Rude Pravo’s argument runs like this:. America Is sd full of con tradictions and frustrations that one out of every ttiirty Ameri cans blows his top and climbs a flagpole or doe* something equally odd to get away from It •nr I ^ “Apparently,” says Rude Pravo, “It is really hard for an average . American today ’po keep his men- / tal balance, some of them—They are called pole-sitters —sit bn high ■K ppl<s and try ' joni keep the; possible. le of them, and ne jnt page stori re as long s made; . .j ; ty editor who ever fi frbih this country abroad v you, The great demand is freakish in American life, Stubtion is better than it be, since fco, much newb importance to the rest of thbjworld originates here. But the Igoofy story - from this chromium*plated wiii erness is the booking EARCH CLU1 WhaVs G SUL ROSS RESEARCH CLUB. 7 p.m., Friday, August 19, YfllCA Chapel. General rbeetingf. Fall plans to be discussed, including raising of dues. j n .. '1 ,■■^--4 j ■ Boy Born to Lester Sullivans on August 11 Mr. and Mrs. Lester C. Sullivan are parents of a bajby boy, born d on August ll. The baby weighed 5 lbs, 13 ounces. ‘ j f^ H j Sullivan, a mechanical engineer ing major,iwill graduate in Aug ust. r mm. I. 1 : • 4# enc one that wOWs the foreign reader. |,||j || know one editor who tory In the wastebasket ther day. It was about a movie ress who lost her bathing suit in a big wave. He thought It wia* a press-agent’* stunt. The sapib If B^ls T aesday 4>2 ~ Law Hall won over Walton Hall in a night gamd Tuesday 4-2. The game featured aXnitching duel be tween Jim Tittle \of Waltojj and Hank Varnkalf of Lgw. Tittle allowed five, hits for four ruiia while Vanikalf gave up six scafttered hits for two runs. ! „ Manjoet and pailcy od with singles, Taylor came to bat in the third and knocked a single, driving in both men. Law went ahead on his hit. : In; thej fourth, .with Dube Jand Schema,fck on base, Fern drove -both men in with a single to cehtjeF- Manjoet of Law and Fern i Of alton shared hitting honors, both getting two for three at the plate. . H’ R E Walton 000 2( Law .;...L.....002 2( was a big hit in Latin- u • was another editor who a dews service to Britain out a story about one more extreme religious :e thought it couldn’t pos- hterest the staid British. Another editor who had worked in Britain snatched the story up and sennit; to England in fitll; “They love that stuff over there,” he said severe! In short, the world outside tends to think of America ab the home of the abnormal, and therefore is 4ot much interested! m what is normal. This is what the Communists are wording on. MX ABNER Wrong Again! Stick Out That Thumb!... The School of Engineering will have an exhibit at the Houston Construction Indus tries Exposition September 25 to October 2. R. L. Peurifoy, of the Civil En gineering Department, chairman the committee working bn the hibit, says more than 500,000 e expected to attend the exposi tion this year. j . The; exposition is sponsored by the Houston Chapter of the As sociated General Contractors of Amerfpa. o Member^ of Chairman Peuri- foy’s committee are L. G. Berry man, Mechanical Engineering De partment; L. M- Haupt, Electrical Engineering; j Sam Cleland, En gineering Drawing; Hal Mosley, Architectural Engineering; and A. R. Burgess, Management Engine- ering Department. A-FOLLm SQFT-HCAPTZD , JOHN AH' MS SATCHEL FULL O' MONEY /NTO Ty WOODS.'.'-ME I THINKS NOBOCN t££S Wfl'-) Vf -r. v. ; i . : .1 f!j(f I : ‘ ' l 'l! SOTHETS YOTONE. _’IS, rFAULT" THANK Va* VO' UFtt : 4 ,-£52kW ¥< MX ABNER , i Beauty and the it ! t OH. r WHUT IS ‘ONE-FAULT'S' ONE FAUlT/l'? j (-'CUSS HtS '-AM IS All U> |/ SONESr HE OHT7ZHTHET mar so MTS) jke. thet;/'.' AH SIMPLV. . .r 1 ’ i ! i ;-i / I 1 W/ir-, ir-ABOOTIFUL GAL SHfitM OUGtffNT these hoods at j GAL UKE nOONBEW T“GO STROLLIN' ALONE Oi THESE HOODS AT NKDHTr-THAR rVWF BE SUPER- ROMANTtCAL \r? Hitch-Hiking Cun Be Fun Sometimes / ; ^l.. M ' By L. T. SMITH Want to meet a gorgeous blonde? Like to ride in Cadillac camvertibles ? Enjoy the company of unattached females? It’s easy, and there are no box tops to save. Get into your best "Aggie attire, pack the suitcase that has the big gest Aggie sticker, and hit the roajd, man, with right thumb eix- tenjdfd. . Successful hitch-hiking is not altogether a hit-and-miss affair. It requires technique, skill!, luck, and training. To draw the best cars with the loveliest creatures mmi IU: mmwr^ I" ."* ' - . r --• Mamw■' mJz — fr , 4r - Yllm • n r\ i ■ - ml) -i 1 j u—' 1 Ps tzL— —J i behind the wheel depends upon numerous abilities, assets/and at tributes. 1 Look your best, with whiskers shared, buttons glittering, shoes shined, teeth • glistening, and mouth gargled. Stand erect and appear hopefully optimistic. “Everything Comes to him who waits.” . , After your stay in line has put you eligible fqr, the next car, doui! ble all previous precautions. Look alive, if you can. Appear intelli gent, if possible. Maybe you’ll be spotted half a mile away as,-the “cute type.” : Once inside the car, don’t talk too much, but don’t seem sullen. Introduce yourself and act pleas ant. Answer all questions, no mat ter how pointless or nosey, with grace and decorum, if you have, any bn you. ; ; Don’t smoke oif chew; don’t ask to drive; don’t criticize the driver, no matter hew frightening; and, by all means, don’t-, pass around the bottle you got qcross the river last night. • 1 [ 1 • , ^ " Tha]t’s so neighborly it’s ridic ulous in Dorm 15, but in some radical's car, it" might leave you stranded five miles out of Hearne. emember your childhood man ned when the ride is over. Ex pressions of thanks, enjoyment, and ahy other charming thoughts* that you’ve been practicing on; leave-takmg are appropriate. However^if the car- the guy be hind or before you got was full of beautiful wonten and you got a truck full of pigs or a grandmothr cr going to visicxher sick (with many symptoms) a\nt, we are not I'espPnSible. r Oiir tips werq theHinest,' but . your luck wasn't. Don’t fight ,it, son. Fate is against you. On the otller hand, if ybur car was a mere Lincoln convertible driven by the pulchritudinous daughter of an oil barttn and ybji didn’t date her for the entire wee end, we give up. Move to T. U., boy; there’s no •place for you here. | Lovers Win Over Puryear 8-7 t The Dorm 14 Lovers teamed" up on Puryear Hall Monday afternoon and squeezed out an 8-7 victoryj Hoot Gibson was the winninj pitcher, allowing bbt six scattere< hits throughout the game. Ray Carrol, the loser, allowed seven, j Victor Levy got the Lovers roll ing in tbfe first when he smashed a circuit clout that sent Berkhold- er, Catawach, and McManan across the plate befofe him. ‘ John Hill,; the' Puryear catcher, also emptied the loaded bases in the first, doing it with a double. Ray Carrol of Puryear was the leading hitter of the game, gete ting two doubles in three times at the plate. He had one RBI to his credit. Score by innings: H R E Puryear .......|.302 001 1—6 7 5 Dorm 14 ......600 Oil 0—7 8 0 ■ _ j-, |i -y- . Belcher Lectures At Short Course D. L. Belcher of the Industrial Extension Service, was the key note lecturer at the University of Houston Hotel Training Short Course this summer. His lecturers were on “Peopl^ Are i Different/’ “Have You Got A Problem?’’, “Problems, Prob lems,” “Orders That Deserve 4 Obedience,” “Let’s Not Have That if Accident.” Personnel representing every phase of hotel administration in Texas attended. " ; /i# 'O' dsV kj 1 Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS 't’age 4 WEDNESDAY, Al)G. 17,1949 SEUT, WITH A BATTALION CLASSIFIED Afx Rates , . . 3c a word per Insertion, wltti a 23c j minimum. Space rates In Classified Section . . . 60c per column ineh. Send jail classifieds with remilt- tahce. to the Student Activitlei) Office. Ah ads should be turned In by 10:00 a.jta. of the day before publication. FO^^AL^^^^^^riKid^rer^^^MlvJng robm suite (sofa-bed. platform ; rockier, chair, end table, coffee table), A-lt-Z, Callcko View, after 5:60 P.M. FOHj SALE—One wheel trailer with extra tite and tube. $50.00. Two burner hot plate $10.00. See at 60G-AA E. 33rd St Bryan or call 2-2910 after 5:00 p.m. i ■ • MISCELLANEOUS • Hi, J one, or probably two t pebslf, 1 < to Boston, or vieintty.l Write Box 348, Room for to Collette, for information 7e i • . i Would like to interview boy» interested carrying papers n4xt Fall.; Call at Room No. 209 ..Goodwih.‘ between o’clock, AuRuet 16-Auj{. 20, i FOR! SALE—Student house Nu between Tennis Courts and- ! Hftkesi . ... ,bcr 7, reject ENROLL NOW FOR new classes starting 'September 12 in shorthand, bookkoep. inn, and associated subjects. Registration limited. MeKenrie-BaldWin Business Col. lege. Dial 2-6655. U ' ' ' i 1 FOR 4- FOR (SALE—7.5 Ft. Refrigcratprl 1948 Ward Supreme. ^College View, Apt. C-C-W. J —i ; FOR SALE — Small Refrigerator '$65.00. 20: inch exhaust fan $25.00. C-19-Y C.V.y.: ' • —r— ; —! Fort SALK—Three room house j at 402 Cdoner Street, College Station; nice lawn add walks, fenced In back yard, 4— : -4- FOR SALE—tVeterans-save on rent! FOR RENT—Unfurnished apartment-com bination living room, bed room, kkatiefi, breakfast room, wulks-in closetf'i bath, rei. Collie. private entrance. .306 Park Ave FOUND • FOliND — Ladies iWrist Watch, Bryan Ffield.; May be bad by paying for n(l. Rypma. Biology Dlept., or call C-19-2, Bfi-an Field VillBgje. SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F.&A.M. Called meeting Thursday. August 17th. at 7:00 P.M. Work in ;FV iC. degree. For examinations call A1 B. Nel son at HARRY BOYER. W. M N. M. McGlNNIS, Sec. T v LOTOE. D.C. IC X-RAY : !l 41 E. 28th St, "IT 1 '! Phone 2-6248 ~r- CAK .,| . . HEADQUARTERS Your Friendly Ford Dealor BRYAN MOTOR OO. N. Main St. ’r LAUNDER IN LEISURE Laundromat Equipped . . , | i One Half Hour Laundi^i D^Iy 7:80 a m. Last Wash Received Monday 7:00 p^m. r- Sat. 3:30 Other Days 5:$0 p.m. ' Starching & Drying Facllltlea .si Available. ’if i — SELL 0 < t Model Airplane Supplies i ! ■ j* jj- Architectural Balsa Wood SHAFFER’S BOOK STdHB North Gate Phone 4-8814 E 1 T Looks nvighty: empty doesn’t it? Oria left center* iniramiirai grounds keeper,| ii ing up at‘ The Grovel on “the mortiir Seven hundred fifty of the 1100 seats at the Grove were bought for use by the student body from hjicchange Store profits. Weddell Girl Now Out of Hospital Sheryl Weddell, three year-old polio victim,, has been released from the City-County Hospital in Fort-Worth, according to her, par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Bj Weddell, | B-12-D College View. Sheryl was ^stricken with polio hfcre j last May. Her right leg ■ was completely paralyzed, Wit doctors believe that in tijme she. will re cover completely, fWeddelf said.. She was takeri to the Harris Memorial Hospital in F(|rt Worth, and later to the City-County Hos- pital: ’ - .' Weddell is an electrical engine ering major and manager of the College View apartments. ... “Sanitone” Now in College Station ^ ■ . . f • Yes, the revolutionary new cleaning process—Sanitone —is here. r Sanitone Cleans X No Shrinkage 2. Cleans Without Washing 3. Sanitone Chemicals put new life in old clothes 2-day Service on all work All work Guaranteed I? - J. tone Sub-Station Alteration North Gate E. A. Mullins 1 Pabst Proposes Ten Ways To Beat the Heat and $tay Cool NEiv YORK —f/P>—Shed that goidH Coitle, and keep cool the Way tjhey do in Brooklyn.! Fori the 37th straight yelar, Dr Charles IF. Pabst, specipKjst ^ at Greenipo nt hospital, issues hist 10 ways to beat the heat. ;, [ He was inspired, he said, by yes terday’s 98.7 temperature; are Dr. Pabst’s nilgai Atyoi ercisje mar Dr. Pab exertion^ind st^eAujou^ ex loose clot ‘‘Girdles inatibjh .in hot weathi prevent large portions of the skin from their function of cool ing tjhe body.' Drink eight Or morej glajsses of watejr artd put a pinchj of salt in three of them. Tom Co lins? We’ll get to them later. : f j Get eight hours of steep night Avoid"worry and fexcitemei Don’t argue with youjr hush; ladies. j, . Keep nir circulating in your room and , office. An, dectric fan Mm;, the 'skin shed hp even if West’s Saga Gets Crowd it dbesh't lower room temperature. ol—not cold—baths of ten. Borrow an old Chinese trick cold water drip onto your Very cooling, .Dr # Pabst • I 4 : ' * Lik More Suggestions ’I Avoid direct rays of the! sun, especially if you are a heliophobe, a person whose skin reddens and burnis but never tans. Dr. Pabst says he’s one too. 1 * Reduce calories in your diet; Cut down on fats and leave that candy alone. Try fruits and vegetables instead. Now about that Tom Collins. Dr. Pabst says:'“Remember, al cohol makes you more sensitive to sunstroke. If you drink, do it in the shade." tikeK girls, grab a glass and let’s relax under that tree that grows in Brooklyn. Central City, Colo.—UP)—Brook lyn born Map West, who sqys she brought sex out of the back room, is wowing ’em in this state—called “Culture Cra?y Colorado” by a New York critic. The musty old Central City Op era House, dark 10 months out of j reached first base, the year, is crowded nightly for I Milner climaxed the attack in Mae’s saga of sin titled “Diamond j the second with a six hit attack Lil.” She introduced the play 20 which netted five runs. Don Josep^i, years ago in New York when she With two on, slammed his first Q Margaret Mitchell, Author Of ‘Gone With the Wind,’ Dies i 1 ' ! 'EM 7 .. • - i. • ATLANTA, Ga., Aug. 17 (^—Margaret Mitchell, au thor of "Gone With The Wind,”idied yesterday as doctors prepared for an emergency operation to try to save her life. Miss Mitchell, 43, was struck.idown by a speeding auto mobile on [Peachtree Street last Tphursday night. She — '~4herJhUs|)and, John R. Marsh, Milner Wins Over Hart Tuesday 13-0 A Si lessage M ! PAINTE Ii |;i .• Di On A t Pi "i Milner Hall &ave little rest t}o Hart when it pounded out ten hitjs for 13 runs in four ipnings of pli Tuesday. Little George Barclay of Milnqr pitched hitless ball for\the foqr innings of play and only\wo teem Place your ads before more people for the same amount of advertising, 'ex pense. The Battalion as the largest circulation iu a 5 mile radius. IISKI) BOOKS V>e |>a\ flie hinhrsf prin's lor { -« (l Knohs— We maintain wholesale and retail lists the year ‘round. GFT Oi ls’ I'lUK I S HI I tmi; SFI.IJNt; THi: KXCIIANGK STORK “Serving Texas Aggies’* \yas ih her middle 30’s. • Her scheduled three week run, which opened July 30, has just been extended another week to meet the demand. ‘T’ve got the feel for this one,” she told an interviewer. “This mining town would have been home grounds for that gal (Diamond Lil). She would have slept while the miners dug the gold out of the hills. Then at night she would have dug the gold out of the min ers.” j Central City is just over a few 14,000 foot peaks from; Aspen, Colo., site of last month’s inter national celebration honoring Joh ann Wolfgang Von Goethe, Ger man philosopher. It attracted world renowned intellectuals and was one of the summertime events that inspired John Chapman, New York Daily News critic, to dub the state “Culture Crazy I Colora- d0 - The 49th national amateur golf championship will be held over the Oak Hill Country Club. Pittsford, N.Y., Aug;. 29 to Sept. 3. Tastes better better for you, i ^,1 S FORm U'llRIt*’ Vp two homers, the second coming in the fourth with two on base. Joseph also doubled in the first inning with the bases full to send across three runs and make a total of seven RBI’s. Harry Miller was the losing pitcher. Score by innings: H R E Milner i,..;...4.550 3—10 13 0 Hart 000 0— 0 012 A&M Consolidated Gets Face Lifting A&M Consolidated High School is undergoing a face lifting jpb in the form of ground landscaping, according to L. S; Richardson, sup erintendent. i The improvements are under the Contract of Teas Brothers of Hous ton and include all the grounds surrounding the new school build ing. Other new additions to the school include more sidewalks around and in front of the building and a parking strip for cars 'be longing to faculty members. crowing the-street to go to a ie ifeab their home. Miss Mitchell never fully recov ered consciousness. Doctors said she |had a fractured skull, frac tures Of the pelvis, and othqr in- Sf was taken to thb operating roonij at Henry Grady Mer^orial Hospital this morning. She died at 10:59 a.m. (CST), before the op eration was performed. Marsh, a semi-invalid as the result of a heart attack several yearii. ago, was not at the hospital wheit his wife died. Her brother, Stepaens Mitchejl, left to inform Marsh. Mfs. Stephens Mitchell was the tedySmember of the, family in tihe operating rooiiiP •vfhen Miss> Mitch ell d|ed. . j ' Fimeral arrangements wer^inot announced immediately. ’ MiSs Mitchell and her husband were crossing a walkway when a car speeding\dow;n the street, went over the center line and smashed into her. She was dragged 15 feet. Marsh held his wife in his arms until police and ate ambulance ar- rived, ; * \:4|fe Police charged the driver of the car, Hugh\ D. Gavvitt\ 28, wjth suspicion^ of teanslaughter.ft, A taxi driver, he was off duty aFthe time and in his private car. Police records show he had 23 previous traffic violations against him; • I r— ' M; te Surprise, Surprise!; ( HAGERSTON. Md., UPi-Sompofte stole a package from~John M. Perechuk’s car today. 1 Ml It should have been marked “Handle With Care.” 4. T’if It contained two very-much alive copperhead snakes. Perechuk, is a snaW collector. [ - ,, ,■• [ WHIRLWIND •j j • ! ; ; • j. • m Has Tpo Much Comp -1 etition , I Ilf |, For Attention yy :;K i ( [ ImIim M • • Mm r ..O’ ' J 1 • ' I I | • : H|.‘ IN THE jFINAL ANALYSIS NO SUBJ ^paperAdv TTSING RE roR DAILY NEWS- : ING IMPRESSION. TIME TO MAKEjfA LAST*; m IlMf'l V ''I. tte'j I y .■ V t. |B| FARMERS ALLIANCE INSURANCE‘CO, MoPHERSON KANSAS, HIVE v LICMTWIMC^ TOr.WAH€> iNSURANCE OK \ „ f' T,.| * ALEXANDER - BEAL , AGL.. U . 203 S. Main Phone 2-5547 ■ i ' :; j • ' •' 'T'tte • . i j ; The Battalion .-Li.' 2 The-only newspaper reaching all of A&M College regular!^ ji Phone 4-5444