The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 17, 1949, Image 1

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'Volume 49
City Council Takes
Action for Library
! nr Orlft KUNZB '
; The City Council of CoIIckc Station took some active
steps toward making its long proposed community library
a reality at a meeting which was held last Monday eve
. College Station residents have been interested for
quite some tfrue in getting a com
munity library of their own, sc-
it (' I
tfy ’4
Ik/ »
’ 1
ftW -Ji
w *1
• ittw .y n
J, J. Woolket, head of the Modern Languages
Department, explains the function j of a teletype
machine in the! Excelsior newspaper
Mexico City. Standing from left
C. JE. Tishler, head of the Physical
partmeht; his son. Ward Tishler;
De T
frs. Woolket;
Exposed to Merciless Amoeba
T ~ •- ■■ I' ; I. 1 !' 1 ' I ■
Tishler; Tomas Marentes, sons of .Tomas
entes, Sr., head of the National Lottery in
Ico. 'J'he Tishlers and Woolkets are vacation
ing in Mcfxico City. Young Marentes is on va-
eatio ti from A&M.
‘Visits 9 Hospital;
Named itatt Medical Editor
Battalion Medical Editor
(Editor’s Note—The Battalion,
in an effort to provide its read-
„ ers with art upvtoklate report on
medical progress, has named a
new editorial post, that pf medi-
c*hl editor. C. C. Munroe, Battal-
iph stuff nWmber, has voluntectf-
f oil to serve in that capacity for
1 the remainder of the sujmmer.
U (To better fulfill his new du-
I ties, Ifunroe exposed himself' to
a merciless amoeba. The amoeba'
became lodged in his ihhards so
the new medical editor is nqw a
temporary resident! of h promi
nent central, Texas hospital. The
following report is written from/
bis liedside.) f .
IfryoTf'have never been m hos*
-pital. patient you have missed one
of life’s most enlightening expe
riences. Admission to :i hospital
' 'can easily be ranked along with
ypu? high school graduation, your
first ppir of long pants, an lauto-
. mobile; wreck, and similar major
■■.‘events. / j f;
You may,' not think fo at the
time, but when you are led to your
hospital' rocim you are due for some
Surprises. .
If you hpve a private; room you]
^ will he amazed at the traffic youtj
cubicle attracts despite ’ its namej
Nurses, nursed aides, clean-up
personnel, doctors, technicians^
stray patients, visitors, florists^
'sightrseers, artd burial association
' representatives will form a conf
utant parade past your bedside, I
At night, when, all the rest of
the world is asleep, a gathering
i will invariably form outside youf
But don’t be alarmed. It isn’t an
, American Legion convention or h
yell practice. It is just normal prot-
cedure for these state medical coni-
ventions to congregate outside yOur
door at 2 a.m.
! Try and walk down the hall an 1
you are.letting yourself in for dis
inter. :
Men have drawn combat pay
for lesser risks. First you must
dodge nurses scurrying like busy
ints to rooms up and down the
• An aged patient is always ca
reening past your door in a wheel
chair. One old man here lets out
a wild screech apd, with his chin
stuck out, tries to convert the pas
sageway ' into the ; Indianapolis
Speedway as he risks life and limb
sttgeway ' into the j
Iway as he risks
(ahlish a. record for the Hall-
Burleson Attends
Breeder’s Meeting
< R; E. Btirleson, Extension Ser
vice dairyman, left Monday mora-
ing for Dyersburg, Tennessee to
attend a conference of the Nat
ional Association of \ Artificial
Breeders, Dr. I. WrRupel, head qf
the Dairy Husbandry Department,
said this morning. 1 ’
Burleson will represent the Dai
ry Husbandry Department at the
j conference. ; . . .
H- . ' iit
West Texas—Partly cloudy tlilm
afternoon, tonight and Thursdajy;
a few scattered
afternoon a Ji d
. evening thdh-
1 dershowers; hot
much change in
-i East Texas—
Wm A Partly cloudy
this afternoon,
v ■■■ 1?:^
- ___ dershowers in the north and, cpn-
, . 1 tral portions; not much change in
temperatures; moderate southerly
= winds on the coast.
■ It -4
to esl
ij There is the inevitable hospital
table too. White gowned creatures
always wheeling some poor
Aoul through the'building.
Since there are. relatively few
operations performed at 3 a.m.,
I presume that some people just
like to ride those wheeled tables
and pay special nurses to push
1 them around when they can’t
Then there is the marathon run-
jher. He is usually a skinny-legged
crature trying to beat the deadline
to the little room at the end of the
hall. With a cry he will fly past
your door, white gown flapping in
the breeze and a wild gleam in his
eye.' 1 ' • • :
His progress is always watched
with nervous anxiety jby jail the
other passageway loungers, some
of whom have to move to allow the
embryo Glenn Cunningham past.
Then there is the ^C-ray. That is
an experience for only the mpst
hardy souls. It requires a complete
lack of modesty, a fortitude and
courage that would make an Artie
explorer balk, and the ability to
answer embarrassing personal
questions' in a clear, loud voice.
But the real shock of any hos
pital is the day you receive your
j i ' 'm 1 .
Perhaps you have been resting
in bed. Maybe you were reading.
But, whatever yoUr activity, you
fare never quite prepared!for the
shock of getting the bill. !
A sweet, innocent nurse will
walk in, smile and hand you the
folded paper.
“An invitation to the nurses
dance?” you winder. But When
you look at it you reel back and
(dutch your heart.
“Who X-rayed me, Pasteur?”
You gag after receiving oxygen.
“What was in that medicine ?
Radium? Diamond dufat?”
And you wonder deliriously,
“Since when did cream of carrot
soup cost like this?” (It has
been one of the staples on your
nob-residue diet.)’
But the damage is dohe. You
fork ^he money over and then won
der how you will hay the doctor’s
pill. And what about rpedieme for
yout* recuperation?
Sadly you clofae your eyes. You
can’t win. But it has been an un
forgettable experience and it has
taught you one thing.
Why didn’t you take up medi
cine? •' / •
For Grads Here
Summer graduation announce
ments are ready and mhy he pick
ed up in thq office of Student Ac
tivities, Grady Elms, assistant di
rector of Student Activities, said
this morning.
Pictures For ID
j i . • .< • M ' • ] ; ■ !
Card to be Shot
At Registration
A Student Senate proposal
made back in the Fall of 1947
will come to life August 27
whea the Photographic and
Visual Aids Department be
gins making the first pictures for
identification cards to be carried
by all students here inext year,
Bennie Zinn, assistant dean of men,
said today. ‘
AU students registering during
thei early registration period will
have their pictures made at a
booth to be operated by the photo
graphic department staff.
The need for some definite form
of identification for A&M students
was recognized" by the Student
Senate two years ago, hut no ac
tion was taken until April of this
year.. ij *
At that time, President Bolton
appointed a six man committee to
work out the details for a billfold
size ID card to be carried by all
President Bolton approved the
plans of the committee in June and
work was started on the cards.
Howard Berry of the photographic
fab is in charge of the lamination
process for the cards and distribu
tion will be made by the regis
trar’s office.
Size of the cards will be 2x4
inches and the students picture
will be mounted in the upper left
hand corner. Signatures of both
ttye registrar and the student will
be carried on the caifkalong with
a physical description.
Other information will include
the year, session, and the classifi
cation of the student.
’ Cards will he issued to students
only once during their tenure at
A&M, but must be turned in when
the student graduates or leaves
school. The cards will be renewed
yearly by stamping currant ses
sion dates on old students’ cards
at registration time, Zinn said.
Plans proposed by the commit
tee call for the use of the card in
almost all student business trans
actions on the campus calling for
They will also be used for draw
ing books from the College Libra
ry and for entrance to all athletic
The purpose of the cards ac
cording to the committee is to aid
business men in the surrounding
area in identifying A&M students.
, rtry of tiu
cording to Dean C. N. Shepardson,
president of the College Station
Development Association. No ac-
inisations. Recently
re Station Development As
sociation began looking into the
ion was ever taken by any of the
, i m
"matter to see what could be done.
The •neif A&M Consolidated
school has made provisions for a
library and a librarian as part of
its regular school program. Pro
posals have been made that Col
lege Station enter into a contract
with the A&M Consolidated Inde
pendent school district for the sup
port of a municipal library.
Proposal Favored
When questioned about such a
proposal, Les Richardson, super
intendent of the A&M Consolidat
ed School, said that the school
would welcome such an arrange
ment. '
Under the present proposal, the
school library and the proposed
community library will be united
into one. In order to keep the
library open the year qround, ap
propriations have been made for
the employment of a librarian
during thq summer months.
The Development Association
proposed that the Education Com
mittee at College Station sponsor
a book drive for the new library.
The Education Committee consists
of Mrs. 0. K. Smith, chairman,
Dr. Ralph Steen, Mrs. J. E. Robert
and C. W. Manning. .
Les Richardson, superintendent
of the A&M Consolidated School,
has also been requested to serve
with the Education Committee dur
ing the process of the book drive.
Kiwanis Book Drive
The Kiwanis Club has already
agreed to sponsor a hook drive
among its own members, Dean
Shepardson said.
The Development Association
and the City Council of Colle
Station are appropriating
for the purchase of books.
According to Dean Shepardson,
the two types "of books most nec
essary for the new community lib
rary are books for young children
and books of current fiction. Ap
propriations made by the City
Council and the Development As
sociation will be used for the pur
chase of these books.
Book Donations Promised
Howard Badgett, city commis
sioner, and J. W. Barger, city at
torney, have already promised to
donate over a hundred books to
the new library, Dean Shepardson
The Development Association
. M-yj 4
Room Registrati
1 • • ' !•' "■ :(! • j . • I '
Fall to Begin Tuesday
’49 Town Hall
Tickets on Sale
At Registration
Town Hall season tickets
will be sold to students at
August 27 and Sept. 17 reg
istration, C. G. White, director
of student activities said to
day. ;
' He Announced that non-Ztudenta
may buy tickets on October 12.
White announced season tickets
would cost $3.50 for student gen
eral admission tickets; $5.50 for
student reserve seat tickets; $5.50,
non-student general admission
tickets; and $7.50, non-student
reserve seat tickets. All prices in
clude tax.
“We do not anticipate individual
ticket sales,” he added. He said
that last year season tickets com
pletely sold out the house and he
expects the same thing this year.
Room registration for the ’49 Fall semeater will begin
at 8 a. m. Tuonday, August 23, in Goodwin Hull; according to
Bennie A. Zinn, twaiutant de|n of men.
In order t<> rot/mi
students now f enn
a Mild at :
«day and'
Joseph Szigetl, world-famous
violinist will appear on the Town
Hall series in March.
Szigeti to Appear
On Town Hall Here
Joseph Szigetl, named by the
600 leading music critics of the
United States as one of the top
three violin personalities of 1948,
will .appear in March as one of
the main attractions on the Town
Hall series. | * j j 1. |
I Lauded by critics as “one
fOf the great names of music,”
he has made two round-the-world
tours and makes annual coast-to-
,coast tours of America. He made
>his American debut in! December,
:i925, with the Philadelphia Or
chestra under Leopold Stowowski.
Szigeti’s art has been honored.
5He was/awarded the Legion of
pHonoir in France, Was made Com-
pmander of x the Order of Leopold
In Belg|um, bod received the Of-
if leers Cross “Ordre pour le
jnerite,” in Hungry.
!, During the past year his long
fairing of honors has grown, His
Brahms Violin Concerto with the s ,
Philadelphia Orchestra, under IhK _
gene Ormany, was fahosen by a 1 ""
nation-wide poll of leading critics
fas the best concerto recorciing of
the year.
at the Geneva Conservatory, which
he held from 1917 to; 1924. Stok
owski invited him to come to the
United States, and in 1925 he
made his American debut.
Master of all styles, classic, ro
mantic, and modepn, Joska started
the vogue for many concertos sUch
as Prokofieff, apd Tartini, and
for many compositions from mien
such as Stravinsky, jBela Bfartpk,
and Ernest Bloch.
Szigeti calls his autobiography a
communication to the rfaanyjwhom
he would like to see personally and
can’t. He wrote U in the coujme
his sold-out American
pfaan concert tours, jotting
notes on whatever scraps of .paper
that ,were handy when he had u
spare minute.
A fitting tribute to his great
ness, Fritz Kreisler said of alSgcti
twenty years ago, “He is the most
talented violinist in Europe/
Town Hall .season tickets go on sue
room* they now occupy,
who exited to attend
A&M ltd* Pall should follow this
procedure, Zinn saldj. '
Student* attending A&M Under
the (L I. Hill of KiehU slfioulri se
cure fee waiver slips fjrom the
Veteran Advisor’s offlcfa,, Boom)
104, Gohdwlh Hall, beginning ntA
Tuesday morning. /
' A flscul office representative
will he in Hoorn 100, Goodwin Hall
on Tuesday and Wednesday to
collect . fees. After Wednesday,
August 24, fees must be
the Fiscal Office in the
tration Building.
Between 8 a.m. Tuesda
noon Thursday in the Housing Of
fice students may reserve rooms
they now occupy, or rooms occu
pied during the Spring ’49 semes
ter in; dormitories 16, 16 and 17
•Which'are now closed.
Dormitory Room Changes
Students who I wish to f change i
rooms within the dormitory they
now occupy may Uh so by present*
ing a room chance |8lip signed by
their housemaster prior' to noon
Thursday, August , 25, 1949,
Students who| will live in the
Cadet Corps mfay also sign for
their rooms in the-Housing Office
o n Tuesday, Wednesday^a n d
Thursday of next week.
Beginning at 1 p.m 1 , Thursday*
August 25, students •Who do not
fall into any of the categories
listed above may register for
rooms on a first-come-first-smed
basis, Zinn said. j ■
Moving Deadline
All students must be moved into,
their: newly assigned rooms by &
p.m. Saturday, August 27, includ
ing students moving to a dormi- ;
tory now closed, Zinh stated. Ar- .
rangements have been made! to ,un- '
lock all dorms now closed during ;j
the following hottrs:14i|(.m.,
Thursday; 1-5 p.m., Friday; {and
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday.
Day students, including those
living in College View, imay save
considerable time when registering
by paying their feet early and
getting their receipts stamped at
tho Housing Office, Zinn said. Day
students must secure Day Student
Permits/before paying feta..
Coupon Books
Tho Athletic Department will
have representatives! in Room 100,
Goodwin 'Hal! Au^u^t ^
sale hcri 1 . August 27»
twin Hall August 23*20 to is- f
Coupon books tpj students who
have! paid their fces{ ;i, . ,
Szigeti’s> autobiography, “With
|Strihgs Attached,” wjas hailed by
was organized nearly three years the Book-of-the-Mbnth Club as
ago. Dean Shepardson has served
as its president for the past two
years. \
CV ParkingAre^s
To Be Evacuated
r ' . ■ M .
•In carrying out the program of
improving the streets jm'the Col
lege View area, Fred Hickman of
the Campus Security office an-
nounces that blade work will be
done bn the parking areas Friday
afternoon and Saturday morning.
It is requested that students us-
ing Avenues A and C refrain from
parking their can on those streets
Friday afternoon, Hickman said.
Students using Avenues B and
D are asked not to park cars on
those streets Saturday morning
beginning at 7.
; This work is not
two hours
warned tihat sometime
then is going
asphalt work done in that same
area and it| is advised that no
clothes be hung out during this
time. Also children should be pre
vented from coming contact
with the asphalt as it is very ir-
tating to the skin, Hickman con-
In Days of Ybre ...
Composing Texas Musical
Drama is Work of Ex-Prof
3 “ ' I i I - i I j.J
Gathered around every college
campus can be found that group of
men who, When their teaching
days are over, are not content with
merely sitting back and doing
nothing, but devote full time to
some project which has been a
lifetime ambition, j j. j
The A&M campus is no excep
tion to this rule and one of its
most active retired professors is
Dr. S. E* Asbury.
Originally Dr. Asbury was a
chemist, but unlike most profes*
sional men he completely ignored
his training and turned to the
arts for his post-teaching work.
Dr. Asbury is one of those
live-alone-and-like-it men who,
because of his bachelor status
has more time to accomplish hi*,
ambitions than fellows afflicted
with ball and chain.
Strange to say tho former chem
ist has chosen Texas History ihd
music as his work since his re
He is accredited with discover
ing quite a few revealing docu
ments pertaining to the War for
Texas Independence which might
otherwise have gone unnoticed.
His musical aspirations center
around a musical drama based on
the history of Texas, and the
to be characters involved in the work
are authentic.
Dr. Asbury is admittedly no
1 musician, bui his love of fine
music and his presistence has
netted him an enviable reputa
tion as a composer. ~ .
His music ifk all written on a
folk theme, and depicts quite ac
curately the lives and customs of
the early pioneers in Texas. Dr.
Asbury writes all the melody to
his work, but has to rely on the
experience of more accomplished
musicians for the harmony.
Dr. Asbury has studied Texas
'bout 25 yea
has published many
irears, during
history for about 25
which time he has P
papers which have been invalu
able to historiansi
When asked why he didn’t pub
lish textbooks on the subject he
replied that he was a “searcher
and not; a writer.’> History has be
come a hobby with Kim and there
are always aj few unsolved histori
cal mysteries on hand.
His presentation of the musi
cal drama is somewhat unique
in that it is actually never put
on before an audience. ‘The en
joyment in art is in its creation,”
said Dr. Asbury, “and as soon
as a production j is rehearsed to
perfection it should be i discarded
and a new one started.”
In his drama the fact that there
is no audience does not exclude
the majority of people from seeing
it. He intends to have everyone
interested in the work participate
in some capacity or other.
The music being on a folk theme
requires a large chorus and the
number of people in this chorus
may reach into the hundreds.
Creation being the uppermost
goal,, Dr. Asbury has designed his
work so that everyone may par
ticipate in its erection. He is mere
ly composing the first one him
self to get the idea across.
Dr. Asbury has even designed
an auditorium in which the work
is to be rehearsed and the ;one
complete drama performed.' It
consists of eight stages, .all com
plete in every detail, which slope
downward toward the center where
a conductor directs the entire
Possibly the most unique thing
of Dr. Asbury’s is his house. On
first entering one is reminded
general store which
of the old
boosted of everything from
- horsecollars to rat hides. The
only difference is that his col
lection consists of just about!
everything cultural that exists, i
At one time his collection of
books became so large that to keep
from having to move out doors he;
donated a large part of them to
the college library, thereby start-;
ing the Asbury Browsing Room.
About 27 years ago Dr. Asbury
went into the art business and pur
chased a large number of repro
ductions of famous paintings.;
When the deal fell through an '
the companies from which he h»
bought the paintings refused t
take them back, he was _ left in
somewhat of a mess.
Rather than sell at a great log
or give the paintings away he tool
them home and put them all ove:
the walls and ceilings. The amount
of wall paper left in the entire
house probably wouldn’t cover d
In order to keep his notes and
findings that he ran across whil
studying Texas history he bull
Urge cabinets which reach almos
to the ceilihg. Each drawer ii
labeled with a particular sectioi
of the state, historic battle
other crises.
' His collection of classical
ords is one of the most compl
in this part of the country
contains in it some original rec-
such great artists I'M
,“far and away the best book of
memoirs by- a musician.”
Bom in Budapest, Hungary in
1892, “Joska,” as he is called by
his friends, wis taught first by
his father, then placed under the
guidance of the noted violinist and
teacher, Jeno Hubay.
Szigeti performed as a child
prodigy in Hungary/Germany, and
England. When Joska was 12 he
was brought before Joachin, great*
est violinist of the 19th century,
who accompanied th|e boy at the
piano,'as he performed the Beet-
hoven Violin Cohceirto, then en
thusiastically predicted a great
For six years, he concertjzed in
England. Then, touring Europe, he
established himself as a major vir
tuoso of the violin.
After repeated tours, Szigeti ac
cepted the professorship of violin
Wednesday, August 17—Juke box
dance. 1 . ' • T 11
Thursday, August 18—Free movie,
Freshman Week Will Begin At
Annex Sunday, September 11
Freshman Week for all students enrolling at A&M
the first time and for students transferring less thai^ 16
hours of college credit will begin at the Annex at/lsp. nj.,
Sunday September 11, according to H. L. Heaton, registrar.
Activities'-will begin with registraiton for housing on
^September; 11 and wUl\ corvtjnue
Jackson tfa Teach
Bibleat AMigh
through registration on 1 Scptenv
her IB. Regular classes for tMl
freshmen will begin on ScZitem-
H 20 - rp
During the week the new stu
dents will secure equipment>and :
uniforms, take testa, and co'nault
with college advisora. In the even
ings cdllege officials will speak,
and thfa students will participate
The Reverend James Jackson,
pastor of the A&M Methodist
church, has been selected by the
College Station Ministerial;; AssO- in group singings and yell
ciation to teach Bible in CJfansfali- tice.
dated High School this fall.;
Consolidated Biblie< classics fare
offered every i other year. The Rev.
Norman Anderson,’ Presbyterian
pastor, and the Rev. Oran Helvey,:
Episcopalian pastor, taught; thej
classes in 1947-1948. T /
Rev. Jackson ha? been; pastor
of the A&M Methodist church for
two and a half yearfa. / IT ' iilli
*L 4* II 'jJ- rffij
Dr. Frank C, Bolton, president
of the college; Tyree Li Bell,
member of the A&M System board
Of Idlrectors; W. Li Penberthy,
dean of men; Colonel H. L. Boat-
commandant; and Lt. Col.
Y." is,- J
but he hasn’t
d on the history
pioneer*; Asbury
ary Is named in
ii >
1 ■h
L. Melcher, assistant to
Iress the
nei\ c<
SSetfc . .
the commandant, will
Counseling will be conducted by
Deans H. W. Barlow M. T. Har
rington. Students will attend in-
dividjal conferences later with
college adyisors.
The president’s reception will be
held inj the Student Center at the
Arjnex at 7 ;30 p.m., September 16,
Lewis to Present
Paper at UV Meet
Job Inc
Dr. R. D. Lewis, Director of the
Texas Agriculture Experiment
Station, is at Lake Su< < < hh today
taking part in the 1 inked Nations
Scientific Conferem e‘> on tjhe Con*
servatiotn and Util zation of Re
He |is presenting! a paper en
is presentins a paper er
‘‘Cropping Systqnt* for Sui
Production/ 1
> ',V
A ■
Uf. I : 17 UPl—
r Tobin forecast
use of a million
the year and
- *- uneroployJ
ft. I.
V •