The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 03, 1949, Image 1

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- I 1 '. ■‘.'A f .'I 1 ‘ ~ l T - COLLEGE STATION (AggieUmd)f TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3,1949 > T"
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$2,000,000 Building Program
Rich Americans Ray 81 . H i ; Uni
J .
, y-11:
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K'l. Jil
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Number 22
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Rich Americans Pay Mor
to ! ..-i. ~ '—'ll; 7 - ..H,
Price-Haggling In
i H
i vi ■ •; L a
Battalion Euror
jpe^O Correspondent
MILAN, Aug. 3—(Spl.)—Don't
let -anyone tell you that the days
of haggling are over in Europe.
-half of all si
doubt if one-t
are jcarried-througy' at the' price-
/ Several days ago i we
4 -small Cathedral near
1; r
Several days agoi we stopped at
was hot and we v/jent over to a
sidewalk cafe for a beer. I’he
check, came to 180 lire—about 32
This was high, but we are used
to getting i stuck. < But our chauf
feur, Roger, said, ‘Tm only a poor
maip, I can t pay 180 lire for beer."
"Well, then, 90, lire,” said the
wa ! ter -jv ■ .1
" ' 1 '
“But Tm only , the driver, not £
rich American,” (yelled Roger. S(
pur chauffeur paid.45 lire for th<
same beer we paid 180 for;
e a Barrier*
The la^gdage barrier keeps u!
from haggling too much at times
although[many of the merchant;;
speak English; ;
The most! effective method ye,
is to quote a low price and mak;
Itherp pome down. ; \ h
Joe Meador, our prbf, missed th i
last ferry'SO our hotel in Venici
one night and had to ride over ii l
;a gondoln. The gondolier; wantei l
1500 lire
(about $2.70) for th
Meador offered him SCJP, 1 and th£
price came down to 1200,
to 1000. i
, and theh
|r .
Bryan Cracks Down on Traffic
Violations- Warrants Issued
" tool V '
The c
f BiVan started cracking down on traffic law vio
lators rarfy this week when it v/as announced by Corporation
Judge W. T. McDonald that warrants were being issued for
offenses that date us far back (tis June;
An extra $3.20 for court cosjts will be tacked on to!the fine
~ when viol*tors arc brbufjht to
:f Miller Grades
.JMTested Cattle
I . Dr. J. C. Miller, head of the
k Animal Husbandry Depart
ment has returned from the
4 Bluebonnet Farm at McGjre-
J. K. Riggs, associate professor
i in the departpient, accompanied
( Dr. Miller* graded beef cattle
' • \being used in a jdint experiment.
\ The experiment is being conduct
ed by the Bluebonnet Farm and
the Animal Husbandry Department
apd will be , concerned with im-
.. provement of beef cattle within
pure breeds and Certain of their
crosses through breeding methods,
;J ' ^ The results will be based on eval
uations tests \ for cfficiertqy and
rate 1 of gain, best tolerance, and
carcass value. j i v
Hereford and Brahman buHs
were graded for the purpose of
evaluation of preserlt and prospect-
|S ^ ive sires of beef cattle.
According to Dr. Miller, some of
the] bulls being tested are owned
and: other§.,are leased for the ex-
jpeyihlen|. | i , '• 'V . - j
: \
'i ■
- .
X !•'
I i
Wednesdayi August 3—Juke Box
Dance. 1 \
Thursday, August 4—Free movie,
“Deep Waters,” with Dana An
drews.;' ’ ' _ i v • !'
Friday, August 5—Square Danc
ing. [
\ Saturday, August 6—Dance with
Aggie Combo. ji ^
i court. Bj'ya|i patrolmen ViH sorVo
the wnrtants for the violations
which ruhge from speeding to driv
ing without a license.
flam Tujlous, Bryaft Chlief of%o-
lice, said | f that n system has
_ 'dj with the State High
way Department to| identify, all
‘ ‘ iW
tpftt n syst«
been arrangedi with the Stai
Dehartmient to idam..^ M ..
qut-of-to)(vnj car owners. The trac
ing process through Austin takes
only three days, Tullous paid. k *
A&M Students ;
| A&M Students will be given the
same treatrtieht as ull other out-
of-town visitors and warrants will
Do issued if tickets arie disregarded.
Judge McDonald stated that he
is going to “put a stop to reckless
driving In Bryan before someone
gets killed.” He told Tullpus and
Richard Cocke, Bryan city attorn
ey, that He wants all the facts inj
reckless driving cases and witnes
ses called to testify in court when
ever possible.
Second offenders will receive
stiff penalties and other violators
will be fined enough to make com
mitting the same offense very un
New Parking Tickets
A* new parking ticket which has
been worked out will direct park
ing violators to report to the ciiy
secretary’s, office instead of the
Corporation Court. The Usual fine
for parking Violations ip; $1 and is
payable within five days after the
issuance of the ticket If payment
is not made at the end of the fife
day period, warrants will be is
sued, McDonald said.
Chief Tullous said that patrol
men cover regular beats\n the
Bryan business district f
a.m. until 6 p.m., the hours
parking meter regulations app
T—* Trr -rr T p 1 ;■!
Finally Meador started walking
off and the gondolier yelled after
ijm, “Okay, j500 lir<j."
The street hawkers are the ones
ho can be lieally brought down,
ay'sell stuff at fniim 300 to 500
ent profit and will reduce
rices after the second "too much.”
I picked up a nice piece of jew-
Iry in Venice at a 20 percent re
action after explaining that I was
nly a poor student and not a rich
European Attitude
The European attitude toward
Americans wjis aptly expressed by
Joe’s; gondolier. “In Venice,” he
said, "there is lots of work and lit
tle money. In the tJ. S. there is
lots 6f money and little work.”
The hotels (are one place you gat
soaked good— with little come
back. In Paris the price of an
item varied i^ith who was serving
it.‘ One timej a cognac would cost
100 francs, the next 75, the next
115. : 1 i 1 p
The owner already had his cut,
so hie-charged the Mast. One of
the waiters ipsisted on getting his
15 percent service Charge, so he
was tin highest.
But we have been getting good
rates b^ golrjg as u group. So far
we hav(» hltilsevaral first-class ho
tels and the average cost Is $8.50
per day, meuls Included.
Konijeo und Juliet
Yesterday wo passed through
Verona, the llleged site of the Ro
meo unU Juliet episode. Acordlng
to our guide book thio Capulets and
Montagues were real families.
And we saw the garden from
which Romeo cobed his famous
mating call to Juliet in . Shake
speare's work.
Tomorrow we head for Bwitxer-
land before returning to Paris.
j- .•
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For Improve
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Pat Parker, last year's Aggie Sweetheart, was chosen from among
coed beauties throughout Texas to act as one of the official host
esses at the National
games in San Ahtonio.,
Baseball Congress Texas Championship
- y .... . i A ■ ; •
Gen. George Moore Retires
After 40 ^fears Active Ditty
' * v
Major General George F. Moore,
class of ’08, retired Monday after
40 years’of active service. A na
tive of Texas, Moore began his mil
itary career as a coast artillery of
ficer after graduating from A&M.
Although his plans are indefin-
ate, it is expected that Gen. and
Mrs. Moore will visit College Sta
tion and Bryan during the next
few weeks, according to word
sent to friends here.
Commander at A&M
He returned to A&M in 1937 as
a Lt. Colonel and Professor of
Military Science and Tactics. Pro
moted to Colonel in 1938, Moore
was commandant until he was
transferred ito the Philippines in
1940. , ■ ■; j
Moore, who commanded the Man
ila Bay defenses against superior
Japanese farces until ordered by
higher authority to surrender Cor-
regi^or, was Honored last Friday
at Sixth Army Headquarters. ■ M
Army, Navy and Aid Force of
ficers atten
prisoner^ of war from the Philip
pind\Deft*nah Campaign, who alter
ed cohfinem(ent with Mooro in Jap
anese prison camp*.' ;.
His .lohg army service ended
after u year's service as deputy
commanding general of the Armed
Forces Headquarters for unifica
tion of Facilities Vnl Service.
Serving with theooaat artillery
land at times with tnA Ordinance
Department, Moore warsitationed
at Fort Monroe, Virginia: Fort
Worden, Washington; Fort\Slll,
Oklahoma; Fort Adams, Rhodi
land: Fort Sam Houston, TeA«u^
Stockton, California, the War De
partment, four tours of duty at
Corregidor, and as Professor of
Military Science and ^tica at
Texas A&M.
Commanded Manila Defenses
Early in 1941, he became a brig
adier general and assumed com
mand of the harbor defenses of
Manila and Subic Bays, with head-
; Corregidor.
>ut the bitter Philip-
se Campaign, he corn-
quarters af
College Station firemej* flght the fire
Ferguson home at 557_ Walton Satur
estimated *t $45,000. The origin
determined. .J j.
h- i
The budget has
proved by the C
council and will
to the town
idset to Be
:t of Hearing
r night i at
be held ii
y hall to
4t 7:30 a public
' in the College
discuss the
t for next year,
city manager,
already been ap-
lege Station city
ow be submitted
Rogers said.
mahded these * fortifications, and
was entirely responsible for their
air, sea and land defense against
the Japanese attacks from Decem
ber 7, 1941,* until May 6, 1942,
when his battered, half-starved
command was ordered by the Com
manding General, U. S. Army
Forces in the Philippines to sur
render Corregidor. >
POW For 3 Years
t I ' ' i' ■ '
With survivors of his gallant
force, Moore, a major general since
January 9, 1942,^tas a prisoner-
df-war. He spent three years and
four months at Japanese prison
camps in the Philippines, Formosa,
Japan, Korea and Manchuria.
When Moore returned to A&M
after his release from Japanese
prison camps, to receive an honor
ary . degree from The College,
Bryan and College Station held a
“General Moore Day/'. A dormi
tory here bears his name.
Following liberation and tem
porary duty in the United States,
Moore was in turn commanding
general of the Hawaiian Artillery
Command, of the .Army Forces,
Middle Pacific, and\f the Philip-
pines Ryukyus Command. He re
turned to the mainland last year
Grove Goes ‘Lklin’
At Weekly Shin
h "Pop” Turner and his Aggie
Combo will feature South Ameri
can rhythms Saturday night at
:he drove whelp the weekly dance
under way. Dick Baugh,
e committee chalrmai. for this
weekDsald today.
to the lui
winning tickets to be drawn on the
stage. 1 l\ y! 'ill:
Grove dances, have consisted
mostly of veterankand their wives
or dates, one commentator pointed
out. Campus Aggies baye been de
cidedly in the mi
to the
|oor prizes will be given
couples who hold the
-e on the weekends to
Saturday dances.
New Type of Jewels
Shanghai—(A*)—S i g n
city’s jewelry
times in Communist
Twenty of the
stores today
disc for sale:
and underwear.
would change to
tive goods.
t shops
is soon
to join the Armed Forces unifica*f
tion organization. !
Awarded Citations
For extraordinary heroism at)
Corregidor, Moore was awarded,
the Distinguished Service Cross;
The citation told of “his great;
gallantry by continually visiting;
the most exposed elements of his
command, giving encouragement,
directing operations . . . inspiring
heroic efforts of his command.”
General Moore also received the
Distinguished Service Medal. The
Philippine Commonwealth awarded
Moore its Distinguished Conduct
During his post-war command
in the Philippines, he was awarded
the republic’s highest decoration,
Commander, Philippine Legion of
Honor, for war service, his post
war activities in strengthening
U.S.-Filipino friendship and re
building the Philippine armed forc
es. ’h 1 .
Conference Plans
Nearly Complete
Final plans are being r
Unci '
made for-
the artificial breeding and DHIA'
conference which Is to be held here ■
September 5 and 6, according to<
A. M. Meekma, extension service;
This will be the fint joint con-1
ference of both technicians and!
supervisors ever held. “We be-<
eve,” says Meekma, "that the two;
go hand In hand andi
each group should have an under
standing of the others program.’
R.^R. Starback extension dairy
man from Ohio and W. E. Winter-
meyer ’extension dairyman with
the Bureau of Dairy Industry in
Washington D. C. will be the prin
cipal representatives at the con
Bast Texas
this afternoon,
day; widely scatt
Partly cloudy
it and Thurs-
the Nipper coast
this Afternoon;
not much
change Th tem
peratures’). sren-
STtomSwS, 1 -
variable Winds
on the coast.
AS — Partly
this jOf-j
10hdle and South
’49 Sweetheart
Is Hostess At
Baseball Meet
Pat Parker, coed beauty,
is one of the official hostesses
at the National Baseball Con
gress Texas championship
games which began at San
Antonio last Friday. .
She was chosen from many con
testants throughout Texas.
A TSCW student, Pat was cho
sen from 11 other Tesssles last
November to be A&M’s sweetheart.
She was presented to the student
body of A&M during the A&M-
SMU game at the Cotton Bowl.
Cadet Colonel Marvin R; McClure
was her escort. .
Miss Parker was graduated
from TSCW this year With a de
gree in Institutional management.
Besides being a Redbud princess,
Social chairman of Shadow Lawn
dormitory and a member of the
Mary Schwartz RoseClub, a home
economics club, she had a B aver-
kg* ij /
She Is 5’ 5” blued-eyed blonde
land weighs jlll poundk. ||
Construction, a
on work totalin;
cation work totaling mo:
underway on the A&M c
um of $4t
than two
.500 is being used for rbi
is being invested in original constructions.
L. P. Gabbard, head of the Ag
ricultural Economics and Soci
ology Department, 4 has wen
named a delegate to the Unjltod |
Natlona conference on the Con- !
Nervation and Utnllitttjm of!Hi'
source*. '■ [ i '' ' ■
Gabbard Chosen to Represent
Economists at UN Conference
L. P. Gabbard, head of tho Ag
ricultural Economics ami Sociology
Department, haa been .j appointed
bv Secretary of the Interior Jj. A.
Krug to represent A&M Co!
and the Bureau of Agricultural
Economics at the United Nations
| Conference on the Conservation
and Utilization of Resources.
The three week conference & to
be held at Lake Success, New York
beginning August 17 and lasting
until September 6. Gabbard is one
of jthree land-grant college rep
resentatives; the other ! two being
from Clemson College and Iowa
Daily Meetings •>!
Daily meetings are to be con
ducted with the idea of clearing well as possible existing ag
ricultural problems in war devas
tated’countries, Gabbard said. The
first two days are to be given over
to joint sessions of all the dele
gates and the last’ day will be spent
^n summarizing the conference.
The sessions will be handled like
all United Nations meetings in
that the speeches will be translated
and relayed to the delegates by
way of earphones.
- : Topics to be Stressed
This conference was called by
the Social and Economic Council
on the United Nations, and the
topics to be stressed ar?: land,
water, fuel, forests, energy and
minerals. Gabbard sold that he
had written to Secretary Krug ex
pressing a desire to attend all
conferences on land that he cpuld.
Two other men of the Bureau
of Agricultural Economics are go-
ink to •collaborate with the three
land-grant college representatives
in order that all phases of the con
ference may be covered, Gabbard
said, |
The meetings are to! be mostly
of the discussion type with accent
on an exchange of ideas and ex-
parlances between experts in the
various fields of agriculture. The
aim is to bring to light tin eco
nomic costs and benefits of con
servation and utilization of nat
ural resources.
Agronomy Class
Tours Gulf (bast
The Agronomy 417 class In past
ure management left yesterday
for a two-day field trip to the Gulf
Coast area. f 'Jr
The students were accompanied
by their Instructor, A. W* Cl
of the Agronomy Department.
The class will study the im-
that has been made in
i for* better .pastures,
re trips will be mode by
luring this sumnu
I, one to Lufkin
rovement that has
Ihe region for* better
Two more trl]
the class during this summer term,
Grain said, one fo Lufkin and an
other to the Blackland jreagion.
license and refused to
under the Communist
a\ month.
d car
in Shanghai Is
cent of Shat it was
came. Gas-
a gallon.
ng for $2 a
It I* quite likely jLhnij ah Inven
tory of each country's natural re-
Will be tak
to determine the
problem at hand,
TMl will,
"111 an effort
extent of the
(fnbbard nald.
s will facilitate future plans the horllntltilro classei
along this line. rtod;
The mbst
recently peen
ing alley
structure! hm
steel decking
complete! L
Even with
ever, nons of
tion, and relo-
illi&n dollars is now
cling $2,052,256: j
uilding is
3. McKee
Largest! of (he buildings under
construction ip the Memorial Stu
dent Cen ;er. Total cost of the
work undirwi y on the build
$1,324,429 witfh Robert E.
mpany of pallas and El Pasoj
dping th|e general construction!
with ■III ,
The tl ree-bplt - structure will
tain i: 6,20) square feet of floor
space. Basic structural work la
complete. Brit k and shell-stone ore
being lalfron the outside of the
first floo •.
Progress otn Student Center
recertt progress, has
made on: the hbwl-
and| pool hall; The steel
l J been erected,! the
laid, and the roof
.he u
progress, how-
e units ore expect
ed to bej finbhed by September.
The bulk of the work remaining
consists if wiring, plumbing and
briok lay ng.
All the work on the structure
has been go ink according to sche
dule. Tha deadline of November,
1050 will be met, K. R. Simmons,
constrbctjUm ijupertlntendent, wild.
i j Rdfedoa ■uUdlkC
J Initial work began this week
on tho m)w Sqloneo building which
Will cost a tqtal o'f $500,481. Th«
building, whlfch will bo located
across tjhe wreat south of • tha
Meniarlal JLlbra
contain 56,f
space' and
and Eitlomuloi
The J. W.
Dallas has the ^onlrkct
construcUon if [the hulk
Representatives from .foreign
countries will be vltiallj* intetested
in (he modern techniques wo em
ploy, he said, and «t the same time
we will be able to compare some
of ;Our existing problems; With,
theirs, ! . ■ I | m !
A highlight of the program will
be a discussion of the Russian 6-
year plan and ho\y it compares
with future plans of all agricuN
turally minded countries.
This ^conference will not be
Gabbard’s first experience With
this type meeting! as he wa^ a
held in Canada.
orial ( Library, win
MUMM (Mi Of'floor
‘Me Biology
l ’ents.
pany of
r general
ling, to be
Completed wit ii 235 working days,
The horticulture green house
which was fqrmeriy used f by ill
ro classes has al*
y! been re loved from the new
building site.! he green tjouse held;
brick bjuildli g, is now ; being de*
The green louse will be recorv-
truetjea in Ole area of the hori-
ulturc nuraery. The relocation la
xpected to be| completed by Octo-
>er 1, Dr, Gujl W. Adrlance, head |
of the Hortimilture Department,
Said.: T ■ / ' ■ if
6 Kyle field Lights
The flood lights for Kyle Flold
mve been raised Into position by
he Grimes Ejectrlc Company of
Vustln. L ’ ;
t Costing $48,750, the six sets of
Hood lamns are mounted on
foot Steel poles which In turn
(See BUILDING, Page 4>
*4—« ,— —r-4
Cashion Discusses Hisl
"i* • U .
PoUcies otiT W)Kiw
College Station Kiwanis Club YMCA evolved
allege Static
med its pr
taint Its
speaker at the liihcheon dub’s reg
ular weekly meeting.
Cushion discussed the organiza
tion and functions of the campus
YM<?A. : j ' k|! |4> J J 1 '
student’s union building. Th
committee Hated among tt»\mei
bers the namaii of I’rof. A. Mit
chell, Dr. G, P. Fountain, F. : Id-
Law, Col; R; T. MHner, Co. B; B.
Cushing, James Cravens, jind
John Q. Tabor,.1 \P
In June of that | year, the com
mlttee mot again and reported the
following subMcrlptlons; from stU
bera—$6,000; from citizens of Bry-
tn-iioiooo.! :|/|J ;F|
Sometime: later j the ex-sltude
decided to abandon the ld*a of
student’s ff.
union building and turn
the project over to the YMCA.
a grant was a ecurcd
from the Rockefeller to
of $30,00q and the
The his
ment had
last "century by the
the country I
I Most of these
in ^mercantile
the | “Y"
nning In
1 K
ing the
ttion of
in « ie\
these groups sb
er meetings In
these meetina
a few*
started , r , T __
London and
'if i
«.d. ?
ory And
nis Meet
Today 69 nation*
have YMCA < rganlzations.
Self tupportlng
The college |YMCA organ
is self supporting and has not|
ducted a camj aign to raise
for many yeai i,. Cashion said. Its
revenue is derived from various
projects 1,1 ha i pioneered to meet
the needs of tie students,j;, 11
The local wganlzatlon work*
with the stucenta of the cqllega
through its tv o cabinets, the Sen
ior Cabinet an 1 the Junior Cabinet
both of whlcf are comprt
Each local o 'gantzation is auton-
.ombus, Cashlin said, land works
out Its own pr igram, but attempts
to cooperate fs much iaa posiible
worked out by t^e
ties on student
work. Tjiis ? -st
four prineipa
tudness, personal and campus Of
fairs, social rekponslblllty and wor
on the prografi
national, co:
after program has
rts: world reM*
pnt Program
I. . orld relatedne**,
said Ithere are bv^r
gn ■ udents on the cam-
YMC A tries to : glve them
un k-ratandlitg of our
home life and r«)igloua/Ufe to car-
«ry back to UiBik own countries.
In campus ami personal-affaire,
the YMCA hap a panel of 70 fao-
Ity- memben
ewMbhigroup i
of student lift
Snretar; 1
{Cashion caiie
ganlzation os
ago. Before
Austin College
Where he had
secretary at
from mi to
; After Jafer
during the
went to the
Uh “YT’.! In
Austin Colt
Who. conduct
oh various ph
apd welfare.
II*,re 23 Yean
to the college / or-
tary 23 yesirs
he had been at
Sherman, Texas
srved ns YMCA
until coming Hm
• J a
- 11
t :
j Jj,f ii
I /
1th the anoMr
world war, he
with the Brit-
he returned tO
he remalaMti
in 1926. / .g