The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 29, 1949, Image 2
[T :.a. :' i I 'i^nnu n' L ,|;p| I 11: " ; l 8 'if *7 [ Page 2; i- Kids, Voi 'i|. ['-f oise, an 1 ' :: ! im r T :1 W • 1 ' ■ r : . ; i i • ;!A : An 5 ; d Some Su{;g< gestions _Childreii, witiout & doubt/ are bless ings in majny ways, but they sometimes ) (create jots pf static if their parents aren’t ' . keeping a shaip eye on them. ,-t.. , j > The “static” here at;A&M has turned 'up" in the form of noise and disturbances j} 6f various kinds | made during shows at f tjhe Grove anj| in Guion Hall. . Particularly hp this been true of two ' distinct groups of children who regularly | go to the Groye, anovips. First, and probably the mdst disturb- i ing, is the group if; older children who sit together near the | fron; and, in| their mer- : ry-fnaking, make such a noise that hear- I ing'is almost impassible. Second, though less ; disturbing, are the 9 JULY 29, im i i -OO r make you nervous ?« fKP l^’V - /fr V V or Grove entertainment through their tudent activities fees, their complaints •e to be expected,, !! j j i, Suggested remedies have run even to the'extreme of barring smaller children from the Grove v ^ t doesn’t seem to be a very, satis- actory solution to us. We sympathize with the parents of smaller children who have no place to leave them, and whof must either bring them along. °r stay at t AM Cr’ ■■■ ■ ’Boyle’s dome smaller chile the: audience ten Who fun about through , xnerauaience doing “dances,” letting out y’Whoopb” and just generally having a ( i go<8Jfdime. j / * Complain :s arnjong students and others enjoying, the Grpve entertainment have been numero Since the students pay The Feuec-Straddler Coke Stevenson is about the most per sistent political ‘'dead duck” that we hay* 1 ever seen- He’s still plugging for Listens ildren can solve only very Ht- In the cape of the parents of the older children who sit in the froni, rye feel that only bringing the matter to their atten tion will bring results. Parents pf smaller i part of the problem le trouble. Next time you’re at the iroye, or at a Guion movie,, check up on /our youngster from time to time to be sure that he isn’t disturbing someone. your neighbor will enjoy some pf those older” movies a lot more, if you do. 1/ J. L ill 111 Ali ,t 10 'J f Sneak Preview Tracy Brings 1 ') d 1 Y: ■n K 4 the South Pole d on Ma . Wr TIT *il T?’ T Jv 1 New York —tOPl— Gueai Noah to«k into his Ai * people—that also flower and sol Beer! Yes, sir, and beer also went to $ Rear Admiral Richard £. Ryrd expedition in If , These and ot facts about beet piled by the Ur ers Foundation, set forth In a signed to let know what’s Jr littlj iVr Sta^a Key hav< the ft ower FI n his; AnarcUcfhis Information Released Benefit of Veteran Sti - Information for Veteran students attertdi Part V|ll of the GI Blli of Rights, has just by Taylor W wn € This infe rmation is to enable those students tending A&M A&M aTMiMPT I r ins, veterant\ advisor. A&M Under cn rehtased to take the necessary action, Wilkins said. Fpi" ' ''— ; ♦ Veterans who indicated that they would interrupt Ujeir [train ing iat the end of he second aum mer setnestCr wll be iijterrjuplted ill Have T# All in ‘Edward My W Distruetion Modern Dairy \ Senate seat tlhat jhe lok to Lyndon John-, from! Texas. Now that Coke has tfied ev- son 7 last-summer by au 87-vote margin. erythlipg, h!e’ll just have to sit backhand JEyer since then Coke has employed all \ reconjoilq himself to his defeat. He’s sorts of legal maueuveirs to get Cnoiigh of learned that a “miss is as good as a mile.’ Johnson’s votes discredited to give him Biit don’t count “ten” on Coke; he may (Stevenson) the jelectiopy So far Cpke’S not be,gone from the political arena until tricks have failed. Despite his efforts to after the next election. He told a report- the contrary, Johnson’s name appeared on er not long ago that he may run again for the November national election ballots. • i v i governor if public demand becomes great When Coke filled to!block Johnson oh ; etough. the ballot he turned toj supporting the Re- . Just where this /^public demand” will publican candidate. -■ j ' come! from, we confess that we don’t Then lieTTrled to get a favorable r.ul- know, If it’s “voices of the people” he is ing-frem the Supreme Court. The high listening for,; he won’t need to strain his court refused even to consider Stevenson's ears a bit when he;is in a wind blowing wabbly case. *' M A I • • ee ignored Stevenson’s'jjetitions (three pf hem he claims) and ackuowledged Johh- j on’s claims to the post of junior Senator [h la the headmaster to comply wth his wishes. In between time., Arnold ac- qt ires a mistress, but Evelyn puts a stop to his playful antics to save the family naime. Arnold threatens Evelyn with blackmail. By ANDY DAVIS . Kdward My Son (MOM) star ring Spencer Tracy, Deborah Keifr, and Ian Hunter. (Palace) Spencer Tracy brings Robert Motley’s stage play, ’’Edward My . Son,” to the screen with all the’ if she tries to obtain a divorce. So realism of its predecessor. This with each additional year, Edward is the story of Sir Arnold Boult, becomes more rotten, with Arnold who lied, cheated, and stole to lay always at his side to buy him out the world at his son’s feet, bring- of trouble. Evelyn takes to ing destruction (o all, including drowning her sorrows in beverages ard, his son. • of intoxicating brands. England plunges into war, and soon afterwards Edward plunges formin Edward, his son. Arnold BouH and his lovely wife Evelyn, Deborah Kerr, are blessed with the birth of a son, Ed- to his death, while performing ward; and Arnold proclaims that stunts over his girl’s house. Evelyn .. ■jyg**.. “ r ‘the world will be his oyk'ter.” He * ‘ k -’ *' “rsk makes good his promise by firs setting fire to ‘his furniture storfe, ollect the insurance follows suit, ahd Arnold is left alone to face the past and the , future. After serving a prison in order to collect the insurance term, Arnold starts the search for money. Edward ; was in need pf his grandson, an operation, and nothing was too ?• Edward has either just been or good for Edward. is coming throughout the Hm. be- Whoever stands in Arnold's way, cause you never get a glimpse pf he steps on them. He even has i him/ The acting of Tracy and his partner sent to prison for a Miss Kerr is excellent. The film crime that he committed hirrt^elf. is a little morbid, but with this To keep Edward ip school, he takes in mind beforehand, the audience up the school mortgages, and com- ought to be well-pleased. . W A&M will be the home of the most mod urn dairy farm in the state when the new in stallation !is completed. Bids have bten received and approved "for the new milking par lor, which wiH cost |60 ( 735, accord ing to I. W: Rupel, head of the Dairy Husbandry Department. The F&B stat on, located about one-and-a-half niiles from the col lege, will be thej site for;the new dairy fwm. ' flpte milking Iparlqr will have taindem type hnilking stalls equip ped with combiijied milker and rc- lfcasor.1 With this arrangement, the milk will flow directly from the cow, be weighed, cooled, and •pumped into art insulated storage (tank., mounted ! on a four-wheel ! trailer jund will be ready for trans- port without further handling. Other buildings which have been j planned for the new dairy are an open spelter foi[ silage and rough- age fegdin, a calf born, a mater- automatically. In order to receive the 15 days subsistence' pay after the end of tha ; summer epurse, students who arp-planning tc have a change of address should report to room 104 Goodvjin Ha )/byi Au, ust 5. Ml If the student wishe(| to at subsistence pay iatj the end of the summer term, he should i-egprt to Wilkins office by Xuguit 13, ahd cancel the 15 days leave, since ip will count; IS < ays against re maining clegibillt; r if accepted. No action should be itakon by students who are their training, at the cijd cif the summer unless they desire tu tsan gel the 15 dayp leave i they are how set up to feceivci Wilkins said. In the event leave id carceled. training will pc interriipt<|d on Wednestkiy Senate Rulek Commit- from College Station’s direction. ) From over here, there won’t be a whisper. rt; tr T "t %. j j ’ 1 ‘U-:, .. S j,7 | ; I- ' I L I I The Ostrich Puts on Field Glasses y i. that Europe-or Asia is not so far Unde,Sam has traced his bifocals for friends a pair of long range fiqjld. glasses and com- learned mitted himself to the North Atlantic Pact. iway that'it cannot elkim the youth, or This pact places upoii this country the life?of someone we know or knew person- moral responsibility of goilng to war when- ally/ even any of the pact signers is attacked by an otitkide aggressor. ■ ■ ,'i ji' . ! . j.With a crushing 82 to |13 the Senate beat down loud opposition to our joining North Atlantic nations ^including Italy) another war which every’ nation hates, but in a mutual defense agreement. The vote l . .C "T ' t , 6 . ? and;, friends among the North Atlantic about the wide oceans that separate her „ . .. n . . j i. , i j e - . .. . , u u ci Pact r ations, but we have also gained from foreign continents and she has final- j.. lv rafter two-world wars to endi warsMFV 0 ’ 1 sold 5 rs ' should war agam Se “ e .. ' ; the world. For eYery dollar we sjwnd in reatai that wo arc a world power and we ^ armi J M more than a fta theSe mam ' ¥ * ^ at homc *** . Not on|y Jtas-our thinking become Planners and iijapfementors !of national world-wide but also pur experiences! are in- policy, have taken a judicioujs step toward ternatibnal. There are few towns in this showing the world that the United States country that do not have some citizen who wil never again Withdraw to her own trod upon foreignjisoil during the last war; boundaries and wait urtjl shotting starts thejre are few towns whos^citizens do not again before we pull our heads from the mourn the death of faUeri relatiVes or sahid. ! I j i ir. whisper. Battalion Crossword r on foreign bat); efields. We have The Atlantic Pact, together with the a rips aid necessary to (supplement bur proinisys of assistance, are vital to pur futpre international role as a leading na tion in the world family of nations. These are active steps toward the prevention ,of ACROSS ; Sw. Stake 1. Anxlllary verb i. Krench tobacco ^urafendiB^- 1*. Mineral e^ing SS. Cavalry »Word 1-. law j !iZ. Karly lingllsU US. Town in moncyaj Maine i SS. Neglect ) 14. Pronoun 40. Moans of , 1 )’>. In favor of crossthg: a Iti. KXi*<euc« fence 17. (jftfifated 41. A single time It!. Unimportant 4S. >‘o.>n) j i 2f). Packet 4::. .Crowd 22. Circular Indi- ; 4'.. Crepitate cafor 44. l>ir«'(.t • 2S. Any of the i 4;*. Ulanched i v Norse Sate* i 51 r Cover 24. S-shaped ;>2. Kmpioy moldings M. Speedily j j M. Baiting dish 64. Period If • 25. Tear • j/; 55. K.ttended :;t). Pactions 7 toward 23. Acooutplish 55. Salamand maisG uoq , Emu ncco nau nrj Bedu KLiyau UQC □t.lHB □□□□ quo caae nity bam. and a hay storage barn. Clasi rooms and a iudZinp are- | na will bo loeajtod in thq milking parlor building.; I "T “This new farm when completed, i Dr. Ruphel stiid, “will helj? us pro- I ductj: a milk of higher quality and make more efficient use of labor. The students of dairy husbhndry wiH have access to a modern dairy set-(ip and tlie eow will also be giv- ;F A P E □CG0DO LiGSoau HDcnao DL3UDCDO DL3CEDG Solution of YesMrday’a Purzlt 17. Obstruction in a stream mourn the death of fallen f; . , ■■ . ■' , „ _i . i ^ : \Z—~r< ^—I h ■ ■ .■"•r The Battalion, official news City of College Station, Texas, is pubIM - I Friday afternoon, except, dnring holidays ahd ex taliou is published tri-wecldy on Monday,!Wedn The ^Battalion "Soldier, Sta tsman, KuigMly Getltletnan” | ill ce SulUvao Ro$s, Fouh^er of Aggie Traditions vspaper of tho'Agricultural and Mechinieal College , is publfeted five tinesja week and circulated everi 1 1 4 ■ 5 L 3 s| 1 t JS // a fl f-i /3 * m tU ■ ■ •7 !» pr B 2o 2f 1 f 22 % is m pi t. :YH 24 29 7",r 1 . i ■> a? 23 2? ‘•v M Jo tt 14 32 w. M 39 i 7 ■ "i m 34 ’♦j is 'MM 1 , m V 3& ' ^ *1 ■ ■ 1 w • ) is SS 4| •.-//I- m r * >: 43 ' t * n +s ■' l 1 ; ■ i i, ■ 47 , * 1 So , j ii ■ T m % *'! si ■!: 1 1 ]i|'; 54 i *4 ; is < & j tr ’ jj I ki DOWN 1. Sword liandl* 2. Acidity Si Shrill 4. Mascullti* nnm« 6. Pertaining to a region 6. Seethe 7. Massachusetts cane 1 ». Parally name 9. HecOil 10. Kdibla feeds U. Hnglieh mtasiclan 19. Contended 21. Metal-bearing compound* 23. lowest point 24. Hound 25. Web-footed birds 26. MoUl bolt 27. Perfect 2$. Norwegian SO. Black 33. Cooking utensil 21. R4n slowly 26. Grit ST. Of the ear 29. Shaped 40. Highest suit at bridge v i <r. Build ' 43. Brag 44. Department In Prance ; 43. Talon „ . 46. Italian colh 47. Kind of iheeja Gil. Quadruman&l mammal en every advantage in the way of capable management.” Ex-Aggie Returns To Teach Co urse ; Dr. [Robert L. Skrabiinek, ’12, will return! to A&M this fall to teach jji rural problems course of fered l|y the Rural Sociology De partment, according to Hr* Daniel KusaellVtf the departmen(. | After] gradual ion, Skrabariek ent ered tht Navy. Following; his dis charge from the Navy as « Lieu tenant, |te returned to an< l rcceivcdf, his masters degree in 1347. J Fbr tic past few years, he has been working at LSU, Where he received $ his PhD. August 27 and; \,111 start! September 17. If students noiw in schpoP regis ter at the end of| the sumjtner term at the early relb tration, the VA will be enabled to continue sub sistence pay with'nit interruption, Wilkins added, f.; [ii 1 Students who indicated i that after the second nunmet;semester, and have since cha ngCd.Uioir plans should report to' r< om 104 Goodwin Hall by August 13 and; complete an interruption jfplrm. | j Veterans who plan jt6 transfer from A&M should report t> the ' ‘ office, befwecn now at- »ws that ge the bar c«oling drink, hows with histc Why, it says Arched ttep by who sidle savs “Pull ordering 1 bentUng e'- rc, beer nns with man in marem since the dawn 1-!jI old as far " mM his upward of timi. Beer is »p old as farm! and has played afbubbling rold *'Hr, »(ienco, cooking, medicine the development ff|a hundred n|o(l- facts uncovered scholars: seal, backed 1; n ig twdi worke rs iroves beer Was ms ago. ?h«r Columbus ca In ISQ^ eri} industries. , Meie arc a fc oy 1 tic, indus A Mesopota pottery and shq at ; a brewery known 6,200 jrj j Fhcn Ch rtn»* to Central America in 15021' he. found beerjhad traveled here Wllble him. ' lihe Indians J won; escaping troml the heat with sort of •.win4f made of maize (fora), resembling English beer.” ' The phrase; fMilnd your P’a mid QV is thodgfit to have 1 * sprung fipm the old English Tavcm-keep- cik’ custom of noting down cui-, tohier) orders-7by pints and quarts. I John Alden.jwho wooed and Wen Priwilla Mullen, I! got passenger apace : on tmsi Mayuowcr becaui c he was a cooper and could repair the beer bnrftjjls aboard, j'Brat wmte vntld born in' N.Y. became It bn-wer In what Is, ni'w fWnll Siree, William Penn, 7 : v. itttt-i wm ii , ^ i^** 4 * 1, buUt a hrewTrj tot in(emiptliii;: ‘ A«rtrio.hl» 1 lairti’ Houtm- ' “ 1 j Soldiers in the American Rev mtiori drew quart of beer ca jii thifir dail/ rations. When thli; i fuppljt ran sli art (ledrge Wash ion begged t ic Board of War 1770. to rush he growler for mo; Washingtor hitUsplf drank bocl(. veteran’s advi; m idiW August 1-6 and Wbrnitf ji fprin fpr Supplemental cOrtjifiCfttc of Eligi bility. 1 . -. ' |i| | f ! Those veterans yho Iipve ,ta lotigh remaining elegib)ility ;t<> iarry them one day oyer half the 8 mnes- ter will receive fjidl benefit.' and subsistence for the entiVe semes ter, Wilkins concluded. ~r V I PALACE HnmiZ-gaW i r TODAY & SATO > ■ 7 ! ; . ' Eutered at ■econdrclasa matter (C Po»t Offio* at Collect SUMon, TcA**. under tie Act*of Coneresa of March 3, 1470. News contributions niiay bo Goodwin Hall. Classified ads. may Office, Room 208, Goodwiju Hull. MARVIN BROWN, CLA’tTON CUurllo IvlrlUiam •Jicwi* .Burjton, O.tW Kimrt,'.KUitur. burton, tluli.e Jouw. Hcurylloiuur. Do'jIi- -Mjem, . Druco ■ W«\Ui o, "lMirr> • aurtll). |lurf»ert WaUunm .................... istaff (ieiwiem vr K. ColvUl.- ■ r ' 1.' v . ■v of Texas and the every Monday through talloa is published tri-weekly on - Monday] Wednesday and Friday.. Subscription rate |A30 per echool ' yeah i Advertising rates furnished on request. ,: i ! V . j ----- j . ' ! I ' ' ' r J —~r~; -f7' ~ 17| •— ; ' ' j ' ' r '' The Associated Press is entitled j^xdisiVdjr to the use for fepubiication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and 1k*1 news of spontaneous origin publish ed herein. Rights of repi)blicati©n-ef all other mutter herein are also reseCviid.' Mcinbet of Associated Press * • IT TV a. A M Hep retcn ted Vvrtiiins ~ 4L,4a4- ••♦ii’* - **- uX milt, will Tutrutun...).J',: r*. lion 'ri.JJ...h.,,.«..1.,j.| 'ritrf Dof) •1 l>ru'l Ilvtuui llitrd}' n A.i^rvy ! I (iiSKlj'or' u — Student Jr .spore* :..WlWo*rLphM .... i’Uuui tbakio rGljjcrirt 9dvcrti^inir iHtprvfccnl .*• 'T rt ; r j .i- ■■ THERE’S AN AR TO CLEANING . . . Spot removal requires mi than a dab of liquid! It ne< skill and cart to permanent-; ly remove a stain and retain we pcrfectioh of the fabric. It's our specialty- Caiupiib Cleaner^ I^Wter-rihe Kxeluuige Store” • ]&. j; Just Think!... A good idea Is to always say .. Xret’s go to Hotard’s r* To eat today! 7,! fV.f J; HOTARD’S • p • SA3P. PBEV. 11 P M. Sunday thru Tuesday ! “AFRICA SCREAMS”! \ •ther members of this carljr^d (‘Men of Diitinction” Glub were amiuil Adan s, a, brewer , himseli hombs Jeffirson, Patrick Honrj Israeli Putnnn and James Madison trlt-rt-r. f[M : Disbelieving Crooks DALLAS - (dPi The sjgn on ihi> gfb said—“? o money in this safe, ’ho edmbina! ion [Is WTittcn hero." Ncrtrtheleiis, two young burj4- ry sjutipcctsIWerjc arrested trying get In the office containing (hi fe ipday. iNeighbors saw them id cMlBd.police; .'"r v | j “We put flhc fjlgn up during a hob Jknocklhg spree before the ar.” suld I. lx. Houston, managert ' thd Coinpe ny, “and after bwgj ra ruined 0 ie- safe. All wp keef ere. is recor<jis.’f 4i!— -r'-i--, • rii i. T SATURDAY IfiMN! HOWl ABIIN! Ih# fimnitst picture 4 IV -olDi —with Biid Abbott & j i Lou Cos cUo •rir 9 rt QUEEN — iff?, .f^r- F, Slf . through WED. #f BANDIT’ i 14. -with-j ] BUI Elttot i j oisriiiuTEo it mco iadio noum SUN. i& M i-i -4N-i 1:46 u&r&7- ~2rT~' fcatu :20 COI/OK CAR DON —' NEWS >0 Fri, dly PrcvUc satikd. Start- 17:58 - l0:b(» S' ; .*jt l cs Start | 7:16 * 9:12 i BEVIJ] I ♦ • • i . Abav-SITN. ), IN V TtKS. \i