The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 29, 1949, Image 1

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Drawing Held For
Football Tickets
;n 1
I .
Season tickets' -for the 1919-50 athletic season will be
issued in accordance with the results of the public drawing
which was held ip the Kyle Field lecture room at 2 p t m.
1. O. Owney, business n
today, said C. 0. OWney, business manager of Athletics.
,J These tickets are good for all athletic contests held on
the AftM campus; Ticket holders* ^r-t— — ! * H~
will ujse the cover sheet of the ~
ticket book for admittance to all
athletic contests other than foot
The drawing was held by div-
- - nr ■
‘<l :
, iding all applicants for tickets into
three priority groups. Priority
Group I included employees of
A&M headquarters at College Sta
tion'gnd residents of Bryan an
College Station. r ,
These tickets will be issued im-i
mediately after those for students^
Aggies Limited, team, legislature^
and the Athletic Department havt
been issued. All holders of Official
“T” Cards, issued for the 1949-50
•eason will be placed in Group I
priority. Without the requirement
of purchasing a season- ticket
Priority ; Group II include* all
former students and members cif
t the general public not included in
Group I. Tickets for this group
will be Ihe next best available after
the applicitioris in Group I have
been filled^ ——|
/' All former students, faculty
r members, and employees of the col-
I ,lege who did not desire season
^tickets were able to purchase single
. gantt tickets under Group III. Ap-
plication for tickets in this group
[ will be filled from the (best avail-
! able seats after ticlcets for tlroup
nson Says
A - •
Senate Action
‘A Whitewash’
■ !
i 1 ■■■i
rt i *
■ !| .• ■ til ■
\ Mil
, -
"' ,fv - >
■ ' i.
I: .\r.. m
STATION (Aggieland),iTEXAS, FRIDAY, JULY 29,1949
I and Group II have been issued.
Applicants In GroUp-III are limited
to only two A&ty—Texas game
P ' - I • ^ i
Applications as received were
4 pi
folders cohtaipilfg^BO
■' _ '»launl
audited and placed in numbered
fled accordihg to one of the three
i applications
each. Each ^application w
Us classi-
roups described above and filled
i serially n
iumbered folders of its
j particular group classification*
' Each folder pumber was placed
“ /in a capsule - Hhd dropped intoi a
t container for each group. Each
« number; as drawn was registered
according toi the sequence,in which
it was drawn until all capsules
Ware ^withdrawn.
, l\ f A separate drawing was held
for each game.. The folder bearing
’the first number drawh was given
priority in etyd 1 group as to the
location of seats, and so on until
*11 the tickets for each particular
game were exhausted.
j Junction, Tex.—</P)—Coke
Stevenson said today the Sen
ate Rules Committee action in
the dispute over a U.S. Senate
seat from Texas was “A
whitewash.” •
“I’m not through fighting, but
t don’t know right now what
can do,” the former governor said.
The committee yesterday con
firmed election of Lyndon John
son*. Stevenson's opponent in! the
Democratic Runoff Primary last
year. Committee Counsel Turner
Smith said the action is final be
cause no formal general election
contest Was filed.
“Of coprse I didn’t file any pro
test over the General election,”
Stevenson said. “My quarrel; was
with thef Primary. We sfipt the
There was no limit on the num
ber of ticket^ which could be pur-
chased except for the Texas-A&M
game on Thanksgiving Day, how
ever, if the demand was such fdr
any othm game, c the Athletic De
partment reserved the right to
rpduce block purchases of tickets,
; Ownby said.
The closing date for receipt of
applications from priority groups
W&s July 23. Sales of tickets to the
general public will be on a first
come, first served basis. All ticket
^ orders received from the public
prior to July 23, were considered
! ”*s of that date.
committee three petitions, all show
ing irregularities in the Primary.
“The committee just had to find
an excuse for its ruling. They just
whitewashed the thing.”
k Taie former governor said the
Senate Rules Committee has, in
tl^e past, entertained protests over
PHmary election results, “Espec
ially in cases where the Primary iq
equivalent to election, as in Tex
as.” . j i T ■ r\ ; ■ 1 ■ - .
Stevensori said “We’ll investigate
and do everything possible.” He
added he was “Mainly interested
in seeing that the people of Texas
get thd fajets they have a right-
to get.” (
Asked if the ruling Would have
any effect on > his political plans
for next year—an election year—
Stevenson nii4r r
“I haven't any plans for nqxt
He admitted, however, that
friends hacl suggested he do some
thinking alwut the 1950 elections,
Of this, Stevenson said:
We’ll just have to W&tch the
barometer, eh?” He referred, ob
viously to whether or not any pub
lic demand for him to setek office
Sculptor of ‘Sully’
Writes Life Story
Pompeo Coppinl, the sculptor
who created the statue in memory
of Lawrence Sullivan Ross
now to
be seen In front of th,e Academic
ids Just published his
v Building, hi
J : autobiography.
.» "From Dawn to Sunset” (Nay-
^ lor, ^7.50) funs close to 350,000
words and a I large pkrt of the book
it'd life 4i
deals with doppini’d life in TekAs
-T 1 '
Ag Teachers Learn
Visual Aid Benefit
Hears rieraing
Lecture Here
is ' .-i, ;::;
I; m
Roger Fleming, director of
the Washington), D. C. office
of the American Farm Bur
eau Federation*! was the fea
tured speaker in yesterday’s
session of the Texas Farm
Bureau Institute.
“I .do not labor under the de-
lusion; that farm legislation was
made in Washington,” Fleming
stated.: “It is because of the efforts
of Federation members in the
states and counties that progressive
legislation is passed.” T -
Speaking further, Fleming com
mended the Texas Farm Bureau
Federation for its almost single-
handed fight for gi-ain storage and.
for its work in securing a support;
price for cottonseed.
Pointing out the .inter-relation
ship of the county, state and nat
ional organizations, Fleming said,
“The Farm Bureau is an organi
zation to solve problems.”
In the afternoon session Leon
Lane and Dee K|no;L both field
representatives of the TFBF, spoke
on county meetings and programs.
C. B. Ray, manager of the Rio
That , is exactly what we intend to give to
scribers if he wins f fst place in the “Na
Naming ihmoos js undoubtedly the easiest money
: v /
Grande Valley Farm Bureau, spoke
on '‘County aJ
■'arm Bureau AcUvi-l
Today’s session consisted of
classes in the morning and a panel
discussion on the subject “Farni
Bureau and Government Agricullj
turaj Agency Relationships.”
The Institute will close tonigh|;
with a banquet at which time cer
tificates will be presented to those
who attended the Institute. Allah
Kline, president of. the American
Fanu Bureau Federation, will give
an address during the banquet
meeting, • i/| ■:
On Pieni
you $1,000?
of our sub-
the ShmooT
ings Road
lew these
The Old Sulphur Sp
frontage of College V:
days looks like the pi irking lot
at a Fourth jpfi July PicnSc. Every-’
one seem}; to be ufraii to park
ip the ak-eh *>f bpreetj building
operations,-.J ] ' ; ' l i '
Only yesterday, a sadjfaced Col
lege View resident camo up C-row
inquiring if j anyone hail se.en his
car lately. It seemed that it had
either been put into tile, base of
one of the;! streets oi'l else had
been over-run jby a maiptainer and
’to thf
hauled off to the junk y.ard with
out tlie owner’s knowledge op cop-
sent. | ■ • 1 ;
Some of the felninin; residhpts
have been ikondehing vrhy ditches
are being dug down the middle of
\are ueing upg oown uni miuaie oi
the streets In order to pave them
A few of the male jrehdents are
considering/the possibility 6f, get
ting dozer attachqienti for their
cars iso they can ! get n and out
:e Vi
of College yipw by waj r of a! road
of their owh
All in alj.
• I
... c.,, |,.owever, Ji be ge
attitude in.cqllege Vieyf is that of
lookipg forward
the streets bf this /air
be broad, fopr-Iancd!
It’s haxd to tell which is most impressive, A&M’s Jerry Sellinger, Dick Alterman, Jim Good rum,
mas- Etnmit Ingram, and Don Jarvis. Other members
European Architectural tour group or the
Hive Coliseum at Rome in the background.
Kneeling, in the usual order, are Tom Livesay,
Russ Lown and “Monty” Montgomery. Standing
are Clayton Shiver, Hank Davis, Art Howainl,
on the tour, hot pictured, are Jack Crook, BiU
Bilsing,) Mehnod Jaccard, and Professor Joe
Ends at
By 1
Field correspondent
Summer .. camp ended Frt-
The A&IM (Agricultural Depart
ment is putting on a visual aid
demonstration for the Vocational
Agriculture Teachers Conference
being help in Dallas this week, j
E. V. Walton, associate profes
sor and diirector of vocational ag
riculture teacher placements, said
750 vocational agriculture teachers
plus teacher training staffs and
state supervisory staffs will at
tend. * M)
E. R. Alexander, head of the
Texas A«M Agricultural Educa
tion -Depirtment, W. W. Mcllroy,
associate professor of Agricultural
Educatior, and E. V. Waltort will
attend tie conference. !
According to Walton, Texas A&M
has one of the most advanced
visual aij programs in the South.
r .
i -
Rain Douses
In Maneuver
By (1EOR
rdeen Pro
ving Ground Batt
' \ i This week’the training program
Included stay of lour days at Ft.
; ,'S jdeade, Maryland, We left early
{.’•i N Monday by truck jfor the 60-mlle
1' .trip. M| w «
I pon arrivil at] the camp rite,
-! which consisted offsome fairly Ipv-
el lick-infested ground, we set up
opr) pup tepts for tjhe 3-night stay.
Tho remainder of! the day was
apept observing the 19th Ordnance
Medium Maintenance Company in
actjwd-operation repairing equip-
me it of the 2nd (pavalry Division
wh chi Haq Juri (“returned from
maneuvers. .1 J ' M-'
Tlie first night “the raina:
a good “drown out” could
not have gotten us much wetter.
The second and third days were
spent wading, and watching the
maintenance company’s operation.
' The food was (served from an
* 7 field kitchep unit. The. food
mess kits were
y filled with Water by the
Arpy field ki
wai good but
ust ally filled
) tinie we got arimiid to eating it.
,ir - J — J *“" ~‘~\t the whole bat
talon of
and set u
:adets tooved the comp
three tnedi'
ance companies ojn pur own. The
pnblem Which lasted from 7 p.m.
■'.L J ■
ii '
until 12 p.m. was carried out un+
der blacgout conditions and pitch
ing our Tents and setting up gear
was really a problem.
All Of us made it ok with a min
imum lops of equipment. J A tlte
conclusion, with everyone mad and
wet, we broke camp once mo e and
to {our original cam p site
with to rei-
we started the series ojl
c* me to
camp Jto see; that is, the Indpstri
Area of the Aberdeen Provln
" N TBIa Is the place where
ray's weapons and vehicles
- and tested. Frl ’
Thursday we ret
Igrets to-the Pro'
inor pljfc
■' i
us observed
thick armor i
actually 1
and set up
at the plaf
ly afternoon
such as these will
IfOr thext eight
HpHH mm
dunce waa held last nigl
the: Officers Club withv the
i ’:
i witiix u»e
1 a .1
4. Job for the Pied Piper
Field for 600
day at Brooks
cadets. Iridivitjual honors
Writer Finds Ants To Be
Malicious, Intruding Brutes
were given by
son, I Executive
Jim Flowers, Dillas, was award
Tkls is an urgent plea for the
Pied Piper of Hamlin to step back
into reality and whistle Up the ex
pletive provoking hoards of tiny
black ants that are running ram
pant on the A&M cimpus.
Perhaps the Old;Master could
woo them into hurling their little
carcasses into the Brazos to the
tpne of “Shortenin’ Bread,” or -*Tn
e Sweet Bye and Bye,” but it
akes no difference how they go
. just so they go.
During the first part of the sum
mer I looked upoh the malicious
little brutes as merely an incon-
vience to be endured like A&M
food, A&M weather, and pop-quiz-
es, but now the beggers have in
truded upon every private sanc
tion I hold dear, and the battle
has become all-out ... the sur
render {Unconditional.
Nothing is scarce to the black
sugar ant. I hear them laughing
uproarously when I stand in front
of my mirror flexing hn emacia
ted and impotent bicep) •
When I’m gone, they scamper
up my typewriter land click out
ransom notes for doughnuts clg-
garettes and old socks that they
have lifted onto their wiry backs
and carried from my room.
Three times last week I sloped
a mob of the blackguards from
hurling my favorite phonograph
record from the top of my; desk.
Their courage, however, must be
admitted. Nothing is too big or
smoll for them to tackle. They
aren’t sneaky like their afeh-
paw hairy
letpy, the roach, but
lower their antenhae,
hooves on the dust layer, and
anything they have an in
clination to.
Ant powder, Flit, rot-gut
numerous ; other
“ X (have been
no avail. ;
If one is killed, his comrades re?
turn like Ijndians to pack off the
body, and then, in increasing num
bers, ravage your most prized pos
sessions ini insectian revenge.
One inetlhod I used to combat
them is surefire. This method not
only renders the ant helpless, but
also satisfies your own desire to
outwit the beast. j
When a.sufficient number have
gathered in my room to warrant
an offensive I throw myself full-
length the floor, assume as
nearly as t, am capable the atti
tude of a bread crumb, and chuckle
sadistically to myself as 20 or 30
thousand of the little vandals rup
ture themselves trying to carry
me through a crack in the wall.
It would be wise not to try
this method if their number ex
ceeds 30 thousand.
My great feat is to awaken
some morning in £ dank, earthen
storehouse where I have been car
ried to be disjointed and eaten at
their carnivorous leisure.
I’ll have to stop this now be
cause four of the little devils are
rapidly devouring this copy . .
little do they know how long they
have to live ... even an ant’s
digestive trace has certain limits.
ed the- .medal for
diridyal score on
and Bob Pierce,
high cadet for A&M and he all
received a medal.
The top cadet
Jim Magruder, Ft.
high cadet for the
Howell from Bay i
A&M was secojnd behind Okla
homa A&M in the competition for
General Jami-
of 12th Air
the highest in-
the firing range,
Palestine, was
sure device which
erable recordings
the same jape. Nefirl
partment bf pourhajisin lit
erous uses /or suchi a reeprder.
In:the future studen
from A&M was
Worth, and the
camp was H. H..
or. •
the best 'unit. A
loving cup wh
given to the winjner for this dis
At the conclusion kbf camp
graduation exercises, Thomas Rox*
burg, Houston, and Dick Joseph,
Richmond, were commissioned 2n
day when
village will
ing' proposition ’to
ini many a moon, for’ bipk
$1,000 being offeretj; By the Batt*- I
lion; the first prize
is : *20,000. !' ' r
Myyhat an opport
at bn early age, bi
Ihl the qohtest
inity to retire
fihal or get a used
•/AH you have to do is.sugi
name for Li’l Abn sr’e
and complete in 21 woi
ty, sentence] “I ch
intry blanks
at jiyour nearest g|
caii’t do this
entry on one i
ojC|( (paper
of paper and aei
Namin' Contest,’
cinnati |1, Ohio. I
on; the number
submit, i butj! each
companied by twfa
wrappers or a box op from either
Duz or Dreft. ! !
AJl entries must >e post marked
t later than mldn ght Augus£.27,
49, and the con est is open to
any one in the continental United
States and Hawjaiiji ‘ ') M I
prizes of,
0C(0 fourth prizes]
! ■■
er H ill
it modern lAstra-
etic tape recorder
s just been added
to the equipment of! the Jour-!
nalism DqpSartment, pdnald D. 1 !^ ks . * fte J
Burchard, department head,
announced todf
m today.
eh imay be e
added with w
pHcated tl
m ot
A. speech]may
sertjons aqi
ard saich-i, ..
An economy feature
lit^d or in-i
thing more
han a bail' oi’,scissors
the eraif
ito innum*
made on;
every der
' ds numf-
students will bo
able to he^r reebrdirgs jof theijr
own voices as well as ori-the-spot
recordings of various well-known
journalists and speakers, Burchard
concluded. J ■!
Friday,jJuly 29—Sqparo Dancing
—Manning | Snvith wijll be gueiit
Manning; Sn)ith
caller. :: 1 "/
Sunday, Jufl;
Monday, August 1|
Ipance with
k® ting
Tuesday, ’ August 2-Frfee mov!
“Les Miserablas,’
with Charles
Besides the $20,000 first prize
there are :over 10< O other prize*
wlficb inclbde IQ sjeond prizes of
WjOOO each, 106!.l|hird
$100 each and I
of ; $10 each. !
The final, judge jjfor the contest
ibne other than) the inimitable ;
AI Capp himself. Names for the
shinoo are to be judged on the
basis jot aptnesh ind suitability^
and any duplieatioi i of names will
bp Judged by the originality and •!
aptness of though if of the accent'
ppning sentence! •“i,; 1
j The sh.noo (sei qd on back
page) ia a pint-siaed animal who
runs around giving (forth with bars
vf Ivory soap and boxes of Duz
and Draft. f j M ! ' ’ i
it to p hmoo'
357j Cin-
is nor Htnit
tries one’ can
: must be ac-
Ivory soap
Everyone who
is aquainted with
ids Li’l Abner
Lapp’s <
aviuaiiiucvi w/iu uicaviuii*
apd it should be fairly easy to
think up a name for the little
provider, j | f .[
Winners of th
notified by
test all of
announced over
ftjuiding Light!
and “Welcome Tr
e (contest will bie
md about four
we of the con-
innprsl will be
t he radio pro-
“Rlg Sisters,"
adders.” f
the! first prize
Remembelr only
winner ip the contfest will receive
$1,000 offepec
talion, and 1 that person must be a l
subscriber J
] I This is y6ur one
ly get something {
talion, so hop to! it.
Robbins t
The Bat-
chance-to real-
dut of The Bat-
On Station WFAA
{ E. W. Robbing i ppeared on ra-
dio station WFAi,' Dali
morning, at 6, acco ding to
Walker, Collegiatq F.F.A
ter president.
fRobbins is an arricultu--. __ ,
catiftn senior ami ihairmaji of tw ^
A.&M F.F.A. Chapter Radio Com
mittec whfosh put s on tjie lolcal
Farm and Home Piogram over bto-
tion WTAW. J , |
J| Tpe Chapter voted at weir Ust
regular meeting to pay Ropbins'
expenses while or tne- trip
Afflicted Cadets at Camp Hood
Flock to Join the Ivy League
Camp Hood Batt Correspondent
The Ivy League has signed up a
lot of Aggies. More than
a dozen men from A&M taking
summer camp training at Camp
Horn ittt-
ood became full fledged members
of that well known group.
They did it by contracting poison
Names like Harry Johnson, John
Zerr,! Ken Voss, Johnny Gimarc,
Louie Lawson and Don Garreti-
were inscribed on the ever-growing
membership list of the Hood Ivy
lUukinU. ' i i, . 'I ' ' :
ashington— 1
jut a record numL,
—130,000—during the
year, the office of edm
nounced today, .
leges hand-
of d<
ast school
And the Aggies were not alone.
Dozens of cadets from the two
cavalry companies swarmed the
ROTC dispensary this evening
for treatment.
The outbreak of poison ivy has
been blamed on a recent patrol
problem in which F Company and
G Company fought a mock skirm
ish. The conflict took place out
the hinterlands of this huge camp
land it just so happens I that the
hinterlands were full o(| the shiny
poison ivy bush. ;J
And so, after a weekend in which
to develop, the rash of poison ivy
has struck down the good men
of the two cavalry companies.
Many, of the afflicted cadets
have been combatting the disease
off and on since the beginning of
camp. But the majority of the
men who swarmed the ROTC dis
pensary this evening were there
for the first time.
I M'
The outbreak was so bad today
that a special “shock” treat
ment for the rash was devised
by the station hospital. The
treatment consists of two parts,
the second of which is as yet
undivulged. The first, however,
was unveiled when the cadets
descended on the dispensary.
Upon arrival everyone exposed
his area of rash and was given a
handfull of soapy material. This
was, according to orders, smeared
on the rash and allowed to dry.
Tomorrow we will get the second
treatment. But now the men with
poison ivy have the appearance
of being in the first stage of dis
integration. Such is the result of
the mass indoctrination into the
Camp Hood Ivy
. ■ .