The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 27, 1949, Image 4
' ':-.1 ; 'V, Reveille at 3:3 / V 1 i , f. 4 ■ rfY':': . BY BEE LANDklTM Camp Lee Batt Corre ipondent fiv r ■' i (QMC) jly -1 ■ • J . • Forty Aggies are gettiig a sam- of army bivouac no y as the QMROTC Summer Camp this week on the A- P. ?-nF • it - -r* 0 a.m. ■ i ■ 'PM ? f. ) ft t >. -- Ff 1 \ rk Ki \ .1 f.f * 4:1 / - rri m et Taste i*. ■i. f: spends Hill Mili demon Rere, ] our first ‘ tary Reservation, As stration of activities up will g)ve an account of day. •— '■ i We fell out for reveilli at 3:30 Chow was at 4. Fiom choW until 8 wte were busy pa< king oiir full field packs, inciudinj shelter- halves, entrenching tpol* helmets and liners,’ canteens, : m< ss gear, |J j ponchos, blankets, u:derwear, - 'y i'gocks, and tofleT aarticlei. r Some cadets brought books urd maga zines with them, but ticfre has been no time to read yet. At 8 we loaded our parJts and duffle bags and climbed into the trucks. One bundled and forty-three vehicles were used to ■j move the 670 cadets'and accom- ^ J panying cadre and officers. . . The convoy, moved at a speed of 30 mph and arrived at the military reservation at 10:15. ' the A. P. Hill Military (Reserva tion is a 185,000 acre tract of land about 70 miles north of Peltersburg (Camp Lee) near Bowling Green, Virginia. / The soil is covered with pine timber and hardwood Undergrowth. The terrain is quite similar to the piney woods of East Texas. Upon arrival on the reservation, we pitched our pup tents in a •j l What's Cooking LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSO CIATION, Wednesday, July 27, 7:30 p, m., Lutheran Studpnt Cen ter. Will discuss plans for fall. ORMN ANCE NO. 134 AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT UN- LAWFUL TO KEEP LIVES’; pCK OR POULTRY WITHIN TtlE CIT' " LIMITS WITHOUT At LICENSE: PI.OVIDING REGULATIONS FOR REEFING LIVE STOCK AND POULTRY: PREIICRIBING ! PROCEDURES FOR GRANTI <0 AND REVOKING LICENSES; PI OVIDING FOR INSPECTIONS: PRESCRIBING PENALTIES: f’RdVIDING. SEI ARABIL- ITY OF INSPECTIONS; AND DECLAR ING AN EMERGENCY. Be IT ORDAINED by the Cl y Council of the Cltyftl College Station, Testae: I» No person ehall keep livestock or poultry within Iher limits : of th» City of college Station without first obti.inlng and thereafter keeping lb force a llcenle permit ting; him to do so. The! term livestock * Imfludes apeclflcally but not e xclusively horses, mules, asses, swine, cat le,. sheep, /goats, rabbits, and gjutena pigs and the term poultry Includes speclflcall r but not 'Mcluslvely chickens, turkeyi, ,gei ie, ducks, pigeons, and guineas. i / 2. Said licenses shall be'gran:;ed or al lowed to remain In. force onjy When the 1 regulations as follows are observed: a. The livestock or poultry] shall be kept within structures, enclosure),; or teth ered, and not permitted to run at large. b. The manure and debtfis licldent to A. the maintenance and qare of II ertock ®r animals shall be scraped from i oosfs and V| floors and raked from pens or i reas with such frequency as to' prevent the same from breeding pliflces or Insects ...and from emitting noxious odors. e. The manure and deprls i craped or raked as provided In subsection i b) above, shall Immediately be collected ind either placed and kept In a wat,erprocf and In-/ sect-proof container until remevod fgpm the premises, nr treats immed periodically thereafter with a ctemlca! ha directed by the manufacturer thereof that i Is manufactured and sole) as ar agent for preventing flies and sects from breeding In manure ajnd debris. \ d.. The inside Walls/ cellln [I. roosts and floors bf the struefure In which the livestock or poultry IS; housed shall be treated And kept treatifd with ,)d. D. T. or other effective material effective other in area and «et our equipment By the time we had fin this operation, chow was We picked up our mesa hi ie bi consisted ^ off with cold watermelon for des sert. Two commercial ice cream trucks wfcre parked within the woodi in kSflnd fell ‘into line*. Out first meal at the of fried chicken,! topped ivouac area to sell the cadet* ice c: sundaes, popcicles, am plea 1 v Vfl* ream, ^Eskimo Fj JL: - The area in which the camp la hlvmmced contains ‘a RX, and outdoor movie* are provided for T: rfr Kuring the first- atternoon, a full j half-day of varied activities took place. During the hour from 1 until 2, we were entertained by the Chemical Warfare Corps. They put an quite a show, demonstra ting decontamination 'devices, gre nades, and flame throwers. During the second hour, we watched a mine laying detachment lay a'field of anti-tank mines. We spent; the last two hours of the af- temoon reading maps and doihg a compass march. ir'I l\ ' • . pt i.[ I '' J ' Immediately after the supper rmation the whole bat climbed on the trucks and were carried to the opposite side of the military reservation for a demon- uac if' 1 j • K of infantry arms firepow- ' . 30 minute* of the allotted to the Air Twenty P-47's went the pro<'edure of bomb- ink and strafing an installation. T ext on the program was a der lonstration of the firearms used by the infantry. The M-l rifle, car line, Browning automatic ri fle, .30 caliber machine gun, .50 cal ber machine gun, 81 mm mor tar and the 75 mm. and 105 mm. howitzet mounted on light tanks we: e each explained and demon- atrited individually. | iJj en all of these weapons were together for a few miriutesi ustained fire. conclude (the program, two infintry patrols put on a demon stration, showing both the correct am incorrect methods of patrol- in? ; ( ' ' The purpose of all the dem onstrations was to show the Qlf cadets .what they must ex- p« ct when a QM installation is at lacked by the enemy. a The cadets thoroughly, enjoyed thej impressive demonstration. T he tlrucka arrived back at camp battalion at .0 p.m., and we stumbled down thnugh the dark wood? to our ten;s. That completed the first day of; bivouac. Chanute Field Angies Enjoy Weekend Outings in Midwest By JOHN W. LAUFENBERG Chanute Field Batt Correspondent i ]/ » 1 !• \ IT 11 In spite of the heat, the poor hours, and the crowded condition of the camp, mo$t bf the Aggies 111 here in Northern Illinois have been able to find some pleasure and feminine companionship during their off hours, few and far be tween though they may be. A three-day holiday over the Fourth of July did give the greater majority of the Aggies a chance to get out, to see the surrounding countryside and to make a few of those very pleasurable contacts which come all too infrequently in the life pf every Aggie. The tales are stil circulating anjd yqur cor respondent was able to pick up a few of them as well as some per sonal observations. i: nr i & Fifty miles from Chanute Field is situated the toijr*, of Danville. 111., and it seems, to be the Mecca for all Aggies who are unable to get any farther aWay. '(Hitch-hiking here just isn-t what it is in Texas!) The other night no less than three Aggies were;seen standing on one of the corners After an unsuccessful evening at the University. 4- :—i — treated ana Kept treated ’ ,\w other effective material malwfactured \‘and sold, for the control of file*, nites, and lice and applied according,-to the manu- / faeturer’* direction*, j f e. The structure or encloaqt which the livestock or poultry fined shall be ,not less than on (100) feet from aby dwelling h than that occupied by the owr livestock or poultry. 3. The procedure and lequirementa for ‘the granting and keeping In force of IN senses shjall be as follows: Aby person desiring a license per- _ _ poultry within the city llmltsl shall file an appli cation] with the City Secretary in a form ; • provided by him for that’ purpose. Said ; -aspUcjttion shall among Other things call for thk natne and address of the applicant, /the estimated average nmpber and types of 'livestock or poultry to'be kept, a de scription of the structures, and! the facili ties to be used for (he enclosure of the * livestock or poultry and for the disposal ■ of the manure and debris Ibcideht to their maintenance and care, and the distance to the adjacent residences from the outside boundaries of the structure oij fence in which the livestock or poultry are .to be enclosed. M . . 1 J i. <rf- ~ b. The application shall be accom panied by a fee In the amount of ten (10) dollars. ;The funds derived from, such ap- . 'I used the. City and other ent of plication fees shall be , to defray the coat of tnspectloi <n expenses Incident to the enforcem this ordinance. 1 , : , : , j.5 c. When an application has been filed In due form, the City Secretary shall turn the same over to the .City Health ■ Officer who ehall Inspect the facilities wherein th* livestock or poultry are to bej kept and prepare an opinion as to whetheir'jjl* same are In compliance with the regulations hereinbefore provided. d. The application with thef opinion of th* CUf Health Officer attached ehall then be submitted to the Cky Ceu tefl. which •halt then pass on thf applfcitlon. » e. A license shall he valid one year from the date of Issuance. Tjie same may be renewed by tbe filing of * renewal ap plication form with the City secretary* on a form provided by him for. that purpose and the payment of a renewal I application .fee In the amount of. ten (HD: dollars. I f. The City Health Office^ shall per iodically or upon written complaint of the City lArshall or any resident bf the City make an inspection to ascertain whether th* regulations as hereinbefore provided are. being observed. If he finds that aforesaid regulations are violated, he rfhsJI prepare i and file a statement to that effect with th* City Secretary. The City Counell ehall then give ten- (10) days notice by publi cation on a hearing.-' If afte* a. hearing the OUy Council finds til* aforesaid reg- ulatlons have been violated. If shall then o*d*$ the permit cancelled, i d. Ahy person udio violates any provls- . -ion of this ordinance shall be fined not less than twenty-f|ve (25) dollars nor more than one hundred (100) dollan. Each day that such violation occurs sha I constitute * * P u a tny f McUkn of this i rdlnanc* IS found to be Invalid, th* same shall not af- feet th* validity of the remain: nr sections. Passed this th* 29 day of Jui* l#4». ATTEST: H ' '' /*•/. If.' M. McGinnis --p-'l City secretary . ^ A-ppRov; :d: j Professional Advertising men know Advertising. The Battalion was chosen ; as 1 thie outatand|ng collegiate daily in thd nation in 1949 by The National Advertising Society. i H— 1- ■!'I ■ » -COACHES (Continued from Page 3) Swartz is one of the best, if riot the best, field judges in the try, and I have been wo; games for 25 years," he said. ‘Why he should be barred is a mysteiy.’’ Vin«H said h6 had decided to re tire from officiating eason. 5 also is hanging “IT * ^ dp hul and cleated shoes. just a battle Loved Work “I,loved the work, but recreation,” he sa it out with the vei one or two coaches who tough games isn't worth “I’m afraid in the tough! that the inexperiencee of officiais might make it •ough, hpwever. Experience n any field of endeavor.” j J rd, former SMU grekjk n San Antonio he is appare on the [supplementary list since; he will officiate In three inter-sec- ional games this Fall. Bedford said he is certain matter will be . discussed It was rather late, ! and a your corespondent had to steer them to icrne of the better night spots which were located a few miles far her west These eager-beavers —l ick Harris, R. A: Kinsey, and Wf, T. Harris were well pleased and artiased by the “artistic dances” which were given during the floor sho ws. , 1 Meanwhile up In ole Chicago, A. O. Cruz, Dave Cravey, and John England were doing quite well for themselves. After an afternoon tour of the more instructional, and educational points of interest, they/ decided to take in some of the night life offered by the great mid,western metropolis. They were holding an engrossing conversation with beautiful blonde, and cur vaceous Turi, who is the featured “artistic dancer” at the Club Fjia- mingo. The exact conversation can not be quoted, but Cruz seemed to bO Odging out the other two mem ber^ of his party. However, they werje not noticably lacking any female companionship, j Not to be outdone, Jolfh Domi- nev and Ty Collins were enjoying Sohthern hospitality from some M ~ They were the guests of Miss Ckrdyn Mathews from San Aug ust! ie, Texas. Miss Mathews was visi ing her relatives Mr. and Mrs. Lake of Decatur, 111. Dbminey and Collins were for- tum te enough to enjoy a week-end of home-cooked meals, dancing and W. ’it- ■ : I ! J --ft JCraeSt Lasyford M — ; ■ a;; Proudly Present... Tf .4 I iMPfAL VUmPERS Guaranteed W "' These wall] ! ; I pers are created the business, in price ranges jy the fineet artists in .l tastes, pers are oyer the na :! : U il to suit discriminating Amfong the woiid's f nest, Imperial wallpla- asadr* •* 1 ■ “ - t i-. tv ft Phone 2-ll M'f yertisejd in leading magazines —Now available at : Jl ft K H I !• ( I ' : —J.— fi,k. f] I ' h[ -j I >ij ashable .1' I A ’ |i f MPANY Bryan t il- the — the meeting of the Southwest : Foot ball Officials Association in Dallas, Aug. 27-28. ’ President of the association. Vlaxey Hart of San Antonio, said his officinl comments have been :!iled wjtn'Stewart. , ‘‘ThoHe comments are confiden- ial,” Hart said. “I’m afraid *ny personal comments I might have would be construed as being com- ments of the association. There- !ore, I will not make any state ments until some action has been taken by our association.” “We do not question the right »f the conference to select its of- Tcials as it pleases.” Hart/ said. “It did seem a little unjust to take ;he action without, discussing the matter with us first.” -I Knew Nothing Hawn told the Austin Associated Press representative he knew nothing of being black balled from officiating conference games. It has been the previous system to submit , to coaches a list of officials from which they could choose the ones they wishbd to work their games. Southwest!, Conference coaches are required to file a written \re- pbrt with Stewart after each game on' the manner 'in which each offi cial worked. | / - P - ; [. Abb Os^tis, veteran! Southwest Conference official who is to be come supervisor of officials in the Pacific Coast Conference, told the Star-Telegram he would like v to be excused from commenting on the report. “I-have been told that quite a few officials who have been fork ing a lot of games are not on the lists this year. That is an un fortunate development. Swartz is an outstanding official. Dayvault is fearless, capable and forthright. Viner has worked as many games brilliantly as any referee in the section. Bedford's officiating al ways has been of-an exceptionally high order.” 'j . I : ■ JT V.,' V LTL ABNER Yokmn Doodle Dandle Wv, \ STAND BACKrNOU CHIPP SPIES—AND LAT THE. LFLABNEK A Juvenile P -TMWT MAIN T LAFFIN / THETS C«V HrJT— OH-THAR'S I JO MORE, HEAPlT-RENrilKJ'SOUND ON EARTH- - ‘HAN ID HEAR A MONSTER WEEP—. / d ft -An'thass EXACKLY iWHUT AH 16. (CUSS !!>, ft): / / AlCapp ,i$iS8?AiA A^R^g l-BUT’ y of boating and swimming at Lake Decatur. j King Egger of E Air Forcp was brave enough to tackle the town oF St. Louis, and he said that he met some fine people and saw some good , countity. He traveled with Cadet Charles Le,high from the University of Oklahoma. They had dates with Miss Joyce Voss and Miss Pat Hayes of St. Louis. Apparently the highlight of the entire trip was a dinner dance at the Norward Country Club to which they escorted the two young ladies, and if the girls were only half as beautiful as Egger painted them, it must have been well worth the trip. All in all the Aggies seem to be doing quite well for themselves both during duty hours and in their off duty time. At the dhpee last Sunday night the Aggies were noticeably present, for the great majority of them wore their uni forms, I; ' | ' I FOB THOSE WHO DEMAND THE BEST . . College Shoe Repair North Gate Gent Attending Short Course A f C. F, Gerit, assistant di rector and business manager of the Memorial Student Cen- er, iS/BOw attending the Fifth Annual Short Course sponsor ed by the Texas Hotel Associa tion, being held in Houston. Gent will be present fori th«l entire course, which began Morf- day and will continue until July 30, according to J. Wayne Stark, director of the Memorial Student Center. Members of the hotels, depart ments heads and junior executives from many Texas hotels will also be present, Stark said. Classes for the short course will be conducted by D. L. Belcher of the Industrial Extension Sejrvice. Well known staff members of many leading hotels in the United States will conduct classes and give nightly lectures, according tq Stark. ■ i\t After the completion of the Mem orial Student Center^ Gent will act as general supervisor of the hotel accomodations. ' * r f-• Scott to Address i Business Class H. H. Scott, assistant personnel manager for the Humble Oil and Refining Co. will speak to Profes sor Ernest R. r Bulow’s sales 'man agement class tomorrow morning, according to Bulow. Scott’s talk, scheduled for 9 a. m. in building C, room 15, will be in the form of a round table discus sion. In the discussion, according to Bulow, Scott will approach the selection and recruiting problems faced by companies like his, from the practical as well as the theo retical viewpoint. Nj , r. VrfWY BEUNNAPPVIIMDUVE BEEN NINEtgElsI ,THE PAST f r YEARS—Be AOiNQ/rS. OVER-**-; THIRTY SWUE MORE ..AHY TMA« ii > ilk i; Battalion CLASSIFIED Page 4 Rates . . . 3o • a 25c minimum, Hied Section . : — Send all clti? tatoce to the Student All ad* should be turned In by 10:00 a.m. of the day before publication, WEDNESDAY, WITH'A BATTALION CLASSIFIED word per, insertion Space rates In 60c per column fleds with;|remlt- Activltlea Office: ;l • FOB; FOR: SALE—House' Tennis Courts. j Number 7, South bf FOR] SALE—Thayer hlglichalr, yduthbed mattress, dinette tabic, t:-3-A College Vljiw Apts. ] • LOST AND FOUND • if LOST—Last Wednesday—1\ plain wedding babd (gbld). If found—contact Long- aetre, A-7-X, \‘ i Intoxicated Driver LONDON—(A*)—Mrs. Jean Don aldson, 32, was fined 20 shillings (54) today for pushihg a baby carriage while drunk. A policewoman said Mrs. Don aldson and her infant narrowly missed being hit by a bus. The formal charge was "drunk in charge of a carriage.” ! -ft. STILES FLOWER SHOP 1903 S. College Rd—Ph. 2-6188 PROMPT DELIVERY and WIRE SERVICE J. S. Stiles ’48 Reed Allbritton ’51 Veterans Advisors Here Tomorrow Representatives ^rom the con tact! and insurance offices of the Veterans’ Adm,imsiration regional offift- TTr - I—I- — pus of Tay! Vlso Tile representatives will be in roorij! 261 Bizzeli Hall from 9:30 a.m« to 3:30 p/m., and Wilkins urgeid that all yeterans with sub sistence or othef problems see the reprisontative Regardless of pre vious action thait has bjeen taken. in Waco'will be on the cam- tomorrow to (Siscuss problems ly kind with veterans, said jr Wilkins, A&M veteran ad- Btothers HaRry Walker of Chi cago, and Dixie Walker of Pitts burgh both entered the 1949 sea son Rwith lifetime batting marks over! .300. I ! r-—■ Consult Dr. Cdmm K* Lee OPTOMETRIST With Your Visual Problem* |, 203 S. Main — Bryan I7t J_ 1 ■ - - • RECORDS • RADIOS School & Office Supplies IliH ALL YOUR NEEDS IIASWELL’S A-L Remember to say * # # » ! Notary; Public, Bjool See Mrs. II. C-ll-Y, College 25s 1, College Station, * FOtt RENT ULt 27, ] 949 VlewH • Typing. Apartment, to Box! hi ' - f'M FOR RENT—Furrflshed fbur-bedrelom house, In North Oak» ood—fijom August 3 to: September 3. teasonable rental. Phone 4-9939. ^ 1 1 —ntr—r eo. W. Buchanan, D. CHIROPRACTOR COLONIC X-RAY SOS £. 28th St. " >? “ Phone 2-62ii3 UiSED CAR HEADQUARTERS •c BRYAN MOTOR O). Your Friendly Ford Dealer ; i N. Main . St. ‘I Saw Your Ad ■ fFh , ■' 1 I - - - !'- rft *• ■ • ft: i . r :■ ! j! In The Bath 1 t l I ' i ■ r: M !l-'i, •ivi. : Jv iij and help the BATT Am ■hi it - -ii ■ •N '•ft hi. ON serve YOU. better! ■1 ; ; m . I Ii I 4 r , ■ ' ' . - ■■ft- ■ i : rt . .,y • I v.'. ftK-J. 1: r i ! : : )l THERE TOCLE OJNDER it j One Half Open pa '! — AN ART ANING r Spot removil requires than a dab cf. liquid! It ifieeds skill and ca^e to i perma lent- ly remove a stain and retain the perfectit n of! the fabric. It’s our specialty— J j Campus Cleaners "Over the Exchange Store” ■ l l , j' J /. : more — v ' ft; W II fi : i , I, . —— I 7:0 1 0 p.m, Other Diyh;^ Starching ' '■ rift i !• nipped . j ,. ived Monday \ L 3:30 p.m. i p.m. g Facilities ft.’; d... SELL irplane Supplies . 1 Wood K STORK Phone 4-8814 ' l I ' 1 Y ! ] / k-? : I ’ BEDROOM HOUSE *t 209: Park FJladeiwith garage; ven- inds, 8’ electrolux, de- endix, and simmons etlan b luxe I beds iX! v T«i r 4 - T ;r ^ $5,450 $950 cash hud l>er month., rt w: pe K ji . , v 20 ACRE 3 wi ' located 9 miles soutlri of rge new lake highway \e, liege— ft. !l00’ x lb)’ LOT bn highwaj jin froh| of College- .;k H r ns! s $1,490 down ."‘ h I; — se: WM. HALL Ag^ieland Inn •, j f •.-. -..-ft. . 1 f : .H[ AOC^ION '4-' : ; ft 4 ftl ftftlft! T10 wm i North Gat4 ■ i, 1. « ' ft. ft ft. p, •ftf j • i* r fi- d-r r ft Mft : ft., !• GO. ■4 I- < V ft \ 0 I” 1 l.'ft,ft|ISft: 1 1/ ‘| \ )f , - - ' •. j. ft'.; . 1| .1 1 r ;■ - ■ jl| ,, LIANCE || f ■j- ,: i f •: r :Mi . ■4 ■ M vf I V ii - I ..ft. ft i, .•ft., , ■ ft. I 41 1 * I