The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 27, 1949, Image 2
I l-'U ' . t fX- r. :, r ill J;' f. A £ r •iT Page 2 . j - ■r r \r. . , |M. Battalion Editorial 'U t- r ..*• •^v .tn iii \ - tow Monge : T •, 11/ fj ■ !*U if \ , . .[ . -I J:" 4 [L Humors are the prodjucts ofeli •s Have little I ■'< : . i ■ J ; ■ \11: V- ii ?: i •; jN •r WEDNESDAY, JL , Wi :tle minds and [these litttefmindii have {t twisted sense of truth and, no responsibility of ^judgement. ' : People' who traffic ,either because, of malicious cause they derive some [pleasure, in listening;to eight-year-old; boy i i lin front of Aggieland I 'Bl: 27,1942 it ! J die emergency cases re- A, W • , 'U f ’ i! I I U J • I hospital will ha gardlefs of whether a stiidont or not. The will be first-aid so thaj can bei taken into town jfojr further hOs pitaliz^ition and trie&tment. Th^ question ask^d the hospital dashed into the street iiVtase thei a case cnere was ho ernergency pr seripus in. Before he welnt injnryj; the boyV parentJ carried him In into the street he waited until a soutjb-} to iwwniin their car. Aij smbvilanice v|as ooiund car passed and Entered the ^strejit.! on thi scene of the Before he knew it he’d peen hit by a slow minutes, after tie aci boy "Was the bov bad alrea dy been tal en into Bryan. of pains Whoever manufact ured the rumor Had but] they sure made a rit merited. If such >bisa Hall at the time^ rushed 11 hospital in Bryan. The n^xt morning <fter careful examination he was discharge jd from the hospital. J J r _i ;if' But the rumor that circulated aboijt the accident} -‘Say, did you hear about ■j. i #s v .■ 'ft and thep. tassipg otheif evening wlsj “]>o jyop trieat Pn a story that is a srmjll percent of truth who aren’t students. ’ No meptic and a large quanltity of distorted ideis; made! of an empigency. Monday evenipg at precisely 9:12 an Of Icourse, th? answer was no. Boykj’s ir m Color eleon ’L of Hair By HAL BOYLE New; York, July 22—Mrs. Hohnetker is a real odd jo She earns a living turning hair different colors—os nu eight to ten times a day. So she knows she is unique ; f jeld. This chameleon-like exist* noe is her own idea. She thought up the job of color rinse tester lerself. ago she went t > work n In the Nestle-Lemur nden. Conn. which air rinses. S le was Ip mix color , kef is someth ing of onist After a tine she •PJ 4 • I " I moving northbound cajr. The IpJ^p.injured; he complaihed . in hi® stomach. His parents, who were in a basis |of truth, him into lot bi^sger* story!out (jf it than the facts h stories didn’t undermine the students confidence in their hospital, these stories mi^ht p4ss unnoticed, i! 1 )QN AiM, like the Army, is a place where ‘and Iijn ." aoi^oonc asked the next men)- ^ pitilI wW £ L^ved by roost un- rasftsJKSfgW rW “ Im T Micy ill id they couldn't because he wasn’t Tie ,110x1 time so Icnt.^A few more details were given think ;j ?lmnute, and iigptier with the rumor teller’s opfnion Hat tljie College hospital was brutally imont to rupl in denying trea imtiopit., . I to be doubted me rumor us heard, make a jfew phone calls to check the vMidity of the yarn spun i>y tpc story tell ;r. It willfbc aurpris- a dying ing bow little truth it involved |n the tjnle Whlci makes a Wha u* agtunl truth: It that tbo Collngd «dog ntory. Figures .and Statistics Aren’t T" /‘i - ; ' T ■’ r 1 !• ‘ipply on bribe r) r~f*T anuiii* he Sai Loose Eads | By DR. M, N. BROWN | Battalion Staff Psychiatrist Dear Mr'. Brown i v whj^ ' j 7'.. .1 ! Sincerely Yours, ‘ r : f d.l. d. Dear D. L. D., , < , It is plain to see that you are very confused. Your situation re minds me of a case L had last falL It seems that this nameless Aggie’thought he was in love with SuUy’s statue. Hei 1 was damned confused, wasn’t he? But I digress. I finally narrowed down the pos sibilities until I was convinced there were only three logical reasons 23 Graduates To Get Degrees On August 27 Advanced degrees will be given 23 graduate students in August. The students complet ed their courses, in the first summer semester. More/than 76/gradihpe students are enrolled in the sccond' semest- er which began July 19, All de- izttrrf 7. Extra U. P«* H. Meta’ went to her boss an<f usKv,. “How can we be absolutely su: we are getting the r ght shade in each color when we’re just mixing chemicals? Why not tent each vat of color rinse on! real h*il It was pointed ou; to her thdt if different models .vi, make it difficult for tpry experts to 1 1 li I'Hlj i' I ' / I TV ►f ; v I 40. Ei 48. Mai* •S varying texture of th^lr mkke it perts to mato colbr standards. ‘*Th«) just use ou gestod'Mrs. Hohnecl “Who?” “Well. I’ll volunteer hesitantly, hardly r this would let her ir :) Since then she used tpc hair would the labo ra ta in exa<t g rl,” sug- she said izing whht ■ if • ha^ eptjed some C*oj ml Mi . JLrll . 5,000 vats of color. In each caio she applies thje rinse to her hair, ts to the VL - T •V' -| M submits gaze of that coi next. V the. vat, gallons the rinse results tc diemist, sh4m Mpi* the (i eicolor perfect an estimated woipen y or rc abotil/tei s' ly. There colors in hazards. She has a hahi. of leaving on overnight jthe last color; rinse tested M&T afternoon i and she Uh r ‘i •I B f SI* Fla* Cuban j|§3L Pitcher ia£S|P ’SL Order of trotfaj ! • » «»’u«. bondttce 66. Merehaai for his rather unreasonable bohav- grees for the summer Semesters ior. I soon discarded the nsstimp- are given in August, lion that he was Unsuccessfully The; following have completed v ' wooing a cold, hard-hearted woiman. the courses during the first sc- Then I thought potthaps he was moftcr: a nffir 38. Individual erehaa it , DOWN L Eve • ■ icon d o ff n gOP<l shitlrgy \ I i [ ! . The t«Aitlu oil iaUowaljio slauds now ut l)bU’t;Ahink IVuaHIlgton haH;,, .. itlmllnjg out LdaliRiflcf: AuHtili t.UMj.Ofl? bartw daily. thU iHjMiro than trying to impress his dean with an original display qf fighting Ag gie spirit. IT.' finally I rvconti mended, that Ni»mc|i'ss lake n rijee long nan. When he itwolta and was fairly sober, It wasn’t hat’d for me to convince him that] Bully's statue would he a very dull ditto. And that, my hoir, is my adviev to you. Sleep it offi If inis does noli help yoUr! irophle, go hack and drink some more sehnspps. Dr. M. N. Brown PDQi DDT, and HD educntlmi: II, It, Brenholtl, Den t»*n; 0. E. Kerr, Bryani J. N. Master of Education degree In education: R. B. Allison, Graham; R. B. Baty, Paris; W. T, (Brian, Fisk. Missouri; W. T. Blodel, York- towjl,)/ Mklvtor of Education in ngrl* cultural education; L. W. Cose, Km; K, P. Cherry, llumot; J. C, Fog, Hangs; J. U. Mcllvoy, Celina; J. K. Beamans, Kirbyvillej'(l, L. Hybert, FiHist; It. 11, Thomas Jr., Ranger; M. II, Timmons, Nmlth> vlllc. Master of Education in Industrial ji me bltsillCH*. U)0. j i ,• i jov»,yvy unri uin yaiuw wiiu v ui> ft Hftvernl of th<k interdatlngihetti Auatl|n daily! demand foywuHt by the V tiiti taken the trouble to compute for Tex- ms are as follow^: 1 / 1 l to every- 230,<j00 liarri'ln the July AugiiHt Bureau of Mines. . j j J i || . /] ! j I. ’ v I^ist week 188 oil vvells were completed There are 2,309,301; nou-ag^icultiuiriil bringing: the 1949 total to 4,890, cbmpsi|r0d x vorkert; in this state which now claims with 3,946 a year aqo. Severtjly-two dry ’,000,000 citizens, j , j ! ! holes wtre reported. Federal internal revenue collections in These figurO.^ won’t appeal jTexavS in the month of! June were 18% one, but several interested groups Will >ver oollections the sam^ month last year, find something significant in them. The The Federal Treasury sucked awjay $14|,- [poultry producers can figure how many ^69,030 during June iiis year. chicks are being hajtched eVeifyi minute. / The baby chicl^_poiiulatioii of Texas And the chick raisers arid petroleum fans ncreased 4,200,000 during June Of this cad get together and figure if Texas is ear. This brought tht baby chick/ pro-’ producing enough oil to heat the water to Auction for the first half of 1949 to pick the chickens, earn- them into the million over’/tie cities of this great sratej, and fry them in kitcbeinsjJ. j U J | j Tax experts i can figure suyh ratios as baby chick per dollar going to the 's- treasury, lax dollar per completed oil well, $17,895,295 jfor the fiscal ydar and many, majny more. i ■'j leginhitig September first. SincdJastrS* p- “Figures can be fua,’’ commented/ the eh Aggie as a sur , True. True. 1 18,400,000, roughly 9 ame perjod a year ! ago. Egg production was 1.681 billion, hundred thousand less than last year, j MaihtcnaneW of Texas’ highway s. m ember 2,241 mijes of roads have lx idded. H! • ; !•]: V' : j . . • • j : : f\l Th; niagji|trute was deaf, but cortai dy “My dptf didn’t bite jijih,’* 1 ioj, deftfer timn the twq men before him. There was a paiwe wHil Phu first man leunpU forwnnl royiewed the sltiiaticn, tihi w si»f M ho exclaimed, ‘ thin man owes no/ ihd decinion: / ,! H- Course in Vet’s Ag Program Planned A two weeks course for teachers in the. veterans’ agriculture pro gram will begin July 29, accord ing to Jack Gray hnd Wallace Haw-' kins, assistant professors of agri cultural education. Gray and Hawkins will direct the course which is designed to help teachers in the veterans’ ag riculture program with their prob- Icms. E. B. Keng. range specialist for the Soil Conservation Service, will arijange special Work on range problems for the daks. Keng will he assisted by C. O. Carlton, dis trict representative of the Soil Conservation Service- 1 Both classroom idetures and field trips are planned for the voca tional teachers who will attend. Meats (/lass Plans Houston Trip O. D. Butler of the Animal’Hus- bain dry Department has an nounced that the meats dass, 307, Thcpo was a pause whilc thu magistrate ' mmumqd; ory bi l amoquljlng tb AlOO Hiul i, I to |Hiy III" 7 !■p o|twof ; Thu kocoiuJ man jlpriuig.-up, (I Tlw Kooom •’lihnibt a : h f- llitl” fin crlnd. .4ttdignat|tly. then hu l! Kkratos, Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Master of Science tn account* bifllilB, D, Brough, Lufkin. ^ 1 Mtfstor of Science; in genetic*: T. C, Cartwright, Clemson, S. C.; Harold D. Lynn, Lubbock. Mustier of Science in electrical] engineering: M. Irinrtc Jr., Maya-/ guez, Puerto Rico. Master of Science in dairy hus bandry: S. Z. Karim, ^Lahore, Pakf * ... 1 ' . I Master of Science in animal hus bandry: M. I. Malik, Lahore, Pak(|- istan. Master of Science in agricultural economics: T. E. Pra.tcy, Paris. Master of Science in petroleum engineering: H. G. Van Horn, Hom er,] Louisiana. , j >> .1 • ■.} . ' . Large Sikge Crops To; Be Harvested The 1 largest silage crop in the history of the A&M college plan- ,\ tation is being harvested this sum- : nier. - One. hundred eighty acres Of Atlas Sorghum have given a yield jof 13, tons of silage per acre, according to R. E. Leighton, ad- * sisUiht professor of dairy husband ry- r.r In addition to the silage crop, the plantation has harvested r>18 will make a field trip to the Hons- g » lfa,fft >’ a >’ >' n<i * ton Packing Compimy August W. lh|»cotton hlao being Butler paid tlve trip will give the f,a clans an opportunity to view op- ■ orktifins of t h*' meat industry in a ‘ " The 1 a 3 4 S 1 1 t /o 0 a ' /i - .»? ) ' ^ • h l rj 1 /if i' i •: k 1 '7 i /» ■i-'y. 1" i I ff Xi I mm 34 m 46 *r i u w 30 Jl 1 n If H ■ w wl } li \ J . | m 1 ii n^TTT jr Tn " if U il <h J ”1 1 ' i. .. _ r'' tr f‘ u ?r 4| [! 1 ■ m ’ if? li HF i i wf • rr *1 4o |!! W, t 1 : . L_ [ h ' i I L* L. U ! , 1 44 L!/' BCDD GUOC1 ym Gum] flOT □non odoei nco troo acaw eqeg CD EDC □CJOBE □aarjo qw® qu □QQCQLjii DEO CuCQ DQC3 □QOfcl □ca □caoHoci CE UDDH DCBUC 0UDDC WG GO □□□□ uunn EJEG CUQ DDCB CaCLJ ectd acQO □□□□ CEE UUUU CODU Solution of Yciterd iya Puzz(« t. Conus of (bo. (. Me i/dot* !\; . dtstanc* , ■ • Summit c h. Qoddei>s of ;?4. (u> j* In , - -nice 11. attna '1 IS. Wftnoied 19, Ac iv* .VI SI. Triin of wives ITS. Inquired 23. * Intorobtcd *1 loernln* T '■■•(ML..1 ' , 2r.. fpkurnk.a 4W* 87. Dutch uaas 11 re 2X Make nmepd* 3V. PhtgoBraphta 1 i mill 81 Po 1 t|v* . kotrpd* ttt Ut Iwerirt *7. «u MtSlwa 11 mabliui ... L N*»dj ■ 39. fcSilur for ie (trade. [ : r ( isn’t withoititai social e has a hahi. of leaving w last color: the day. |Bttkj:fonc thing ^rent wrong ..ed from thd hail dry'er to fipd iber tressta as IflnmJ ingjwiittj!-/ I j. [ ' 1 [i • “There wasn’t time- to do any. thing,’’ she said. £ I had to leave immediately for a dinner engage- ipent. So I marched out, hoping It wouldn’t ho too noticeable.’ , | ] Shortly iiftenvard, when slaiwai at dither, a man at the next Iabl4 , kept stirinz at her green hair}// -v -\ Then he cijllW a policeman ( wh< w’ard. USA »ill hS-I'. Plan l'.’ 44. all aw In (hi f*Uk niyi*,' ii: BlilT Id (if llHf td. t'liv lu !ojr« ptpmanio .7! ('a ,54. Uenue 6?. iver’s Law (lie college phintiitlon Was pur* chased In, 1911 with money bor rowed-' from the reserve funds 1 vli "(Jjoiitlomou/ he Hitttt. "I fuHy apiire- cJate your fiielinRs, but Ijcau ho* no rouHon Why you Hhould not combine to Htttjiport yotir mother.” ! kHaamamstaMMiaBM i /it The Battalion, official gjJMpWWP of College Station, »y afternoon, except ii published tri-we Advertising rates federally Inspected plant, company ia opening ita doors to any department the atudenta may J]"”’ ; deilro to sec'. |J' ' - ijrt / w. W, UiUley, superintendent of J' J / the Houston planl w|U conduct '''.h . . ,. . , the tour through the vorlouf do* Jf Ve 1??,/,r«bpl ptttmenis. Bailey taught meals n 1 dean of agrl ill : AX. M iirln^ t.i IIiI.'J.iip ! CUlUira. \ tnalntninod by the meats lab and " fe ereaniery.. All indebtedr accruing from this loan will Irljoff this year, acisordlhg! tb Leigh tub; > The planti —K al (A4frM prior to ih«/war. (The students will furnish their men trarisporiatlon l or tht one day ItUlf . f \ : If i Lawrdncf Ti of th o . iblishcd i ng holidays and examination rsnapcriof tlio Agricultural , Is puMishod five tiroes; a ftlipu ii published tri-weekly on Monday, Wednesday ahd rished ou rc^Uiast. li d Mec k and periods/ ‘ ‘ y*. “ APMlPf -': 7. -- Ai\ nu.Uon .'•It' will b.- Iwtld «l -irlilly nmumta-r INavy Will Incicas Rcmiiting Plans " "* y tutored •■ ■ccond-cliiwi natter: at Poll trie* at Collore Etutlun, TeiiU, wider I* Act *f Conurca* of March 3. |1S70. rr ^ The Associated Press is entitled exclusively ’edited to it or not otbcntise credited ini the 1 J-herein. Rights of repubfication of all (itlicr^ to tho Use: for rep; r paper and locul nc all utlicr^matter herein arc loath n of all ro if spontaneous reseved • 1 . , . . | • 1 1 i , 1 Member of ' Ttje A^odated Pi]^$ ffice^Room 2Q9, Good' [ARVIN BttOvfaf, CLAYtQN 3ELPI ‘•‘•.ft ne KlrkUaxa '... ^. 1 Jurtim, j> Otto i Xapte. •• JB! Bdrtou, |Farx<: :l!uml«i. t-ou BciW Mytj-d, Brupo KewtoO, TV|UiuiU.s .,. . r.dvaiii V- JV > --J.. **-♦*(♦•4 .*■!'((. isc Joiwie), Henry Burr> Sin very he sum on rate m ssr. the Henry A. Mllttl’ Company be || kWhlng at 7:30 p.ln. July 28*30. I Priecs will be bffw sale. Miller Sold. i|{ d during the 1* Mi S h. Arttclca to ho offered for ( «nle at the auction wilt include furniture of nil types and an assortment of electrical fixtures.{(pv / ; ; ! Official Notice i\ vublk licarlrs *illi Im: hAd TSursduj-, AUvUat 4'., at 7;3U 1>. ui. tU Ur- College Station City Halt to dlkcusa tbe city lAid- RAYitOM) ROGERS -I T Wir> Editor VRUJ IW.» aussK!*? Mrud llulmu, Hardy L'I. oportcra Writer ?! >! Ye if.nri> ■:y i ■> Kcotticth ifStantk.-. Andy Davis Ituu. . IV 0. BriM I; 1 'ii InT' •-'Ef A'/trey.Predcra k./jjtbwiWDS City Manager l.L Sportd KdHor ,...U. 1 -Sporu Writers n Ptaotofruplier JiU..4L I MOT1CE- or VIBUC UE-UUMi : , Tttf City Council ia; consWcring a pro to rezone thfc Kjlc Pearson traet of located on lllgliway o souUi of the -—yter' '‘ii ' B Sujrvey oV? •’ lAU of thoae tliit are affected by the proposed chango la 'Ui|e(i*bi)injr are tmlted to! be .present to preneot stteft jto Ui City Counctl at a Ittbltc-Hearing to be held In the City Hali at 7:30 P. M. on Ttipmlf' AUW* 4> MB. ' -' Tlic Navy Department his. r4* ! pity Innouneen a movp to reonill mpro personnel f ir Its expanding elcotronics program and to allevi ate a rrttleal shortage of electron. IcS technicians. Beginning with the month of July the Navy hopes to enlist L0(K) pef 'month in the Electronics Kidd Procurement Program, and an un* llittttcd number th the Electronic Technician Training Program. AppHants for both programs must have had no prior, military service in any ( branch of tnc? Aimed Forces, except Ut a rcseri' component subsequent to Mar 31, IMfl. (Those interested in this program arc urged to contact the Nav Recruiting Station, located in the Bryan Court House Building. t- ]-f * -4 ] ‘[* . \ r ^.\ Ifj, ' 4 let Kills Man _ TSBURGH—U5P) — A casket killed 55-year-old Nicholas Radfck —i” tOdaK It: fell from an ele\ k- Ncwiot Affects Renewals AUSTIN, Tex. -W'--State po lice have made it easier u| renew your lapsdd auto driverls license. Public Safety Director Homer Garrison Yesterday announced a new temporary plan under which renewals will not require new ex amination^ A shortage of per sonnel in the license division was given as the reason. Garrison| outlined these steps in the new procedure: First: Ilf you have a licence that was issue<f since Jan. 1, 1944, you may get a; renewal by mail front the Department of Public (Safety without examination. ! \ Second: If you have a Ticensei that was Issued prior to Jan. 1,( 3944. you may renew by present-; ing the old license to a drivers li cense exafniner in your locality' and executing an original applica tion. License in the latter disc will also bf issued without examin ation. J. - ( I / / Formerly, (hose rippliqgnta for renewal Who had 0,1 lowed th^lr li* > n tW" P ■ ^IX-^***'^!*-**—■■Mwj Donaldsons Rave Baby Gud Addition A lathy? gli’l. Celia Lwlae, W»* horn jo Mr.-and MraJjitek W, Doiialiidoiv of ClnUega Vfew at St, JoH4iph> itoaphal, hint Friday. Thi hahy weighed (eight uniuda and vlght ourtvf'i*. ‘ _ /'•' 1 v, Dimiililatiii IV u Hvi/lm' agricti* tut'Al (tluciMlon nniJdf/frhin Watio, MriL ttmiittWitm ii (lie former JmtB* T SL '•renony «or tjt*i iittpiij ti *• v*rh. nnt. tiunv Fnltigbinji ■'l enses to expire won} rtxjul ed to Idand a re-examinaljiob. Now/ tin ier the temporary sietr-up, you may reinstate your permit to! drive ;t, regar Without taking the teit. regardless of how long it has expired, rirovid- ed it is not now suspended or re voked. t T !-■ i v T TODAY & BSDAY PALACE Brcpri Z'StiW % i / tdr Jn a fuhbral home where xqk worked, inflicting a head n- Srii vLiil The lAithefan -Studcht Assoc: tion will meet: tonjghtjnt tiM . m. to pinko plans for the remajndtt of the summer andi/art upland, gram for ItWp Fall; Ken F pr^slcUmt of jthc L. £f. A.. The miiettw will lie the) the- m'ohnd jaemrater adjooL-All(Lutharan study.... urged to attend and heWntn (hr planning tdf spropwr |iuitiiv}ti^ie/ The inaeMilg will he!hr'ldj in .the Lutheran 1 Htudent l/ehtor,! whi’it'li has hwn raidntly alr-WindlUonikl Dll the program toi wnlgM. ii 11 abort Hwlnps|< UtoattHfjfollowed by k«men aadi iwrattiKU'ij^ t / Kt'ii m Mfihob m mm I t In limtw thaft/jjl I r * m ./ m Mtudenia them games (Die Cbnttr * *w»r f 1/ * ,r< tr t •il'wt 'i\A v- i I If l\ Jd hi 1. >■ .1; jj,U lif PLl dm & Jerry, Bugs B.mnv Cartoons M* V**' ■/'i^:00-/3.:04 ■ • L if.i is 5:« Mfc- 7:12 j Iv't - - Iff <r f... * 9:15 * 4 4 'K -.,j .jffl i 0 tAOlO riCIUWl f ,11 ! . I I i1-/\ r I j:X -j/llipi Pll PPPPH Mi 4M*.-> tiL***- - • - If