The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 22, 1949, Image 2
.-'tl m - I? u. p't- ii’ "■ f ‘- ,1, '• '* '' ‘f • , ' -•)• I,’ ■ v 1 i; / / i m ■. > I^ge2 4^ i . ■ ■ > " • i. College View ■ ^ r’». "f ■ T-t ! 'S: . A. '•-ii ' T ; : V . ’n m m I t n T m t » Battalion Editorial* F&piY, JULY 22,1! f- __ ,1 “4j' ■>* "Collegre View hu. thmft of sonie ‘ other way to keep their wives busy now that the apartments won't nee3 sp much care in. being! kept clean. What with an asphalt topping for the .,e,M>,wl’ U p like sock) irty shoes tracking! in of trousers carrying dirt toj be deposed woman busy. Things like under the bed, or dirty sb loti of dust, or cuffs of troi in little evinly pvet itife floors. Anything to It dusty College View rpads, the work abound the woman of the. house busy. 5 tp ! a. minimum for Still, we agree with many residents ./ j ;c . of College Viewiwho sayj, “We’re glad to fun piit Of something set t^e streets being topped, but it should worse have been done a couple of years ago.'' the ; house Will be: cu the little lady. 1- - And when women ]* to do—welk there a)re few things than idle woman. i 1 ! ! ^ - , r And as a large chugging Mkintainer We have 1 confidence in’ the Aggie hus- advances near lus raising a cldud of dust, ids, however, and we feel they" will wd choke and wipe our eyes and add, .bands think of many ways to ke|ep the little ^ Hj/' f . ’ ! % r . ] -.ViH ’ Take Their Stars and Take f\! ; Stats (fell in Washington last week, j 1 but thes^ were notj stars from the outer space; Of course, these stars came from pretty high up—the Pentagon Building —but not from the outer space, > f Two of the Army’s top generals couldn’t quite Cover up fast poUgh their L past dealings with /’Jfive percenters.” Be* j; cause their dirty sl|) was showing, the generals were retire “B it better la i nr 1 ieir Pensions eyes be than never.” 1 / ■ is. m i ! ‘L J : ; / I!' I it Boylc'skColumu —-—«—*4— — / i To Get Rich, Find Out What People Want and Produce It By HAL BOYLE j |g a plain-spoken 53- '* ■* " cagi: to ask | ike to be t of pight m j :i HI NEW YORK sure -There is one ula for raa't- and simple ing a profit in A It ft' fo ask a large number of people what thpy want—and then mass produce it and sell it to then at a price they can afford. I would be rich myself by fcjl- lowing this easy!, formula excebt for 1 one thing. B\1ery time I auk people what they would most lige to HAve they all saV: »4. up a way to cheaper than But up in if I can thilik facture money -emment. Mass., there BoUnHon Cossnord 53-year*old Yan- py enough ten this innocent taller ?» en said is a plain-spoken kee who was years ago question: I “Would you like And one out “yes." ! So Ben Stone the "little man." increasing shoe Now he helps grow up moi more. It really wash They say j that Great, who whi| died trying to jug, padded his sani— so say that Napoleon, a small fry something for fe put a Height- the market, ip people it two nches idea, the jrW and a wine They al ^ r » ttuir with some of that money they get from us taxpayers, they pay pensions to retired generals (and colonels and majors) who were either t|oo inefficient, too in capable, Or too crooked to stay on active dtatk 1 j 11 \ . ■ The Army, Navy, and Air Force has laj peculiar way of getting rid of men in top'posts that they don’t like; they,simp ly Retire them. We don’t suppose it ever occurs to the military leaders that pen- im Oft Payne l.y As Heart-throb Gets Slain By AND! DAVIS ; i ■ it' 1 - Now th^ is one way Of gitting rid of . . .dishonest, inefficient,, contemptible Army sions are paid to these undesirables, brass. But this' is al rather dirty trick Or maybe it never occurs to the “giip- for the Army to pull |on the taxpayer. me r gimme” generals who want more and ■ ’ The good old taxpayer keeps kicking morje appropriations from our taxes that in his quarters and dollars to support the the tgdod old American citizen who plays militaiy establishment. Dressed in their the game, who pays his taxjes, who stands r the national anthem^ who is ever^’ thing one .prettiest stars and bars, military men tell vCongress how much they need the billions ■they request to keep this country strong. Chaos, Crinfusion, and Capitulation . . . a good American should be is tlie who really gets punished. '' ' T ‘‘Unconditional surrender left us a Germany without law^-wi|thout. a consti- ideal^ in ... i I. and attitudes jupt don’t inspire any high anyone—neither? the occupied Larceny (O) starring Joan OavlfleM, John Pajue, Shelly Winters, and Dan Duryea, (Gulon) This film deals With a group qf confidence men, Its leader, Dan Duryea, and front man. John Payne. By sejlliiig a fraudulent piece of goods, sofneone goes to the cleaners, and they leave town. Duryea's gal. Shelly Winters, just goes along for the ride. Payne is sent to-Mission City, California, with the sole purpose of inducing the! erection of a war memorial building. Its benefactor being a wealthy widow, Joan Caul field. Posing as a friend of the widow’s husband, Payne worms his way into her confidence. After hinting that her husband’s last wish was to buiild a recreation center for under privileged child-' ren. Payne set^ his trap, and Miss (the rest. off, Payne falls Caulfield. Mixir countries nor the troops thejnselves. But still, despite blundering, bungling Caulfield does To compTtcajte ' * Winters moves matters, Miss Into the picture. red tape, and tvhat have you, a semblance rman nation informing in the westi- tuffon, without a single person to; deal with and Without a single institution to grapple with, and We have had to build : j from the bottolh cn nothing at all.” These of a words were spoken by British Foreign erti zones occupied by England, France, Secretary Ernest Bevin yesterday ahring $nd the United States, a speech he made on [the floor of the The effect of!some of cjhr measures in House of Commons. Bejvin was defending Germimy ihas dpne much to hasten the It seems she is more interested ih j Payne than Duryea, and the boss doesn't like it. With Miss Winters hiding out from Duryea, and Dur yea tailing Payne, things are tough all over. And to top It all in love with Miss Mixing business with pleasure is the down fall of many a man. Duryea forces Payne to go through with his end of the bar gain, Payne tricks Miss Caulfield ; into making the check out to him, ' when there occurs a revolting dc- | velopment. She catches him with Miss Winters. Shelly smooth talks herself out of that m?ss, posing as the late husbands girl friend, who is out to blackm’ail her. , f ; Payne planning to marry Miss Caulfield, tears up the check. Then again Shelly gums up the works, and the entire cast crowd into the picture. The police being tip ped off by Payne, move in on the the scene, and its a sad ending for all. ACROSS I. Fluid rock 5. Evils 9. Astern 13. Lopsided 13. Orderly IL Obetruct i 15. Don# alone' ■ 1L Not exciting 20. Craiy 21.. Honor mti descendant 29, Anet S2. Yeast formed on brewing liquors 1 "‘iVWu. ■' Ch ^5. M' [ Ha! . - Ct$c U Vlieeb Oil Black eele-1 Vetdcls of far* V IJlack bird Mimic City in fICiO iiDU , . Portugal 60i Fish effga tilt nub 02. Frollf Tour Waves Adieu 2 Belle Paris Yesterday’s .Solution' DOWN t. Final G3. TVpe measures it. Sleigh <5. Alackaday 1 « / a i 4 4 1 s T 3 I 7 /O // d 4| m t ■//fa /4 /i 1 A i m m 'fa 4 ■ij • ll m { ' /& 7 > io i w p Xl zz 1 23 r F ■ Z5 2<0 ar f N - 1 • t 1 1 t] ■ Wm’ i 1 1 So fr n r- n i is 1 ' j , j 1 ii i. V . w; ii 40 fid 4 ' 1 X 42 mM 43 ; 1 I a S ar ah l/ w ■' i 1 i &> j 1 * j" sz * 54 1 ss \ ! ih *r 1 • (' y ! - ho Ml mi g m 4/ .} % .:p m h2 j ' 1, 43 u hi nKiute 2, Medic!nail , plant j », Meadewjr 1. Margllnal. not* •&. (frosa 1 6. Loyal 7. Tibetan S. Tsskd 9. I.oiithW 10. Electrical ‘.of capiuiity U. Commerco \ 22. Idraattibnl swal 2. Vl , |«tu with 2<ij Hniall botll* 27. l^toudpd 11 metuphort 5*. Oreck letter! 2L Kondered (pnlU for hunian l-onsumption J*. Source 34. Property Of . matter 37. FotMUdeni 40: Pule J** U'ln.l iew workers Kind l of freight 1 'j ■ ' I' ; ! t<. Furnishes w|th f ; i new 46-. Frighten 47, Law IS. Part of a :i / Ltsuyx. FWd of dntnular ! , : j tihdW ; / 54l OrandparenHil oo. Ancient Irtel 56. mV fUtbontJ his policy in Germany. H : I ers and the world, the desperate co Bevin. recalled to the minds of British- i|cUti( of Germany immediately following her organization construct herseli Germany that will re-i and her institutions. An example of such ia measure is the currency orm reforrh last year 1 that gave Germans con fidence in their money and took Germany! Off the cigarette economy. Another mea- ^ftxhmpn. \\,i ,jj [y ; Germany was then a nation prostrate sure tfiaf has hejlped our clause in rebuild- spoially, economically, and politically. The ing Germany is ithc Berlin airlift/ previous orders of goveniment, finance, Though Gernfiany is by ho means com- and social practices were destroyed hy her pletely recovered, at least we may iky she I' defeat, and ih their place new institutions has struggled to her knees. The Germany had to be substituted. t '/ Of Majv Anbies of occupation are never good that tei teachers of democracy. Their behavior winners* of May and June, 1945 is now a that teaches the lesson that war hi jy J A\ i JMeniories of Europe revisited, June. 1949 Englishwoman. ; How td lose friends unp alienate allies departments * It happened' after midnight at the Savoy inHCohdon. ft was one of those , international gatheriirgs at Which people would rather! say something brittle and. i clever than something true'. > j They were deep in Scotch and their own frustrat ibns, and talking about things greatest warm© ‘iNo, you Bi lean. 1 ■ ! A ' ■ '■ T It memory s no 1 -- ! You Americans ujro the igers in the world. “\Yho are r title greatest warmougers- We or the Americans?’’ asked the Epglish- jwomab. turning] to a frier d. ‘‘The Ameri.c ans, of course.” murmur ed her friend, i \\ th'cy didn't k,,ow-3«St to get in the knife "*<*'”> '** mad." dak the American. bUtde butt each other. | r ! I you don t have anything left to . | “You wouldn’t have-aft-air force with warmonger with.” tish arc,’ j . • : . said an Amer- Ily DON JARVIS j Battalion Kuropean Correspondent (Editor’s Notje: Don Jarvis, who is on the European tour under the sponsorship of the Student Activities Department, has been in Pkilk With‘the A&M architecture group there. This , is the first Story we have re ceived from him and in it he gives his impressions of Paris.) V * Paris, July 10—The Aggies haVc left Paris. Aftdr 13 days of study ing and sight-seeing, we’ve seen Paris—at least in part—from our tiny hotel on its crowded street to the Palace of I-diKembouag and its gardens; from thu* top of the Eiffel Tower to the third level of the Paris subway, the Metro; from the Alneripan ambassador's 1th of Ju ly reception to.lhe main-street start of a Ereneh bicycle race. ’ We’ve jbst miulc ourselves at home. But there are still several things; which We’ije not used to . . L. the traffic, the food, the language, and the money. Language Trouble ! French food and language have* given many chiieklos td all con)- corned. At first. We would enter a . restaurant, find a menu,, point to an item, and IV : i The inside is usually still raw. Wo’ve also- learned to order “dc I’eau,’’ which is plain water. It’s never served on a table in Europe unless asked for, and even then usually not until the end of the meal. One Drinking Fountain In all of Paris we’ve found but one drinking fountain—and that in the Anoerfcan Express office. Now, with the few basic words of French we’ve picked up in self- Rivalry Developed by Mai And Blakeney at Fort Sill By BARRY SMITH Sftisel spends most bf with big fry ‘ideas, fixed hi* boots so that there was considerable Hlal , dderat leather between his'feet and' the Aik up necks he sometimes walked on. r hiked i ’ • .-I And Sh-h-h-h!—Hitler . his heels, too. “But of course we don’t like to mention Hitler' wore hetght-in- increasing shoes.” said Stoti*, “We’d rather mention George Raft, Frank Sinatra, Bing CraOby, Al Jolson, Billy Rose, Humphrey Bogart Rudy Vailee and Dick Powell." . r Stone says he has p\it his "ele- v’ators*' on these gentlemen, and some 1,000,000 others lit the last decade. He did it bjy perfecting p normal cork hed „ . feel like call ing Prlmo Carttcra "Sonny.” Actors like to wear them be cause overhead stage lights tend to 1 foreshorten the body and give a small man a sack-of-potatocs look. But once he began mass prbdiic-i! j Ing his built-up shoes' Stone waft! )\ 'J : jMiipmn surprised to find they had more than Hollywood a rt d ” : Broadway appeal. He discovered. ] cowboys, for example, liked to wear them on sCml-formal occa- couldn't r sions their when they high-heeled boots. wear They helped a man from Texas Inuly feel like he: was from Texas. “Oddly enough," said! Stone, “it isn't the really small man vbho or dinarily wants to add a couple of Inches to his height. A flve-foot- two fellow adjusts himself pay- chologlcnlly to his heighp i He fig ures he-is what He te-4and that’s all he isl." Vet Wives Attend ' , / Five-OCftbMeet The Fivo-O Club held an Uni/ official meeting Wednesday night, July 20 at the home of Mrs Ruth Riddle in Collevc Viw. Ah evening of cards and refresh- merits was enjoyed by «ie small ! /| group who attended, said Mr?. F. ■ ' j N.. Neville, vice-president of. the V: club./;! , ; ,i !, ; ; • - ' Thdse att<>ndlng were Meadamcs , Riddle, Beth Hallmark, Jean Wal lace, Dorothy Hobann, Elaine Coul ter,(Doris Ivy, and Dorothy Neville, Airs. Nevillfl WSB co-ho.«tbs|B with Mrs. Riddle. The dub plamr to meet again beforc regular mwtirigs in the fall Mmesxbr begin, Mrs. From Fort Sill by why of South bound caravans comes news of tWo lost "Bgttcry Boys” from wi|ich defense arid a highly developed nothing fhas been heard for quite (the other two batteries! all hopped n language, we’ro somc t* 1 ? 1 ®* > up to such an extent thst the good Firtall vocabulary of sign language, we’re making out all right. Of course, many here speak Eng?- likh, which helps a lot. My Texas pride ih still injured, however, when /remember the gentleman who IftOked, “Would you mind writing that down? I understand English perfertly, but not yOu." Our money situation is different from the other problems. While we’ve found ways to get along In Paris traffic or.order fuom a menu or talk in sign language, we cun nbt make our money last. There’ii a terrific inflation here, which f soems the main problem of Parib- Ians. <ed for a wlvile as if lour /Ghu his time /iri thinking up ways to keep the boys in his battery on the ball sp they can keep on winning every’- thing in sight. This in turn keeps It 1 prolific | reporters/ ^Ghucjt Majis®! and Bol| Blakeney were being <'cn- sored, but .after-^canning over t ie!r connminiquesr it’s obvious that the Army ijm/ afriii<l of losing vjital secrets. to fear cither that A 'my is changed our intivpid /brothreb the brand of bull soep- ing into cjur hapde still smuckb of that Brazos Bottom fluvor. No need t routine i has It seems that Bob. and Cl uck have developed quite a rivalry be tween Uieir respective companies ..... by means! of the camp paper, ” Everything is plentiful if.youvc Dud.” if the money. The French franc’s f, after crjoss our* fingers. ifw out our Rolls Royccj engine,” said —i— v the ._ ■! !.• ■ - From AP, by Hal Boyle oral bad misses someone stumbled onto , a very small Restaurant on a narrow dirty stryet. and hit upon an item Which turne< out to be an excellent grill ed steak! We’re eaten there most of the since. Neither the proprietor nor his wife sp<j>kc English, hup/!||jL ^ r 'he Battalion Lai "Soldier; Statesman, Knightly C ’entleman" ! j: . 1 . -j r--,.. . livan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions i—u.—i.; 4- . i— ! The Battalion, offlpii City of College Station, I Friday afterhooiv except [ ta^on ia published tn j^car.^ Advertising n ^nec ^ - The Associated Pre? credited to it or not ot cd;iicrcin; Rights of rej: u Enter/ •• uccoDd-clas* nftiUcr at Pott Of fie* at Collctre Station. Texas. SaJir'! th*. Act Coosress uf March 3. iS70. ■ ; ■ /- L" ■' i News contributions may ho made by telephone (4-5444 Godwin Hall. Classified ads may be Med by'telephone Office, Room 209, Goodwin Hall. , Momber of The Askwiated Presa ewspaper of the Agr Cultural land Mechanical Colleje of Texas and the is, is published five 1 imes a week and circulated evbry Monday through luring holidays and ei amination p< iriods. During the summer The Bat- ly on Monday, Wednesday and fridi ,y. But irnished on request. |( MARVIN BROWN, CLAYTON - 1 Charlie Kirkluun vu .Lm-ii* Jlwrton. Otto Kuiut.....' liurtoij, Fui’M KuiiUei', Louieo jl t Hobtif 31) i fr, Cruco Nci\ ton r pm ■n IViJlluI'K) ,.... •> ...7 I fax- C"™ 1 ' r "• j SELPH-. 4......Wire .Muiia(tine Henry : SoilUi, i .eta/f lieppHert H^ry sraN F. L. HeKejr... lirud Ho mm, ; II Martfli, rVatn M | Kenneth Andy Da , lU’ii Urtltutn h’ltn l deducing vk were all from me group;, they brought/but best cheeses, pastries, and for the visiting Americans their wines Wo’ycj had to l’ r ion rote $ 1.30 per school isiung ach them to cool every 1 hing “well-done,” which to them means nearly black on the outside at least. | Official Notice , \ p iblie iiearfng will be held Thursday. - r 4,- ttt 7:30 P m. in the College City Hall to ^CUBs the pity bud- got the money. Tpc ■vhlue fluctuates, but roughly about 3^0 arc worth ^ dollar. This meahs ! jihat every pocket is full and your wallet is bulging with little paper money, some not Worth much moire than o«c cent. It’s hard to deal in hundreds o£ francs for even a meal and still keep’em straight. So now, aS we wn on our own chartered ich will take us through Southern FVafree, Rome, ^Switzer land, ami back to Paris ag^in, we’re wondering—would anyone in Eu- rbpe pick up a broke, hitch-hiking Aggie ? The Leave .it to the Ideal ladi. find something to howl about. Blakeney has already made several suggestibns as to 1 what the A^-my can do With its various techniques on the firing line; and yet War Department ha,s taken, drastic steps. Bobj that the;(kneeling position was vised by an enemy agent and proving yery successful in rcnjdcr- iw ing the jroops inactive. up to suen an extent thjit the good old Army caste system appears threatened by its arch enemy, in dividual initiative and competitive advancement. y" i The weekends still bring the Jodal belles to the catpp for the, dunce, but the lads soon tired of tho cdteh-as-catch-ean game arid Ventured forth to Lawton in an (ill out effort to find their owri com panionship. There has been no news of any lynchings from that section of the country yet, so it is assumed that the boys were their typical gentlemanly strives. AUJCUst Statior get; ication of all news dispatches news of spontaneous origin publish- are also reserved. I RAYMOND ROGERS Jity Managur HS.U. ItLOIsTIUTION DATE V __J • rT:]: [ •; j ’ ii ■ ;;; iy. July 22, u the last day for rctfldtntlon In tl|e i “•Pt 1 * .. mcr hi HHlon. ae editoi or at MUonally by NTUonal Ad- oa lltoi, at Now York City, •ad 8u Francisco. RoL Erl . .whirl vhldi >econ<t con b 1 Nof -K' ..-.-I t 4 Y - llosth 20X, it Activities ■ Co-Editors i Movlu i Eoviotvcr ►Inir RpnrWcntntJvrH during tho dec Iduy, July 23..' changed In terra of tile made witho colic :< H v (iropi>« iT after these dates will dhow grades us the f Ink! > K : OTIC S ! " Sulpltir A^ricnt Hi 5, SrclMld Husur Sales Class Hears 1 I Harrelson Speak Ray N. Harrelson" of Housl field representative of the Ti elers' Ihsuranoe Company, Hat ford, Connecticut, spoke on pro fessional salesmanship at a meet ing of Prof. Ernest R. -Culow’s salesmanship class last Thursday. Harrelson emphasized that the salesman’s hardest task was not the need of the customer, but that of creating the, desire for the produet that he was selling. Ho went on to say that there were three types of salesmen, the i ordertakers, the store cicriis; and ; the creative salesmen, now activo : in business and added. that only tlie third one, the man with cre ative ideas and with the will to ng pwrict b’et out and .work, would advance ct,. to Didtrict No. the most. ojHcgc division ipr term of the sum- 1 Ac last date on egidtratlon for the 1)19 Summer Scl.ooi penalty. ■ Subjects JVew Clean^rri Al Annex Neil ! Fall The ejeaning establishment at the College Annex will be uhder new management next falL W. H. Holzmanji, comptroller; 1 has issued instructitjins to bidders for the op eration of the dban tig, pressing, laundry, (and alteration® concession at the atinex. I;!']/ 1 '. '■ f / • Jl • -ll - if, ■ ''i Sealed.; bids will be received in the Of fide of the Comptroller until PALACE 2'8879 TODAY thru SAT; ‘BRIDE Mi I VENOENCE”' ; . - T .dos. H.ML. HUATON >' Kcglatrar E Oil I* HEAKIM. • i idcUng a jto- arson tract of 6 South of tho p"±^&japiK tei SIS to Ui i’ 1 ujdtit to ;i>wio»:i \£'jci) w.»itH to : members of the class on one of th City Council ut a I’ublle.Clearing to bo */.H_ held tn the City Thureduy, Augtut Hull at 7 i,W9. .' I “• ...caring . '>20 V M the most recent methods of ing insurance. 'M, rt— z_ * BECOBDS 1 1 - RADIOS od ft Office QihurlIT-ii-u Supplies Alii. YOUR NEEDS HASWELL’S ' SAT. PBEYBE! StfN- - MON. - m Aw- Mr X THE Iril McCaltister-Pfgiy Ann ; : Preston Forier 'fpsudid bj Willi ■■ 1 ^ Neville added. Stij! Vthfc. Joseph? T .. Moscow—<iP>-rA Russian writer, vis tihg Paris, says he can recog- nizie an Aniericftn at oricc. " "They sit at their cafe-tables,” wrote Poltoratsky in 17. vest id, "in pames* attitudes, almost ptittlng their feet, on the table, in accor dance with their habit. They look over the women passing by as a horde dealer looks over horses. Everything is permissible . for them.” I i "i—! ■ rnmrn Bmmm TODAY & SATURDAY l; " (ton© Ttomey nandolph Start “BEUJ: SfT/IRr r.XRI'OON — NEWS -Friday Features Start- 1:00-2:50 - 4:40 - 0:»O - 8:20 10:00 .. ■! f ']s ; V' ..iji'•> - Satiifday Feature Starts- j:53 - 3:43 -;^:32 - 7:20 - 9:13^; I —No PreMie Tonight— — n^m^pKkvvE VTUHT ni V ■/■fi e l ■I'"! •. - - Also - 1-I |i M )AY Umi TUESDAY (^ j; ' ■ jijJ.ji vL’,