The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 20, 1949, Image 4
i TV ’ letic N afternoon in the & office i. .;, >half • was discussed. f ( ’Mural Softball Begins Tomorrow A meeting of all Intramural ath- Lic officers was h«W yesterday t^rnoon in the Student Activities ; and the outcome of tKe first of summer Intramural sports discussed. <£: ' •/ .^ i Only one change was made in the operation of the program./Tne officers present approved a change in the ffme of campus I-softball games frbmj-5:30 to 6:45 fpj; aft- ;i ernoon gam* / 'I to get to, the playing fieldi apd t-^ warm up i some before the to aflow the players apd mes i ■ ( start, The following teams werO en* tered in softball competition for the coming semester: Dorm 14, t':\. Puryear, Mitchell, Law, * f i Milner, Project House, Hart, M ton and TCVV. ' J jiTho first games will be Legett, , Wal- j: games win m played Thursday with Puryear meeting * • Legett on diamond six and 1 >- 14 meeting Project House oi d' mond five. Two gapies will be played Bvery :; ’ day and on Monday and Tuesday ! , nights, a. game will be playfd »»» finning at !i the lighted diamond beginning 7:46. - : : ■ , -SCRIBE- tge 3) - ' Jjl; (Continued from Page 3) two Southwest Conference champ- If ill Ml WL km V r 4«t jj, > k fff! ' " • <.r ' 1 * ■ ■ mj&tri 'l "i-i " ■ '■ . i L' - m ; ■ : ;~ fi - ^ ; ' ’ '4 T • > M I'tZm -f. , m m k arland R. Robertson, 401 Re public Ave., Raytown, (a one of thp. ■Aggies at the rqrt Mon- moath, N. J. Signal Corps ROTC camp for the summer! | ..-ii i i 't T ionships. Both times he was, the man who beat Texas. But think what would have hap pened had Layne and Walker I mode contact With Blair Cherry j ‘ that day in the hotel at New Orle- ; i aps. • Undoubtedly Walker would have gone to Texas jind the com- ■d , bination of Tafyne apd Walker ' would,have been too miich for any' . 4«am to handle. H> \ ‘T Southern Methodist, say the ex- . -perts, has its work cut out for it Local Swimmers j Place in Houston YMCA Swim Meet Water Carnival Presented In CoUege Pool The' first of the College Station Recreation Council water carnivals was\ presented in the college pool Thursday evening before a large crowd. Coach Art Adamson divided the swimmers into White and Maroon teams for the competitive swim ming and the Maroon team' splash ed its way to victory. Besides the competitive swim ming, the audience was entertain ed by diving and synchronized swimming exhibitions, the history of swimming, and the comic diving antics of (Jayle Klippie and Scotty Potter. Win the, competitive f ■ In seeking a third straight con- ference championship this year, r . Rice is the team most everybody * / appears to be picking to take' the 1949 title. > / * Rice has. the stuff warrant" top consideration—twenty-one let- termen, eighteen of them seniors. In view of the ~ fact^that' we picked Texas to wm the title in 1947 and 1948, our reputatiomis tan expert can suffer no more. Therefore, we won’t be taken too |\ seriously in the following prog- nosticauoni ••— . 1 , ! T"- rPicks SMU ’ ' We’re picking .’Southern Metbo- i dist to win the title', Coach Matty Bell won’t like this but we think SMU will: bo 'stronger /than Over next season, (jgspite the loss of Gil Johnson, the great passer, to pro football. The line ought to be better and SMU still, has Walker, Kyle Rote and . Dick McKissack. And the Methodists didn’t exactly make a. dry haul ii) bringing in ’ fresh men last year. " Rice always finishes strong. The trouble with Rice is that it never starts playing championship foot ball until November. That won’t I! • i IT®t the job done in the Southwest J Conference. , i Texas Christian,and Baylor will ' be the other two'teams of first- division caliber. Either could win | j the title. s' But we have decided' we’ll pick ,,, no team above Southern Methodist II until some team can finish abovd Southern Methodist; Why we ever picked Texa# in 1947 and 1948 still is a mystery to yours truly. II The College Station Swim ming Team won a numbel 1 of places in the Houston YMCA Swimming Meet which was held in Houston this past weekend^ The^-College Station Team is composed of local swimnters and Aggies, In the junior division Orin Helvey won second place in the 60 yard freestyle i event. Tom Barldw and John Robert Smith came In secir ond and third respectively sin the backstroke and the freestyle and medley relay teams came iii first and second'respectively. The! free style team was composed of Hejl- vey, Terrel, Boyett and Hickman. The. medley relay swimmers were Bpnnen, Barlow, and Cleland. The intermediate division •jpatne home with three second places to their credit. Dick Weick won sec ond in the breast stroke, G ayle Klippie w'as second in the 220 k’ard freestyle,"* and the medley relay team elf Smith, Weick arid Klippie also came inisecond. In the senior division, there \i\ere seven places won by the College Station team. McKenzie won Sec ond place and McBride tied tfo|r fourth/ in the. 50 yard freestyle. McKenzie also was second in the KM) yard freestyle event. Copi- stock and Moye came in second alpd third, respectively in the breast stroke, |The medley relay team of Fleming, Comstock, and Hale plac ed second while the freestyle relay team of Fleming, Hale, McKenzie and McBride alsq came in second. The local team was handicapped in_ this meei by not having a full list of entries for the competition.! This weekend the College Sta tion swimmers : will enter t[he Tyler swim imeet with a full list of en tries.-. j . . ' J • : ' . i rr h inner* 1 of event* were: Roys 13 and under, two lengths freestyle: Tom Barlow, first; Tom Terrell, second; John Robert Bar low,! third; Betu Hichman, fourth; Jerry Oden, fifth* Time 42.2. Girls 13 and Under, two lengths backstroke: Bam Wilson, first; Nahcy Hale, second; Martha Ter rell, third; Marian Gaddis, fourth; Time 69.8. , . v S Boys 11 and Under,'one 1 length backstroke: Joe Steen,; first;! Bob by Wilkins, second; Richard Smith, third; Norman Floeck, fourth; Ben Trotter, fifth. Time 27.6. . j Girls 11 and under, one length freestyle:. Beth Penberthy, first; Martha Terrell, second; -Ann Schlesselman, third. Time 25.4.< Boys 13Land under, two lengths breast stroke: Tom Barlow, first; Business men who do not adver tise are like people who wink in the dark. They know what they are jluiiig, but no one else ever finds out about it. . • , J ■ ! ' ~- : l. .j ' 4. / ■Great-Great Grandfather Weds LOS ANGjELES,—t<A , Vt-A 91- year-old great-great-great grand father is honeymooning today with hs 80-year-old bride. • ‘T’ve been wanting to marry her for a long tiime,” said Albert R. Hummel, “But she didn’t know.". Finally she says yes. So yesterday I says, ‘well, we might as Well get it over with.’f We did.” Asked how ;she liked being mar-, ried the former Elizabeth R. Eud- deke patted Hummel’* cheek and said: “I love him. He’s mine, I would’nt trade him for anything in the world," 4 T]’ "T- . ^ .. . ; i ! ■' Tom Terrell,, second; Joe Steen, third; Dickia Hicherson, fourth. Time 63.2, J The backstroke relay for the low Intermediate class was won by the Marodn Team number one; White on# wm second; White two, third; Murooil two, fourth. The high beginners;freestyle re lay was won by Maroon lean: three. The other Winners were: White one, secondjf Maroon one, third; Maroon two, fourth; and White two, fifth. [, Thq;. low intermediate freestyle relay was wdn by the White team two., The other winners were: White one, second; Maroon one, third; White three, fourth; and M&roop two, fifth. The high intermediate freestyle relay -was worn by the Maroon two team. The other winners were: Maroon one,- second; White one, third; White two, fourth; and Ma roon three, fifth. * L V Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS Page 4. WEDNESDAY; JULY 20) 1949 SELL WITH A BATTALION CLASSIFIED , AD. Rates ... 3c a word per Insertion ! with a 25c minimum. Space rates in Classified Section . . . 60c per column inch. Send all classifieds with remit tance to the Student Activities Office, i All ads should be turned in by 10:00 a.m. of the day before publication. • FOB SALE ^ FOR SALE—Attractive 3 bedroom house, by, owner. W. C. Rasmussen. O. I. Loan. ; 211 Kyle St., College Hills. WANTED TO jRENT — Small furnished ,• nouse or apartment. Contact Mrs.' ; Ridgeway, dreamland, ./College Station. FbR SALE—Large used Kelvenator—in good condition. Call 4-K431. FOR SALE—Land fronting on new High way No. 6, dine miles South of College: 20 acres with lake, house and barn — $2,450. 20 acres with large lake $1,450. 15 acres and small lake $1,250. 20 acres with 700 foot frontage—$950. i Terms on each tract—1% down and H/p per month. Wm. O.vHall—Aggieland {Inn. FOR SALR—1941 2-door Ford by original owner. Body and motor In excellent condition. #B7.00. Phone 4-9939. FOR SALE—Portable washing machine, man’s bicycle, Mauser Automatic Pistol (fires .32 American Ammualtlon). C-19- D College View, j FOR SALE-One 1929 Chevrolet 1 ton truck'. Sealed bids Will be received until 10:00 A. M, July 2«. 1949. The Nght Is reserved to reject'' any and all bids and to walye any and ^11 technicalities'. Address • Comptroller. A.\ A M. College of Texas. College Station," Texas, for further information. , V' / T . . \/ ^ If (•■OR HALE—Pinto pony with, saddle and \ bridle, very gdntle $60.00. yedK-old colts i sired by Kinganudo, Porter Boy and Oolden Plume $50.09—$75.00. sW; nine miles South of College—Highway No. c. ^7* —j !| .' v I-': -i i h- 1 e ' 4T i r -- "I always smoke Chesterfields because they're Milder, ipuch's My cigarette/ „ , STARRING IN w tHI FORBIDDEN STREET" 7 r-A 20th CENTUR^-FOX REUASC r$r M r*" If' ! > i vV r\ W; J '7 -vf iM'.:. V: • WANTED • ugg WANTED—Collitge instructor desires fur- nished down-stairs four room apartment located in /College Station or close vicinity, jby BBPt. l*t. Write Box 2052, College, j - i' li. | .,, ;■ • WANTED TO RENT • • MISCELLANEOUS • =»= NURSERY—Will keep your children by : day. night.. Week or week-end. Reason- i able rates. .Call 4-M934 between S and I>:30 fqr furtjier Information. 1 il . ’ 1 . • . WANTED—Laboratory technician. Must r have e*i»eri«aice ( in Serology and Bacteri- ology. ? Apply at the Brazos .County j Health!: Unit, Commerce Bldg. Bryan. Phone 2-H9S9, LTL ABNER ^aTuOnIs as TMI (X STATUE , IS AROUMD FOR HER TO < DROOL AT—WH cr Chance ► has an averase., clean cut: young chap like: HE GOT? I . l vV m Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Sear— I ■ • I V i A { ( v . LTL ABN rrs uMwma.7’- no human being COULD be this perfect/t-well-she: WON'T ADMIRE him so MUCH WITH A HI IN KM HMLMO.rr HA. r -HA/^-THiS STATUE look so handsome Vi HOLE IN ITS HEAD/: r ~ \ . - • 4 • i*. 1 While satbacx \lCTUS LOOK AT SQMCTHh STOHtStXXrt wMSL&my OfiCuD-Ah CAPP— X s**?Thow , dyp' LIKE SOMEONE. T'DO THIS rovor? ■ l 777 ^ *• - \* I U/\ ey on , ■ 'll . :th bang hart is demanding w [gktf^’-WINCHElLAi: ■■ l/-=jgg 1 WANTS TO, KNOW W KEN NL. O” APPEARS SOMEWHERE IN EVERY *LI'L ABNER” : j! i By Alfa > ; '• OH, WELL - I'LL BORE , rww rr.T-lT FEELS LIKE SOLH STONE UNDERNEATH -THIS IS LOTS LI L AI5 wSki ? P-SEEMS T'feE LOTSA EXCITEMENT BELOW.';'’ .Police cars is formin' ' A RIN® AROUND TH' ' BLOCK or He’s a J fiu.CLfrt 'll, 4AA AuAA. jCAe^t > V j j ll. !:• • BUSINESS SERVICES HAVE your tliemes. thesis, typed by ex- |perts. Phone 2-6705. THE SCRIBE SHOP, 1007 E. 23rd. a : — Hptdry Public. Bookkeeping urul Typing, j^ee Mrs. j-I,. | 1). Lewis, Apartment jc-ll-Y. Coiliege View, or write to Box !'25hi, Collegg Station, Texas. SIT. KOSS l.t^ltiE NO. 1300 A.K. A A.M. ^Called meeting Thursday. July 21. at 7:00 p. m. Work ||n M. M. and K. C. Degree. .!{ HARRY BOYER, W M. N. M. McGennls, See. IjVUNDER in leisure Laundromat Equipped . . . One Half Hour Laundry Opert) Daily 7:30 a.m. LaUt Wa|h Received Monday ! 7:0(31 p.ta. — Sat. 3:30 p.m, Otherj Days 5:30 p.m, Starching; & Drying Facilities •Available. I WE SELL Model 5Airplane Supplies Architectural Balsa Wood /" SHAFFER’S BOOK STOKE North Gate. Phone 4-8814 A I r \ y. , / —If- Geo. W. Buchanan, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR CoiONIC X-RAY 805 E. 28th St. KlUie 2-624S if i / . — CAR QUARTERS BRYAN MOTOR CO. Your Friendly Ford Dealer T7 •/ STILES FLOWER SHOP 1903 S. Cpllege Rd—Ph t 2-6188 PROMPT DELIVERY and WIRE SERVICE J. j8. Stiles ’48 Reed Allbritton ’51 ' •RADIOS •RECORDS School k Office Supplies j 1 ALL TOUR NEEDS HASWELL’S \r;,v ..■ f :•[ \ / ' : > 1 THAT'S A By A.1 Capp ' Car M ■! The Exchange Store is Glad to to the Student Body of A&M College A NEW AND COMPLETE PLAN HE USED BOOK BUYING / ! and it the close Where we formerly bought only books for our retail stock make you either a retail or wholesale offe books,a ty of the year of a semester,, we are now prepared to on practically all T Wl If ■ ; A: i y t RET^ LIST: This list will i li the future we will maintain two buy lists as follows: 1 v/ . j. J iclude all titles on which we njeed sfock foir our retail department and wiji be kept fiur- )n this list we will ply 50% of cur- nt. On all titles rent list price. F i. . ill ’ i V : 'T WHOLESALE i This li LIST: will \ J its list v titles and books you riaay^have bought o disco cover old editions, used in so other school. It will tie revised monthly! We will pay current wholesale price for all titles on this list. Tta . : Jmm . Iifi;r ntinued in some . ... I ‘ !■ ' N I -'I I • 1 i 1 ,tj v TlhiS new plan will permit you to sell your old books the v vnn arp throned! with thpin and thus rpreiva thair maxi- v. day you are! through with them and thus mumVallie! | v \i \ 1 i •' Bij I- y A r . US MAKE r / BklNG IN YOUR OLD BOOKS TODA YOU AN OFF your old books tne receive their maxi- .^ajxmn AND LETT ■' The : E “ l ;i n L Store :/ n > • Vvii'- £ H ■; ''li 1 Mi I ..i ii' ! I*. '1[ ' , i ->i •V !.. . L. .• J I . ■ i- k • Y m ; I a I