The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 20, 1949, Image 2

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Page 2
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Make Youf Student Activity Fe
« " ; ! i * *
■pummer session Students justf,don’t
seem to care whether ^r hot thley get their
money’s worth from their stu
tie^fee. • •] | _
Last Thursday nij^ht, the
to atten
the Col
ent activi-. them he
M p
Zucker sis- brought
ters, a piano team from New York, put siderabk
on one of the finest prof
featured at A&M in the last (couple of
years. Attendance at (the performance was
around 700, but consisted almost. wholly
of Veterans and their wives and members
of the College staff
IJ !
isn’t much use in
the trouble to bring
' j ■ h ' . , ' 'I;, /l- 1 ’
lers likOxtbe Zucker sisters are
iere during the summer at eon-
expense, and that expense is
pf music; covered by your student activities fee. An
effort is made to sign
shows that feature a gc
s Next
for these
summer pro-
■ k
week, the third and last of the
and their families, professional entertainment groups signed
who didn’t attend th^ performance knew j. You paid for the show when you paid
what they Were missing? , * 1 • t your fees for this six weeks, so why not
The shows are brought here primarily get your money’s woyth by going down
for students, and if students aren’t going to see it ?
The Rolling Maine’s Days Are Numbered
ii /
'!• rj
Be Added
thigh School
Vocational j. agricul t u r a I
•lining is oncij again being
*red at Consol i-
High School, and as in
past the lack >f interest
the students* is the big-
L etacle in Ub way of
Jtion, says lies Rich-
principal. \
facts wore brought! tjo
it Saturday when throe
of Peach Crh*ck objcctod
inclusion in the AftM district,
in objections were the lack
‘ »nal agricultural training,
hing at odd hour*, and
$1.50 tax yate.
to stimulate interest in
jii j
•»: 11
Crossword Puzzle
If. Perfect felt
Sneak Preview
* *y
farmers of
training in the past,
urged to become
in the Future
d Vocational
' "I jf! ~ • *| .1 f J
>. Weak kneed; landlubbers who can’t
standi the rolling 1 of a! ship may find hope
and comfort in the pi|omises cf the Navy
‘ about their new antifrolling gadget. The we see (he roll Reducing gadget as a boon
gadget, they promise] will
to 810% of a ship’s polling
side to side motion ofjthe ship as it plows rolling imd pitching floors that j
through rough waters. M ( stand still beneath his feet.
‘ ' x T M. rvp'JC- j
Just to make surfc that their claims
are right, the Navy i* equipping a mine- , . .
swedper, the PeregFine, With the device. '
The mihesweeiicr will bo' taken into rough
seas to cbnfh^n the Navy’s stories about
the roll eliminator's !effectiveness.
As We are among those most suscept
ible to the dread sea nausea—Sea-sickness
—our interests are naturally aroused and
If 1
\ stand still beneath his feet.
We are not moved very much by the
Navy r s omission of any claims to the
commercial use. The Navy is more
interested in the device’s war uses. Heav>
fiS k|*h Imp*. IT.
ji. aijltirunitoc |n
%4 !
I A | ;
2. NotlSu
4 !
nts shojw an interest
but so fnr
By s^NDY »avi^
Sorrowfnl^Jonc* (Paramount) . < t8
starring Bob Hope, Lucille Ball,
Wm. Demarest.x and introducing
Richardson brande<
mg air
calm ru
Actually the rolls jure not eliminated;
they arc dampened, jrwo jmirs of large
tanks are mounted ojn opposite sides;of
pump : --A.iJJ
transfer wate
heart melts under the hressure of
a lovable little girl. The tittle girl,
Mary Jane Sailhdef*, is
com(|r, and the cutest trie
A the ijcreen in mjkhy a day.
taught afterschool
time teachers were
craft carriers may become almost
nways for thq pilot coming in to
‘Sjorrowful” jonef was brou
to watch hirf money. You
land. Our gun crews will not have such a
hit-or-n|iii«ft task in their firing at enemy
from one war wl
the Whip. High kpeed pumps] operating uh is th
set of tanks to another as the! ship starts we. look for the gadget’s commercial uses
is thus aboard civilian ships. But war or peace,
set of tanks fto another tu
to roll. The balance (of the skip
changed suddenly and
Knack Twice and Ask far Gus
difference between the Navy and
at the Navy (presupposes another
n the gadget will be useful and
this will be a better
anti-rolling invention.
world with this new
ia \a new-
trick\to hit
P . would
not' Exactly cull hjm utingy, bu\
murni sny he hik thk.firat dime ho -
ever made, ami the . few he atole
from the blimj. When “Big Stfvc,”
Bruor Cabot, fixes I a race, “Sor-
rowfiur deans up on the deal, in
cluding a four yearjold girl, named
"Sholrtu.’* She’s left as security for
u twenty dollar bet; which Sorrow
ful never collects. Her Dad is found
in the Baat-; River, j disposed of by
"Big Steve.-
With the aid of! his girl friend
GladU, Lucille Bail, the two take
“Shotts” in hand. Its really the
other way toround, because ‘Snprts’
g<|>es to work ou Sorrowful. The
shell isn’t hard to break, and once
broken, there’4 no turning
back. He even parts with a few
sheckles, buys himsdf a new suit,
the first 1 in half a century, moves
to a larger apartment, arid each
night finds him kneeling besides
“Shorts” saying his ; prayers.
When “Big Steve!'; is thrown out I/this course
bL the race by the racipg coinmis- Tiught duel
sion, he signs his-hqrse, “Oreamie ; hfdurs.
Joe,’’ over to “Shorts,” not Tonow.
ing who she is. Gifen a “Speed-
Ball,” the horse will; win the race,
but will die from its; after effects.
"Shorts’’ identity I is discovered
and; “Big Steve” tries to remove
her from Sorrowful’* company.
ic child falls from the fire-es
cape; ami is critically injured. In
a coma she calls out for “Drcamic
Joc,”\o Sorrowful steals the horse
before Nthe race, and fneaks him
into the\hospital. One > look at
Dreamic, \and its sweet dreams
from then Op. The police round up
the gang, ahd Sorrowful figtiring
two can live cheaper than one, de
cides to marry. Glndis. The two
adopt “Shorts” aiyl tjhc three go on
a honeymoon. \/
The incou
may include
if enough »tu . .. ,
in it, added Richardsoln, but so
only courses like Latin and pul
syeaking have been added
Meanwhile jn ni# full time music
I tdaeher has been added to the staff
of the school; Richardson said.
Mrs. Kathryn Stokes will be the
first full time music teacher Con-
; swidated ha:
graduate of SMU anid has been a
j private teacher of music in Crock-
eit for the p$st two years. v
t|(»c rumor that muiio has been
as erroneous
hours. Part
imploycd for
but it was
the regular .school
i »«•
■si «
A* N$wih*w$
*t. Move
4J. Hidden
4’. Cliquo
U. Asiatic
<\ Evil
|4A Wrltar
41. Extinct]
SL City In 4
B. Uaacuit
M. And n«
l ♦
ii. i;
Letters To The Edii
i' ■ ■ ■ ' ij-. , ^ j , . ^ ! -j j r j
Tbe State of Kansas is no longer “on i liquor bdsinbsrf annually flourished in that
the wagon” and legal liquor is being sold ; state where ja law for the past 32 years ^
'after 70 long years of prohibition. , i made possession of so much as a thimble-
By a ratio of 17-14 Kansajns voted Ipst ful of liquor punishable by a jail sentence.
Editor. IThe j, Bstl
Might Ii be 80 bo!
Id as to inquire
how aroi t sroTr
Ikiitor. The Kattaiion: \
There is a rumor going anHjnd
the campus to the Jeffect that
November that they
were tired of buying
bootleg whiskey ani they were fed up
with playing ostrich (to the liquor problem.
ito the ;open
l So they brought liquor out
I (this past week.
■ Package stores, similar i to
1 J
those of
Texas, sell oyer-the+cqunter quantities of
any kind of intoxicants the customer
wants. Tbe Kan
cided thjat there
no Public drinking.
sas Legislature has de-
would be no saloons and
J|he chofce of ‘Vet”
of the communities
is traditionally dry state has placed
.« .
or “dry” in the hands/
themselves. Thus far
-This return to the days of the 1870\s
is an admission on the part of the people
of Itansas that prohibition cannot be
legislated. Kansas produced many who
whipped the, nation into adoption of the
Eighteenth Amendment of our Constitu
tion. This amendment made prohibition
a legal condition honored more in the
breach than the observance; this amend
ment proved national prohibition unwork
able; ■!' Iz 11 ! ' j' , * ;
■ ft. ! ■ / j| . ' • • , ; /
The choice of indulgence or temper
ance is an individual problem and not onp
- to what ICvel the JKK’b can dr bp • . —- r _—
, Is there not a man, on the fotce unlicensed-dogs are ito be impou:
with a Ifejart big enough to like a I ed and eventually killed. Is th
dog?, (Who is, byj the way. item’s) any tnith to this rumor? If
best friend?) is theix; any way ‘Spot" can
At first they jverci content to ; savad from this fate? i <.
only shoot the p>or animals, but > Pleasje understand that ' I
250 of the state’s 597 incorporated cities for the state to decide! The only way the
may have liquor sales. Only 10 of the 105 v ptate’s voice should be heard on the liquor
counties do not have a/'wetf city. problem is in levying taxes on liquor and
Kansans have lejarned that prohibition in fixing severe penalties on drivers who
is m6re a state of mind lhan an effective venture into traiffie while they ; arc in
law. An estimated $60 million bootleg !oxicnted.|\ v: 1 .
A >
\ E'vim EHui". Walking ifiii’t a lost;art—l Headline in t|he New Castle (Pa.)
one must, by some(mfeansidfet to the gar- News:
i ?
• * •
'u .i
4 •/.
'<■ ■
“Bill Would Strip Commissioner/
IV H r ■ J .f •
now the ice w r ater ip their veins
has frozen over; and they have
planned tp turn tjhe (logs over to
the 'veterinary department. Being
ap ex vet; I can well describe the
cruel torture these doigs are given.
Why don’t the Kit’s just pull their
legs off one at a timej? (The dog’s
that is.) j , {- J ! T
Sure thqy ,say! their excuse is •
tiiat the jdogh arc djingerous but
has anybody been bitten yet ?
« > Believe) me if al four-legged-
cn ature (jould shoot Back I’d glad
ly give him a gup.
S ', Bob Ramsey
-1 )ClaM4 ’50 T
Editorls Note: I am afraid
that yop didn’t n-ad our story
very closely Mr;- Ramsey. If
you wtH; rereadjtt, you nil I find
that the a nnooncemcnt was
made bjt the office of the Dean
of Men -find that students have
been cniployisl to plek up the
dogs. The Campus Security Of
fice lias nothing to do with the
dog catching campaign.)
ISPlj Chapter To
Inspejct Brenham
writing; this letter
to secure information, and I
not- in; any way c
in an alter ipt
The Battalion
fj '■ n, yj./.; • ,■ ■ i;i ■■'
"Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentlem#?
. 1! i' i
Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions
actjohsj of any group or group; i.
Bill L. Stephenson
Claos ’4H j
.(Editors Note: According
; Bennie Zinn. assistant dean
; men. “.Spot" has not been, and
! will not la 1 plckt'd up “due to IJs
unofficial affiliation ikith the
! student body.”)
Civil Service Has
Federal Openings
Examinations to fill vacancies
in the federal service have been
announced by the Civil Service
Commission. Positions to bo filled
art that of Conservation Aid. En
trance salaries range from $2284
to $2724 per year.
Employrricpt will be with Field
Headquarters of the 1 Soil Conserva
tion Service ami tbe Bureau of
Indian Affairs ip the states of
T(;xas, Oklahoma, Arkansas,; and
' ? .!'
; Application fbvniis may pc obtain
ed either from any pout office or
the’ Kw’outivc SecretuTy, Boprd of
Yf * *' H 8. Civil Sorvlpe EgamlPeps, U.
•fJr.iV ,m h * )0C ( , t , 0, L tr y S. Department of Agriculture, 1114
l ^’l Ju, .L?“'„" C . COnhnK tp *• Comnicrco Street,! Dallas 2. Texas.
Gift to G)|ege
[onors Teeplc
Mrs. Nancy Te^lc Duggar
,ap contributed a valuable
ollection ol Hawaiian plant
:imen» to the college in
onor of hep brother, Law-
ence Homes Teeple, who was
illed in an automobile acci
dent November 9,
, Teeple, a distinguished student,
bttendbd AAM from June 1042 to
September 1943, and from Feb
ruary 1947 until his death in Nov-
lenber. He mgjored in chgmmi
and was f interred in music,
(sides serving ias acolyte in the
Episcopalian church, Teeplc sabg
jin the xrhoir and was active in
other church activities.
While serving as ii radar niv-
igator in the South Pacific Theater,
^ he had to bail out from his plane*
became a memper of the Cat-
illar Club. Teeplc also received
\Air Medal and was discharged
h\lhe rank of captain.
The jdant collection presented in
hifj memory consists of more tl(ian
unje (hundred specimens, mainly; of
mountainoihi Hawaiian species.
Some of these specimens are rare
but are excellently preserved and
labeled. Pertinept habitat data and
the native fifaqiws identify ejaef*
article. ■ ; j
Teeple’s parents, NMr. and. Mrs.
Perry M. Teeple, are. from 'Jack
sonville, Florida, whilevhis'sit
the donor of the collection, res
in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Girl Bojrn to Dr. Am
Mrs. Howerton M
On (Monday afternoon a b
girl was bprn to Dr. and \
Murlin T. i Howerton of Coll
Station. She VTighed six
and nine ounces.
Howerton is connected with j the
Chemical Engineering Departi
MARS Network Acclawerf By ,
Ham Radio Operators in Texas
tW* S
•vary /
Syt»tbm which in now in oj)er-
ation, accotjding to Colonel
Oscar B. Abbot, executive of
ficer of the Texan Military
Diattct. • |.' P\'TT
Th' ayntcm luis been almost
atoppwl for the aummer months,
but nany of the operators are
still utlve in Order to keen the
orgai izntion alive and maintain
actively on the [ Various MARS
Young Volunteers
To Be Discharged
Approximately (500 l8-y<jar' old
Army /volunteers fijoni Texas that
entered the service .last tlummcr
arc 10 1,0 discharged during
the n*‘Xt sixty days, Colonel Oscar
B. Abbott, executive of the Texas
Military District, has announced.
18-year old$ entered service
under the Selective Senfiec Act
projlisiori that vpluiitoers Ip that
age bracket who served one year
would no longer be subject to the
drfft. Butythese: men «mus]t remain
in an orgfnized unit! of the Nat
ional Guprd or the Or^apizpd Re-
-rve Corps for 4 period of four
^ ar8 * \ ' I I
All of these volunteers must
‘port to the Texas MUitary Dis-
■ict by letter withirfiflve daj*s,
'Abbott said. They will be assigned
to a National Guard or up Organiz
ed Reserve Corps unit according to
the physical location of ihe volun
teer’s. home. [/ '
City Budget Hearing
To Be Helfl August 4
Esthhlishmcnt of MARS wm
brought »bout in ordjfr to crciti
inten»$<| Ami furUpT/training ir,
mllltan' radio commilnicatioM; ti
promote Htqdy and Experimenta
tion; to 4'oordlnaU' brActlcea And
procedure^ of nmateu(r radio opera
tors With thoHc of, military rAdio
lea Ilona
provide ah-1JJ
'training radio
•aonnel In ihe
ojf Pn feaiiional Engineers
The Battalion, off cial newa^iai
City of College Station, Texas, ie
Friday afternoon, dxcept during 1
talion is published tri-Weekly on Monday, Wednesday and Friday;
year. Advertising rates furnished on request. - (1
The Associated; ^ esh ';is entitled exclusively (to the use for republication of all news dispatches
Credited to it oif n<A (tlicrwisc credited in the paper and local hews of spontaneous origin publish-
-dd, herein. Rights of re publication* of all other mutter herein are also reserved. /V I
ii I I i M' ; L '■! 1
'-japter of the Texas
Society “ ‘
will mal _
G. McGuifeJ secretary.
Plurm fhr meeting for the trip,
according! to McGuire, are for
those in Bryan area, to meet oh
north sidei of the Bryan courthouse
square ut: 4 p. m.
Those fit the College Station
area are (to meet in front of the
YMCA at) the (uime time. J
Membciisj planning to attend
should phbne H. C. Dillingham or
McGuire, jin order that car ar-
rnngenicnts may be made, McGuire
aikled. '
Brqan 2‘fi87‘9
Experiment Group
deceives Grant
- m
7 ijotcrrd u
Offico r.t
’ * tbe Act of
■ 7 v r
class i
’>tter j at Po
CoUese atnliod* Tcxtt*,
CdncroBS of Slarch 3.
• News contri'
Goodwin Hall.
Office, Room 209;
Official Notice
ted Press
Uaprscnted nationillr bj National Ad-
▼ertiling Service lac* at New York City,
Chicago. U* Angeles and Sas Franeiaco.
made by tdephonc (4-5444) or at the editorial offlae, . . . .
"ho Student Activities
• |.j j
A public Jifarlnl;. will be lield Thursday.
August J. at p. m. in the Colle(e
Station City j Hall to disciua the city bud
get. -I
4 i qity Manager
be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the
Room 201,
r WlUlaiuo ......
Andy Dnvisi.i...
Charlie KirLluuu • •»
W. K. Colville, David HuiUik.
Burton, Fayzo Kandt-j, IjOuIbo Jt
Wire Editor
...Feature Writer;
fnes, Henry Iwcrtr,
J3obic Myers, prucc (staton, Borjry Spilth, Uohcrt
.... ..........
... .Staff Reporters
.'... Movie Kcvie-vei
!■ ■'
.Al. UMillSTRA
, JWy k, is
FNiduy, JWy 22, is the last day
registration ,in tUe eoUoge divUlon
credit durln^thc [second term of Uie *(tm-.
mrr sesaiotuij- '■
i _ -j. "m
..Sports Co-EUitora uhicli
V«u., ,y .SporU Writers --—
../.U Pliotographer
Travis Brack. Bill Pott*..—
Bill Uttilc, Bill Thornton..
K LLiHelvey.i...; AiU , ^ _
Brad Holmes, Hardy tttwi, Joe Trevino Photo Engravers
Kcnnttli Muruk — Staff Cartoonist
Ben Brit*Me 'utrey WesdrlrV-. . .Advertising Repreacctatlvcs
second terra? of
32, U the last date
registration for
he 19J» Summer Seliool
can. be made tv tilout peniilty. Subjects
dropped afte^ tliefe, dates will allow grades
cu a. wiere, uaies
as tint flnajl cr;ules.
A gratvt-in-ald of $300 has been
niade to the Texas Agricultural
Elxperiment Station, acordlng to
DT, R. D. Lewis, director of the.
The fund, from the Agricultural
Research Division of the American
Cyanamid Company of New York,
“will be used in the support' of
cooperative experiments at the
Lower Rip Grande Valley Station
on weed control in onions and oth
er crops," Dr. Lewis said.
The. City Council hi considering a i>ru‘
poeai to rezone tlie Kyle Pearson traft o
land located on Highway 6 South of tli
Sulphur Springs Road In the If- Cart-
Survey from .the' cxieting District No. 3
Apartment House District, to District No
5, Second Business DUrtet.
AU of those that are affected by th t
pruswcd change In, the zoning arc Invite^
M| stota
HC ill
_t 7t»
Tburtday, August », JP4».
to l»e pr-isent tp present, such
th City Comicll at a Public H. _
held In the. City Hall at M. *»
’ . M
i ; i
A publi^ blaring (will be
Thursday. August 1,i at .7:30
:30 n. m
»l louice
mqit|dn» ...
t of |i local o^tiaiionaremcr-
At prissent thcl membership In
limited to mllltart iH>rsoiuirt,| Or
ganis'd RtwerveaJ National (iuanl
or KOTO peraonn)-! who possaHa »
valid amateur radio operators; li
cense issued by the Federal Com
munications Con()tniwfon. 1
1‘lhns (are heiflg made tio admit
civilians who aift at present ,dot
authorized. Anyfene interestodL in
joining MARS (ian obtain full de
tails from any Organized fteacree
or National Guqrd instructor’s of
fice. RMSATs pf all ROTT units
or al any regular \\vny post, camp
or station. ^ ,
Atomic Authority
Publishes Book
on (Group bf the United Na
tidns Secretarial Its (Wo volume,
will mark the first pro
Volume one,| i'hlch contains m«
teHals on thei political, scientific,
of atomic ener
An International Bibliogra]
on I Atomic Energy has been ,pi
pared by the Atomic Energy Coi
miteion Group lof the United Na-
tioins Secretariat. Its t/wp volumes
and social asp
gY.iji Dow a vi
dealing with publish
Uternture on atomic
blished sden 1
energy, will
be published later ip 1949;
TI I i;--
cod today.
^S^rrowful Joikjs
i 1 ;*-!.*.-.r" —-
‘The Crooked
Starring j .
... worlds
—Features Start—
1:13 - 3:06 -.8:24 - 5:22
8:38; *10:00
— No Friday Prevue —
5 :
i! t
. i:
wauled 7I
happy birthday! Give
yean of writ ng pleas
ure with the pen that
itea dry with wet
’...Parker ”51“.
ice of aJaart; ~
color* and hrrci
ground points. SI
IFpf* w
: 'Ik 1 '
Beivlng Texfti* Aggies