The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 13, 1949, Image 1

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    ~i N . •• •! ' I • • 'llir ■ j I •I. A • K [
Two firemen, here for the Firemen's Training School, demonstrate ijwo types
mask on the left is an oxygen breathing apparatus, and the one
mask. These masks will be demoastrated during the annual school, In progress this week.
AH Students
Study Lufkin
Fields, Cattle
to the home
-;r r '
- Eighteen members of th
Animal Husbandry 406 clas,
r.nd their instructors, W.
Warren and Ji K. Itiggs, vis-
ited the Agricultural Station
at Lufkin last Saturday. The
trip was made to study "the
pasture improvement expert*
inents and the crossbreeding
experiments between t h i
Brahman and Hei&fqrd breed
of cattle* . ; W
At the station,/W. C. Knapp
station superin^ttyenVistated .that they rolled
the best commnahon found thus
far for this region is \i Brahman
and Hereford, nut tests arc now
being run-on h* /BVahman and !?5I
Hereford in an attempt to develop
cattle that will Efficiently produce
a high quality find grade of beef
juavdln. > . •:/
The cattle arfs weighed, once each
month and extensive records are
kept of- their gain or—loss of
weight, as tyell as their weight
Porter Who Found
J ester Interviewed
Battalion Houston Correspondent
Kditor’s note: When Herman
received news of Governor Jester’s death, he rushed
loarding the Southern Pacific
at different ihges. It ihas been de
termined that the cattle at
ight, as
Lufkin station reach their peak
/■ df weight af seven years of agC|
r weighing 1300 pounds dr slighUy
mdre for the Brahman-Uereford
. 'crossbred ccjws. The peak’ weight
for the grade Hereford cows is
usually tw* or throe /hundred
.. pounds less. 1 f ' :
~ The part Brahman cow loses
more weight during the winter
than the grade Hereford, but the
crossbred cow will gain imore rapid-
' '-ly in the spring of the year and
be in much better conditioin in ft
relatively short while. I The cross
bred cows make a much better i
■' mother than the straight Hereford
cow. Some of these cofvs must be
milked while their calvos are small
iofipreveht their udders front spoil-
\ . —yj |i . , .-j
\ The' superintendent also stressed
that the cattlc w;ere no better than
' their pesturcs. and that their pas-
^ lures were no better quality thin
y theiir cattle. This emphasizes the
fact that tne improvement of the
cattle depends upon",the pasture
The statjion is also running ex
periments on various combinations
of grasses, legumes, and fertilizers
which will most economically pro
vide for ft greater number of ani
mal units per acre. The slogan of
the famitf is M a cow and ,a ralf to
an acre and, a half.” ; ;
TES Mankrs To
Attend Conference
. Three extension‘' service staff
members will leave today for Tulsa,
~ Oklahoma to attend a conference
dealing With future plans for trac-
* tor maintenance training clinics,
f The conference will bt held to-
]■ .morrow,.., j.| ; j ' \ ■ /
Represoritati\’es from the exten
sion aervice staffs of several south-
v cm states and officials of\ the
t" Stanollhd OH & Gas Company,'
sponsors of the tractor j-mainten-
: i hhee program for 4-tt; boys, will
.fattend. V |
TU* TaHrna Extension
>' for this exclusive interview^
Houston, July 11: Lower number 5 on Southern Pacific’s)
Austin-Houston train number j!2 is empty today.
, [ Late last night, soon after J
in Austin, 'Beftutord Jester, gov-4
emor of the j^lrgest arid most pro-,
ductive state in the union, Slipped
between the crisp, clean sheets of
Lower 3, lay back arid shut, his
eyes and listen rtf to the sharp
metallic click ojf the wheels ay
and smoothly
Gollob, The Battalion’s Houston
governor’s body
“Special developments in fighting gasolind and oil fires
are being displayed and studied at the 20th annual Firemen’s
Training School,” said H. R. Brayton, drector of the school.
The school has the largest attendance since it was started
in 1929, with 648 registered students, 95 instructors and
—4-4- fvisitors. j - ' T
‘Thesq visitors,” said Br >n,
swiftly and i
down the eatpahse 6f traick towards
Houston and "confidential
But somewhcrE between Houston
and Austin the
flagged "Numbe
Angel of
• 42” and
represen tativel,
rector G. CjMSibeon
ccording to di-
on wil3 no J. D.
_dPrewitt, vice director 4andi it|te
agent, W. L. Ulich, agricultural
v engineer and A. H. Kracher Jr,
asilsUnt state 4-H dub leader.
They will return to TexMi 'Mlf;
for its important passenger—the
Governor w’ns needed elsewhere.
Pullman jAortejr Charlie Jimcrson
of Houston, 661 year old veteran
of 37 years service with the Pull-
mah company, was the last person
to sec the Govetjnor alive, and the
first to see him 'dead.
Seated in the spic and span par
lor of his neat, whitewashejjl bung
alow, a home j which/ spoke of
“humble thrift njnd homely cares,”
Charliq was visibly affected by the
death of the Goyemor. Dufing his
year and a half on the Austin-
Housbn run, Charlie attended
Governor Jester each time the
chief executive of Texas traveled
,on Train 42. i ' jit! .. •
In a voice thajt was low, heavy,
restrained, Charlie recalled, “The
Gov’rijor. made one las’ trip before
this one. He waslwith his wife, and
he hald Ichfer 6 then, too, and his
wife hadflower 6.”
Here Charlie’s wife broke in.
Small, pltimpi wi|th her sparse grey
hair piled loosley on top jof her
head, she was acutely aware of
the seriousness of the occasion:
"Charlie used to tell mq he loved
the governor, add I’d tell v him he
was jus’ sayin' that cause the
governor rode in his car.v But
Charlie would ids’ shake his head,
and get mad, and then tell >qe
that the gov’nor alius’ had a nice
idling to, say to evy’body and that
Her-voice was high, soft, and she
spoke with genuine feeling, meas
uring »each word carefully before
Uttering it. If. 1
Charlie wiped his bald pate,
Which was glistening with sweat,
id falteringly recounted h|a story
a Ut-
ie up
his berth, and he went right to
bed. He lef a.,call for me to get
him up at 7:30. jThia morning I
went to his berth audlahook the
curtain, and I called that it was
time for him to get upi
. “I didn’ hear him move, so J
88 Fooler Joins
vary Staff
Hits J’Nell Fowler has been ap-
reader’s advisor in the
System, Paul S.
announced to*
" ? J
Fowler, a native of Van,
be has served ae librarian
tk« Overton Independent
District for the past two
Begins in jSbisa
Monday at 8j
Repfistration for the second
semester of summer school
will be held at Sbisa Hal!
Monday, July 18, bepinnin^
at 8 a. m., H. L. Heaton, regisi-
trar, announced today.
The entire proceedings will ifeke
place in Sbisa. This includes pay
ment of fees, housing assignments,
and issuance of book requisitionfl
to veterans,: X : H s.
Students will register alphabet
ically according to the following
8:(j0 to 9:00—All whose sur
names begin with E, F, G, H, L
J, K.i
, 9:00 to 10:00—All whose
names begin with A, B, p, D.
10:00 to 11:00—All whose sur
names begin with S, T, U, V, W,
X, Y, Z. '|[ '
11:00 to 12:00—All whose sur
names begin with L, N, O, P, Q,
The same proceedurc as has been
followed in the past will be used
this time, said Heaton. Those start
dents who do not pay their fees
before hand may do so at Sbisa
before registering., Assignment
cards must be obtained before be
ginning to register, and after the
card is signed by the dean of the
students school it must be handed
in at the registrar's desk in the
Sbisa Hall annex.
Students would save themselves
a lot of trouble by obtaining a
summer school bulletin from the
registrar’s office and reading it
thoroughly before going over to
register, said Heaton. Also much
of the confusion could be avoided
of thEse students who could, would
pay their fees" at the fiscal office
before Monday, Tleaton concluded.
Thompson Will Be
At p-H Club Camp
Uel D. Thompson, assistant ex^
Soon there was lots of ,po-liccmen! tension animal husbandman, A&M,
and doctors and reporters, and I j has been granted authorization to
had to go to the po-liee station and attend the Dallam county 4-H club
make a statement. Then 1 heard camp whieh will be hold hear Eagle
that it was n heart attack that Nest,! New Mexico from, July 21-
“havc come from all parts
country to attend' this s<‘
visitor, Leopold Castillo, is from
Cnrnca$, Venezuela, and is the
safety engineer for th<A Venezuelan
f’ovemment. Another risitor, Safe
ty Engineer W. M/ Welch of the
National Furriers Aftsociatlon,
romesf from New 7 York City.”
New Pumps ;\j. I
Two new pumps have been ob-
tained for the school, Brayton said.
A new type pumper truck with n
J-stafge pump has been obtained
front the General Detroit Company.
This pump operates on both high
and low pressure. The'other pump
er truck, manufactured by Bean
Company, is similar to the crash
trucks and Will operate on as
much as 8,000 lbs. pressure.
L ■ i
Other new fire fighting equip
ment which has been developed
within the past two years is being
used; by the school. Such equip
ment as the dry powder extinguish
ers, the liquid foam extinguishers,
and the wetting agents arc being
Used. The wetting agents are an
orgapic compound which, when
mixed with water, breaks the sur
face tension Of the water, allowing
it to, seep into the center of such
objects as cotton bales.
Chemical Extinguishers
“Methods which have been in
use throughout the country are
also taught,” said Brayton. The
Carbon di-oxide extinguishers, the
carbon tetrachloride extinguishers,
i pump cans
led back the curtain and took
liiri by one han’, and shook him
■entle like and said ’Gov’nor," it’s
'me to get up.’ Then l grabbed
>th bans and did the same thing.
“I got nervous when he / still
idn’ move and I called Mr. Pierce
he conductor (C. D. Pierce of
ouston). He tried to ynfike the
ov’nor, and couldn’ either. He felt
is pulse and rolled back His eye-
ids (Here Charlie demonstrated
hesc procedures on himsqlf) and
said to mo, ‘Charlie, I think he’s
dead.’ He went and got a po-lico-
man (Patrolman W. B. Hawkins,
one of Jester's bodyguards)!. Pretty
the soda and acid
and even the 6-gallo)
are being useiq.
According to. Brayton, this school
is being run, differently from most
schools of this type. The students
' A
'he and Florence Zticker, duo
lak music itr
of cliassical and popular musie in the Grove tonight at 8:13. The
pianists, will present a program
program was previously sched
changed because of final
for pi tomorrow night
took the gov’nor.” He paused here,
dropped his eyes to the floor mom-
entariljV looked up, and, his voice
quavering, said, ‘Til miss the
Yes Charlie, and sb will six and
ft half million other people in Tex-
28. according to an announce
ment! made by Extension Director
G. G. Gibson.
Thompson will have a part on
the damp 1 program and he also
plans "to work in several Panhandle
eountjes while in that section of
4 4 a
drill anif 8 hours of assemblies and
lectures. Ten walkie-talkies arc
being used in the field. A monitor
radio, tuned to the frequency used
by the walkie-talkies, is situated
in Bizzell Hall. All accidents will
be picked up by the monitor and
ambulance service will be dispatch
ed to the ! scene'. I
No Red Cross Class
"Although Harris Burton of the
Midwest Branch of the American
National Red Cross: is here to
teach a first-aid class, it has been
cancelled,” Brayton stated. "There
was no demand fori the class this
The third oldest school of its
kind in the United States, it is
held under the auspices of the
State Fjremen’s and Fire Marshal’s
Association. Upon completion of
the coprse, written .examinations
will be given,, which, if passed, will
help that representatives’ city by
lowering the fire insurance rates
by as much as 3 pereent.
New Member List Announced
By Scholarship Honor Society
_ __ Fifty new members havii J>een elected to the (scholarship
hours Of actual Honorary Society, W. A.' yarvel, psychology professor, an
nounced today.: \
Seniors elected) to the society had grade' point ratios
of 2 or better and Juniors had grade point i/a|tios of 2.25.
f Juniors also must' nave completed
District Agents
To Attend Cami
Extension district agents Knox
Parr and Doris Loggitt ha^e been
granted authorization for/ out-of-
state travel from their/ official
headquarters at Amarillo/ to Gir-
mhron. New/Mexico and Return for
the purpose of attending/ the Dis
trict One 4-H camp. ;/
The trip to Cimarqn will bo
made on July 31. They rtill return
to their headquarters iin Amarillo
on August 4. j
A. ll. Walker, extension range
specialist, and C. W. Simmons, ex
tension forester both j from A&M
have been authorized tip attend the
District One 4-H Camp. ?>. ,
Director G. G. Gfbson of the
Texas Extension Sendee made the
announcements. j
Spits Way to Fame
A Visiting Fireman’s Tale
Or, Hangfire’s Hot Demis
Visiting fireman—one of Ameri
ca’s greatest institutions. When
pple pie, hot dogs. Coney Island
n Sundays, craps, and other note-
orthy Americanisms have oeased
> exist, firemen, will still visit.
Communism, Socialism, and Cap-
lism will soon go to the bottom
f the heap, and Visiting Fireman-
ism will arise to take its; long
awaited plqce. May they never run
out of places to visit.
When one speaks of firemen,
visiting or otherwise, the name of
Hangfirc , Lucifer must not be
emitted. He was the staunchest
ire-fighter of the all, the Casey
Tones of the fire-fighting profes-
It was Lucifer who first dis
covered that water repelled fire.
After years of research it cama
to him one day in a fit of genius.
was three years old at the
time, and on a camping spree at
Lake Water, a state resort con
structed by clogging up Houston’s
storm-sewage system with dis
carded Dallas newspapers. 1 \
Hangfire dove to the bottom
with the intent of smoking a chan
nel cat oat of his lair. For the
portion of three hoars and
“ - triad id vain
sn it hit hint
to tbjT
declared to ! tbi
few disinte
rose .
world, and a
spectators, that "you, can fight fire
with water, yet!” From then on,
Hangiire’s entire life was devoted
to fighting: fire.
But befqre I go on, let me touch
briefly on the background of Hang-
fire Lucifer, before his momentous
Hangfire Lucifer was born in the
back of a Conestoga wagon fleeing
pell-mell before a prairie fire.
Missfire, Hangfire’s courageous
btft firm father took Mrs. Lucifer
out of the traces for the appro
priate length of time. Hangfire
ofteh: joked about this,
"Damn fire nearly caught us,”
he would laugh.
His birth was Hangfire’s foun
dation for hatred of blazes of
any sort, but the psychological ef
fect on Rangy’s mind caused by
the death (of both his parents
probably had more to do with it
than anything. ! i
When he was two and a half,
his parents! had a slight tiff over
who was going to get the tail of
the chicken that Hangy had stolen
from a neighborhood
Things led to things,
dawn, Hangfire
tracks. He earned his livelihood
by sitting in front of the local beer
joint, (appropriately named, "the
Beer Joint”) spitting on smolder
ing cigarette butts. On his more
liquid days, he spat on cigar butts.
The citizens were amazed at his
accuracy. They came from all over
town to flip their butts at his feet,
and listened with appreciative ears
at the following sizzle. When Hang-
fire was ankle-deep in cigarette
butte, he gathered them up in a
croker-sack (an article indispens
able to Southerners) and sold them
to the local Fortunate Strik J
tory.' , ■ \
Then one day fortune smil<
was a day of festivity,
of-visiting firemen were in
They were having the usual
en races, and were all lined !j!
race to a blazing Zip
the outskirts
nded, the trucks
poatijland all
kl to "The Beer JWnt” The
ick that put out the blaze was
RonSon, Texas,
a few steins, this
' watching 11
a few more,
i their own.
in town,
astride Firej
madly after the trucks with shouts
of, “Save some for The!"
When Hangfire reached man
hood, his pay was raised to four
dollars, and he was allowed tp ride
on one of the trucksi His joy know
no boupds. In memory of the oc
casion ; and the extravagant in
crease in wage, Haiijgfire journey
ed to (Greece and ipit down the
Vesuvius crater. From then! on he
went to bigger and braver deeds,
•i Who, but Hangfirie Ludfer, put
out the; Chicago and! San Francisco
fires, singlehanded?! The: London
disaster might have .had a differ
ent ending if Hangfire had been
around; at the timej* f ] . /
“Damn cow” he tsed to; sby.
These and many h 10re I intrepid
acta of fire-fighting are owed to
Lucifer. He was th|j greatest of
them all, but alas, l/fcc ail!.men of
exceptional genius,
He wiss found one
ed crisp in his own
frozen in the
glass* of water o'
Oh, ironic fi
a habit of
bcdThtod «
He forgot b
had bean
^ too
Wm«lf Into
Red before
omirig, burn-
m, hte arm
pouring a
fire had
:y novels in
long, black
racy , w
the nether
' r. i
bow our
and third
e Fines
and sing
of "Keep
Nr” i
five , semesters Work in order to
be eligible for the society, Yarvel
/ fl ’ \ (
New members df the Society
may purchase kqys at the Caldwell
according to
company had
if the names of
Jewelers in B
Varval. He said
been given a list
the eligible v stud«
Certificates/of Membership will
be prepared dt a ciost of 1 dollar.
The; fee is payable tin the .Psychol
ogy Department in room 102 of;
tho Academic Building, said Var-
velW Graduating seniors may have
their certificates mailed to -them
by leaving! their .address at the
office when they part their mem
bership fee;
Officers/for the society will be
elected in/ a meetmd to he held
in the Fail, Varvel said. ‘
Since the minimum grade point
average for Tau Beta Pi, Honor
ary Engineering Fraternity,. and
the Scholarship |Honor! Society arc;
the same, all men elected to Tau
Beta Pi are also eligible for the!
Honor Society. J
In adcition to those qualifying,
because hey arc members of Tau'
’Beta Pi, the following men are ’J
l>eing nctified of their eligibility j*
for the Honor Society!
jin the School of Agriculture, Bill
R. Elsworth,
B. Freeman, Jr.
Blanche and Florence Zuck- i
er, younpr duo-pianists, will jj
give a concert of classical and H
popular selections in the Gi
tonight at 8:15.' J- i j;
Their previously ajinoubcod jlip-
piiarance has boon chanjred fW>ni
Thursday to Wednesday, C. ! (L
White, director of Student Activ
ities, said yesterday. !. . •/■ / ,1
The program that the girl* trill "
present Is evidence of the breadth ;;
and .versatility of jthehr tntfi
White said. Tney will, begin wi
Bach's “Fugue, in G Minor,” {
bert's “FAntasic in F. Minor,”
•Tjargo al Factotaim” (from
"Barber/ of Seville” by Ross
During the. second part of
program they will play “The 1
by'Glinka and 'rtVhltz” by
Russian composer Seho.»tekoVichL ■
who also wrote “Fiddle Paddle,”, !|
and their own arrangement* of
"Night and Day, J ’ "jump Boogie,”)
rtnd a "Gershwin Portfolio.”
wmgm | : Start Career
lowing a career, they
children. Although jl ‘
ilnterestcd in the piant.
might have remained undeveloped
bad it not been for an elderly iEu-
J ropcan musician. He heard
youngsters playinjg a toy p
one day as ho passed theiri.wii
and decided to ; ffiv(!Stiga‘te.
result was thq beginning of
formal piano study lis gcholai
students with the musician,
cording to White.
Proving apt pupil?, Blanche
Florence soon entered the
York College of Music where tW
interests expanded. Blanche beg!
intense cello study while Floren
studied voice with a Metropqlita
Opera singer, However the girl
Were still unaware of their futuri
career as a team, said White.
Florence took two. years of pre-
rnedical^work at Huiiter College
while Blanche won a| four ^y<fnr,
full-tuition scholarship to ^Tew
York University. The Zuckcrs qgree
that this was the most trying time
'of their lives, that they "put in
yearn under the strain that .comes
of not knowing what we wrtre of
what, wc were going to be/’
Piano Chosen j
The force of the piano/ proved
strongest. As the young women
began to experiment on their own
with the two-piano inqedijlim they
decided it would become their car
eer, White continued. / , i
During the war the sisters mad#
a rigorous tour of the country
playing at the Stage, po,6r Canteen,
veterans’ hospitals, and service
camps. Their enthusiastic audiences
/numbered 10,000 at many concerts,
he said/ •/ yi. 7 '( ;
People hot having; yellow fee
slips must bring their own chairs,
White said.
but was
is F. N4n*ton, Harold E. Phillipsj,
William E. Prather, EWel‘
ell A. Rogh
ers, Hehry A. Simpson, Clay F.
Sparks Jr., James M. Sullivan Jri,
Bill J. Varnado, John E. Wateoft,
and i Oita< R. Knuze were sete
Selected from the School of Ar
and Sconces w’era Kenneth Bon
Herbert Beutel Jr., -David! Bowei*
Jr., John Carr, James Cashioh,
Ralph Duke, Charles Dwyer, Paul
Ellis Jri, George Kadera, John
Knapp, Joe Knowles, R. E. Mc-
Callum, Thomas Miller, James
Morse, Joe Mullins, B. H. Nash,
Bruce Newton, and Lucian Pink-
stqnl, . | :
Also j [elected from the School
of Arts and Sciences weyo Johb
Purgasort, Jack Quiery, Robert
Rhwsbni J. B. Rochelle, J. G>. Sav
ins, R. W. Shroeder, R. E. Short,
•harles Stephenson, John Taylor,
‘‘ait, Jim Wheeler, and
right. '
e School of Engineering,
ne, Emmet Ingram,
atthews, Stephen Pearce,
r Jr., add Fred Vance
ted. d
were' sol
I i
ieat Forecast
Thc Agriculture Department \
forcart t iia year’s corn cri
3,630,185j000 bushels and the
,188,0{KbOOO busbeiroh
f July l qonditionB.
what’s Cooking
C-16-X, College View.
Summer Storage
Room in Dorm 16
baggage storage
■ A
students not atte:
■ l * 11. •
room for
the second
summer term is being set up In the
Gun Room of Dormitory IQ by the
Agronomy •Society.] I . 1
It will l)e open Friday after--
noon, July 15, from 1 p. m. «ntU
p. m. Lamps will be stored at
40q each and all/other baggage |
will be stored at 4p<‘ per piece for ]
la^es R‘.¥ieldingrc! containers not exceeding two cubic
portionate rates.
Bicycles will be stored for one
dollar each and all baggage will be
stored at student’^ own risk wfth
storage charges to be paid at time
of storing. [
The announcement was Vnado by
Assistant Dean of Men, Benriie
Zinn, who added lhat all revenue
received from the storage room
will be placed In the Agronomy
Society’s treasury r ' A
Revival Services
At Baptist Church
from Ji
J. Hugh;
church, announced,
assisted by Al Jo
history major from
the Cotton-
w ill be 1
Mexja, who
history major irom aicxat,/ wn«
will be inJcharge of the transpor
tation and;visitation at the rewvat
I! Hughes,! a veterinary nedlelne
r froth Dickension, is ih charge
the singing and Johnstjon is to
with the vouth.
Two services will
one at 11 a. m.
8:30 p. m.M
be hed daily,
and another at
ft .'a