The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 08, 1949, Image 3

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- fo Make Debut In
Brooklyn Jti All Star Game
I i: ’ ’ . / • . ■ ...'j JilL; M
FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1949
0 R T
. •
~ .‘i . ,\
:: v.
immmg Meet To
gin Tomorrow
JU u uiaLriVfi, iiuwcvci
ive to luive travel permits
they cttn participate.
the Gulf
will have
The meet gets off to a good
start tomorrow afternoon when
the preliminaries j will be held in
19 events. Finals for the qualifiers
in these eventtf will be held tomor
row night at .7:30..
Agala Sunday afternoon at 1,
preliminaries will be held in 19
more events, the finals for those
qualifiers will Ibe held that night
:j .
BROOKLYN] N.,Tf!, .inly *
sThft ftrsi HpniHrmncs of Tati vfai»
U4ion in MbMii-Pwlit iii'OiuisaM to
ItfiiliMMM or i
ii»j on<* uf His hliiitllKhtH of:
jti th AU‘BUr gtoii on Toertrtoy,
Williams nevar has play*
| eo In the home'park of the t'od*
i fin. ’
IjJueti tiow will the Brooklyn Do<l
fina react to tbeir> firsi
♦glimpse of the Atuaricar League's
Imltuied 1 In his biowa are three
-4home runs, two-doubles and four
«. He: hat driven home! nine
* g|fe ttl "digger? dr hovV will Wll
iiljims react to the cheers, or the
bltos If there are td be any- It
H be interesting td se^ the re-
• .7—- 1 •_*. 1
Over a |>eriod of years, Wll-
ams probably has been the
lost-feared batter to eome to
:he v p|ate in the annnal dream
‘ ifes. He has appeared in six
vious classfes—a high for
dive outfielders and has
t runs.
His best All-Star feffort caf^ie in
batted a rousing .500. \ The
slender southpaw swinger jhas
? ' i ; I
> , i Vi r.
'! • ft I . I
driven! out nine hlls In IH of*
fli'lal IrliM lo llu> plnte, U*l
year he Imd a toin Hb eartReKn.
nod Ids niily AIMtnr netlvlty
was u base on bulls as a plucli
amej ArWy Vaughan did It for
he Nalioiial Leagde In Detroit'*
in if g* HUdjliim in itm.
great Hlttiei
and} IhKbbe
fanea, illiV
Is tn«jd
la one! of U
Cheers or boos?
I '!*
1946 at Fentyay Park, Bop too. fte
had a perfect day at the t plate,
with two homers, two singles; and
a walk to iqad the attack in a 12-0
Victory, the most one-iHded of tlh«
U Amerieqn League victoHea In
Ifi ganies thus far, Williams is
the only Americarv Langildr ever
to hit two hhmera in one AlLHtar
: i tr;- at ■jl. rt* fr ■. - - -i
Ir.'ir pa ^ ■. ip-rr
Mickad-Sl,™ ,,. .
Clothcraft and
ri'• v.} ; '
Society Brand Sunirtie^r Suits
Y t'enlly
a In biiseball] Iilstoivv,
la ^lekil the eight field
*hi! feet on: the foul line,
iside tjo j order for the terrific
mil intuit. j '
Huppoae Williams hits a home
run on his first trip to the
plate? Naturally, the fans,
even though most of them will
he Nnitlftaal league funs, will
stand up ami rheer. They will
expect Williams to tip his cap
In A gesture of appreciation
bctweonjthc time he toiirhes
Imme /(date, ami returns to the
Brooklyn fdns know their base
ball inside out but a lot of them
have y^t to fee Williams. Their
Cheers, which usually are spon
taneous, may turn to boos quick-
jly. You see, Williams never tips.
is. ; cap fbr applause.
1 Hart Wins Over
Legett Hall 5-4
Legett Hall fell before Hart
(Hail Wednesday afternoon by ^
,score of . 5-4. Hart jumped into
the lead e^rly in the first inning
when they combined a walk and
an error to score one run. An
other run was pushed across in
the bottom half of the second in
ning for (the boys from Hart when
they got! two timely' hits to sepre
the- only earned run df the game
for them;
Legett hit for three runs in the
top half bf the third frame when
jGiirza hiii a circuit clout with one
mun on base to tie the score. Wall
followed Garza to the plate and
Immediately hit one of Crow'* fa*t
balls for a home run to make the
scare 8*2 on favor of Legett,
Legett added another run In the
fifth fi'aine on tvi’o good hit* to
forge into the lead hy another run,
but Hart came hack |ii the hot*
tolii or thy fifth |o score another
Hiln, then [Hart added its last tiwo
ihhs In t!hj» hottoni of the sixth in*
nlhg on tyro errors by the liegett
crow Was the winning pitcher
\as he gave up foiir runs and five
hlls.j Brobk was the losing hurl*
ek bs he gave up six hits and five
43.50 SUITS
s • U ' i
(• - ! J : , ! i - r - ■
45.00 SUIT& ,. :i
• v ;-r h "
47.50 SUITS ...
50.00 SUITS ...
. ; ’ J '■ ■
52.50 SUITS ...
55.00 SUITS
57.50 SUITS
69.50 SI
« « • « ,
.... ...32.75
i '* '' ' •
4 1 J •• •'' ' .1 j
:.„.37,50 '
..•T *■*“.*•
\ r;-. ji
f •"
traw Hats Reduced
14 ,11 ■ -
Sport Shoes Reduced %
’k «s
4,637,743 Fans
Cast Ballots
For All-Stars
New YorH, July 8—*</!*>
Kument until | Tuenduy 1 n
The Mitjor LMffUt All-SUrH
won't nettle itheir annunl nr-
Brooklyn, but the natlon'n
banelmll fntjs nlready have
Won. ■/. „ .1
The All-Star squad* follow ex
actly the dictate*! of the 4,637,743
fans who' balloted. - V
Managers Lpu Boudreau of the
Americana ami Billy Southworth
of'the Nationals were bound to
use only the )top choice for each
of the eight, positions] Thety exer
cised; their judgment solely in the
pitching department which Wasn't
included in tl|e popular voting.
Two additiepis | brought on
peculiar eircumsiances were sure
to meet with jthe fans’ approval.
Joe DiMageio, of the Yankees,
who suddenly |retjurned to his bril
liant form aftjer missing the first
65 games of jthe season, was in
cluded on th* American League
squad for the 11th time,
Eddie Waitlius, of the Philip who
was leading €he National League
first base pol} when he was shot
by a crazed!’ girl admirer, was
Brooklyn arid St. Louis dominate
honorary member.
the National^ League Roster an
nounced Wednesday. They each
landed seven ; players on the 26-
man squad. The .New York Giants
.placed four, ^followed by Boston,
Cincinnati anji Philadelphia with
two each am| Chicago and Pitts
burgh with ojjie each.
Three r of
League ' pitcher* are
(gee a 1.1 a I is
he eight National
P»ge 4)
at 7:30.
Entries will be accepted until
10 a. m. tomorrow but a late fee
will be charged. The late fees now]
required for junior boys and girls
is 30< per event, and intermediate
boys and girls, 50* per event, and
for men and women; 50* per event.
No entry fee are required for the
preliminary events but If the quali
fiers expect to compete In the
finals, they must pay thpir entry
AU Junior boy* and girl* can
enter two events exclusive of the
relay*, intermediate* and senior*
can enter three event* exclusive of
the relays, ilntermediate* and sen
ior* dan enter threa, event* ex
clusive of the relays, A Junior may
*pUt hi* event« amt swim In an
advanced division «* well a* hi*
own, but may not ontei 1 more
event* than he Is IlMilled to In his
own division, if all hi* entries are
In the advanced division, he may
enter a* many evetUa a* that dlv*
l*lon allows, L
According to Art Adamson, dir
ector of the meet, entries have
been received from the following
cities:, Tyler, Nacogdoches, Fort
Worth, Houston, NTBTC at Den
ton, and College fetation,
A marjorlty of the swimmer*
are from College fetation, Adam
son said, and the number of girls
entered far outnumbers the boys.
in all individual events, trophies
will be awarded for first place and
silver and bronze medals for sec
ond and third places.
A team trophy will be awarded
the team scoring the most points
in all events. Also, there will be
medals awarded to first, second,
and third place Winners in all
the relays. * .
Trophies for the winners were
contributed by the following firms
and organizations:
College Station State Bank,
A. M. Waldrop Co., Kiwanis Club,
Lions Club, Rotary Club, W.S.D.
Clothiers, Henry A. Miller Hard
ware, Lipscomb Pharmacy, Marion
Pugh Lumber Co., Taylor’s Va
riety. Store, Aggieland Pharmacy,
Pruitt’s Fabric Shop, First Na
tional Bank, Charlie’s Food Mar
ket, agents of American General
Life Insurance Co., Hotard’s Cafe
teria, Ray Oden, Madeley Phar
macy, Fussell Super Market, Laun-
dromat Half-Hour Laundry,-
Black's Pharmacy, L. E. McCall
Service Station, Culpepper Realty
Co,, Mai* Super Market, Aggie
land Service Station, Robertson
and Chambar*,. City National
Bank, First State Bank, Collegiate
Shop, and The Smart Shop.
. ■ i •
it. ■
and the work of pouring the'concrete is under-
*» : f
on -
v««*' • wv«»e*M RUI I
team took on Legett! Hull in a
Oampua Intramural League h«^i
ball contest, Mltoltell Hall honor-
nd It* Athletic OffifleK A, L, Von
RoHenlierpr, hy preaimllhg him with
a snlnlng new pnoltet w»feh,
Mike William*, Muu*en\a*tei' nf
Mltohell Hall, pre*entert the watuh,
a Hamilton, Just befoi'e the two
team* took to the rieldl, ! '
• n »t-wiTa—KiinfiiiWiifetitiMMMM—Ml—»
Acicording tOj Willi*
ant dame about throi
’»tiii(n of vttrihps In
ItcMI Hall Who ha
rGiven Wakh
! F Ff ’ ' TIT' I
’Marat Softball
to Be Decided
This Afternoon
t * I L i • •
The winner of the Campu* In
tramural Softball League will
probably be decided this after
noon when Walton and Milner,
currently tied for first place with
a 6-2 record each, tattgle on dia
mond 6. .;
Milner had to coine from behind
twice to finally blast Project
House 14-6 in a nine innings slug-
fest Thursday. The game was all,
tied up in the top of the ninth
when the Tigers came to life and
pounded Glen Bunch for nine runs
on five hits and threie errors.
Bunch pitched a good game but
nine errors on the part of his team
mates did hot' help hi* cause any.
Georg* Barclay w&s the win
ning pitcher; giving up nine hi^s
for six runs-
*' _lt ‘ * t I
Score by innings:
>ho had wmafkad
that tell athteUd bffikteM, and MR-
tihallf* In parlteli ar, noqlvad very
jlUlrj fwmgnllmn fur their aarvlcm
wililam* weitt) un to say llmt
Im wiled varfiiuir resldent* Of
Mltelrtll and (tehie tu the oonvlua-
Jun lNat snnte wry had to he found
to-rettngnlMe the efforte and good
work of Von R isenbet
v :• | 'F**
llama, the
and the dorm team
or their athletic !bl
hall team manager bw
Him with a watch,, y
Von Riisenherg, kp AIMOpo! ma-
J"i' from La (lr«i|ue‘ ha*i erin tlw
athlelki officer o7 MUfllmll Hall
since last spring, i
l* to buy the WMeli, Atu
h 'll
The fund* to buy the Wt tc
cording to William*, Wfr|R
100 109
Proj House 210 020 001
The Chicago White Sox have'mjt
Won the American League flap
elqce 10111, longest drought foil
any team In the junlhr league.
:« •
• VHh I
K':' 1 .
ie WilUftm*, riirht, hDUsemaster of Mitchell Hall, . n •••ywu
esenting • watch to A. L. Von Rosenberg, athletict officer of
“chell, On behalf of Mitchell in uppreciatlon of hisiefforte'in >
furthering the dorm In Intramural athletic*,
me ^ ■ ■ "-tTwi eri-'w no. 1 .. i — — -r— — -
’fkis losfji almost eliminated Leg-
ott from the championship race
as there; are two teams tied
for the leiad and have only one
more game to play.
.Score hy Innings:
Legett .
Hart .
003 010 0- 4. 5 4
110 012 jf'—5 6 2
Law Surprises All,
Defeats Mitchell
Law HAH. after losing seven
straight games in the\Campus In
tramural League, dropped Mit
chell Hall from top place in the
standings;;Thursday aftertoon, 8-7.
Law* collected tien hits ort the of-
A. L, Von Rosenberg
bell touched Turnbow of
1 hits and seven Xuns.
x. mi't"
Ilf Main
. •„ ■ I
nit ' hi
‘Tour Clothing Store”
i; .
. :
ane a hofne run by Vick
»Ut the game on ice
when three runs 'were
firings of
while Mite
Law for b
Five hits,
Le\*y in f
for Law
scored. Bex Fox of Mitchell alsd
got! a circuit clout, that one in the
e big hitter of the game was
Faiicett, who collected three
t of four times at the
f fV*' K H *
1 002 030 3—11 7. 2
1 ... 103 102 0--10 8 3
' ;
Ik j
ova Sports
Iter Here
holly, athletic director
iva, will arrive on the
aftelmoon to look over
c plent and discuss the
hie between A&M and
next September.
Connolly will leave Saturday af-
return to Villanova.
H ' "
Buy Yotir EmersoB