The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 08, 1949, Image 1

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3 STATION (Asgieland). TEXAS, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1949 | V 1 : . A \
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Volume 49
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Second Summer
Plans Revealed
i All stjtrdents who expect to
attend the second summer
r' y term of school should pay
their fees and register fee
th&r Tooms. beginning at 8
a.m. Tuesday, July 12, Bennie
A. Zinn, assistant dean of
, i men, has announced.
The procedure to be followed will
bo? to secure fee waiver slips from
Veteran’s Advisor, Room 104
7 ’Goodwin ffall, in case of veterans,
« beginning at 8 a.m. Tuesday, July
•V 12. ;
( Fees - can then be paid at the
- Fiscal Office. Fiscal Office rep-
} re«entatives will
be in Goodwin
t Hall froirt 8:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m.
Tuesday, July 12.
< I - After July 12, fees must be paid
at the Administration Building. ,
After fees, are paid students
Y should register for rooms at the
| - Housing Office, Room 100 Good
win Hall. ,,
This efrly registration is being
made posible to avoid congestion
- on registration day, Monday, July
18, Zinn said.
Students who wish to reserve a
particular room, including the one
they now Occupy, should sign for
these rooms prior tb 5 p. m., Fri-
day7 July 15, in order ! that the
Housing Office may njdke reser
vations on new students prior to
registration day. ' . 1
Students S who wish to change
rooms for the second term, Zinn
added, may sign up for a new
room by presenting a room change
slip signed by the hodsemaster of
th? dormitory to which they 4n-
, tend to move. j 1 *
Day ^Students, ; including those
_P living in College | operated apart
ments, are reminded that they also
. may save considerable time at
timje of registration bypaying
their fees early and; getting their
receipts stamped at the Housing
f Office, Zinn concluded.
' ;
I '
Sisters to Give
Grove Concert
Blanche and Florence Zuck-
, ' er, duo-pianists, will present
' a program of classical and
>ii popular selections at their
x ' f . Grove concert next Thursday
night at 8:15. i ~
The two sisters have been cited
by critics aa “one- of America’s
great duo-piano teams.” (
\ Their varied program will in-
tlude compositions by Bach, Shu-
jbert, Chopin, Gershwin, and their
ewri arrangements -of “Jump Boo
gie”, and “Night and Day/’.
Born only a year and a half
apart in Brooklyn, the two girls
began their formal piano study; at
an early age. They both won sch
olarships at the New York College
of Music. Since then Blanche has
studied cello under Willem Willeke
at the Julliard School, of Music,
and Florence has worked with the
Metropolitan Opera basso, Virgilio
They continued their work with
-Professor Hedda Ballon, noted
Viennese pianist and teacher.;
During the war they played at
the Stage Door Canteen, toured
service camps, and veterans hos-
pitals. They_played on the program
of the White House Correspon
dents’ Dinner in honor of President
Truman this year. ' r j
All persons not holding yellow
fee slips must bring their own
chairs, according to Spike' White,
director of Student Activities.
- ri
MSC Brickwork
Ends Next Month
Completion of the brickwork on
the first floor of Jthe Memorial
Student Center is wcpepted within
the next six weeks according to
K. R. Simmons, construction su
perintendent for Robert E. McKee,
General Contractors.
The front of the building will
he terraced, to the first floor level.
The rest of the Memorial will be
laid in Austin" shell stone to the
first floor level. 1 j
Saturday Dance
* i i .»*#•• -i .
An All College' dance will be
held in the Grove Saturday
night from 8 until 11, with
music by the Aggieland Com
bo. • 4 :■ , ' 1 ' ' v - ; : v ,
^ AddeHTeaturea of the dance
will be a door prize given to
sdme person attending the
dance, and a i waltz contest,
open to everyone at the dance.
In announcing the dance
plans, Fred Hambright, enter
tainment committeeman, in
Charge pof"’ this- weekend’s
dance, a&id the only admission
will be a yellow fee slip, dress
should be for comfort, and the
purpose for coming should be
for pleasure. ' , ;
! i ■
'll i ■ ’ '
/'i.iiA'V ■
4’ V
r * .
i '1
v. 1 ''
The cast and L orchestra of “The
Soldier” gets into costume and gets
music prior to last night’s opening of
out their
the oper-
ette. The second, and final, presentation of the
Oscar Straus musical show will be held in the
Grove tonight at 8. - \ ]
■ • r i 5 ■
1200 Attend Performance
‘Chocolate Soldier 9 Opens
Two Night Stand In Grove
h— j ' : .
Colorfully costumed and equip-
p< id with equally colorful lines, and
songs, the cast of “The Chocolate
Sildier” took to the stage last
n ght and put on thei Grove's first
fi ill-sized production before a
crowd of 1200 or more. 1
And “opening night” for the
combination Aggie Player-Singing
Cadet cast-was nothing short of
a real success. With Another pre
sentation scheduled for tonight at
8, our campus stage talent will be
g ving the local cinemas a run for
their mohey. 1
Mrs. Billie Jean Barron aa Na-
dina was the star of the Straus
comedy in more ways than one.
Haying the female lead and the
lengthiest role in the cast, she
displayed an excellent voice as
’ veil i aa an outstanding job of
ibcting. )
Equally convincing, In the role
dl Lt. Bumerli, was Tommy But
ler. Though it was sometimes hard
t< i * tell which of the male lines
were really the most clever, Bum--
eili had a generous share and But-
let' did justice to them all | '
Delivering his “I never’s . L . ”
th force and finesse, Herb Bead-
lei well cut as the pompous “he-
rq” Alexiiis did an equally good job
his share of the vocalizing. .
Clever ~lttnes In the operetta
Irew many laughs from the aud-
ce, but It was probably the
Ha’s” of Joe Glass as Massa-
f and the rantlngs of BUI
vans as Kaslmir Popoff that
rew the most laughs. Both
vans and Glass turned In nota
ble performances.
-NlGlorla Martin and Dolly Moss,
ifroops Used in Strike
LONDON, July 7—UP) — The
r government ordered troops
to; the London waterfront to
night to unload food ships para-
lyjzed by a'Strike of stevedores.
as the two “men Starved” women, room one night. Though Nadina
Mascha and Aurelia, who run af
ter any man that comes along,
were outstanding with their well-
delivered. lines and vocals.
Other members of the cast in
cluded Duane Evans as the Pop-
off’s servant, Pat Schiehagen as
the Popoff’s maid and 20 boys and
girls jin the chorus. In addition,
Wanda Naylor showed definite
talent as the dancing girl in act
twfe J I ‘ i
The plot of the operetta cen
ters around Nadina, the daughter
an Colonel Popoff and
an enemy Swiss of-
of Bulgarian
Lt.: Bumerli,
who hides in Nadina’s bed-
Foreign Students
Guests of YMCA
Thin Summer YMCA Cabinet
will entertain the foreign students
on th^ campus Sunday evening at
8:30 at the Grove, Ken Kunihiro,
cabinet treasurer, has announced.
This announcement by Kunihiro
followed earlier reports that the
Cabinet is launching a movement
to include A&M’s foreign students
in more campus activities.
There are 41 students at A&M
this; summer whose homes are be
yond the borders of the United
States, Kunihiro said. Each foreign
student will be contacted personal
ly and inrited to the joint program
of entertainment and refreshments.
Earlier this summer the YMCA
Cabjnet announced plans to at
tempt a revival of the Continenital
Club, a former campus organiza
tion composed of both foreign and'
American students. The club would
present programs and discussions
of international nature. Talks by
students from other parts pf the
world would be an important fea
ture of the club’s programs, Kuni
hiro i said.
is supposedly in love with a Bui
gartan major, Alexius, she falls in
love with Bumerli, whom she calls
the “Chocolate Soldier,” because
he carries chocolate drops instead
of bullets.
Real complication* develop
when Popoff’s wife, daughter,
and cousin, put pictures of them
selves In One of Pppoffs robes
which they lend to Bumerli to
escape in. <
After the war ends, Bumerli
happens to tell Popoff and Alexis
of his experience, note realizing
that it was Popoffs house in which
he had hidden.
The rest of the story concerns
the comic situation created when
Bumerli revisits the Popoff house
to return the robe and see Nadina.
Though he goes through consid
erable difficulty before succeed-
igg, Bumerli finally wins Nadina
from Alexius,
Probably the most unheralded
part of the cast, but definitely one
of the moat contributlve was the
orchestra under the direction of
Bill Turner. It turned In a con
sistently good performance the en
tire evening.
George Dillavou as drama; dir
ector and Turner as musical
director deserve high praise for
their work In making the pre
sentation a success.
Though handicapped by the lack
of a curtain, the operetta’s stage
crew fled by Jeanne Ostener) de
signed, built, and handled some of
the best looking scenery used here
in sometime. Lighting effects for
the performance were capably
handled by Darwin Hodges.
With most of the cast’s tense
ness gone with last night’s per
formance, tonight’s presentation
should be even better. The cost
to students is only a yellow fee 1
slip and non-students need only
bring their ow% chairs. I can’t
think of a better night of free en
tertainment anywhere.
Board of Directors.
Today and Tomorro
' ! . ■' 2 1 ' • M'::
et Here
' : ' VI Iv V
i /
Firemens School To
Open Here) Sunday
Sunday the 20th annual FireiBen’s Training School will
begin here, according to H. R. Srayton, director of the
school. This year’s course marks the 20th anniversary of
the school and promises to be the largest yet, said Brayton.
The first course was held in 1929 and was attended by
4-176 men from $6 Texas cities.
Aggie Section
Is Largest At
Chanute Field
Chanute Field Batt Camp
i Correspondent
• Your faithful correspondent
is here in “H” Squadron, (H
standing for Holy Hell and
Hot) along with nine others.
Out of 820 cadets here, there
are 92 Aggies, which, is more
representation than any of
the other 31 schools repre
sented. -\ \
At the present, all of the cadet
officers are being rotated, and af
ter a few weeks, a permanent ca
det officer for each position will
be selected and will, be awarded a
medal for outstanding leadership
at the close of camp.
Gur own illustrious Edwin J.
Hatzenbuehler Jr., aero senior
from Dallas, is at present com
manding officer of the squadron.
We. are plagued with having to
go to night school froip 6 to 10
for five days a week. This is
very good though, because it
leaves the whole day for drill, in
spections, physical training, etc.
As mentioned before,! the big-
gest gripe is the heat However,
I might add that everyone except
the Aggies, who Ifave been condit
ioned in Duncan Hall, are com
plaining about the food—which is
terrible. \ j . J v
We are at liberty to go any
where within 20 miles anytime we
are off duty and anywhere within
150 miles on weekends—Chicago
is the objective this weekend since
it is only 120 miles from Chanute.
Some Aggies were on the road
almost two weeks—some coming
by Denver and Cheyexpe, while
others made Canada; however af
ter six weeks here we Will prob
ably head straight back
ol’ Texas.
to dear
Trotter and Russell
In Church Conference
/ i _
Dr. Ide P. Trotter, dean of the;
graduate school and Dr. Daniel
Russell of the Agricultural Eco
nomics and Sociology Department
here, were on the program of the
Rural Church and Community
Conference held in Fort Worth
last week.
A Good, Clean Story
The Tragedy of Willoughby
McSnort’s Overdue Laundry
up thi
• ■ v v .
! W Iloughby McSnort was the
picture of the happy Aggie. Going
he sidewalk along Military
Willoughby .hummed gaily
tp himself and did an occasional
exhuberant hand spring. j.v.
Id well might Willoughby be
happy.' ‘ He had Just come from his
P.O. box, where he had removed
his monthly contribution from the
Vefeian’s Administration, and. he
was pow on his way to the laun
dry station to pick up his clean
shirt i. Murgatroyd was coming
down for the Saturday night dance
in the Grove, and Willoughby rub
bed Ills hands together in antioi-
pation :of the weekend merry mak-
Wheeling Into the laundry
stiatton, Willoughby tossed the
green slip on the counter and
said “MX ISIS” in an authora-
tive voice. Aa the laundry at
tendant disappeared into the
darkened catacombs, Willough
by whistled two off-key chor-
of Che “Aggie War Hymn.”
young woman reappeared
shprty and
|v •’
H -
I fM-
flopped his laundry
onto the counted
, McSnort reached
with His right hand.
whipping out
■ ri
crop from under the counter,; the
young woman whacked him smart
ly across the wrist.
“Ah, ah, ah—don’t touch that
bundle” she said, withering him
with an accusing stare.
“UTia happen?” said Willough
by, carefully counting,his fing
ers to make sure they were all
still with him. ,
“You| sent an extra paii| of
pants” .she said, consulting a book
marked “Misdemeanors and Minor
Crimis.” “Don’t you know” she
conti tiiied, “that anyone should be
able to get along on two pairs of
panti a week? That’ll be el fif
teen cents "'charge!”
Wi Iloughby, started to tell her
about surveying labs, meat cutlting
labs, the perspiration count at bol-
lege I Ration, the B.O. ads, and |sev-
oral other factors. She flipped the
crop (menacingly. Ruefully eyeing
his throbbing fingers, Willoughby
thought better of it and reached in
his p>cket for his loose change.
“Just a minute” said ’ the
guardian of the finished-laun
dry, ‘Tm not through yet.”
•Tih sorry” said Willoughby,
putting his hands behind hia back
and facing the b^r for furtheteben-
“Oh no you don’t” said the
iundry’s southernmost rtopre*^
•v “You
• { o.
i' f
also sent a sleeveless sport
T v
shirt without marking it on the
slip. Very serious business’’ she
said, clucking at him reprovingly,
“that’ll cost you* twenty-five cents
more.” /
McSnort opened his mouth to
tell her that the shirt she was
speaking of was a dress shirt
when he had sent it to the laun
dry the week before. She neatly
decapitated a fly in midair with
the crop, and he reconsidered his
overt thoughts. Cautiously, he
slid his left hand toward the laun
dry bundle. \ |
tentative, racking him severely
across the left forearm with her
weapon, ‘Tm just getting rant
ed good.” She reached under
the counter and selected a vol
ume entitled “Treason, Commun
ist Spying, and Too Many
Socks”. Quickly she turned to
the “Me” section.
“Ah yes; McSnort” she chortled,
l “I knew there would be further
charges!” She flipped happily
through the pages and beckoned
for an assistant who came for
ward with an adding machine.
“Extra handkerchief, broad
cloth shirt, pants with flaps on the
pockets, too long pajama collars,
laundry slip folded incorrectly,
buttons on shirts too secure, bun
dle three seconds late on arrival,
knot too tight on container,—,”
she droned on through the list of
charges as the adding machine
rattled’ ominously in the back
ground. ;V
Two volumes and three rolls
of adding machine paper later,
the guardian of the laundry
bundles glanced up and down
the page** of her Mack list again,
and snapped the book closed em
phatically- j j ;
“Let’s, see" she said, fingering
the end of the adding machine rib
bon, “that’ll be $76.49 please."
“Seventy-six dollars?” croaked
McSnort, “but I only have 75
bucks, and I just got paid.”
“Well, we don’t like to make a
practice of this”;said the laundry
guardette, snatching the check
from his hands, “but in your case
we’ll make an exception. You can
just owe us $1.49.’’■ She stamped
“Due, $1.49” on his right forearm
with an India ink stencil.
\ Forces within Willoughby's
breast cried out in anguish, but
being a three semester, registra
tion line indoctrinated, $blsa~
subdued Aggie, he resisted the
7 (See McSNORT, Page 4)
This; year’s session will. train
around 600 ihen from 300 cities.
Representatives from the 4th Army
Area, nearby Air bases, and the
Corpus Christi Naval Base will
also^be present. In addition, safe
ty engineers from carbon black
plants, - oil companies and steel
plants will also attend the course.
Instruction will be divided into
various phases of fire-fighting
technique, added Brayton. There
will | be basic and advanced fire-
inenjs courses, fire department in
structors course, five marshal's
and city inspector’s courses, and
fire 'prevention personnel instruct-
ionsj •, : 7 |
Upon completion of the course,
written examinations will be given,
which, if passed, will help that re
presentative’s city by lowering the
fire insurance rates by 3%. Since
the first course which was held
here; in 1929, this has saved policy
holders $1,000,000, Brayton said.
This years course will consist
entirely of actual practice ses
sions with no speeches. Use of ail
practice is considered the best
way to conduct the courpe in the
short time allowed.
. An anticipated high point in the
practice sessions will feature a
fornq of push ball with fire hoses.
A large ball will be suspended by
a wire and two Squads of hose-
men will try to drive it over a line
with water pressure from spray
nozzles. This teaches the firemen
how to better manipulate the spray
equipment, Brayton said.
All sorts of teaching equipment
and techniques will be used in the
school. Instruction will be given
in the specialized use of all types
and sizes of modern fire hoses
and nozzles. Instruction in the use
of gas masks, hook and ladder ar
rangements, and respiration equip
ment will also be included. Life
size models of skeletons and the
arterial system of the body will
be used in the respiration lectures,
according to Brayton. [
Water System Report and Bids
For Science Building On Agenda
The A&M
}?oard of Directors - will hoi
its regular
meeting here this afternoon and Saturday mornirtg,, during
which they will probably take action on three new construe- N
tion projects, hear preliminary reports on the proposed
A&M water system; and consider other administrative
-♦problems of the col!
ge and,
Some action wii be; taken, prob- J
ably final acceptance of the bids, ij
on the submitted bids , lor the gen* »
ieral'cbnstruction, electrical, plumb
ing and heating, and clCvator bifla |
for the new Science Balding. Bid*
hayft falready been accepted for
all the work by T. R. Spence, :
manager of the physical plants, and
the board will make the final ac
ceptance. ; .* ' j : !!]■',' vjEj-
■■b" Stuped ! .- J
The three story building ia to
|be located just east of the present
; Science building and will be in an
;“L” shape, with/the bottom of the
“L" running east' and west. Present
plans call for another wing to bd
New Telephone
Directories F'
Bryan, Colie
People of College Statijon
and Bryan will at last be able
to dial a telephone number
and get the person listed. No
more writing on the wall, the
new telephone books ^re hehe,
and they should be delivered ( added later making a “tl" shaped
today, said E. H
division manager f q|i; t h b
Southwestern States Tele
phone Co.
This book fe a great improve
ment over the bid one, and many
new numbers have been added,
said Utzriian.
j The most notable feature of the
new directory is the new type
print employed. It is the regular
Gothic “Telephone” Type and gives
the new book a better appearance.
College Station residents are
getting their books by delivery
and the carriers are picking up
the old ones at the same time. In
Bryan the books are being mailed
to the customer and it is urged
that the old ones be destroyed
imtriediately upon receipt of the
new one, said Utzman.
In the past the biggest com
plaint has been the long delay in
printing a new book, but
future there will be an
to put one out every nine
One exception to this wi
book coming out in January when
the Bryan Office puts intb opera-
tioni700,new lines of central office
equipment. The new books will be
mailed out to coincide with \this
: > £
r- . 1: .7- I
these for thie
College Station
streets and an-
cbnstriaction ap-
the Memorial
in the
!l be the
College to Receive Bids For
Water System Here July 19 '
A&M College will receive bids July 19, on the first
four production wells of its new and independent water sys
tem. These bids will be opened at 2 p.m. in the Office of
Physical Plants.
This information comes from ;T. R. Spence, supervisor
of Physical Plants for A&M, fol-4 —j—— : ; 1
Sale of A&M F
losing a conference with Consult
ing Engineer Homer Hunter of
Dallas this week.
'Hunter is spending a consider
able! amount of his ow'n tijme in
College Station at present amd al-
soi has Resident Engineer,]E. L.
Riewe and a survey party on the
jop,; according to Spence.
jSpence revealed that the three
test! wells put down by the <k)llege
nqrtheast of Bryan Army Air
Fijelb all proved (satisfactory; .The
mineral content^ of the water in
these wells is on; the same level as
that' presently supplied by Bryan.
The productloin wells will all
reach the approximate depth of
54P ft. The wa' erfields are! loca
ted 6 miles west of Bryan in the
northwest part of Brazos County.
e first well will be sunk about
2 pi' les west bf; Bryan Air Field
anil will extend in a line toward
thp Bryan waterfield.
Specifications jcall for the sat-
isf&ctory construction, develop
ment, disinfection; testing,: and
equipping of the wells. The pumps
will be approximately 300 ft. be
low the surface, j
Water will be [secured from the
Spprta sands and will be pumped
to !a collection tinki in the vicin
ity; of the wells and will be Chlor
inated either at the collection] tank
or on the campu^.
Future plans ckll for bids to be
submitted for a pipe line, to be laid
to the reservoir tank which will be
located in the vicinity of the Feed
ing and Breeding Station.
At a conference Wednesday,
authority was requested of! the
Board of Dlrecto|rs to award the
g of
T ..A 1
;oard of
Elfler Smatrti Hurt
for the
4/i •
Frank S
Martin S:
ing a fire
story loft
Y >•
,/t k I
, ’.. «
uly 8—-A—
ther, fire Capt.
one of seven
night fight-
out a flve-
; a store.
Passes Legislature
Senate' Bill 191,
A&M to sell all or
thd College’s 3000-acrc experiment
al farm in the Brazos
bottjom inear
Jones bridge, has passed the State
Legislature, according to Repre
sentative James K.lPreinal, 6f
Bryan, I 1 :
The measure which
ed-in the Senate by
of Bryan, carried the
day by better than
votes, Pregnal said
The large plantation
across the river in Bu
was purchased at a
less than $70 per ac:
tvmart 'building, opening toward the south,
urndii, The new w j ng wi]] | be bu i lt on
site of the 1 present Service build
ing, which is to be razed When
the neW building is complete.
Action wiill also bi 1 taiken on a
new milking unit to bej built at
the dairy barns' in the’ Ire-located
live stock area across the east
gate railroad tracks.
A request will be made to-the
board by the daity department
for funds to repair the creamery
and to replace worn equipment in
the creamery. 7 ;
Other Contracts
Other final contract actions
the bbard include
resurfacing of the
artd College View
other block of
propriations for
Student Center, h,
Remodeling of part of the Tex
tile Building will be discussed with
the possibility of constructing class
room space in the north end of
that building, j. i\ 1
A report will be heard on the
progress made so far in linking
test wells for the proposed College
water supply ;andi! partial appro
priations will probably be made.
Dr. A. J). Folweiler, director of
the Texas Forestry Service, will
also give a report on the Service.
', 'Alio'
cussed will be
to move thf stock barns across
the west gate railroad tracks to
their new location, j
' To Other Board
One member of the board will
be elected to serve on the A&M
Development Fund Btfard‘to re
place H. L. Kokernot, whose term
on the Board of Directors i*
Firing. 7. .n|
_ Budget for the snmnier term and
the school year 1949-50 will be dis
cussed and the cjustbmary aids,
grants, and gifts vfill be acted pn.
System business will (include
considerstion of plans if dr a sciencs
building and warehouse at Arling
ton Stat<( Colleg^j; contract for i
construction, of a girls’ dormitoiy
and lounge, ; bids f«r. science build-1!
ing, [employment oil an engineer to
design a steam tkinnel extension
and plans for hn ] agricull|m»l
building, all at Tarletian State
lege. A-plant and animal industries
building at Prairiel|Vi)?w A&M Col
lege is also on (the agenda for
discussion. . j -
Prior to the Friday night’s meet
ing ,the Board will
of the Bryan Chamber
merce at a barbecule
at The Oaks in’ Bryaln. i
part of
i'as kpdnsor-
oufie Tues-
iiich lies
esoh county
I *
Another appropriation to be dis-
the general fund
A&M ROIC cadet A
Wilken explains thejoi
field at the Amy
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looks on as
Ml to cadii
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