The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 01, 1949, Image 2

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Page2 . ' ' ) lifI llii
Are You Figure
Do The
\l y
- ! */ '• ^
K* (■ . •
'■ 'A ,
Their Figures?^
^cime people in an office
have a crystal ball. It’s a vejr
prognosticator. They looked in it latat week
• ij ? . ' f . '-fl, • 1 r {•'
n -
Estimate? .. >
fv! . i^r
and came up with these pi
, Over the July 4 holidays,
persons will be hurt ijn
Twenty seven of these peopl
ed. A dozen people will be
ty five will die as Suicide or
s suicide or. murder the city m H
victims. Fifteen more ,will die in plane To our sfroup particularly, automobiles
You In stop and think about it. Seventy-nine
ji • v ’;|’ people will end their Uvea, all because
n Austin they tried to crowd a little too much life
effective! into one short weekend. '
* When the mad rush to the beach and
picnic grounds begins this weekend, stop
^ seventy-nine awhile.
he a few minutes late
months detour by? way
wen- N of the hospital-^r a permanent trip to
norgua j- 4 .
r group
* crailies, fires, and other assorted acci- will be the biggest danger factor. When
dents. AH in all, 79 people will die violent- you get under the wheel, consider tyoth
ly dver the holidays, ! fljy your own #nd the caFs condition, and
The people who maker!hose gory pre- rtr ^ vr accordingly,
dictions are the mmhhe#lbf the Texas } The holiday we’re celebrating this
iBAfaty^Association, have!reason to tWHkend a^iata btcause some people were
bg jure of their pflyUj After each Wm wh « rt they met some soldiers going
fourth of July for sevjeral ymrslthey have dp a hill near Boston,
taliieil up the grim figures bjf ptioplo killed Let’s not make it a more memorable
and maimed from a weekotid of ceiebrat* day for our families by getting killed
ing, / .•:4<l.ll!ir 1 when we meet somebody as we go up a
when you hill ill an automobile.
1 .
r ir''r
' V,
' i
/ • ,• a.iJ
■ /
' -7.'.
' -ll
1 Ir
: I
o Comprpide'Er Valle
DALLAS,. Ten., Jul^l M-
Personal note to chambers of com-
n, Harlin
ley a a
yo U
bkmde bride flew thro
ngen and
iherce in McAllen,
t keep
ley a secret anj
Fuller Warren : of Florida know
what you have down there
governor and
e Rio Grande Val-
y longer—let Gov.
of Florida know
r way
It’s really all very ddnseless
IM 4 • ' i i
Death and Taxes, Let Us Spend Both ...
I Before Congress jis a bill' to eliminate unchanged from the i
I l" r
t y ?
oeiutt; vyuiiKienn pn <i win vu eiiiiiijunt; uuvimiiKeu ilywi vnv anticipated level Ot
wartime excise taxeif that havj; clung to around 41.5 billion dollars per yeafc a cut
after we’yp of several hundred milliorf in excise taxes
oVer. These
many ‘Huicury” itenjis even
declared the war offitially
mst be made up somewhere^ else.;-Some
fifteen arid twenty percents tacked on top people say, “Let’s soak the corporations
of bus tickets and haip oil caiise a nuisance for\some more taxes.” ^
chiefly because we feel theeanauntof tax- | B ^ C Mration taxes afe about
.ee we pay when A* cM say* the ban- T „ ne they pay {or each
oil is fifty cents and ten cents more for ,, , , ,.
J 1 gallon of gas. And we always notice on
the gas pump, “Gasoline 19 cknts, federal
taxes'one cent, and state taxes about four
.cents.” . . I .
.Our first reactian to the fax elimina-
I in
tion bill is to wave our arms in approval,
but on second thought wri are a bit more
reserved. We know ijf taxes don’t come one
way, they’ll come djioth^rL ff the obvious
|-tax. is eliminated, we peg|n to wonder
where the hidden tax wfilh be levied.
With government spending remaining
Yes, There Always Will Be ABritian . . .
Famed for
caused such strain hnd
your topsail. Le . me ! his
ologize mosit eiffusivelj’.
It is seldom that om
aspirations! to becomi
paper repofterl is faced
rabid interest in her woij
you for such an interest
perhaps the Battalion
some, more or less, filp rs- l
paper. The humor wajs ““
ill formed/ That, I adm
Maybe the excise tax isn’t such a bad
thing after all. At • least, we have the
chance to throw our money down the
drain, rathef than giving it to the cor
porations to do it for us.
8tt »8S, on
ten to apt-
Chuck Uekmi
CUM' of >51 1 I I
AH Leggett Hell
Allow me to present iny ‘ell. I
am Martha Odne FiMtfUHtijn. At
least that is tpe way
certificate reads. After
it . has been she rtenid |t|d
also must adm t that' I “ vi(|te”
the arjticle wh ch seeds t<i have
is week on
f«rni* to R'
: Lfj “It’s a mighty fine feeling to be
heah in Texasr said the smiling
governor to reporters as he emerg
ed from the (American Airlines
/ “Lota of Tsdcaa people live lit
Florida,” the governor went i on
Ooartooosly. “They nuke mighty
fine cltlsena.'' 7 r ]
"What do y^u think of tho Rio
Gnmdo Vnlleyj governor?" A re-
porter naked, having in mind that
|hf valley Wts ita braina out
dvbry year competing with Florida
nod tnoritlnk. Madam,"
t, l|f you [lon't put a
4 Vr sex
tiut do
|PVt iliieili
you tht |girls In yo.v|t
to you, that’s only A
tbe name ({the fn
■rring to) thely don"
noses in the air, 1
iris In your clans
In itHei letter from ihe jun-
1 i
aas the boys cla
into I a
ter- r
a ndws
d ' usf
or) thf
re) Ins
raid 1
their/captious and level- not support 49 million people. But the
headed approaches to all sorts of touchy commission says that ^educed populations,
a^d hypothetical subjects, the British have though decreasing Britain’s need for im- 'heads 1
: tackled the problem pf population trends ports, wiuld also diminish her capacity ive live/
to export. \ J for so h
If anjThing about the report could be
called startling, it is the report’s sections
on population trends by Intellectual class
es. The college graduate parents ar6 not
m the United Kingdom. This past week
I produced the relMaje of a report by a com-
. mission whose work h^s been carried ove
the past five years, at an expense
• Wmioo.- / j -V,
’ While nothing i^o startling as the Kin-
sey Report,/the work of the commission
' »Wo
True I d|ld ijoft take 1: ito
eration the minority of ttv
gies who have not p
stage where they sha
I’m sure down jis as at
the human facd as it n biji
‘darling’ little cjhickens me!
the spring. Of;course, not
the Aggies havq reached! that
ed state of matrimony; jior fio
all have a senior ring j to : ci
the aforesaid wedding baud
I appeal, no offense. $oph
are just too. too preeijous^
Lastly, there was no insult ifi
looks. I, mys
Butijyou Xftow|
I’ve lived with the pajir of then!
for so long, the dual ctmviersxtion
is positively intriguing. Movie
stars are chosen,"from. _£uch gopd
“red blooded ^American boys/’ as
you pmstAe, every /lay of tbb
year. TpH is a demo^acy, I sj(y,
* tm ji j 11 i. y
said some
t everytime
what else (
■ girl
o yoii
being around a girl for
nths? You, hardly 1 know
Say. All jiVou can do is
stjalre. Please fbrgive us/Co-
eds. T . | • /
Wfll, )) guess I’ll c ose with this
bit df’ poetry (not Jiiuite Shakes-
»ear 4 ||
Gi is we arte proud you’re here,
,^0 have no fear, j ■' ’ ,
Wp’ll ‘{speak, next time we meet
you pn the street.
I i-i
bimiH prmluctlun,
Tho gnvernor lonkvd n trifle
blank, |
«p« I" )■■■■■—■»w| —»
1 letters
* '* ' " M m• r
. sod {UMkDTINUri
Kdltnr, Tim ItalUllubi .
To what low level of behavior
pan our fHonda the “KK a" drdp?
was that?” be said,
do you Mtk of th*
Talley—surely you
heard about that.*
said Warren, “I hear
about the whole state of
just any one part /|
a fine state,” he added
_. *‘A mighty fine state."
43-year-old governor said
l been in Texas once be-
iore — for the Democratic con-
of 1928 at Houatoa.
s the time we noaiinaied
arren and His beauteous 23-
-old bride were married in Los
'elek Sunday. They left Dallas
a Delta Airliner;! bound lor
Fb. At Fort Wal
’enaarola, they’ll - opntirv
r honeyiwoon at a prlvaUi
dencie for several
govtmor tesu
duties. Just whoie private^ resi-
dbn<e{, the goveilnorT declined to
say. “We’d 4ke a bttk privacy
and rest," be expl lined. ^ 1
W’arren clearel up one point
waaaft traveling incognito,
ti had l^een reported that he
wa|H going under the name of
aJM. CraiUck.
ow in the w »rld didiyou pick
a name like that?’ 1 a reporter ask
ed curiously.
Warren laughed.
“I didn’t pick it" he said. “A.M.
Cradick is an attorney friend of
mipe in Lps Angeles and he gbt
' tickets
■ I 1 1
$ <
Hole Rea
But the tickets
the tickets as
aT* 7
(h, they were.
lo the
|m up.
When they drive aUmg the peace
ful streets of Coltego View and
calmly shoot the stray dogs which
they happen to find at 10:30 at
night, that level has about been
reached we,think.
What reawm could they possibly
expect .^ive for not removing the unfor-
Claude Nussbaum
lunate creatuifes to some more re
mote spot If they must bie de-
stt^y^d ?
BYdm a safety standpoint, th^
practice is extremely dangerous?/
Who can guarantee their marks-
majnship,: and' even if the bullet
goes where itj is aimed, there Is a
likelihood of jts ricocheting off in
any-airection. T • -
■And the disturbance of a large
. r • ' :/
Lu^HMlioijRG: 4Via Airmail)
i/PV *Th* b«at foXholc in Kur*
ofm In the uvent of an niomiu war
ll the Grand Duchy uf Luxiutt*
This tiny p<4stvard country ha*
huen prepared for 200 years
against the drnpping of the atohi
Oomb. Deep beneath the breath
taking hills 6f Its' capital, one'pf
the wprld’a most picturesque cities,
lie 17 {miles qf defensive tunnels..
"They were dug {in the early
1700s,! and Urey could easily hdld
eVerypne in the-country," said Da
vid Ned Blackmer, 33,‘of Bingham-
tdn, N.Y. £ [Jy z
Thej dttle monarchy y only/09
miles square and has q/populajlon
oi abimt 300,000.
Blafkmer, an ex^Gjl!, decided' af
ter the war hrwanted to learn
more ; abouythe lands he had
fqught across. So he came here
to stiidy/ the culture of Luxem
I^ditor, The Battalion:
Ip ariswer to tiy letters from
our tinjf Aggettps, I have but one
thin ? tp say as'I Iqcjk up from, my
CE haltdbi
Klim Dubl Holding
?he Ice Cream Party
part- The Kum, Dubl-Glass of
number of people at ah hour when
they are either trying to sleep or
trying to do some sorely needed
studying is nq small matter. Wha‘
would happen to a student if
should decide to get out* and !
pistol practice around the "apart- 1 The Kum, Dubl '-Glass of the
mielnts? j I ; , r M et k ( dist Cpurch will hold an ice
Since when. In the' annals of dread supper at 6:30; p. m.,,July
mbdern civilization nave defense-; 4- : 1 ]
the hell are you cute less, h*>nieles.s, animals been shot The supper will be helq at the
g t6 ask us for a date? In the atreeti/)? a densely popula- home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank
icy, that is.
reproducing themselves. Unless Kifejn e
s I ihave kaid seVe
We—forgive me, lil
U times li«l-
e dild ! ll
produo!|d Horrie noteworthy eonclu-
HipnH. The commiB|iioirium do not feel that
1 BFituln’a ,pGp«latlf)n. of 49 million; will
dfop very iivuch uijider 45.5 million a hun
dred yemrr from jiow. This conclusion is
I a •direct refutation of the boys who cliiim
A-./ Iwre —Jq r g' ve me, n™e man. | i
changes take place, the report infer#,.‘aH meant no harm. Perhaps, jjou coijiljt
\\lSha run a personal in the! Batt, dfcomt
!•*»'>i.m ..)1 i„ t>| iniJ,
the inherently intelliKent people *1 nomc , ,
come extinct {and the countryywill staff needs «!! the advjfrtiffldtju
ly sterile. r MJ*ure.
of Jyrrt h cor
to bo hxporta^ftrid JhttVe been yelling about
.Britain becoming mn; Island of old people,
•j Britain’s birth me !m[high and should
rvmuin no, the cdminUMion feel
. •: :■ / | ?rT 1 1
Another myth-lwhattering statement of
the report is thatlBfliain dt^es not need a
serious reduction of {population to survive
as B nation. Myjde^
■ been singing^tfie
The Harvard
“the sophomore Wh
populated by the
Broader education of ptfih control and
tax exemptions ami^dther incentives to
encourage professional classes to raise
larger famMis are recommended.
Jf the inherently intellectual classes of
Britain will reproduce themselves (some*
hing which worries many nations, includ
ing the United States), things population*
wise should be well iiy hand, The masses
will always reproduce themselves.
The report gives us renewed courage
. I . I I I » »
Malthusians have in yur belief that there will always be a
Salaam, Kffandi, ,ma| yo|r
' r ! jineraiaa!
, Mike F«ri(UM
T8(’W (JlkJm bf 148
. a iMjurric com|pl|int 11JI
Bdllor. The Hatlallon: j .
Guvmh what? This ibornlug (Jblim
28) In the pall of Urn ol 1 Amidefpic
Boh Btem, ’52 ,
I r J . / , f
Prewits Entertain
M Part y
Mr... and Mrs. J: D. Prewit, of
623 Walton Dnve, |p dqlltge Hills,
Rate agpipnic supper on their lawn
Saturday eylenirig, entert a i n i n g
Q thosit county agents wh^ are on
fenjowships and attending summer
school, J. D. Prey it i» the vice
di^Htbr and state; agen t of the
KkUmvion Service, , ]'. !
Attemling wqre Mr. uni Mrs. G.
W. (tlhHon, direoK r Of Extension
k Dr. and J rs. Ide P. Trot-
(jun-iof Grad) ate School, Mr.
nud Mrs. J, H. ^uroviH, district
ted area? And who of us wants Stockton at .604 W. Dexter Drive
; to hve ima place where a bunch jn Bryan . A11 AKKie couples who
of trigger-happy heroes are the are members of the class are Ur*
guardians of;our‘‘peace.’’ -JSif
guardians of our ‘‘peace. ; ^ ited ,; Stockton sriid .
e Wonder who is directly re*
(/Sponsible for this outrage, and if,
. he would care to explain his side
of the question so we could form
our opinions more fairly. ^
This is one shell-shockbd old
veteran vyhb can't stand much Of
this kind of stuff! = ' I
In win hln (tm tiirxlA dograp.
muntey 11 p HMturpI Ntroug*
a iiroHari >adN for Invtmnm f
« inhvlng inruHs Ruroim, and
h»p |imanio "littlA KortreW,"
a been n mllilary mitpoMt
inn Uinte. ;
Mjirt I him in mi smnll nmnlrltm
Uixcmhuiu g ktmwa the coal of be* * '
llig a fodtball <o the Big Powers.
1 n|reed In 110? to demolish' Ita i
fbrtlfiuHtlonB In return fora gpar*/ -
aitleib olf ' l etcmi 1 hautraiuy," Stnca ; ,
tperi German ti oqpa have wheeled
ms it In thr «e wars. ..
r, • --/p— U. #;!?
lUege Textbooks
4i’t fie Censored
■■'a nil i. '■
Representative John 'Wood (4
eorgia, chairman of the HoukJ
!h-American Activities Com mitten
as assured President T.' S. Paint,
or of Texas yriiwrsity Y -that th«
l ommitt ie has, np desire to inter,
ere in ar»y 'df'weit{with academiit
freedom. )
Henrj’ A. Knight
Class of ’50
(j a/n/ju
aorig That the land ( can- Britain.;
^ L’i!
The Battalion, l.
(Jlty of College Static
oon offered $3 to Claris at the end of the year without ac-
stauds lowest in the tually being expelled from the college.”
If: ' !: !r ’jT'-.-l/r" -*1 h
'i r- ■ li - ; - ' / ■ i ^ ' i
tea (pardon me, I iincapt glifls,
you know) and 1 said “gbod |m
ing ladies." [Did I g(|)l pnlnnsWbr?
No, W.e must have; a iiu v!||poj
operation around hero to jth
properly done.
'an ag|,
must speaKj |to us when j thby j ure
addressed. Am I right? What*1*0
can you say if you donjt kjnow if
girl by name be*!™**“ ;ltt “hiliiA
The Battalion
• \
j ■ **
"Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman? j, .
Sullivan Ross, F (hinder of Aggie Traditions
The State De
nounoed additiona
1949-1950 for adv;
in tin* United Ki
plicatioaa must be
Details mav b»
Boom 204 AcileSJc
pr [of District
0<H (ily agents
o are in Hchool
) nml « numbei’
md thjidi' wives,
thin summer,
1:00 • 2:15 •
‘ I
' Friday afternoon, exi
bed tri
year. Advertising: ra|
talion is publit
The Associated
credited to it or not
newspaper of the Agricultural
‘Texas, is published five times n W<
during holidays and examination
cly on Monday, Wednesday and
furnished on request.
and circulated
ty* Subscription rate $4JJ0
of Texas and the
summer The Bat-
prir school
Entered ae second-eliue matter at Pott
SUftfoaj Taxaa, under {
Office at College
tha Aet of ConsraM of March I. 1810.
——I —
e use for republication of all news dispatches
otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin publish-
is entitled exclusively to thi
it or not otherwise credited in the paper ! „ ,
ed herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved.
Member of
The Associated Pi
News contributions may be made bjr telephone (
Office, Room 209
dkarlla Kir'unam
W. K, Uolvilla. David^
VMIliamn .
Wira Editor
Reprcaented nationally by National Ad-
rertUins Sm-ic Iww at Ntw York City.
Chicago. Loa Angelaa. and San Fraaciaeo.
. I J ! ,
) or at the editorial offlae. Room 201,
(4^5324) or at the Student Activities
.Executive Editor
. Co-Editors
• Si
r, B. HalvKvM
Brad Hutyie*. .Hardy Eom,
’4 • • '. * * • ^ t * • j •»♦•«»♦** ♦ ♦ a •• I -•‘PiMttI
irdy Rom. Jo* Trevino . ._Pboto Sa i
Awtrey Vr»drl«ti*.. .AdvertUtni H*i>rM*i i
• f.iV •
> ■
H -I I
i i
*m\r. ■
„ Will EH WIN6IR i
i; . iLi
STARTS 11:00 P.M. .!
icienctsl field
committee r
nify any ih
looks, W
t of texts in the
used by
by universities
country, which the
nested, does,not Big-
nt to ceriSbr text- j
lank • V \ ■,
•; i
tie request asked fqr
firmation as well as
texts, but the chairman offered to
modify his-te Pfltelt to include only
'the author and title of principal
textbSbks uisel.
Bryan 2‘$$79
l - P* H
1 •
' ■
1 "▼
Trie 3LNSAT10NM. Picture
You've Been Reading About!
f SWJ8. ;
- 5?00^7:4j0
- 10:00
1:40 -3
I /
1 ■>
Joanne Craine
rt i
• ■ ■
^ 7
I : \