The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 26, 1949, Image 6
■ J S>u*ur ' ! ''i V ; ], I' - : - .ii- 1 Pntlem . j u. (Continued from Page 4) puts the other 3 pages together* When the forms ore completed ant" locked, another proof of each com pH • '/ - A plete error made ai crnM • and ins checked for one are thet in the form. \cgies: furniture .-ooui ,aad the pressmen place the lead forms in two tiers on the press. After adjustments are made the press is set in motion and the Batt is "off.” 1 odt lockers for :i nier months-— —v Hh— ’ N PUGH GE 00. :ks south of on Old Ir4236 One of the editors takes one of the first few papers off the press and checks it once again for errors. If one is found, the presses most be stopped, the forms removed, the correction set on the Hnotype and inserted fore the printing underway again, r rolls of the, press, the Circulation Department ^kes charge, and distribution is lade to dorms and campus offices. It’s all over now, and you've got .our Batt and reading that story we traced from the beginning. But / ' ' ''' ' '.1/ • a 1 i •'i , ■ Battalion CLASSIFIED A .\v ■i;]' ' ■> . ■ n / // A Page 6 » ■■■an THURSDAY, MAY 26,1949 1,,,, SKT.Tt wrfn A hATTAMON CLASSIFIED AD. RstM . . . 3e » word per InaertkMj with • 2Sa minimum. Space rate* in Claislfled Section . . . «0e per column Inch. Seed all elasMfleda with remit tance to the Student AcUvltlwi Office. All ada should he turned In by 10:00 a.m of the day before puhUcatlos FLOWERS... for Graduation Guests! CORSAGES... ■ for the Final Ball! Let us supply you with the finest in flowers for the last big event of your student days! ■ y v t while you are reading that y. the staff has already been working for three or four hours on [i 1 the next edition. and nothing more. The •‘magic” of putting out a newspaper is, afterall, just work, RD ’ it v' €AR fARTERS ;ed 1 IV FORDOU— J nt+t*r ntM li«MM«Maaa«*MM<a«^IOTr «{ '? (lean TION r, Rodio.. .|13M TUDOR... $ 650 COUPE... 4 MO )R 790 JPE $ 786 /■ i * • RECORDS • RADIOS School 41 Office , ; Saiipllm i' ■ • ALL YOUR NEEDS BASWELL'S O BUSINESS ISTF.R NOW for June 8 for ^ - and Baldwin — VICES * . term start- typlnK, booh- •sB St FOR SALE—I94S n«M*y Davidson 74 overhead with only R.000 milee. Ootnc thlJi week for only $725. flea Vaugtm 201- No. 3. ' ! • FOR SALE—2 bedroom house, exeellem condition, unusually Rood price and Wnh*. Phone 4-9314 er 4-W32. FOR BALE—5 room house. $730 for my equity, $4160 left to pay *t $40.08 per month. Three Mocks West of College Ave. on corner of Carson and Choco- l^cca' Streets. / 4 FOR SALE—Apartment atove. Cood con dition. See after 5:00 pjm. 7I3-A South Baker, Bryan. FOR SALK - 1910 2-door) Chevrolet. Ex cellent condition; new; upholstery, one owner. s'$$60. Call 4-i383.\ — FOR HALE - Overefufied rhalr; Daror fluorescent drawinc latap; deski Rhd phonograph. Call after, 5:00 p.m. C-7-W. College View, > — EED Vr .'■■r *, • i | TRUCKS ON tup PICKUP Font Dealer” Highway 6 S. NOTICE .Veterans. i • L ' ,i ; f « 1 f Your Book purchasing cards are good at LOUPOT’S TRADING | POST North Gate • I • i • Sell the books you don’t - want for cash. [ Buy the books you need on your book cards. Trade with Lou— He’s right with you. AGGIELAND • PLOVER SHOP North Oat* , Phonr 4-1212 - USED TRUCK HEADQUARTERS See Our Trucks f : ^ BEFORE YOU BUY 1649 Ford Vi Too Pickup with Heater - $1548 1948 Ford V/j Ton With 12' Stake Boty $1697 1948 Chevrolet VA Ton Cab A Chassis $1289 1947 Ford 2 Ton. 2 Speed Axle, Heavy Duty $1395 1946 Chevrolet I'/j Ton Ready to go to work.—4 MO 1946 Chevrolet 2 Ton with \ 26’ Van Trailer 41495 SALE—7 ft. Frlgldstrs $75. Sofk tad chair too. C-12-X, CoUsgs View, after 5:00 p m. FOR «ALB--CarfO sndl camping - trailer tslscps four or will carry a too) or will ir4d« on refrigerator o| stove. Loon aid Wing. 4-71M (days) FOR iUl.W - 183» tor F yew (days), | •" , I *psrtiiti»nt llM Kelvina- ', Now *nl( Ineiallod last tor ttohetnuor. , , yaw. (I00.I toodtUORj Fries fdA.OO, B-a-W, Colloga Vlow. -1 4 FOR SA1.W l#Sd Tudor (fhovrolet, bicycle, trleyols, ttlnr— — And; thalr, Vet Village. H-, Hliinetie, living] room eiilie, desk chair, evaporator jtaa. Apt, 93-A, )ottr radio and Ii for Um — UK UiAltUK DIO SI io iSlnclair tal.lon at m wo wiu lot MS repair tour Hare ritaa , FLOYD’S RADIO SHOP Located between the {Sinclair asd Conoco Service Btaj.ion at the i North Oal ! IJL ABNER So Look, Married ! I ,/:i is • i WM ITv- ;1 S-SOri£THlN AT TW’ Ml! N ■ .-r ■ — v /.■ GRADl ' /i Q ED. CLARK ’43 'i L, ;• t| %' f f • J-’. . « / if / 'i r/l I — See Us About Free FIj —— r FOR HALK—Eight cubic foot Frlgfdalre, FOR RENT—Coi good condition, $95,00. 8*e at •“ College View. ■Igldalre. FOR RENT—Compietely furnished home B-lO-W. with garege, from June I to September 1. J ll4 Ifuhoerlyn Drive. FOR SALE-One ueert refrigerator. Dirt cheap. M-4-Y. College View. FOH MALIC—llouee trailer and ulee H*U! room, ll.O&O or It,000-76, reeptetlvely. L-7, Area 4 FOH MALE — nice gray etudlo soueri— $36.00. Mirrored eoffee table—$4,00. Apt. 0'9'H, College View. FOR NALK v- IW4f Fleetmaeter (•door Chevrolet ran hita only )N,00(i milee, one hwner, Kwiln, iiHderaent henter, de- frneWr, bumiwr gtienie, whtel rime, e«a( uovere. 10-a Vet Village after 6 p.m. FOR RENT—Fumlihejd home for cummer. Producing garden. 908 Mitchell, off Hwy. 0. Bryan. — 1941 Chevrolet Stake —4 025 1939 Ford Cab A Chassis...3 225 1939 International —$ 265 • EASY TERMS • GUARANTEED •SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS BRYAN MOTOR CO. ‘Tour Friendly Ford Dealer” UaedCarLot 416 N. Main South Highway 6 Bryan 2-1607 i 2-1333 Weldon L. Maple*. <43 American General Life Insurance Co. “Life Insurance Is Thrift” It’s such a simple little word and it means so much. It un derwrites success in business, j, ’. . security in the home . . . independence when the work- Jjing days are over. ‘‘Life Insurance Is thrift * j ' and nothing else!” 1 i I ; FOR RENT—4 room apartmdnt with bath: hardwood ftoore, bull! m fegturtg u4 large rloMtl; with garegr. Phone 3-7440, WANTBD- RI4# r Ballon enroot# 11J Mre, flctiwarr T (jhllROPKAtTOR Gto. W. Buehankn, D.C, COLONIC X-RAY 805 E, Wth Ht. Phone 2-11248 J . / Tor r-u -r- DOWN? Me Prices? ■Tiinr p i*- : v; Roy Clark, MIHCRLLANEOUR • MK«»5 00.' Kirellent buy. MS Keel Mre, Bryan, K8446, GIFTS or every oMulm . • HENRY A. MILLER V lUtlOMS ) 1 Plums 4-1145 I ( ■ !• ! i USED BOOKS WANTED ' " • ■ ■ ! 1 , j( ' | i The Student Senate, through The Exchange Storey has made arrangements to have a used book jobbers representative in The Ex change Storey Tuesday, May 31, through Fri day June 3 to purchase old editions and dis continued titles.! ” " v . v. i-jy ii. . x The Student Senate wiir receive 5% commis- v iy .’•. ■[ i r .. • ■ sion on all money paid out by this buyer and will apply the commission to The Student ^ Senate Scholarship Fond. , ■* - i 8 ' Look around your room now and gather up those old books you don’t want to keep and ■ . take them to The Exchange Store during the dates mentioned. Iri so doing you will con vert your unwanted books into ready cash and will be helping an Aggie go to school Ai; next year. REMEMBER THE DATES ; ■ May 3l and June 1,2, and 3rd / i! - ■ ■ ■ >x '. VA W t-, ‘ • The Student Senate M • . ! V. v - 1 - • X A •/V ■ ii ft J w j : /’ FOOD if TV E STATION Deliverj-1 try Hours—; 10 a-m. — 4 p.m. 1 / i': / I !/ [.7 i*!. Mli bill liiai^iYnv i, ; f V ! l| ;lr, SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY iniiiliniMi i iIImI iMiHMHin — f - 27 & 28th V Market ¥ i | Swift’s American Cheese . . 2 lb. Carton 77( Tall Corn^SUefq ' ! 1 : , , BaconPound 46t I Ham Hocks. 1 Pound 25 !|i Grade A Venl -Porter Houne Steaks...... Pound ft Veal Cutlets.. Pound 79i i i i FROZEN FOODS Monti Brand—1 «14-og. Pkg. Strawberriw.. .kg. If: For Fun in the Sun . . . Let our Smartly styled summer Play Clothes be your:choice for smart appearance and cool comfort. You’ll find them a joy to wear and easy to care for. Sun Dresses, Bolero Jackets, Vests, Slacks, Pedal Pushers, Flare Skirts and Cardigan Suits so pretty there’s no fashion to rival tlgNIlL I ' | A I: ' ! i L Honor Brand--12-oz. Pkgs. Peas . . . *• 2 Pkgs. 43 ! •r PRODUCE Firm Crisp /: Lettuce . . . . J . Head 9c Shop right here at our convenient Ladies Shop — North Gate College Shopping Center i. /■ Fresh Peas. . i. If ; 1 i .4! • .Pound l| 1 ■ v \K WIMBERlgY-STONr wT3: iy CLOtKlERS College and Bryan .l> Cantaloupes... Each IS Cucumbers. 2 Pounds 1,‘ </. A r\ : mm Dozen i • ; A 7\ i T : ' ' ‘ ,3 Pound Can 35c 4-300 Size Hi Cans . . 2 Cans 37c Styl^No. 2 CM*'] .. 2 Cans 31c 40.UI. C»n - ; j iw ice... Can 28c I i 'sffir kev ! mi •| 1 3 Cans 25c ■' i >1-1-900 Site Cam A 2 Cans 15c 7 Can 43c ■i! . Can 51c T7J , 10 Pounds 79c i • ' — JV iL T i y r . .3Cans29c _ Blend-No. 2 Cana p, . . 2 Cans 25c ! v ^HITV' ■ ■■ — '' b • T-T