The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 26, 1949, Image 5
V '"' IvTVa ; ’ • /' . ■?: i'' (/ \ 17 ■ ,rf1' \7 ./l- : i 7 7 Conference f rack Champs i . //■> >Xn \ i i . L * '-I ’ / k , 1 1 ' ' : » I '■ « tw ■ |i*i * as?* 7‘ w 1 . If w « iWwi ifKa, ff fc# I f t*f - ,%T : I 7 ' IIP If Ir Kl r ! \ !; Ij--.';, T li Murals With Crown Softball reached its climax T day aftarn0oii il teams.' 1 i nnposite, amd Lu nera in the thm i, Corps, and Club 9-1. Henry! ^ngle-; the fifth with one man ion base to the day-dodfere to sew the game up; for MUner. ' the game. their frame iposite Only 1 track successive Left won its third succe , ^ , Track Championship, f i Leland Tate, Connie Ludwick, irvin Bilderback, Bill Napier, wrroll Hahn, and L. O. Coleman; k Coach Frank Anderson, Char- Dardon, J. D. Hampton, George Kadera, Don Cardon, Johnny Davis, Leroy* Bode- man, and assistant coach Ray Putnam; third row: Manager Woodson Carney, Ed Hooker, Benton Terry, Jack Simpson, E. D: Wade, W- D, and assistant coach Manager Woodson G ^ ^ n Terry, Jack Simpsoi , Richardson, Jerry Bonnen, Bob Atkins; fourth ro^: Jack Bond, AWx Ortix, Julian Herring, Jim Bil1 3*§ 801 John Henry, aa< eur Baseball Team To Be (Sized Here This Summer tin ni« fiuon In j . ! ' (dc Muhlu. »Urt the find sin wcaku of i haihcr Nhuni the hummei' NciulinrI. ^mn wUI k (hion to ttUiilciitt* ami itoihMtu* •» dinM hliHc, thc^twiin will hutfiu pjigidiclng the find dky of ingulai' ('lust'll in (it HcmaMtcf. Tu«H«lMy f the 7thTf JUW. ' - |7 i The team Is to N sfioiuioreil iointly by Mahle nml the AmeHemt Steam Laumlry of lltyatt. Mnlile Rtatdd that the simfinors will pay for Iraoaportatlon ami meali for Elf” ;o popularity st. Let precision re budget earners An Ametliie Off*r by~ HOLIDAY Pip* Mixture fhCjkp* dM mo aaokw waap-DANA. l the team on all out of town trijm. lie further a<ldei| that after the t<}«»i haa had a ehancc to iret oi- ganiaed, gamea would lie scheduled with •ui h Nemi’iiro UfatoH aa Con- ryg and Weimar Two or threo gan^a are to he played each week. \ Aill pmetleea will he held on the Kylh Field haaehaU dlaotond at 4 In the afternoon*. All the team** game*) Whether day or Hlght, will he played In ttomber Park, In Bry an. . r Mahle added that plenty of equipment was available for pros pective team 'member*. Colorful uniforms, and cap* with the name* of the sponsor* on them will be issued to all .player*. ' Mahle concluded by saying that he wished to invite, all that wished to play on the team out to the Kyle Field diamond any afternoon at 4 p. m. The first practice is scheduled to be held June ?. < Now He Won’t Know DALLAS, May 26 —(iP)— If only George Soffar of Houston would find his book, maybe he could stop worrying—even though aoipeone stole his luggage, cloth ing, French perfume and personal papers from his car. But the book he was reading was taken too, Soffar told police. If was Dale Carnegie’s “How To Stop Worrying.” fry and y^rday i three Intramural teams mm. leagues, ACo Tuesday f eated. p cisive sco brecht their eba Henk was Thai single run when poor support 1 let a run in on two four hits were given brecht. A Composite runs in the second, fourth and one more In the Lutheran Student notched their crown op afternoon. Max Lindig slab for the Lutherans in their 4-1 over FFA. Glynn Bunch was cnarged with the loss. The Future Farmers annexed their sole run in the fouifth. The Lutherans had pushed one across in the second and third and cinched their win With two in the ^sixth A close shave was experienced by JSMner " 5 Tues- Villas for cami ceiv West, champs teams. \ Dave Maxiln credit for the 3-2 wia, Sfe r ‘ Club, but/the West Villager^ tied the te took their ] victory game in the second and eased ahead on when \tBey de- by one run in the third ipning. But Artillery by_a de- Dave Howell slapped a; homer in inlHifti hurling Art Burch. I ^ three * Milner scored in the initial frame Detroit & Grotk Pie % IM H«i jp lor m: lilner ip their victory t ver Vet pitching was Martin wielded but one hit and walked three. Burch only allowed Milner four hits but put eight men on first. Horseshoes closed out with a Engle- championship match Wednesday. A three' Cavalry took a 2-1 decision over the 1 C Infantry for the crown, venth. A Cavalry’s team consists ol iation Humphrey, KnOnkroff, Steen, Nol- iesday en, Dock, and Nance. the John Lugar of Dorm 9 is the new Intramurals Open Tennis champion. He beat out Alex Pe- geus of A Engineers yesterday. Dietert and Perkins combined to take doubles crown. A Infantry and Dorm! 16 are the two organizational points winners in Intramurals. A Infaptry receiv ed their award at evening mess formation Wednesday evening. 1 • ~ I N , ; /1 ■ >• 1 ' / j. y J - t All y *« •m , ' v 4; Bones V to surface. • 7 • Battalion P O R T THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1949 ' f Ft. forth Cats’ Carrasquel Is Bits}' Learning English AT LAST! Personalized A&M Tanker Hand Fashioned in | • ! Schdol Colors A Symbol of Pride Wherever y' \ I ' i , / Proud AggioB May Be: VW Own Mug \ Your Namo j • • \ | * V eft. a Your Class IUANTEM — COM dllG - GIFT FOR OF SIX FOR YOUR AINRR FOR TOIJLCT ARTICURH — FUTURE R MOM AND DAD — OR THAT FAVORITE IR PATIO. ™ Guaranteed iIMtT $ 4.50 per Tanker I .20 per letter for name $24.00 lor * set o< ai* No Grazing Color Fast Jt’s WhitewBre Cherish it forever as a remembrance of the deep tradition of Aggieia^ lioww NOKAIA DEE, LTD. 8S0 Corona X : San Antonio, Texas ■ ! A Please Send Me: JOCK PHILP' SD GARRETT » ' Imprint? —A&M Tankers <§> 14.50 each ^ v .._.No.of Letters @ 20c $... Total Amout of check or M. O. . . . $... : I DALUD, May 86 j-t-iFi.™* AL fnitstt Ouri'fMMiuel tell* wltiti h* think* without ftfer of lt*> ing put out of th* |ittrk, Ifl* tuam. -tha Fort Wurth (iid** «»'♦< luarnlng Mpunlsh too. Pvrfmp* th* MThltof* will nuetl ’» ftirrign lun> gusKt* utturne a* « renuit. [ ( ftitaiiquel is the first than ever to play In the Texas Leagiue with out being able iti speak a! wtml of English. That Is, he didn't know any a couple of week* ago. when he arrived. His progress has been amazing. The tall, lithe young n|ian from Caracas, venetuela, has been catch ing the eyes of the fans; here as Fopt Worth plays Dallas a series. He is a fine fielder and a fair hitter <12 hits in 52 times at bat). Wj** *• The Texas League wasn’t Carra- squel’s firpt stop. He was in spring training with the Brooklyn Dod gers squad and was shipped to Montreal. But he didn’t; get to play there. Fort Worth heeded a man and Carrasquel was sent a- long. . '] j At first Alfonso—his teammates call him Chico which, he'explains, means pal or friend—bald to get along with signs and ai bat boy who spoke Spanish. Then jnine days ago Cal Abrams came to the Cats. Cal is fnprh Brooklyn arid speaks Spanish. He not only communicates what teammates want iGhico to know bdtis helping the Venezuel an leam English. Chico knows “cut off,”[ “squeeze play,” “Double play,” “J got it” Listens to tips from Manager Rolfe, left. [ ! AI* Newsfeatures NEW YOU# ~ All <»f a sudden the Detroit Tigers have given pro mise of becoming u pennant threat. If freshman manager Upd Rolfe Wore asked to give the fpason; he probably could point to <iue man, Johnny Groth, Not that Hdlfe hadn't been told fey the Detroit front nffjee when ha took over the eluh, Hot Glinth ha* been the nlilnmie in sltnidiiig for tha Tlgei'*, llt| may eyen i|i«ka Hrigg* Hiadium fan* forget nil ghoul Hank rireeinberg, Gruih In the ^-yaar-oild tonkie who broke in allh a double (ntnu. On upenlng dn> he bil Inn stir* etmslve home ran*. The follow ln« day he drove In nil five Oettidt run* «* the Titter* beat the Chicago White Ho\. 5-2. All he did in this game was hit a Home run with the bases loaded, a double and a singli. ; Three days later be s^ojfbd from first base on n single and an error in the 10th inning to give the Bengal* a 5-4 win over Cleveland. Three days laterrhe doubled in the 10th inning to score two runs and give his mates a 7-5 win over the White Sox. Thus, his base ninning and slug ging accounted fpr thq Tiger's five wins in the first seven gamejs. In another game he hit a grand-$lam .1 u m. i. 1-..XI home run against th& St. tioqis squel very much. They re a little, BrowM but the Ti g ( . rs ;„ ot bad ; envious of his fan mad, however.; itchi and , ost o 6 . H e hit tofe- Ch lC0 gets more mad than anybody. ly in h fe is first n l ames and then The reason is that he » one of ten , began pitcbing ba S ball* to him, • children in the Carrasquel family . f j na jiy stopping hiT hitting streak, and all his brothers and sisters j ( j b j s s t rea k ended he drew — a, . V I, , , * * bn know* about tha fliist ami fif- lamttli Thoaa ara payi'day*, Hi* dial lark* varialy *im<u b<? dopsii't know many fitud naina*. Hul bis mala* Imlp him ahmu lbay oitlar what limy (bulk ha will Ilka, Alfjmiim ti a m'phcw uf Alax Cnnasquel. who onca playad for Washingtiin In the Amfeflehp Lea gue. He nodded emphatically w hen asked if he thought hei too, would make the big league*. Chico says, through ^ his Brook lyn mouthpiece, that the players here (nay he a little better, gener ally speaking, but therej’s not much difference jn Venezuela and Texas Leagiie baseball. / .J j Chico explained Giat when the umpiite called a strike he figured wasv a ball he quite often told the arbiteir what he thought of him— with cuss words—in Spanish. He admitted’that “the bad words” were the first English words he learned. But he doesn’t use the English ver sion tjo the umpires. The! Cats all say they like Carra- and came to I recommendation Egan, Detroit’s cjl so much of the got a bonus, fimf ■ nigh as $.‘10,0< 0. After hi* f«r went to WilHiir Eastern l.eggii a ,8111. in IIHk ha Hiavp Q'Nrill agar, at Urn Tigj camp ai 1 aka la ''Hi* bat will Hleve kapt *ayil Impra** all Wit I bat l ho *lx-fnk bo iiiaaklng u!p noar fii$urJ, IM him to Huffnlo *onllig./ “Ha'* abou(j rtjndj "lull wc want tq At Huffaio,, love wllh^nnl have this H||rl city. Wlljh thlr inlcrnntioiiu 121, hit* with and other relatives write him in cessantly. Joe Dobson has w'on 47 -games for the Boston Red Sox the last three seasons. He has lost 25 dur ing the same span, i Duke Snider, Noj 3 hitter with the fDodgers this spring, was grooiped for the spot two years and other bashball terur*. He. also j ago when Brooklyn trained in H a * admits -—through Abranjus—C that'vana, SPALDING two walks and grounded Out in his only official time at bat. Groth picked right up ’where he left off last fall when the Tigers i brought him up from Buffalo where j he hit .340. In six major league games last September be irlroVe out eight Hits for a total of ! 14 bases j and a .471 average.' • Xl 1 A native of Chicago, Groth 1 was a triple-threat halfback at Boys’ Latin High. At 18 he en listed in the Navy and waifi as signed to the Great Lakes Naval Training Station, On the team were such big leaguers as! Boh Feljer o fthe Indians and Dinky Higgins, Tiger third baseman. Groth hit .355 at Grout Lakes! . j . ——*r —T—-Il j.-,. _||||.|.) Servei Boyette & Col leg One bjd Cam SPOR' by McCregor -- Maiihattan - Sbirtcraft iking patterna — •““ f ip store ./' r summer low! Il for a , 11 *•* JWj 7, tripl ■ with 16 and in total lie*, He had 30 homers .In 97 markers. He . Heided ijparkling ,9K«. At the •lose (»f he H0sHon he was named hie bag i« s / ritokl* of the ya*r. 4 Now fltry tyeryana beliavtm bo ill To t|w Amor lean l.oagw'a pikie at] il v /'far ibi* sounujl. Iln it; flntl! 11 f | ;r mmi'ii miiifut 7 iivoiaiw {m rip W 'I' liainji] anil Hast m f|a|l ortia i qi]t i, Ha r'ail ainl it advaH ami nmli hr had fiysc hi» 22 hit* uhd u i top the loagqo. Hquo with Tod lUiliiMf Ht0Va|iis of r Hm In drivl tg I* tmmlng tbDnigb ■ ' : v I # DREAM } : i] MENS CLOTHIN$\ ill 101. ,'olural gold DIM. 433.75 ACCOUNT led* Ton j 1‘ritmi :inc, L| McCarty • jNsler » Nbrth Guta checks, d panels. . . proof . hi. / appeal! 1 ■ .