i i ;C!- ; V' ■ i • -i v 'i<-r '. 1 1 -+»*- k. : ^: 1: zt- 22 P ke :lK« irtor of Tho HnUhIIoh, Uk»n tho firot Ink it n»w» Htory. Ho bun been ftuftlgnetl ,oi»m Hill Tumor, dlroclttr of tbo BltHdnff lb now in proKroon. Mi* - *•*; — -r—“ i iV S(»p* /( .3 ^ ^ Htory. thinK*|t| in prn| tbrnb tk w air ! ’iihe battalion office and befrins to| write jhU news fi^-ls in mind, he aelectH the moat imp<»rtant fold him and then tries to put the facts down ►Ityle. [ UL Stt'p 8 rr Com drro .J till !i 4 i:y i one ;> ^K»'| i idei /i i. y I / r I mm Wi % ; The Monoulnic Editor lurmt Ibt* otory and tho acroinpnnylnm head over to Clayton Molph, copyroador. The copy reader^ Job U tun un* MraloOfl lmt Important part of the newspaper office. Mph cihocka attain * If ne Cain for apolllng of namea, (tales, grammar, and general style, necessary, deletions am made to make the news story conform to proper Journalistic style. THU is outlined In a Htylebook wjrltten by the editors for «ae by the staff. //. A ; :'A / A- 'k'X Step 5 'y\ ;)i/ • I . M; I / ■} '■/> .!■ / r it A f r ^/, : i, \ : i/t* IJlHinttsley takes our ftewa story and the real of the ropyiU AAM Print Hhop In ih^ basement of (ionHwIp Hail. Clyde John nlaht linotype operator, leans back and grins In anticipation 1;of {the night's work—setting the neat day'* Ualtalltm. After the ti line has been set, be tuns a “galley proof" which will be «htc ' for typographical errors the next morning. ]. Afore Work ThanMeets Eyp Went lit Battalion Stories You Read Today More jwork than meets the eye i long way to go before jit gets goes into the Battalion you read into print. each day. Though few realize i each story whether ;it is a newi account of some cariipus event, a feature, an editorial^ or a sporty article, goes through many hands and through a gamut of technical procedures before it finally comes out in print. .. I For instance, that news story on the front pag^—at one time it was just the figment of one of the editors or managing edi tor’s imagination. The Batt’s day generally starts withj the managing editor, for it is he who controls the; operation of the news pages. He begins by de ciding what stories he can use for the next edition. He then calls for a reporter and assigns him that particular news story on the front page. \tyhen the reporter gets hi* ns- signimnt from the M.K., he is gtui^rally told the name of un au thority to contact for his infor- matjion. Since the reporter's Job is to get all the Information and jiarticulary the most, important, he must While Interviewing the au thority, have a "keen ear 0 for !m id draft of the news story, Brown checks for grammar. He then turns the story over to iging editor for that particular day. Hiliings- for accuracy and general con lent and asks f hfi|hd” men to write a head for the 1 Stury. These more experienced men who have had cone experience. \ <, ~ | portant |iolnt* or now angles tbat ; might be developed Into the main point of the story. After getting nil (be infor mation that he needs from his news source, the reporter re turns to the liatt office'to pick out the' important facts and in tegrate them Into un accurate, concise, and readable story. After completing Ids story, he turps it hack to the managing editor, whose work then really be- ginj., lie rends the story, chocking It Carefully for accuracy of fact, making any necessary corrections, and then determines whut size headline it should have. In doing this, he selects a size that suits not only the importance of the story but also one that will be attractive on thi* page. The story is then turned ftver to an exper ienced reporter or “desk man” who writes a head that: must fit the allotted space as well as tell whajt is in the story., The "copy” is pretty well along the line now, but it still has a Having approved the headline, the managing editor, then tprns the co^y over to the copy readier, who, in a manner of speaking,: runs it through the “mill.” This Consists of checking for style as sjet down in The Battalion style bpok and correcting all errors from misspel led words 1 to capitalization, com mas, and periods. | The copy reader’s desk is the last stop, for a story in the news department. From there St goes “below decks” to the Print Shop. Downstairs, the wheels really begin to ^rind. Hero is where tht real mystery behind newspapers is found. That front page story does n’t go from the ejtytor'a ‘dusk to the printed sheet by ja magical process. When the copy gets to the y print shop, it goes jin two di rections—the stories 'tg the lino type operator and the headlines to the! “headsetter.” After jthe stories have been set up in type, which takes about six or ei£ht hours, they are ’'proofed” and sent back upstairs to be checked: for typo graphical errors. The lead page formij are then ready to be set hp, and ihe manag ing editor once again jenters the picture. Tjie night before, he has niade up a “dummy” page showing the location of the nmin stories anq pictures for the ft-ont page, flip “make-up" process then be gins. Rows of typo and headlines anf, set in a metal fopm by the W /V P : ——— xs a / *3 • /■ t .id. rca JUS SI y ■TI ON iAY, MAY 28. 1949 % -! 1 p, k. y i"4 » t hi ■ < m ■y ’I After rurrtrll(it|M l|j picture* with tvliUr Mully. i the Bditorlal and alaff puts the > i aetk Bond, cu-edit managing editor, who ip all the while striving to get the : moPt iln- portant stories in the key po|i- tions and yet achieve balance and overall “good looks.” It is at this time that all Last minute decisions are made. Stories are shortened to fit the page, headlines that are too long ,ure rewritten; continuation lim are written, and sometimes cription lines for pictures parts of stories are written in order to make everything fit properly. - 1 . • \ f a j This process takes about two hours and requires the experienced hands of the editnrr-who supervises the make-up; the managing) editor, and the shop make-up man who (See MOKlfi WORK., Pajge flj> 1/ li jttiw Your Market.... ^» A & mt NOJN Siei< I L, < ii .. Sales nta Kpend year for ARY Shirts jirvey shows Idkifit buys un ”"14.1 shirU a / \ •/ rt » price paid iulllUuy shirt I f ON 1 of these every ’day. V ]• 1 \ \ ‘ •r-r j . j <■. ; j. 1 •I' I i/ - mhmtm _ ..-1, / - y . ;) • I'. ':A::, " A, A y la' / lea, headline*, and f h* form*, lldually F n rw* pluredTh I he form »h l|iw right, U putting ,|n|te of the Battalion narticular day, Ken- Ihe rule to the propei 1 alie. “ ;; .a Jk Sack Spoede, right, apjortg co-editor, Billingsley, and Clark Munroe, feature editor, jrkn through the galley proofs for rirrors. Proofs usually are read while the staff is in class. Errors on the proofs art — a ,,r*.-... language that only linotype operators and a limi ted number of proofreaders can understand. , L ' A • . . ‘ . , ,V, ; ■„ 1 Ji. ■ > r If: Selph return* to he sure that head captions match. A ferfrtfd out, #nri correeltona, hr^-P^ 1 , A- L u proofer. Ilia job now is to liheide, ami pictures and their i rjirs lha|{ have been mUsed are Mint l(i the llnoty|M*r for 1—l , v. 1a If 'vk.f Mil r! s - a WANTED: USED BOOKS V } /i Beginning Tuesday, May 31, THE EXCHANGE STORE will i r • . j 1 ■ • ^ 1 Li 1 » 1 i offer to bay used books which are to be used here again anc on which we need stock. • ! • 1 iA - I A V- , !. ■ A 1 I I"* ¥/' i I Lm ' I - i j / y t J- / ./• j .. • J I For good used copies we will pay 50% of list price, ^ v I ' ( T ... ' !, ■ . j , We wjould also like to call your attention to the buying of olt | editions and discontinued titles sponsored by the Student Senj: ate. This buyer will be in your store Wednesday and will bu> immediately behind all our own buyers. ■ 1 v REMEMBER THE DATES May 31 and June jl 9 2 and 3rd / I I.;; . r 1 ( s ■ ^ i || ■ ; V : A ' The Exchange Store / ■ * I 1 : r r ' i 1. 11 ./ / ,Y, f . \ / / .Ha.4 n c - , . Mi x •i I . orms are them later drop Department, the Batt A print shop The Battal culoualy a* ■ So tit 7 f' 1 4* pr« bleips. jiM aMaipLii the tore) sroom. The preHkman ilprea*. to proving, slowly at fitHt. ^ Hpced. KoM(fd copie* «f The Bat- re picked up by the Circulation^ iteiila go down one afterniMin to about pix nr aeven hour*; the | 10 hourX inolre. Later copie* of . ricubiuKly—about a* mlra* *■ T~T : m UAT1.NG • • )BtJ knoWH i violtor U GDOP'rOOI) . . . ■ ' flKH. : 'i j : folloWli... HAV10! 3 ■- J sL fi: jf 7 f ' I. J\ i l>!i r iv I I I «I • ■ I —r