The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 26, 1949, Image 2
! i ; ' I - 7 1 I't.ii v: ..! •<! • I . .•/ : ! S ■ • r ‘ :: ■ '■>7 7.4'’ •' 7 ■' tattalion Editorials -'7 ! THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1949 mm ■Friday TheBat Volume i. rr Alon penci the lame; iifihil sUuents, ^ vantage c o’^iAggie' ’ te mi tp cover tO v vvho m( mm : ^Ictorte niibjdctH oft 'Hthout ipake pirir| j T editor^. IttBKiHdi * \^hich s gny mi SfMte txos OJ $ Editor Signs His‘30’. .. ifpoon as the first copies of nica 7F •/V m .«vb|on p, ’ 77' \ \i- 7 cojurses, better roads, and college im- start rolling off the press, provements have been some of our choice ’ be closed permanently, f subjects during the past year. We could his last issue of the 1948- mention many others, but that would be two mep lay down their wasting space. Our readers will remember ial whips and assume the better ones anyway. ;itle of “has-been” editors. We have voiced our opinion, verbally of those men. and in writing, on the requirements of our past year The Battalion has ■wj I™**. * tj* dM^ion «one waa published last fall. u Bu ‘ t , hcse th ' nKS ar ® ln the p “ t ' W * , been opened to our former hav « had a * ood yt “ r from a “““f 1 of pearly 1,000 now take ad- anKle3 ' We «>nde mpny friends; we publication. The -News have 8 90 mad f enem'es-possibly ronram has been contin- 80rae that we don t know abol,t - ttulion staff bus partici- 1 But we have good tolWe Suelkl” serieH from 1111 angles-faculty. administration, poUege Speaks scries. . Cor „ | Non-Corp^ and Former Students. ijews side, every effort has j ew exct( ptions we have been given give all echoplftiftml ull UCC 0sii to Information and fHe« whenever ' /urngor Our policy ha« been ^ navb go request 1 vport the n«w«, rigardlesit effort hns been made to coiWr our l| 1 i j copy orirepress editorials or news stories, we huye tried to pick our The Battalion editors have made all de- s or feature value. It goes ciaipny' and policies. We appreciate this that tjhe subjectH did not truijt. 7 >/ becau|se they knew one of During the past year our editorial *!w0” has represented the opinions of the • i. /, Sneak Previ Movie Makers Use 01 v In Uver Sii By HERMAN C. GO un« i starring WilUajm^Holden, Bill i Streets of Laredo (Paramount) starring "~ M "- 1 ‘ li,, Benduc (Palace) Century ) • starring Scott (C|anipus)L / Herewith ia my la^t apL the wares which local cinema 3 have to offer the avi linmept-hungry ynovie fi m-Co lege Station,. Sim is my swan song for the months, pjerhaps I should by waves qf sentimentality lavish ori y the kindest, hei words of praise on the curreu. tractions. Unfortunately, I, ahanld J™ htle roles. I find myself in a mood common tion is notewo; among today’s movie moguls—| county—the p waiina’ moralite.j ■/ i Donald Carey Originality has long beep Holly, ish suave desj wood’s lost chord. Occasionally thu Bedoya as the on, fumbling fingers of movie scrip, with the toothy ful W( ■ a virtuous jcow(] an odious villai^ tented Injuns? Two of film skin and banjo] in technicolor cipecojor—are ili|(i| I ttontTw" | : At the P Laredo,” Pa replica of “Thi |J a smooth wes t years ago ( wit' Jack OaKie, ■; ' 'r f 1 Letters To The Editoi |. T l WHO THREW'THE BOTTLE? I haw been some dUficupy with .j. ~ L A .ii certain people who hake not MHor. Die Battalion; wanteif to cooperate in the Silver Last night after I came back Tap* iieremopy and much feeling from Silver! Taps, Momoone threw ha* been exprc**ed over ihe*e a Coke bottle through my wlixlow. peoplef* lack of conNiderutlon. nSSmS^mSUrx’Ssiiis f•«"«*>"i" 1 wiMr 1.. .11.1..', .... ti. Oil...... I*.. ne exception to me rpie. rvnure wares, u our once-prolific scriptcra whq'Onh screen poi d turn out celluloid gem* in authentic are could rapid aucicesaion? enou] from any am' William ]y didn’t go U> Silver Tap*. Aggie* got ho low a* of mam mob* beeauRe of unoflfldal he ac(|ompltahments along following people: BUI Billingsley, Chuck Aggie-likc to go around throwing is mi profs, broado rqore libe|£fl )r 1II the coimicfer;. jM® .. .i 11 » enurci, IHWMBW mill niuniy . rl..1 V Jiii! U u probablt that the puraon dr peraon* t r./vlHWu* "ho threw the volte bottle were of unotfflilal If nT^laek'^ roloect out whv mv roornmatT did mit^iro * for s,lvcr T “t ,H ^rt-’hiony and out why my roommate did r ' ( | l k°j wt . re pfobahly under the |falne lih- They did not know whether hp hud j, r ,, ss | 0 h that your roominute wa* a rvsson or not. . I. . one of those who wa* not showing _. . , ... mil ‘ h » — moire difficult because CabanissJ Charles Kirkham, Mack Nolen, iifte not tangible. The Bat- , C. (1 Munroe, Tom Carter, aind myself. It Studer t Body were caught will not be intimidating nor compromising hi of good sportsmanship Biljjngsley, Kirkham, Munroe, and Caba- last y jar. We are not by niss, who will all comprise the staff next |mjf ciedii for winning the year, to say that the same general policies Eaprclttlly Is thl* true In wtatgenk. unnuying m which ut;« m nwmvnuw twliuy tu V! biuvdo, le ttr« major agum* on "ilead fuck,'’ rW rrceman But such 1* to bu exbvi'toil; fro the horse opera -tra * that westerns must mi xpei'leil from kick lat. r our miles, ) jsr SL'Wti ftwit fruitful scrlpjter dorlvflfrom share of bio Six Hundred Cadets ■i .t i , their stitdy^i end of ti| & 38 ThwMp Lfi™ ( Italy, (A 1 •/ Cl(!i 'ijroipny, but we have tried wilj| continue, sportsmanship by keeping Journalists have a worn-out figure ’e *e of the shortcomings and “30” which they use to end a news story, id"iI of ourselves and/ our I will put a personal,“30” on my editor- itprs. ship by saying, “Thanks for allowing me r athletes, rating of to serve you.” ucat ion to the extent of ^ Kenneth Bond, rt^i! courses and fewer tech- Non-Corps Editor, 1948-49 ,e Profs Who Gave Es a Break ... <7 j; . ' f . 11 : ‘ ' ■ • . ' . gnition should be given for; these profs have planned on their own professors who arranged volition their courses so that students If semester such that their could discuss the last quizzes and review izns were given before the for final examinations at the last class ■ nc ds. Sjtudents appreciate _ meeting, pi it helps them to spread Such planning >yas not ordered by de in preparation for the partmental directive. In fact only thi# ,er flurry of quizzes and, past Tuesday the Academic Council of the closely pursuing. the college defeated a motion to institute a ’ i hilp that no major quizzes would be given ho t^orit this rftcognl- the final clas# jieriod of a course. This is aj|<irity of thoae at , the more reason our appreciation and ju[i ranks are riumerouM, It praise should be expressed. pur praise Is diminish- A word of recognition is deserved, and behalf of the student hotly, “Thunks.” I were doing this thing, ,1 would BrOO^iS Fl6ld Gets * ' ”ixgu an! . kunC will aftend the 12th Force at least find out aJ little something and then seek „ of the guilty, not . , , go breaking a kvindow that some- SAN ANTONIO, May 26 —(iPi one who was not guilty would! have six ljupdred college ROT£ students to help pay for. At least I have one consolation; ROTC jeamp which will ppen June I think that those who threw the 13 at Brooks Air Force Rase here, Coke bottle will agree, that that, it was announced today.j Cadets will come from Texas A&M, Texas Tech, and Oklahoma A&M Colleges and Texajs, Baylor, St. Louis, Tulane, Denve}r, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska j universit ies. ' | ■ I . wasn’t a true representativie of Aggie Spirit ] r B. G. Derryberry P. S. AM apologies accepted. | (Editor^ Note: We agree With your complaint and feel that you are justified in letting off a little steam. p However; there is one poidt to consider. The tradition of Silver Taps to most Aggies has been one of reverence and respect throughout these many years. Within The past few years there c >r CATHOUC MASS Friday 6:45 a.m. ST. MARY'S CHAPEL <i. C. Curtis, D.C., FbjC. Palmer Graduate CUIROPRACTOK Modern Uptown Office Mom at 20th over Crsaniluid Phone 2-70«b i)||tbt hceiit cumputi floctlonM, thta municipal council t|f tho vUlngc hud to bo Th, Heads ii :4< ..'•Rg.s v.* nlh H tit i I —r— -rn 7 LON 1M Smith Kate St. Bryan, Texaa lectridtuia i n 1 If'-. ; ' :! Uy'' Ingl In CP, 20th Century hoa ( t w rrowed from the frame-, of pnion Pacific, a success ' several years back; CP, too, a shaft of the original Ran- " Sc ott, the principal gun- r, ha idles his role with usual and indulges in some flashy g pulatjion of both horse-pistols W i fists. Veteran character actor CarrOl Naish gives a fine ac- t of himself as Dynamite, tt’s .giitxly sidekick. ’s the ticket for this year, readers. I’ll be on hand *g»in ’ September to annoy, you with I warpH conception of the cn- t value of the pictures plunk down forty cen- voWtp fee once or twice a week. Automotive Elc Starter, Generatota j ' • 'A Ji ./ and Carburetors] Tunc-up — Magneto Bervic* Bruner Battery A Electric Company ns E. 28th Bt. - Bryan ! ASK US ABOUT Free Flying l^aaoRs Free Airplane Hide* ■i kp w« hive Ih IncreAHod i on Parade... PALACE Rrujn \ here’s for more pictures as Hamlet, «oaui u* yire, anu inner f — if Hollywood at its best . thejAune caliber „ oan of Arc, and other examplee - fripa SAT Trsvor • —ANU— 11 •IftMom 01 UAkS ( ArltOS LI X. J I ; DAVID tUVEN RAYMOND MASSEY LI ua being'noteworthy, .postponed for thi) 1 third time, ... ' £i m | ij there were no candldateM. (end The citizen!! of Telgate, . \ . IT T Mut/h/t thf» xtitiiMfki rfimnmhnr g- ■ ■ ; 11 • . '!; Maybe the vote ble their last yell tical ambitions. k |for the mayor and the on his balcony. fr F •'.* V r i i 7] ; • |4ir : * tot of streamer lines and “They Knew It iuiton (Tex.) Press re- dig: TUI Y thru SATURDAY bfcause quote) rs remember the trou- Icadcr hud in staying A ¥ was Horse Meat” I r ' Cafe Owners Didn’t Care, Packer m«f RECKLESS TEXAS RANGERS ... AND A "BLONDE BOBCAT" FIGHTING FOR LIFE AND LOVE plZSiF*'* WUUAM HOLDEN WILLIAM 6ENDI* | MACDONALD CAREY MONA FREEMAN PviMliirhit hv ROBERT FILIOW! L£&U£ FENTON ON THE BUUBTr SWEPT Heat On Turkey” Say: c«iy sy TECHNICOLOR . I s The Battalion "Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman" llawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions \ Ya^jr Bryan Headquarters For COLUMBIA LQNG PLAY RECORDS — IS — r ■u 1 newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the n exas, is published five times a week and circulated every Monday through during holidays and examination periods. During the summer The Bat- kly on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.. Subscription rate 04.30 per school furnished on request. 4- .tter .t PC t «m. H ,k)ch *. 1870. dusively tp the use for repulflicajtion of all news dispatches in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin pnblish- ill other matter heroin aro also rosprvpd. Member of The Associated Press sss is entitled exi lerwise credited ih the paper and jf Itepublication of all; other matter herein are also 314 fied Iwin Hall ! ' )M CARTER. 1 nationally by National Ad- TrrtiainK Service Ine., at New York City. Chicago. Loa AngeUa, and Ban Franciaco. . Better Homes Appliance Center Visit Them Today may be made by telephone (4-5444) or at the editorial office, Room 201, may be placed by telephone (4-5324) at the Student Activities • • MMftw * pm Waa'rt.l*' mm Uanaglng tditorg ? Wit ,.L v.;. •Unto Co-Editon ITS St§K;_ oPOftf RtklltOPI 2-1642 ! f > ./■ m.d« Mwii' CatwVf" and f M. V. I. h>. Of. .nairfc / Die fine** •YiUMIl Jj • f W* " manufactured. Ini* 1 I V/ / •*nny ./ "OAttet P^ D[S „ WBs “sSH — COLUMBIA*R SHOTER’S book North ■'v rV' 0E$ THEIR S ^ T ■X' KIM HUNTER • MARIUS GORING Iriltln, Prodoctd ihd Diracttd by MICHA X rOWtll md [MlRIC PRESSBURCW A Prod«cltcn''ol th» Arcbifl A Ul IVCRSai ■ INTtRNATIONAL tUEASC Plus LATEST NEWS r r| College SUtion ii. 'V \ I V HEAUQUARTElWi FOR ^ ! Cplllpubia Long playiqg w K •Nr ; y\ J\\\ ’v\ am pa 1 AY thru SATb hunt HUN liiirtHliiy KwUiTinj Hjorl 0 v lilft . a tu . TlhO • io lOD Friday Ffatura* Allarl k ‘ » RiOO - ftiO» . 7:00 . 0:10 i COISflO BILL" AT •liK.ONI.y v at iM Only (•'don WEBB IHIKUY TtMPLt / .'X 6 10:00 AMATEU1 SHOW ProdiH-edi ami pireefad By HAYMOM) KF ISI K pi.UX 10 cabtooSm K ■ t •