The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 26, 1949, Image 1

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COU.BOF! BTATIOW <A«l«l|ui<i
lira Tom Carter' national honor *oci<
14 AAB* : 1 . . . _ -
Carter Leave Editors’ Posts
tt With Final Paper Tomorrow
] 1.1 T TT 1; : V' ' J. .• • , . !
will sign "80”
ty for AAM
the last issue
a off the pres*
office come to
In J will hand the
(ffices to their
ii | ] lUUngsley and
“CWly elected co-
issue of the
t. If Carter and
tyring to a close
of aenri
f. They began
van editor, is a
Tom Pampa. He
(i) extracurricular
le he has boon
iter, he was re*
‘hi Eta Sigma,
In 1948 1 he was
most valuable men
ion staff for the
During that time
feature writer and
the two
I . ■ ;N y , « .j / ; i
I among “Who’s Who at A&M.” A | discharged from the army
year three years service. He enlu
I amor
er student senator, this
the Battal- he served on the Student Life
ears 1847-48; Committee and on the Arts and
worked as a Sciences Council. !.
aa managing 1 1
nd is married and has two
hildren. He and his family moved
This past year ho was named to College Station when Bond was
The Retiring Co-Editors, 1948-19
St.I Loul
fropi Teki
istfatlon anjlj
M Consolidated
ool district
i ec years, has
me Huperin-
hool system
. His resig-
is effective
ted by Con-
board in a
itysident of the
School Board.
itis) is n Very
nd the board
a has done fine
lege Station—
ous opinion of
and students
of him.” <
ming to College
ir.ator of main-
schools for the
Trainjing Com*
y Air Corps, in
s that, he was
Schools at Knox
holds Ian A. B.j
ith Telras State
and a- Jgaaters I
both in admin-
pel Vision of schools
cjd of s
iwr«d J
ib plant, and H>e
i of thje district,
he was recently
e annual report of
mdantP. ‘
Corps Editor
The New Co-Edif
service. He enlisted as
a private and was a second lieu
tenant when he was disc 1
Carter, the corps editor. Is a
geology major from Beaumont.
While serving as editor he has
also acted in the capacity of
Public Information Officer for
the corps. He is a cadec lieuten
ant colonel on the Corps Staff.
Before being elected editor, €ar-
,d served on The i Battalion
news writer |and man-
itor. He also' edited a
published by the Geolo
gy Chib, of which he Is a member.
During the past year He has ser
ved as a member of the Student
Life Committee. He 4 also an
associate member of the;Ross Vol
unteer Company.
Carter, who is in the class of ’48,
THURSDAY, 1 MAY 26,1040
Don Jarvis To Mak
Pw As A&M R ep
is an army veteran^ He
charged as a sergeant
Was dis-
in 1946.
Non-Corps Editor
His chief claim to fame, ac
cording to those who know him
best, is that throughout; his term
as co-editor of The Battalion he
was not once drowned; out. “A
fact,” Carter states, “that any
editor can well be proud of.”
Billingsley, who will Stake over
the duties of veteran editor of The
Battalion this fall, is a journalism
major froip Waxnhachie. At the
present time he is wire editor of
the paper and a member of the
editorial board.
He served for throe ydnm In the
navy during the war aijd entered
A&M after being discharged. He
nas worked on The Battalion staff
»<«• more than two yeni^, writing
idr all departments.
lie was recently honbrod with
an award for being the imost val
uable man on the Butt staff for
the past year.
; Monroe, next year's cclrps editor
is n business major fronji San An
tonio. Ho in now feature! editor of
The Battalion, having Helen on the
staff sinfio 1947. ] r
A member of the Ross Vojlunteer
Company/ Munroc served us chair-
Evelyn Balcar will represent A&M at the Coronation Ball at the
University of Houston May 27. She will be escorted by Dick Baugh.
ommittee Reports
Tonight To AAUP
Don Jarvis,
from Fort Wot
terday as the
to make a ton
Bummer by the
reatlon Subcomliltl
dent Life
Jarvis la' to
of Europe! for
the people there
Marshall aid
lions Organiza
eeive 2400 from
the tour, the
by himself.
open to any at
Non-Corps Editor
Corps Editor
'^■Mission Foiled In
or\/J ihA
Tense Dorm Drama
TIME: In the still of the night.
PLACE: On the sidewalk in front
L. Chism,
elou* coopera-
i board, faculty,
da Club, 0 f Dormitory Twelve.
0U Study t Caubs.’’ CHARACTERS: Two Cadets.
SCENE: One cadet, a stealthy in
dividual, is creeping along the side
walk headed for the dormitory. In
his hand he carries a bucket brim
ming over with water. The other
cadet, a sleepless individual, is
peering at the stealthy individual
from a third stoop window of the
dormitory, All other persons in the
, immediate vicinity have long since
been retired for the night.
rial Commit- i ACTION: The stealthy individual
nt Senate to is happy as he trudges toward the
at tjio Coro- doorway of dormitory twelve. A1-
;he University ^ ou fh the bucket is heavy, his
iy 27. ITh# ball deed ho is about Ito do.
Members of the local chapter of the American Associa
tion of University Professors will hear a committee report
J,- 3 ® T e m cS f an'c h cllo Y r M . C nd the
and 1949. He is sergenati major on facult y relations with the President, -he Chancellor, and the
1st Battalion suit erf the
th Regiment. ;
Before working for The Bat
talion, Munroe was assistant
sports director/for the college
radio station WTAW. [
A Both of the new co-editors will
take over their duties in the fall
Forest Short
Course Planned
A summer field course in
while he was able. ;June 9.for the coun
The sleepless individual was hap- who serve in the p:
py- The quiet night was shattered W ood areas of East
‘. y crtL ! °o” d .^p h, hid U & w “i cordin e t0 Dr - W - Ai Young,
rewarded. To him, life waa kind, head of the Range and Fores-
MORAL: It matter, net that tty Dc P» rtraCTt
you win or lose, but how you play J Facilities at the Sout
the game. Lumber Company’s camp
County have been made
Room! of
pick Bau
- ? - rite
iss Ball
heart ia light as he relishes the
L H .. dead ho is about to do. He hat
the Emerald waited many days to make this
Shamrock Hotel
visitation and now, as his dreamt
iii*, . r ^ are about to be realized, he smiles
W ill be escorted by inwardly at the thought of deposit-
temmander of the j B g the water on the sleeping form
i TS ey W 4 .P* °f comrade in $rm».
I< nior Class of the The sleepless individual has been
. nuaUm at the an- studying for many hours and now
the Ship Ahoy ), e taking a "break." During
this "break” ho wandered to the
3 resident
junior from window and, as he gazed out. he
r .ech major. She tew the stealthy individual making
^years^'she^s The Sleepless individual recog-
,uty. vice-president nized the situation, and happy for
Club, treasurer of any diversion, decided that this
oltegiate Students a goiuen opportunity too good
a member of Zeta to be overlooked, j
ational Collegiate , He quickly filled a large waste-
i Club, basket with water and balanced it
on the window ledge overlooking
the doorway to the dormitory, As
the stealthy individual, his mind
on bis proposed deed, came within
range of the window the sleepless
individual tipped the wastebasket
and sent a cascade of water hurt
ling downward.
The aim was true; the wind
was right: the timing perfect.
The stealthy individual and the
cascade of water met at the en
trance to the dormitory. With a
loud splash
confused and
the act was completed. ’
i will be open
nday through
next week, Start
leries To
Till 12
f/ L •' it ■ ■ ■; : "
, director of the
it Center, said
Center’s confec-
ipus.Corner and
imain open until
through Friday
those studying
dormitory, min a
accompanied by a
startled "gurgle”
ompeted. ' /j:
The stealthy^ j ndividual was
shocked; he was Ufet; he was hu
miliated; he was hared, y Raging
More Jobs Open
For Ag Teachers
The Gilmer-Aiken Bill, recently
passed by the state legislature,
has opened up many jobs for tho
vocational agriculture teachers in
the Northeast section of Texas, E.
V. Walton, associate professor of
agriculture education, said today.
At present, the demand for vo-
cationnl agriculture teachers is
greater than it has been in several
years; however, the supply of
teachers is greater this year than
in recent years, Walton said after
his recent tour of the high schools
in the northeast part of Texas.
The main, purpose of the trip was
to confer with high school superin-
tendants in several town in north
east Texas to work out plans for
assisting first year vocational ag
riculture teachers, Walton conclud
Registration Open
For Baptist Camp
Applications to attend the annual
dent week at the Ridgecrest en
pment, June 8-15, will be ac-
ted during the next two weeks,
ntis Chunn, director of the Bap-
Student Union, said today.
ferable to
harmful aff
subjects discussed at tin
annual Veterinary Gonfei
ose desiring to attend the re- be held at A&M June
treat may pay their |2 reglstra- The conference, spon
tion fee at the First Baptist School of Veterinary M
Church in College Station, Chuhn hear a talk by Dr. A.
said. The total cost for the retreat the state pubtte health
his bucket to the winds ho turned including transportation, la usually. Son Antonio. He will
and Bed. Doubtless he thought hc*75. r I fever.
icrn Pine
in Trinity
and will |be used as headquarters,
but much; of the time wil be spent
in the field.
The school is mode possible
through [the cooperation of the
range and forestry department of
Texas A&M College, Texas Forest
Service and the Texas Extension
Service. Dr. Young will bc;in charge
and R. R. Rhoden, assisjjmt pro
fessor, ini the same department will
have charge of tho camp. Both
will also serve as instructors, along
with C. W. Simmonsi 1 extension
farm forester and A. Hi tyslkcr,
extension’ range specialist.
Tho course of study has! been de
signed especially for the east Tex
as area and is the first such
school to be conducted in that sec
tion of the state. Special emphasis
will be placed on the identification
and use of important ranke vege
tation in that area. Other topics to
be studied include forage utiliza
tion values, brush eradication and
control, livestock stocking rates
and their relation to godd forest
management, determination o f
vegetable types and the condition
of ranges. Fdrest range practices
that have proved successful in the
area will be observed by the class
when they make field trips.
i J ’
|| 'if [j
Conference Slated
For ¥eteriiiari!ans
’ects, will be among the
embers of the Board of Directors of A&M.-
(freer Praises
Fish Regiment
To the Freshman Annex Class:
"In looking back on the year’s
work, we of the Military Science
Department here at the Annex
would especially commend the
Class of ’52 for their willingness
and enthusiasm which has reflec
ted by manner ofi performance on
many occasions. The unanimous
response of the members of the
Freshman Regiment, when called
on to make that extra effort, has
been most gratifying. The pride of
each man in his own outfit and
the genuine spirit of competition
among the different organizations
has helped to steadily improve the
Regiment as a whole.”
"We feel that the Freshman Ca
det has benentted to a greater ex
tent than would be possible for
Freshman Cadets in most ROTC
units. Instead of being privates in
the ranks throughout the year,
about seventy per cent of the class
has held one or more[ positions of
leadership and responsibility. This
should be invaluable to each Cadet
as he continues in his Military
Science work and civilian endeav
“We are certain that the know-
' c of basic subjects acquired
ng the year has adequately
prepared each man so that as a
Sophomore he can now enter with
confidence tho branch of hie choice
and begin his specialised training.”
♦ The committee is composed i of
Prof. Otis Miller of the Journal
ism Department; Dr. Thomas F.
Mayo, head of the English De
partment; and Prof. Norman F.
Rode of the Electrical Engineering
Department. It has made a three
months study of the subject of re
lations between faculties and ad
ministrative and executive officials
in American colleges and univer
sities. J. j\ ' 1 j j
Best Practices Reported
The report of the committee will
present a summation of the beet
practices it has found already adop
ted and in operation at the most
representative American institu
tions of higher learning.
Recommendations of the com-
mittee will include ways and means
for giving administrators, execu
tives, and members of the govern
ing board a continuous contact with
the day-to-day functioning of A&M
College. ; ] ■ T
The report quotes Dr. James P.
Adams, rrovost ot the University
of Michigan, on this point: "Trus
tees are usually men of affairs,
engaged in their own business or
professional activities. Trustees
must be kept intelligently inforjln-
ed. They must be informed regard
ing the educational interests of
—w riie institution as they arc con-
. e mmi?. *. ceived by the faculty. What Is
At the
The Aggi
wilt play at
which will
Grove at 9
June 3, Gra
ant director
vities, annou
Admission e
dollar stag or
go on sale in
ties Office nex
1, Elms conct
Ramps I, J,
Hall and Post
bu used to prpv
for visiting 1 la
Final nail afhk
activities on Th
Rennie A. Zinn
men, announced
Students ha
in Walton Hhll
charge of $1.2A
to cover cost of
incidental expel
guests staying'
Hall will be as
$1 per night. Tj
nish all beddini
be made, Zinn
Guests will b{
rooms at 4 |p. r
and rooms mu
p. m. on Satui
assignments m
100 in Goodwi
Guests stay!
tories must be
1 a. m. Thursda
on Friday night!
•A •
Number 192
aniH I
ITbi mi
Animal disease which arie
human beings
join ms in this expression ot thanks
and commendation for a job well
Major Henry B. Greer,
Assistant PMS&T
Art Group Plans
Meeting Tonight
There will be a meeting of the
Memorial Student Center Gallery
Committee Thursday night at 7
in the office of the Director of
the Memorial Stodent Center, room
157, Bizzell Hall, according to
Boyce M. Bennett, chairman of the
Gallery Committee.
Plans will be made for next
year’s activities. Included in the
tentative plans are several art
ts for the next school year
will be similar to the one
ted by the Gallery Commit-
in the YMCA on Parent’s Day
students who are interested
r to do oil pointings.
and water eokShfiS
„ , -attend
the inner excchtiv4 councils to ajit»
ter on mattenj of J high policy.”
To meet thip hood of a doicr
relationship between the policy do-
termination and-policy execution
functions, the committee recom
mends the establishment of the
necessary machinery for regulari
zed consultation.
If the recommendations of the
committee meet with tho approval
of all agencies concerned, the
Board of Dirsctors would be in
creased in number from nine to
fourteen members by the addition
of five faculty members, one to
be elected from each school of the
College, having aU the rights and
privileges of other board member a
except the right to vote. The five
new members would serve only in
an advisory and consultative capa
—l^—* —
Last Ball
Printed EfflE
ittalioa will h^
of! the Hprint;
ng to Kenneth
ion-Corps Edi-
The Friday Ba
the last paper
semester, according to K
Bond, retiring Non-Corps
Tbs first Battalion of thh
siiMmer sessions win bs print-
sd os June | under asw man-
't. •
school all of next year and Who
irld l»i able to write articles for
BuUiliun and give talks before
ous Organisations next fall.
jOnty! nm students uppiied for
;awards. They were Earl Ros*
it Vbford and Jarvis. [ ,
■Speclficatibna drawn up by the
Student i Life Committee Mated
Hat the! student must take a YM-
A. tour or some equally well-con
ducted tour. The purpose of thiii
tour is for some A&M student to
ts: able m give first-liand infof*
matlon, on the recovery programs
in Europe In order to broaden oth*
ei student's scope on world of-
Each candidate submitted a Tet-
to i the subcommlttes stating
reasons ..why he thought he
Id receive the award. Yes
terday ait the meeting each of tho
candidates was allowed to talk be-
‘ Qi:
! last of the f
that the legistyj
every two ye;
action today.
It was the
priations bill
sun h over wh:
House are apt
baldest before!
much should
The Senate
the third maj
for higher edu
so doing it called
of $67,603,898
college* the n
sum includee
Texas A&M.
tplaining to
try to do on
the committee ex{
em what they would try to i
Trip as a representative of
Voting on the three men was
iit in secret ballot.
Jarvis will be a fifth year or-
chite< Lure student next fall and
‘‘s president of Tau Beta
ear he is vice-president
lor Class, Co/ps AdJu-
t, fuid wuh recipient of the Co-
i Fellowship.
Members of the subcommittee
wiio selected the student were JM.
L. Cashlon, acting chairman, C.
‘ White, Charlie Howard, Thd
q)elar>0< and C. C. Munroe^ rsp*
inwture s'
ill also be |
. Thi* yci
( the Senic
lablo f
Doyle Avant. who was
Martcll Mi
Allen Waldlo
najors of ths
n recent trybli
hand. The thr; p
k field of eight
Moore, ofwi
is head drum
lated band,
nd Waldle,
he Maroon
pec lively.
The thrbe
sals of theit*
mi at
and in simpl
’.atlona, and
They will rt
■/? Tenaha, Cm
id Bruce Hu
Vet Mi
On Hoi
Sentof vet
lents are in
an las:
Dr. I. V.
School of V<
Dr. F. P. Ji
Hygiene 0
trip. The
i<i t»hs<
ical school boosted the figure
million higher than tho Senate
nance Committee had recommend-
:: The House ground through a
heavy c ilendar of proposed const!
tutional amendments and House
bills ve: terday afternoon.'
ill 1 [tent. Liquor Bills
Acres i the way, a Senate com-
tyitteo approved the House-passed
bill to lecontrol Texas rents. The
nipSHuru, slightly amended, now a-
Waits dsbste on the Senate floor.
Ii The Houhc finally passed and
smt to ’thc Senate Itep, Sam IIan-
nls’s bill amendiqg the Liquor Cen-
trot Act. Hanna said tho chsnces
v ould strengthen thv present sta
tute. The vote was 104-14.
A bill to increase the gamt/fllh
and oyster commission from ijfa
to nine-man agency wsh
pin s#4oi)d reading. 03-38. .«
ftr spp jintment of tho nine mem
bers on a geographical basis,
j House approval was given on id
Valorem tax remission bill that
ou)d return some $365,000 a year
Fort Worth for flood control.
Klee tion Laws
A measure creating a throe-;
go. in
commit ce to suggest chani
Texas; Section laws was passed
sifter brief debate. The committee,
appointed by the governor, lieul
ant governor ana speaker, ity
give it i recommendations
ext legislature. The bill goes
c Senile.
The 1 louse adopted a conf<
mmlttee report on a bill
state bar membership feesfroma
t[level of $4 to $8. The Sen-
also approve the oompro-
version before the measures
can go |to the governor.
sent to
posed M
that Wduld:
1 •
the House and
were three prev
person being tried
waive a jury trial
county amp!
contribute to
on a statewide
a amnt
operated jointly by a