I Ml • - f ‘ 4 V << H-College A A At Fin Feather y mprning at the Fin Feather Club the Bryan f i Branch of the AAUW ^eld a brunch to mark g of the aeafow for the group, in , branch prtaident, woke to the mem- ion convention which iho attended in 5&2 Club Votes A Constitution [ ; •|1 if At Meeting s’- ™ m f(i ti \ \ i Is it iri & di m. Sperry w- i of the con. n ntuireM by Dr. Mon df Waihtnftojn, non RMkt of the tenmtfonnl Kodcrus 'ijmty Womon In pro. friortdsblp, «nession eting held last Thursday 'jCh, the Veterans’ Wives’ had five tables filled I i _ ' 1 Were Mrs. Lois Koen-r Celestia Loden. Mrs. [Mn received high-score trs. Mary Ann Smith i^(i>nd-high. tas an important meet- id for tonight (Thurs- p.m. in the YMCA. the summer semes- elected. Mrs. Mary Jasks that all members : f dr the election. ft lr , the club of • boa- rludad inester tor thu fe'ife, ent Mill be | in the v r i A&M Garden Club Journeys to Waco A&M Garden Cltb melnbeM journey to Waco today (in tiheir annual pilgrimage. j M I' . j . Their itinerary includes Cameron Park and a nu gardens in the will end at “Hideaway chateau of M*^. G. H. Pop<“. How’f holtz, and Mrs. Speed. Episcopal Chapter Has Mrs. Schenk As Guest of Honor White hand fagoting adds importance to a cool snm- meroash dress of silky gray chambray, another Hannah Troy origtaal. 1. ;• ■ ■; ■i i 'J- Jl. I! i; cut edge of lemon paprika for an eape- itivc garnish for fish. VETERANS’ WIVES’ BRIDGE CLUB meets at 7:30 tonight (Thursday) in the YMCA to elect officers f()r summer semesters. IE WljVES’ CLUB, Barnyard dance, at;6 p.m., Friday, May 20, in the G^rove. The whole depart- raent is invited. V. M. [51 WIVES’ CLUB, end of semester get-together, 6:30 p.m., Saturday, May 21, at the Grove. The entire Vet. Medicine Class of ’51 is invited to attend. IE WIVES’ CLUB meets at 8 p.m. Tuesday, May'24, in the South Solarium of the YMCA. A heme economist will speak on clothes. FIVE-0 CLUB holds last meet ing of semester at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 26, in the Bryan Country Club. A card party. At the recen(t meeting of the Earline Helvey Evening Chapter of St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Mrs. William Schenk was guest of honor. Meeting at the home of Mrs. Bernard Bateyi the group feted Mrs. Schenk who will leave with her husband next month for El Salvador where Mr. Schenk will be an exchange professor of eco nomics. During a business sessioh, plans were made for two benefit square dances to obtain money for dec orating the Parish House. A junior j [ square dance was held Friday night at the Parish House, and h dan V Di IT: > ! I ‘Jr ’ tTT|Tj iLliI '*" inati- nervously all time high treWH in the self- bodice of this iridescent chambray dress. It b one of a collection by Hannah Troy which fea tures hand detail. ture writer on child care. “It is unwi: the child when he can play so strepuouslyj .and con tinuously that he will not eat at mealtime or will burst jinto tears at the slightest provocation. Marke obtains this information from the Metropolitajn School Study Council, an organization of more than 70 metropolitan school systems. The council has prepared a pamphlet, “Parents As Teach ers,’’ to act as guide fpr parents of elementary school children. _ The problem, says the council, is to see that the children get enough rest. Movies, radio, tele vision, suing bands all stimu late and intensify their reactions. Many children think they cannot sit down to do their homework without the radio blaring beside them. An only child or one ^ho has no playmates his tgvn bge living nearby tends to be overjstimiHated when he goes to school i and asso ciates with large numbers of other children. More sleep than parents I'ealine may therefore be needed. A happy disposition is hardly pos sible without adequate sOfund sleep, they say., /| The amount of actual sleep (not just hours in bed) required by the average child varies, says the council. For the 2-5-year old, 13 to 15 hours (including daytime sleep) is a fairly safe: rule. For the 6-7-year-old, [12 hours; 1 8-10, 11 hours, 11-12, 10 to 11 Houiis; 13-15, to ik)'hours. Thest fijg- ures can be shaded an hour or so either way. Id practice, sleeping hours should be checked against signs of fatigue. 1 / ' f - Studies have found tkat fa tigue er lack of sleep has been responsible for more failures in school than from any one other cause, says the council. Some families can work out a bedtime schedule b y staggering the bedtimes ,so a* to provide the proper amount of sleeping gime for each 'child, expected to go Jingly on school , permitted to »tay up a half io one hour later onj Friday:or Saturday nights l™ en bakii below h utes, or j tree, Foil {del berry ed), 1 ed rnk '/» teas teas •straw! ise and generally useless to try to discipline en baking > is tired. Juniorf —* f—^— “H-— below h<|i m HcO r summed n tite. strawl HambilMi tables, strawbeifl For Hji folio ground teaspoon teaspoon thin slieik j I Beat radual oiks Snto egi salt, an gradual greased diamete cake p oven fo| the foil l N j: !i | College Station H / / \ ; ‘j i 9 B° ■ H T] •i I j J Jc ’ s. untmer ji K f me n Is that where registration for summer school Will find you? Or will you play it smart and REGISTER EARLY . j SUMMER SCHOOL REGISTRATION r 1' '/h / Maj^e Meal Start To Finish nee >rigjh ■11 rt, 6 x all r th2 :icc m mmi- 1 de- iri ii pii S^gance are woven together into a i brighten arty winter-jaded appe- burger meat; the extravagance is menu for tonight, .madam. veg*-4~:— — }— elite: Mix 1-3 cup sugar and 1-3 .{the Ipiind ^ _ r L V* ptjbs.. Cool slightly. Add water together in a saucepan, ir over,low heat until sugardis- ves; simmer about 3 spoon rum flavoring. Fill cake with sliced sweetened straw berries and whipped cream. Makes 6 servings. .If' you feel the strawberries lire a little too extravagant for f budget, top off your special peach Islierbet, '■ it the summer meal with instead. [Drain*, a number .2% can of ches. Place the peach halves the refrigerator to keep chilled jktil serving time. Pour the peach ip into a freezing tray of tAp frjgerator. Freeze syrup into a shy stage. Scrane into a chilled ri and whip with a rotary beat- until light, but not melted. Re- ,tio freezer and freeze untH For individual servings, al- 2 peach halves topped with peach sherbet. i You can make peanut candy at hjtnH’ quicjdv by melting a cup of. augur oWllow heat, stirring you - do so, then adding a cap of choRpodf peanut*. o'H r. T ild irt e in a ii» iol'foe fO'F ( ) s pour r the * i T •;-r ATTERS K; CONTINUES THROUGH JUNE 7 iminate stan i!* IjL,' —“ [ cling in line . wonderfully tiHoit Bringft you iglryl in Nylon . ,k;|i) the Hunnon nylon petticoat i,l •! •. rig' ‘ ... - - tic , . right down to It* fllrtatiouM laco and ounces. Washes in a wink, dries in a flash. YOU GET YOtJR X -1 ; 'If 4] ‘*1 Get your schedule wotked out early f / TJien visit before June jj. : I tjis for your books and supplies X, \ I I OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE AND OUR STAIT IS READV TO HEL|> \ BOOKS AND SUPAlD> WITH MINIMUM EPPORT. l/\ / v Cprae On You S has for y< exclusi girdle i Jant / m V ■ 4|f 11 I i i i ’ ipofs J hTrLu II T Post rr X- r iM *1 ifllt ■:< — i . - 1 11 i • : . * .■ 4 ‘ *1 ■ • • ■,* 'Id- * • 1 .—N I If , C3 M I 1 •A't •X | S