The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 12, 1949, Image 3

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Mamed E^onor
compa 1
view at tiv
J. W.
ner, sign
Cadet Ri
lab. was anai
cadet of
in the
of tl
J, A. Gnlc
C prison,
aMrard for
Outstanding Cadet
Irawlif nP ^
Band, Company T, was selected the hon-
Annex Regiment at the Parents’ Day re-
Sunday morning. The band, commanded
of Texarkana, Texas, received a blue ban-
.11 ( first-place company of the regiment. I
Ii glea, of Dal- 1
“ m,t * t * T1 ^ in0 ’ the Military Science department,
with Captain Gay Campbell read
ing the name* and making the
presentation*. The outstanding ca-
dots, along with the outstanding
company, were selected by a com
mittee composed of Lt. Col. Robert
Winners ||ii
Were R. S. Le
Who is now re
at the Annex,
Company " ^
I mendorf,
7; Kennei
ustine, of
las, y
dent of tl
standing i;
of Taylor,
Owen, of Fd:
In 'additidAl U>
Jived medals* d.
lets who did
ent! rating Ip
Awards, yet wfto
t. B. Andersi
*®de°|e, R. I
all, E. T. Ci
t on re A F -.T H ^l ei
ton, A. J. Cra p
'* ■ III"
Others wei
J. R. .Fife
M. D. FOlm
in, J, J.
)weh Ncf:
’hilllps, C
T. D. Ree
ton, D. P.
and Kola
sjn Regiment’’
;lj s, who is ca-
the Freshman
t ip first regi-
0 | tbs Annex,
with a blue
ijjwis present
ir son.
ort Arthur,
cadet ox
(ktalion was
!. Eric W.
nd .present
eived the
ding cadet
of these
mted with
cadeta were
tiding cadets,
company and
eg.; Donald L,
was f
ompany l;
y, Company
m LaGrange,
(phapman, of
nd Battalion
eiu, Longview,
it i\ commander
r ding cadet of
duvar, of Hal-
E. A. EU
lio, Company
jOf San Aug-
in the Third
Chandler, of
j vice-presi-
Aii Class, oui-
ijR. J. Eineigl,
C. L. Ray,
.Ij; and D. C.
drtjh, Flight 12.
ived silver med-
len who re-
ijrge group of
have a suffi-
n ceive similar
re re considered
le military de-
11 (d. They Were
Bain, Q. L.
jy, !E. Camp-
0. L. Cham-
(j, D. D. Clin-
iind J. W. Dals-
D. Edwards,
L. Farrell,
G. M. Fox,
Green, E. W.
spn, and J. L.
J. I. McMil-
E. Moglia,
eWstrom, J. W.
R. Redwinu,
teedy, V. B.
ih nidt, ; C, E.
a Iwood, F. W."
OjnuH, W. A.
aiighn, J. C.
, D. E. Wals-
R. Wamack,
were also
L. Melchtr, Major H. B. i Greer,
Major W. B. Wood, Captain
Campbell, Captain Charles
ood, Captain Gay
m* U>
Tie recipients M tie awards
said Captain Taylor, were se
lected by a very carefully plan
ned snd Involved process. Schol
arship, military standing, lead
ership, initiative, extracurricular
activities, and other factors were
all taken into consideration, he
added. I ' i..';’
For the outstanding company,
the selection was made on schol
arship, military ratings, conduct
ratings, and intramural athletics,
said Lt. Col. Melcher.
j&js. ; v./
P /M-
■I V-
Biologists Plan
Picnic Saturday
The Biology Club will hold its
first picnic Saturday night, May
14. It was decided at the last
meeting, May 5, said T. M. Fergu
son, club sponsor.
The picnic will be held behind
the home of 1 Dr. Charles LaMotte
in Colleeg Hills, said Ferguson.
Members may secure tickets from
Haydon Jenkins, club president, or
Boone Gower, j club treasurer, he
said. (i - | 1 ' v -r . .
After the picnic, a film on “Af
rican Expedition” will be shown,
said Ferguson.
Transportation will leave the
Annex about 4:30 p.m. Saturday
afternoon for the picnic grounds.
Members' are requested by Mr.
Ferguson to check on this time
with members of the Annex Bi
ology Department staff or With
him Friday.
The next meeting of the d| u h,
which will be the final meeting of
the year, will be held Thursday
night, May 19, in the regular
meeting place, the Biology Lecture
Room at the!. Annex, said Fergu
son. The meeting will be used to
discuss current business of the
club and to make aomngements
for establishing the enm actively
on the campus this fall, he con
Talent Contest
To Be May 20
■ / | ••/J p . 1' ■ ~
An announcement has come from
the office of the Annex Dean of
Men, Luke Harrison, that the 1949
Freshman Talent Contest will be
held on Friday night, May 20. Tha
show will be held at 6:$0 p. m. in
tha Annex gymnasium.
“We know that talont Is abun
dant hara at tha Annex, but is
wtil-hlddtn deep in tha individual
well-hidden deep in tha individual
companies," said Luka. “This talant
can be used, however, not only to
bring individual prizes to the par
ticipants but to bring a little mare
glory to their company,”
All types of talent will be eligi
ble for the show, said Luke, with
only a few necessary regulations.
A group of cadets will be selected
as judges, and the judging will be
done on a very impartial basis, he
Entries must be in Luke Harri
son’s office by 5 p. m. Monday
May 16. A number of entries have
already been received, said Luke.
Three prizes will be awarded, he
said, for the first three all-around
best acts. The original idea of
awarding separate prizes to each
class or division has met with
much opposition and will not be
used, he said. The Student Acti
vities department, Luke announced
has allotted a large sum of money
to be used for prizes for the con
test. I
Page 3
J I ’
Tha Freslmm ware really swimming Ilka tha
fish they ire tha n|ght before Federal Inspection,
while they mopped tha larrae!
be taking life easy, however,
No Curtain Calk?
Curtain Falls On Last Act
Off Freshman Drill Team
Bag Lost in Aggie
Line Friday Morn
C. W. Albright, of Barracks T*
166 at the Annex lost a large,
overnight bag in the Dallas line
in front of the College Avenue
Baptist Church in Bryan last Fri
day morning.
The bag, a brown, rubberized
one, was left in line early Friday
morning, said Albright, and must
have disappeared between 9 a.m.
and 2 p. m. It was evidently taken
by error, said Albright, who hopes
that it can be returned as soon
as ^possible.
There was no name on the out
side of the bag. The bag contained
a pair of boots, a khaki uniform,
and other articles, said Albright.
Fendley Collins, Michigan State
College, wrestling coach, hai de
veloped eleven national wrestling
champions since 1936.
Boys With Faces of Tan . ;.
Sunday Was a big^ day for all
Mothers, e$pecially for those at
A&M. Yet it was a big day for
others, too, | including the members
of the Freshman Drill Team at the
Annex. The group drilled in an
exhibition for visitors Sunday af
ternoon, drilling for the last time
as a unit.
The Freshman Drill Team was
organized in October, 1948, and
was cut down from an original
number of 300 applicants to the
now 38 members, mostly by com
petitive drill. Elected officers of
the team last fall werq Richard A.
Ingles, commander of the group,
Brian Hull, D. E. Vandenbefg,
Ernest Rubsamen, and Roland Za
pata, assistant drill directors. John
Tapley was elected publicity direc
tor. The constitution, which was
written by these officers, has been
followed by the team since then.
J . J ■
Freshman Crops Contest to Be
Friday Night; 300 May Enter
With the last comniand given by
Drill Team Commander Richard
Ingles at the exhibition on Moth
er’s Day, the team reached the,
end of a short, but most success
ful, journey. This command signi
fied the last time these cadets
would drill together as a group,
as the Freshnian Drill Team.
No cadet at the Annex has ever
looked on this group in the even
ings while he was entering the
mess hall without thinking,, per
haps subconsciously, “it takes a
lot of spirit, real Aggie spirit,
along with plenty of initiative and
pride, to just drill, drill, DRILL
every afternoon like these guys
do!” No cadet looked at the
without silently saluting the group
of freshmen, who, perhaps more
than any other organization, did
more this year to help maintain
the Aggie reputation of excellence.
Ingles, along with his several
assistants, have done a marvelous
job with a group which began as
just green, but willing, freshman.
The group 'itself, however, de
serves the majority of the praise.
The thirty-eight men who finished
the year as members were the men
who made .the Freshman Drill
Team what it has been, and were
those who helped stamp the num
erals, 1952, on the minds of many.
Annex Talent Show
Official Entry Blank
Type of Talent-
Entries must be turned in to Luke Harrison’s office in the Annex
Administration Building before 5 p.m. Monday, May 16.
f* ■
Ate You Willing to Invest
In the Future?
Learn Auctioneering from America’s
Foremost Auctioneers
Term begins July 18 and runs through August 6—
To be held on the Campus of Alton Military Academy
—20 instructors in every field of Auctioneering —
Accepting limited enrollment Write:
National Auction Institute
Box 88
College Station, Texas
The Freshman Crops Contest
will be held on Friday, May 13, at
7:00 p. m. | in itoom 7 of building
T-180 at the Annex. The contest
is open to some 300 agricultural
students who will attempt to iden
tify and judge crops and plants se
lected by the Annex Ai
The contest consists of the fol
lowing paries (1) identification of,
crops and weeds (including speci-'
mens of seeds and Heads), (2) iden
tification pf green plants, taken
from this Vicinity, andi .(3) judging
of seeds ofi field crops for planting
purposes. A possible total of 1000
points may be i scored by a con
testant with 70 identifications
counting 7(1Q! points and the throe
judging Samples counting 100
points eadk j ' .
The Agronomy lab has been open
during the' past week for the ben
efit of thoijie who have wanted ad
ditional tijme in preparation for
this contesjt. AH crop^ and plants
which are; to' be identified and
judged in > the contest have been
made available to the contestants
by T. E. MbAfee and Paul Bennett,
who have been working nightly
with the students.
Prizes to be awarded to winning
contestants will be, for first place,
a gold medal with the Aggie seal,
surrounded by a wreath of crop
products; for second place, a silver
medal wit^ the same design; and
for the, tpird, fourth, and fifth
places, brdrize medals. .»
Displayed Pictures On
Sale by Photographer
Copies of all pictures which were
on display! in the FrCshman Batt
office over the Parents’ Day week
end may be purchased from Fresh
man photographer Hank Cole in
Barracks 853, just north of the
Chemistry Building, Cole announ
ced this vieek.
NEW YORK — UP) — Only six
punts were returned for touch
downs during the 1948 National
Football League season. The ten
teams kicked 396 times.. The Chi
cago Cardinals lugged back four
for TDs,' with Charley Trippi and
Jerome Davis carrying back two
apiece. George McAfee of the Chi
cago Bears and Bosh Pritchard of
the Philadelphia Eagles each scor
ed one. Davis’ 70 yard return was
the longest of the season.
D. C. Wilcutt, flashy ace of the
1948 St. Louis U. Five, is playing
for the St. Louis Bombers in the
Basketball Association of America.
Three players from Cuba, one
from Carjada and another from
Vera Cruz, Mexico, are among the
rookies reporting to American
League bqseball camps.
School * Office
Drill Team, Band,
Color Guard At
ROTC Meeting
The Freshman Drill Team, Regi
mental Color Guard, and Band par
ticipated in ceremonies for the
final review of the Houston ROTC
high school cadets there May 6.
The review, an annual affair, was
held by the seven Houston high
school ROTC battalions.
Guests of the Houston A&M
club, the groups left Aggieland
by bus at 1 p. m. and returned
that nigbt.
The Band played several march
es before the review began, being
introduced by Colonel Robert L.
Melcher, Annex commandant, to
the Houston crowd by the public
address system. Immediately after
the review, the Drill Team and
Color Guard took the field, the
former putting on a fifteen-minute
demonstration drill. Thev were fol
lowed by the Cullen Rifles, a drill
unit from the University of Hous
Drilling every evening after the
retreat Ceremonies and sonietimes
postponing the evening meal for
hours, they often drilled on the
Saturdays which all Aggies reserve
as a day of leisure. The team
practiced diligently throughout the
long and cold winter months, be
coming quite skilled in their pre
cision movements. That skill has
finally paid off during the past
few weeks, however, as the team
has met with favorable acclaim at
many performances.
The team was organized, drilled
and commanded by freshman ca
dets, who also originated many of
the unique drills the team now
uses. The Military Department has
sponsored the Drill Team and has
aided in securing for them parts
of their uniform and their rifles.
First exhibition performed by
the team was for Major General
K. L. Berry, adjutant-general of
the State of Texas, and his staff
on January 20. The exhibition
was put on following a review
of the Freshman Regiment at
the south drill field grounds.
The next important appearance
for the Drill Team was in the
Night Illuminated Parade on April
23 in San Antonio, an event cli
maxing the week’s celebration of
the Fiesta de San Jacinto. From
that time on, the group has drilled
almost constantly. The Federal In
spection on April 29 was the next
event, followed closely by a per
formance honoring the faculty of
the school on May 2.
Houston, Texas’ largest city,
got its first sight of the Fresh*
man Drill team from the world's
largest military college, in an
exhibition following ROTC day
ceremonies there on May 6. Then
the last performance was given
Sunday at the Annex, honoring
the parents of all Aggies.
The team has been quite suc
cessful in all its exhibitions and
has been called, at times, “one of
the world-famous drill groups,”
“best in the south,” and has re
ceived many other equally compli
mentary praises.
Winners o:
tion were anno|
Friday, May 6.] “
Annex, presid
Dean of Engi
'' n Cooper 1
A, the th
and receive
Oaks B, the de
divliripn, was won
‘ o received
line. -
Class. C, the fi
contest, was won
who ntcelve<
Ing machine
Claes D, frec\hn
pictorial skctc!
Addickos, Jr. A'.
small portable dri
Dean Barlow
awards in behailf
magazine, The
tides written fo
contest and selectH
Winners of the ^
Sick, first place;
sel, second; and
Sick and Yai
prizes from edij
gineer, Don Bro
respectively, wh
presented with ')
The three cad
from a large grejt
papers to instrui
lish department
cooperation with
MAY 12,
yawing Competi-
ie Annex theater
. ie college at the
i ’. H- W. Barlow,
jtojm hit
«P >:
liege Su
r V r 'S'
f. Sick and
to on “Why I Want
Ctroleurh Kngino#<v” :
i of 1 wanted “to bo
a engineer."
begun at ,2
Urulaunr, of.italic
ujerrt'rp, Consulting
Diiitas, uddroesing
“The Engineer ing
kudo Toward Draft-
dricai background of
iif Drawing Compe- i
ion by 7 Dr. W. W.
j rf the Engineering
itmcnt. T * f
f the-E. D. confpetl- '
<f L. K. Stark, M,
K. Mullins express-
iatibh to the com- 1 '
ng the prizes, to the.
rogrnm participants
>f the prizes were*
1 Metageh Co., NeV
Frederick Post -Co.,
Student, Oo-op Store,
look Store, both of
on. /v
t ie contest were Dr,'
, Texas Engineering-
lti ition; Professor Bob
:iiiu engineering de-
jjahii Professor T. J.
>g < department. ..
The Freshman
Managing Editor..
Feature Editor.—
Sports Editor
Military Editor
Staff Writer*
Feature Writer*...
..Dean Reed
L; L. Q. Tiedt
G. F. "Fig" Newton
—j Charles Sebesta
..John Tapley
..E. W. Neuvar, Bob Price, David Rice, R. A. More
Bill Thompson, Alfred Thorpe
.... W* W. Aldridge, Robert Bynes, Willie Davi*.
Zane Martin, Tommy Martinez
^ F L ,
The Freshman Page, newspaper of the Texas A. A M. Annex freshmen, ta published
each Thursday aa an inaide page of the BATTALION, and la aponaored by Sag
Southwell, faculty adviaor.- 1 i
Newa contribution* may be made at the Freshman BATTALION office in Un
Student Center at the Annex.
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