The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 04, 1949, Image 4
! ; * ' • ■vl ! 'A ij w ' ■ >; IMi * ' • ;■! ,■ , *.. V / . / ijjj.m,. n- *<ir - : 7; ■3. - . , fti If: Mi, 2 £ ■*: % i : -7rl : pc# ■ 1 . v ft, ; >., . , is'-i !■' 1 :: . . it I !I®F,. T i Si ,t; i‘1? itir / mi i i Jr I i ' i T 1 W. CnMmd A&M’s i: !■ B. B. lianc< clc ‘ H! ! !••• ■ U IS: . ; ■ r ; _ - I the Merhanica! Enjtinerrinjr |)epnr(ment, F. W. Rabe, Dallaa connultinR en- si llieerlnK H. W. Barlow (left to' right; inspect the induced draft cooling tower BK Building. ! et Dinner and Dance FI ! !! of the al Aa< annual dinner {Friday* ifi porter, 5 I Btary .t ri U /I S. - .r ftaid today. A aemUformal dance with l»y the Aggieland Orchestita will follow the dinner, beginning at 0 p. m., Hancock added. muate ALTERATION INSIGNIA MER SERGE TS & SHIRTS ,,i i.. • r - |i MI 7 . } ■ Your Order Now ft" ' | * *1; I : •• , <se]Ot350-: > 4 S CLEANERS Phone 4-4444 'i ' • 1 I j icmg, .p ‘ j - ^) MUNSING^ [ • : .W- ■ Lingerie Spain Gets Banking Negotiation Rights WASHINGTON, May 4 -<*>- The State Department has given Spain pcnniMHion to negotiate di rectly vylth tho export-import bonk for an American government loan. Press officers Michael McDer mott, in announcing this, said a Spanish government representative will come to Washington soon to talk with bank officials. At the same time, a highly in formed government official said the United States believes Spain is a poor credit risk. This official said he assumes the bank will turn down the Spanish request for credits unless Spain makes certain economic reforms suggested by the United States. Lared i,id Thuraday - >. 'J i ; 7 , , '■■V : I \- 'I ■ ■ 4 N r\#i« ■j/ ' Club Will t Meeting / •; .- Iff' i Club will hav« for the achool y* TjIIO p, m. # in Bo /J A- havt Ita tar, oom J« Building, Ralph hlent, announced today. nlc ^Building, , |,r«J|J«ut, annour aa i to-il Final plma aa ito ihe data of tho dinner | lanned at tho end of the aemeater In Uredo will be dlacua- aed and n ko|aAiy arrangementa for the eng gement Will be studied. The election of officer* for neltt LIT ABNER ~ HiWi » Crowd 11 Ft ‘ y i /• " ' I ; : y r •](’ * /' “ 11 JLl L i W Director } y \ " ' I ; - ! ; . •; j i A, : . 1 \adio Veteran »AVE COSLETT ther • unusual to find a i 4 It’s ral young, we 1-composed and soft- spoken man engaged in a profes sion usual y characterized by ner vous, pre-paturely bald pink pill addicts. Such is the case over at WTAW, however, where Richard L. Webb, recently appointed acting manager of the college radio station, is fin ishing' pig first decade in radio ■owt: I T ‘ V \i i The behind-the-scenes co-ordina tor of the campus-located “Voice of the Fighting Texas Aggies” seems to have sojmehow missed the nerve- wracking (routine which plays hav oc with sq many jockeys of the air waves.' j- pick, ak most of his employees call him, has been at WTAW for slightly, nore; than a month. In adpitioii to his managerial duties, he has tjhe job of handling the technical chores common to radio broadcasting, and tending to sim ilar business encountered in his added jobj of chief engineer. A native of Ft. Worth, Webb spent about half of his life in cowtowh before heading west with hislfamjly to Compton, Cal* ifornia. {During hia 12-year stay in Compton, he got his first taste of radio in the local junior rbllegf. It Waa about (hia time tljmt he became Interested in ainateUr radio. Uncle {Sam Interupted whatever fuiure plana he hud then with on invitation to spend what finally amounted to three and a half years ■'v in I the sc FOR THOSE WHO DEMAND THE BEST . . . College Shoe Repair North Oats 9 G. C. Curtis, D.C., Ph.C. Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR Modern Uptown Office ^ Main at 26th over Creamland Phone 2-7089 EAR / 7 /. uality i» honest /*, That’s tho MUNSING- rraula for your satisfaction. 7 . every garment, every stitch ken fulfills the Munsingwear of Quality! / 77 ilie perfect gift for MOTHER h h i ■ . I ii; derfully cool are these Mun- panties in quick wry- 1 mg wearing rayon jersey or . . pink and White. A r R $1.00 to $1.98 A i ’ * r':!' • ■ mym > %[3J. / i ) "7; oppe let for Ip* radio enthusiasm as a rvico. Dick/found an out- radio technician in the anti-air craft artillery. Back in civilian life once again, he attended the National Radio School in Los Angeles. Adding to this training a short session at a trade school, he secured a license which entitled him to operate an amateur station in the west coast city. A hankering to return to the Lone Star State led Webb to ac cept a job as engineer for KMHT in Marshall, Texas. After six months with this station, he mov ed to KWHI in Brenham where he assumed the title of chief en gineer. His next job-change resulted in his present position at WTAW. A resident of Bryan, Webb is un married and looking forward to his parent’s return from Califor nia. :i \ Banks Is Granted Six Week’s Leave Dr. W. C- Banks, A&M extension veterinarian has been grunted a six week’s leave of absence this summer, according to J. P. Prewit acting director of the Texas Ex tension Service, Dr. Banks will use his leave of absence to attend A&M during tho first summer term. Hu plans to take advanced veterinary anatomy and 'advanced veterinary pathology, Prcwit said. 7 !! i- : H i ft j- ; Battalion T YlL : tlT ."it; ! ■ r . 4- CLASSIFIED^ Page 4 NESDAY, itAI — SELL WITH A BATTALION Cl AD. Rates with a 25c minimum, Classified Section inch. Send all classifieds tance to the Student Actlvil All ads should be turned a.m. of the day before — . 3c a word par il Inlmum, Space r Ion . . . 00c per 11 classifieds With 8S1FIED FOR BALE—It Insertion gate sixteen • BUSINESS SEE HAVE your themes, thesis, ports. Phone 2-6705. jSHOP, 1007 E. 23rd rates: hi 1 column remit: ,°:ss H T mss by ex- SCRIBE FOR SALE—1949 Studebaker ^ ton pick up with overdrive, brand new;; 35 miles. | Sell at cost. L. L. Richardson, 'Box 824; Room 323, Dorm 16, College Sta- FOR SALE—’47 Harley.DavIdnon 61 — OHV. C»U Elder, 2-69S6. y+ FOR SALE—Bargain! 3% room house on corner lot. Hardwood floors through out. Plrced right, 63,275.0(1, Including loan. Lakevlew Acres, 2 miles south of, East Gate on Hwy, 6. W. T. Allep, FOR SALE—2 bedroom house with gar age and sleeping porch, Soufhalde, ColJ lege Station. Q. I. loan to qualified veteran, Rhone 4-8117. PrlcW~.|6,O0O.W>,| FOR SALE-1937 Ford, 6o (ioupe. De pendable, economical truimportaUon $255.00. Hancock, Room 321, Chemis try Bldg., A.AM. College. The 2,200 pound stainless steel backstop nt Briggs Stadium, De troit, is designed to hold 7,500 pounds of snow and ice. | Arlan David \ OFFICIAL BALLOT NON-CORPS YELL LEADER B. McSwain Robert Page William J. Thornton NON-CORPS ATHLETIC COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE M. Elston ; , 1 Marion R. Hensley, Jr. NON-CORPS EDITOR > AGGIELAND 1950 Chuck Cabaniss NON-CORPS EDITOR THE BATTALION Bill Billingsley :! on-Corps students, not living in Hie dorms, will use this bal- The ballot must be filled out and mailed or brought to the Student Activities Office by 5 p.m. Wednesday. To vote scratch all names except the one for which you wish to cast your vote. Signed... . Address. —- FOR HALE- 1937 Bulck 2-4opr aJjan, prlcad to »»ll. Contact R.; N. Itmry,' HMI-X, Coll«xi> VI»W. Jim*') owvn Marlin free pna to Campua, Final Rites Held | For Mrs. McGinnis Funernl services wore conducted Monday for Mrs. N. M. McGinnis, who died Saturday in Houston. Burial was in the College Station Cemetery. ; 11 Survivors include her husband, a professor of landscape art at A&M; her mother, Mrs. E. M. Lon- cope of Houston; two sisters, Mrs, Frank J. Taylor of Houston and Mrs. E.B. Hopkins of Dallas and four brothers, Charles, E. M., Wm, P., and Donald B. Longscope. Pall bearers were C. C. Doak, Frank Anderson, T. W. Leland, T! T. Walton, R. F. White, J. J. Wool- ket, L. S. Paine, and Henderson Shuffler. Honorary pall bearers were Gibb Gilchrist, F. C. Bolton, Charles N. Shepardson, M. T. Harrihgton, H, W. Barlow, W. L. Penberthy, T. D. Brooks, Luke Harrison, I. B, Boughton, Ide P. Trotter, J. P, Abbott, Col. H. L. BoatnCr, Dr, T t O. Walton. Sr., and J. B. Bagley. 3 brakf* on which i movi furniture 1200 mBw. Si E. 28, -Bryan. Phone — FOR HALE—One 19471 rolet Htylemaater., Ke<|a will recelvved until 1 May 16. 1949. Tba reject any and gll bid any, and all tdchnic Comptrolltr, A.AW. College Station, Hex formation. . j j|{| EMPLOYED VKtI' pre-war house In jixcelM be yours with nq $40 00 per month!] Collage. Phone 1 q LOST AJ FOUN4—Shaertbr tountit ity: of the ah&cka,; Conti dleta. Box 476, lor 8b Darrell Cummins free i ■ ;V; . : ' .. ,7 By Al C&pp ■ LOST—Small Mac abort leg*. Ah»v.-. Please call Mrs. Tldwall 8:00 to 5;b0. i'-ontmlt at the Boyettq Af ■' tlon; after 5:t)0. icfel: cock B CHIBOFRA Geo. W. Buchfl I COLONIC X- 305 E. 28 St. il- IIKAIUHIAH’ Your Friendly injol HKVAN M N. iiaia LAUNDER IN LEII • LAUNDROMAT ONE-HALF HOUR —Open Daily Last Wash Mon. 7:00 p.i Other daya STARCHING A FACILITIES AV- ■ I - /M il LIlE l I u ; L I'd I * 6 1 C'ifv?* ' . V*; bur Mother one of our beautiful OSSAGES or Mother’s Day hi ' ' i I ■ I ■ i LARGE WI SCAR> Colorfully emblazor “Aggie, Tfe" SHAFFER’S!.] North Gate SQUARE DANCE i FESTIVAL H: : ■; . ■ ; ( j Friday Night, May 6, 1949 7:45 P.M. ; ■ / BOMBER PARK i . / f 1 // . • V Bryan, Texas h/j . '. j . ■ Master of Ceremonies — Manning Smith Contests - Prizes - Exhibitions It r .1 . X ' ■ ; ' • ■ _,/ \; ■ 1949 FORD CAR GIVEN AWAY . | • - *' ! • • \ • ’ /’ , Admission: Spectators 50c Each • , \ - :#* y Dancers Entrance Fee 75c Each m * i Sponsored by Junior Chamber of Commerce ij. /. i/ y.i What’s Cooking BASTROP - LEE COUNTY, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Room 208J Academic Building. CASS COUNTY CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Room 126, (Academic Building. DEL RIO A&M CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Reading Room, YM- ca. I; . ?. ; HEART O’ TEXAS CLUB, 7:3^ m., Thursday, C. E. Lector^ oom. s . ' NTAC CLUB, 7:80 p. m., Wedr nesday, Lecture Room, Civil En gineering Building,': ! | TEXAS COLLEGIATE A C A D- EMY OF SCIENCE, Wednesday night, Science Hall. Election of of ficer*, VM ’51 WIVES CLUB. Wednea- day, Home of Mrs, Bitrlitlru Kyim, llolick Street, College Station. SI'LL ROSS LOIKiK NO! I Called haiaAl! May 6 at 6:1) and examtni .d*gr«*. II!! Our Bfg R E 0,0 R lasts through tr ‘ Columbia, Victor, and : Cr SHAFFER'S North Guta Fop Die MOTHER!# DAj! . i yi ] Jim; J r flee Our (lift p\ HENRY A. Nnrih Mala I 1 *’ ! ! Hit n Remember Your Rip-Gh Oct the rumnUH OORN-EAU STA' distinctively styled for thci > j™jCA&A<tom; ■ f J T T V . There is only one Cord-Opening Enve and that is GOKN-EAU’S. :j . : T i-k ■ i: I , Beautifully embossed with jo zational insignia or the college — as you prefer it. Sold exclusively in this area 7 at your— Memorial Student Cent Fectioneries i ; j THE CAVE m l- ! |. - :v * i ! /• 'V- ■i:‘Y X :7 i . V-' Y7 , t 1 II! m*rM, NiiFthi ;• 11 11 Mi r 1 op Phone 4-11 Y " i Ml on lowers by to Mother ERday ! 41 l4ortli Gdte I Y / aggieland FUWER SHOP ‘ > , Gate Pllume 4-1212 Fn' . • ri. — ./ • j : '• hav< a large stock of t3GI^ TEE SHIRTS ilass of 1960 on— j :+ SHAtFFER’S BOOK STORE Phone 4-8814 - — Ll ' 1 4 fi i’roo ve Electricians i, Genera to rg Carburetors J Magneto Service ry ft Electric pany^ th St. f- Bryan US ABOUT Ing Lessons r RMfi ' 1 DAY t Mitra Ma- ! ^ lUKND CAROS \\ m ' M "a display of Vol- ’aDay Cards you can the right aanUi i (hat ia worthy Come in and Mt our today. 7 : l| jj/ liy ■■ : ie re Store r wli ’I ^ i .. i 1). ;i '• ■ 4- i : , • T