The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 04, 1949, Image 3
I 1 ' V " I ■■" i 1|>’T The T«x*« nie teem «< beaten tr»ck up victor , The eturtu, «... inv hqua# over avnool, ' well mm qu» be heailml •ehi 1 Hi Jem & . imwf»rrjri .utMi Mini HUM the Imekhnnil In h bite it with k um*ottveNtl< a. «uii • pMNNlhir ek preMNivo re hen been m Meri etuto honors tor and last sun the round 01 Junior Boyn Playing No. Bobby Duncan. Corpus f Chriati, playing his performer, hand and is very hard to ahead. •] i ■- III rJSig&raih tonio. Cohen, wh * flo Singles Champkf has a terrific fc; placements witfa the court. Cohen 1 j ' Undefeated; in A&M History imff' / !• . •M ■s \ -. makas up in light. J, No, 4 man on the team is an other Corpup hoy, Boyce Tats. Taft who h»« ths boat serve of all the Kish natters, teamed with a f t>ii« High teammate to capture Ki!' "* l i > " Mural Cinder Meet Put Off For 10 Days Moist, ok, has 16, 17, ! ‘ / Bat tali o FOR WEDNESDAY, MAY 4,1949 v ■ ■ \ w m yVx ^A/ !iV Page3 <•/ t'X i:.; Aggies Try 00 * j Frogs In Ft. Worth o Ag Track Squad Possesses Four Finn PoUj Vaullen !. ItlUl If L ; 'j J > !• "T : tit' J m ‘’ffl The Brazos nnual Spring Aggie athiet has been achedfli May 19, at tH< Club, beginning^ Ing to Oscar ] the olub. Wall Holloway H\i , of the .event. The barbao tlon'a way of! atlon to mo track, hasehi teams and the . member buys fcii half of It m gueet, I - \r club 1 lAJclan. ton, Frank K 1’ote Smith, l Loupot, J, B,! ton, Wallace j Crain, Homor Hielacher, Ddsj | Down*, Jr., «* Hale. Read exander and BusintM heii4? kiets are Conwisjy ady’s Pharmac College, Lipsco ; gietand Pha Pharmacy. JOE DXMAd SAN FRAN< Joseph DiMagg /Dominic and major league I at a hospital May, itntry ifcjOra- l| of and llrmen Imisa- ?re«l- 11)41) golf cluh lid! gives s' his 3408 C »t Midway 1/, Nor- Oscar Newt "I n ky Fred 1 ss Ai re tk- Can- |nd at Ag- Jlack’s The Intramuraiii Track Me scheduled to be held this weok, been postponed until M and 18. Barney Welch, Intramural* Di rector, said the rescheduling was necessary to make way for the Junior. College Track meet to be held Friday and Saturday. The preliminaries will be held on Monday and Tuesday, May 16 and 17. Finals will take place Wed-j nesday afternoon. May 18. Veteran Softball, now in its second round of the semester, held the spotlight Tuesday afternoon. But the hardest fought game of ithe season edme off Monday after* noon when Dorm 14 defeated Dorm 15 by a 2-1 score in fifteen innings. Jack Hodges of Dorm 14 and Louis Wood of Derm 16 performed a pitcher’s duel all this time. Dorm 15 drew first blood in the initial frame but the Dorm 14 nine tied it .up in the seventh. The score re mained that way till Wood allowed another run in the fifteenth and the Dorm 15 crew were unable to raiy. 1' In Tuesday’s aclion, Mitchell set down Leggett by a 4-2 count. Bar rett took credit for the win and Plagens was charged with the loss. Dorm 16 dumped Law Hall by a 12-4 score. Jack Robbine was the winning pitcher and Bob Huff was the loser. Walton couldn’t stop Dorm 14 and lout by a 11-8 count. Hodges pitched tha win, * Wilson was charged with the loss. Texas J€ Track, Golf, Tennis Meet Begins Friday The first group of entries hm< hetm received foe the Texas Junior College Confvrehes track, field, golf and tennis meet to be held here Friday and Saturday. Early entries are from Cisco JC Allen Academy, Wharton JC, Lon Morris of Jacksonville, Panola Couhty JC, Del Mar JC ofjCorhus Christi, Hillsboro JC and NavafrrO JC of Corsicana. Athletic Director Bill Carmichael of Texas A&M, director of the two-day meet, expects at least ten more schools to compete for state titles in golf, tennis and track. Jack Barnett, fourth member of the AfKi 6 g°f Southwest Conference champions, was the only team to sere a point against the Texas Golf tes The Aggies close out the season agkinst the Ba Friday. By beating the Bears, the Aggies can in the conference standings behind Texas. This is Barnett’s last year on the team. He ka|d* from Eastland team, last year’s nan on the Cadet in Austin Friday, or Bears in Waco :laim second place Corpus Due For Surprise o The Amarillo Sandies, who scor ed only 1*4 points in the, 1946 meet,, are the only team conceded a chance to defeat Corpus Christi for the State AA track title here this weekend. The powerful Corpus Christi Bucs, tong favored to cop the state championship, scored 65 points in winning the region five meet, but Amarillo accomulated 67 in sweep ing region one. Amarillo qualified 10 men for the state •'while Corpus Christi qualified only seven. Both qualified their mile and 440-yard relay teams.' ■ .'i/ 1 « Durocher Comes Off Resume Leadership of Carpet To A Hy WILL GK1M8LEY NEW YORK, May 4 W-lao Dumchei', off baatball'M griddle, re- Mimivd his role nm manager of the New York Giants today but still fared court action oharginK Him with striking a Brooklyn fan, tt'he | tempestuous liiant pilot, after sweating out four days of an! indefinite suspension, was clear- d y than two hour? before Commission ed and reinstated yesterday in less or A. B. Chafuller of Cincinnati. Chandler held there wasn't suf ficient evidence to show that Du- rochcr had "deliberately assaulted" Fred Boysen, a vociferous Dodger rooter, after the wild game at the polo grounds last Thursday. am very happy about it all," Durocher said upon his return to N<w York. “I am very anxious to get back to work." Durocher picks up the Giants’ reins today from Frankie Frisch, who has been acting manager. The Giants play Pittsburgh iif an aft ernoon game. > Durocher^showed no concern qver the simple-assault summons which BoySen’s attorney promised would be served as quickly as possible. The summons is returnable in up per Manhattan court Monday. The lawyer, Benjamin H. Cha- sin, said he planned to proceed with the prosecution. He said he didn’t believe Durocher’s rein statement would have any legal bearing on the case. He added he was “very happy” the Giants manager was given a clean bill of health by Chandler. Boysen, a 22-year-old Puerto Rican, contends that Durocher punched him and knocked him to the ground as the teams were leav ing the field from the game at the polo grounds, won by Brooklyn, 15-2. Durocher denies it. In announcing his findings, Chandler mu contradictory ager Durochtjr Incident with "apparently < tact with 111 "The uvlde sufficient to that Purovhe^ ad Boynton," statement ad Giants ijl the evidence was and. showed "Man* wu,a Involved in an Fr«d Boysen," and time In physical con- Hy Hcornr hwinniy Texas AAM has four pole vaul* tors on the vanity aqua* who de serve mention from this quarief for the fine ihowiag they jave made in meets this year. I l.evoy HmleMaa Leroy.Bodeman Mm Aransas Puss ha* the highest met! mark of the fourMMflMi year. He re corded a 13 foot vault in the dual meet with Texas ^University to take first place away from the Longhorn favorite, ! Bob Walters.' Bodeman, who ends his eligibility this year, has also la tie for first place at Corpus Christi and a tie for fourth at Pert Worth this year. As a senior in high school, Leroy took first place in his district in pole vault and a third in regional. As a freshman at AAM during the 1946 season, he placed third in the conference meet, fourth at Fort Worth, and second in dual meets with Texas University, LSU, aad Baylor. During the 1947 season, he took first place in the conference meet, first at Corpus Christi, and second at Fort Worth. Bad luck caught up with him in the Border CMympic at the beginning of the 1948 sea son. He suffered a sprained ankle at that meet and was out for most of the remainder of the year. Leroy showed the old Aggie spirit how ever, entering two meets with a heavily taped anklg. These meets were dual contests "with Rice and Texas, in both of which he went up for a secOnd place. Jack Simpson Jack Simpson, who has a 12’6" leap to his credit this year, veems to be the most versatile of the four. As a senior at Woodrow Wil son in Dallas, he placed first at the state meet in the broad jump und third in pole vault. That same year, he annexed the state AAV title in high jump and took second in iwie vault at the same meet. »e, however, Is not J warrant the belief j deliberately assault- the ^commissioner's led. The Standings NATIONAL W :1 Team Boston Cincinnati .. St. Louis .... New York .. | Brooklyn'.... Philadelphia j Chicago Pittsburgh .. AMERICAN Team j New’ York Cleveland ..... Detroit, Chicago Philadelphia Boston : Washington St. Louis .... [!*****$' " U....A.... i 1.. .,!—" 1.. ..L...6 6 W *.4-11- -L...6 7 i ,|..-’-8 L 6 6 6 7 • yt'V 1N8 UFE BOAT You hk! you £o ha' SPECIAL Grant’s Gulf Service Station H 1 Cgtytm Ststtm REGULAR $&00 OIL CHANGE Now Only 81.75 I k! 1 '..I !' i ■ THIS WEEK ONLY r i§ 4 JIJZ3 L 3 4 5 6 7 6 11 11 Pet. .600 .538 .500 .500 .500 .467 .462 .429 Vet. $6 The year before, he placed first in In both the high Jump ami the vauttlni, * l.ast year was hla first year of competition for the Texas Aggies. He was a member of the Freshman squad and proved Hia ability by taking first place in the pole Vault at the Fort Worth meet and also In a dual'meet with Rice, lie went further In both meets, taking sec onds In the Javelin throw. This year, Jack has been bring ing In the points for the varsity, with tie* 14 second at Laredo, Fort Worth, and the dual meet with Texas. He added to his num ber of total points with a fourth place in the javelin at Corpus Christi. Simpson’s best leap of the season in competition is a 12* 6" one against Texas. « Johnny Davis Johnny Davis is the third mem ber of the Aggie vaulting quartet He is from Lubbock, where as a senior in high scnqol in 1944, he took first place in\the regional TEXAS LEAGUE Team Dallas I...4...17 San Antonio 14 Shreveport ...{.....1.-10 Fort Worth J J—10 Beaumont -4..U 7 .1-U 8 Tub. pel::; Houston L...L....6 Oklahoma Ciljjy .....AB EAST TEXAS LEAGUE Team Marshall Longview .... Kilgore Tyler — Park — Bryan ..,‘i Glad< water , Hendbrsbn ... RIO GR Lv 3 7 7 9 11 13 12 15 3 dlMMSIWti iM. . . i 2 2 CoriiuH ChrU I ib..n8 Mo A linn Brownsville Donna Del Rio y LONG!! Team .San Angelo Midland .... Big Spring Odessa Roswell Vernon I, if andk league W L 4 Pet. 7 W ..9 „.7 .6 „7 ..4 ..4 L 4 5 5 6 6 6 8 10 .58: .571 .533 .500 .266 .214 Pet. .850 .667 .588 .526 .389 .381 .333 .250 Pet. .692 .583 .545 .538 .538 .500 .333 .38<H 1.000 .000 .420 .400 m .28(1 >llege Stai on Representative — Loupot’s Trading Post . BIG STATE LEAGUE Team W Wichita Falls .j.-.:..10 'Texarkana 9 Austin 8 Whco Greenville — 6 Temple 6 Gainesville 7 Sherman-Denison ....6 WEST TEXAS-NEW MEXICO LEAGUE Team V W Borger — 10 Albuquerque — 10 Lubbock 6 Abilene 4 Amarillo 5 Lamesa X..5 Parapa ...45 Clovis ...1 L 1 2 7/ A 7 8 9 9 Pct^ .909 .833 .462 .444 .417 .385 .357 .260 masti and Had far stale triaia. In his first year of eaUav«M» petition, Johnny tied for flare In the conference far first at tie fw aaeaii, t 1 , r if . , Kxpdaltleti Meet. In 1946, ha eUm-; »h ta take • via far first lack in the canfervnca, and ties nr second at Fork Worth and Cor pus Christi. Davie has only placed m. trial this season, but in so d has gained hia beat height in 1 petition. That was his 12’6*’ ir against Texas University wh! ained him a second place tie ir that contest. At the £ a. The Texas top position standing with two losses. TCU has won losing M lime, I t eecatid Tate a Pampa senior ; the list of Aggla IdgR, , form* Lelsnd Tate Leland rounds oat climbers. He and Davis er .competitors and now ‘ The year that Davif in regional, Tate was him. That same year at the meet, Davie placed fourth was fifth. ■ Tate first vaulted for the A| in 1945, and that year he p first against Texas in a dual i Then came a stretch in the Navy, during which he was a broad jump er the Ward Island teamfln six in the one at these wjas oat of a tie ft, standings. When handed the Agf last Saturday I ruined A&AJV a virtual first Last week the uSgs on Kyle PieM. ( Last week^ conference duced plenty' of action Warns. ThepAggies then dr i » I jfjt I!/ the Ward Island 1947J he was back at Aggieland and in good form, taking first JZ’. good form, against Texas in dual competition and a tie for first in the confer ence meet. It was in that meet with Texas that he got his best height. This was a 13’ leap. In 1948, he took a first} at Cor pus Christi and ties for, first at Laredo and Fort Worth fpr a s cessful season. This season, he 8UC- credited with a tie for } first at Corpus Christi, a third place tie at Fort Worth, ami a fourth at Laredo. Thus AAM has not one of two, but four pole vaulters who can he depended upon to bring home tho points when they are needed. Two ot the four still have eligibility left at the end of the sea* of freshman on, aad with the addition vaulter Don Graves, the futu looks bright for ARM over high] bar. veryTlim margin. •. ■ Coach Marty Karo will be seeking fevei upset thrown at them la the TCU team. Ov«i one of the main weakn Aggie team has been at This was especially start of the year b«fo ten got their eyes sn th Batting averages si snes play started considerably from ,t Son averages. Another #: for this can be found ii number of Sophomores rti mor nine. ■ H.'spectacled Guy W sophomore shortstop A ton, roplsesd outfioUs Witt last wseksmi no ‘ HW sr .1 20 mark, two- ! mins sniffLa At. I® aeo of tha Rig ItaW f, 41m Calvert and lor are the only other .250 or hotter. Mors «f Texas AAM’s have’ gone for extra •throe were doubles, • triples end six were Bruce Morisiw ' tho j pace for Agf la won four games orisse has won 6 ■ (I - l|n strike outs with ' ; ' J ’’Jr ■ * * V STATISTICS ■ flrat 26 iamas) T ting R B Avg. f, 15 23 .328 14 20 17 21 % Trackmen Compete Today East Texas State anil N<>H Texas are but to defeat the Aim Clndormcn in a triangular meet to be held in Denton today. These two small schools in the Lone Star conference are reported to have the two finest track ag gregations for small schools in tihe state. Ail Aggie tracksters are report ed to be in top condition for the affair. This will be the last meet that the cindermen will compete in before they defend their title in Fayetteville May 13th. V #r for the Texas Ag| Congratul WHO RECK BETSY .ON| Also—Komi TJT/l /j East date ! | "Excl *4 c '15 0 pi? 1 rf p 56 9 on rJ 27 5 p 1)8 0 c 47 4 cfl H2 16 p 5 0 2b 17 3 TelfMaltz lb 41 4 »iiOa : sj Nixoti^ p Steers Take Golf Throne From Ags 5'* By The Associated Press ■ ,The University of Texas is golf *qbmpion of the Southwest Confer ence. The Longhorns clinched the team title yesterday by beating- Arkansas 5% to %. Texas now has 30 points to 6 for the opposition. Texas A&M^ in second place, has 18% to 11%. Texas has finished its schedule. Individual champions of the con ference will be determined at the annual meet to be held in Austin next week. Usten,tos|j|||| he t .317 4 .267 3 ISO 13 .232 6 .222 ' 4 .222 10 .214 . 17 2107 1 .200 47€f 7 .171 .158 12 .148 a 443 0 .000 0 .006 ,0 .000 0 .000 I'otilA I 1843 103 149 .218 ojjihiesi jOeWltt 10, Wallace 7, 7.[ Mrton 6J (jimhum 4, Umi- MalUt 3, M«y"i Hubert, ploi: I loon,: Lliulloff, FreU. ill. Me off, t«|yipr ,Graham P? . JtTKD |FROM | r - !S ePherson, rs • * «i' "i ) 1 Collpge Station npive’ 1 ■ J 4^4 ■ ' , ; | ' -r Teague I r piiiLiiiinaijiijiiii li: ; <:i:ltHIUIIBV^HI01Um The silver lin; home is Wallpaper II i Uf» +■ Btence .in a and New • -I- 4- DOUG’S CAFE College ud 27th , I . SptcMitmg In > MEXICAN DISHES CHICKEN FRIED STEAK DINNERS 'AGGIES ALIFAYi tBLCOMB ! !' nr 1/4 —" TexM ! it ACGIES1!,.. Get those Shoes Repaired Before the FINAL RUSH . I 1 illMIIIIMl!: r l We also have in stock a ni ce assortment of JUSTIN COWBOY BOOTS HOUCK’S BOOT SHOP North Gate A "I AND *•» ■a.: 4 | J.COtJL J 1800 S. College 1 Si ro lone 2-1818 ■J ': I H , o; ■ r ’! n 1ST 24725 I 1- '