Pi I I :' .; r v; '■> :■■■ \ ’• * * 1 maiion R T “ - * I :* i : /A !• }’• > -'A. Page 3 / - ‘m *11 ? I l-A. ^ Mi '■-w m IllilP: % III fj ! By LEOi ; ‘On the coiribbed TexhsA&M' bouiwIu thpre \i oh who in not a tho Lone Star |tfttu Thi« lnaiv|(ltt4jJr fkut utrintr pa renulkr c-entm (flea. Moon Ib orj|t o I*'tow who hol. Collegiate Al hlflitic hold its annilial ! tenu at the Universiw Of to 25 and Dik Dani< i excited about it It is the first ti ever has bee n stagf it is a fitting tr|but^j|t|o who is know? nas; f the Southweift. I Dr. Penick stiftrte l tennis at the Univq in 1899 and In ^908 He is the only te university eyerii hat his first team toili' idgiates in 192|() an years has wt n five 11 (dngles chanipi^na^i regular Centerfieldeil for the Fish team. His batting average for the Fish was well above the .300 mark, and his fieldi perfect. \J I Last basketball weason Moon started out as a renjlrve. However, by mid-season he hfd broken into the starting line-iup.\ There he teamed with Jewell! Mejiowell at a guard position, | He averaged Aggie €eKers Meet Texas In Austin Today The second - place Aggie Golf Team, composed of Bart Haltom, Travis Bryan, Jr^ John Henry, and Jack Bar nett, will meet the conference leading Texas University golf ers today in Austin in a match that will probably decide the winner of the Southwest Con ference championship. At present, the Aggie team ia only two points behind the boys from the “40 Acres" with a total of I?Mi points . .9he Longhorns have 19%. Texas has defeated Rice, 6-0; kylor 4-2; and TCU, 8% to 2%. lie Aggies hold victories over Rice, 6-0; Arkansas, 5-1; SMU, 5-1 and were defeated by TCU, 4W- t*. Texas will be favoredj in this meet because the matches are be ing played on its home course and because of its better record. If the Aggies are successful in scoring as many as three points against the Texans, then the May 2 clash between Texas and Arkan sas in Fayetteville will determine the conference champion. about eight j>oint» Hitting basketball we* [Mi Aw woon nw (’lowed, he wteppod ohjto the diam« and ‘Immediately started pound the ball. At the present time he ia wtgrted pound! V , hitting .329 and haw Inumerouw dou bles and triplew to His credit. Wally, who is a PE major, has a B average in his wchoolwork. His main interests, hoWever, are his basketball and baseball activities. After graduation, Moon would like to play pro basebdll. Right now he’s more interested!in helping the Aggies cop a few ball games this spring. , old Tennis Tourney niversity in June I,IFF Dr. Penick. who still rides a hi* cycle from home to work and back and plays a little tennis now and Rational! jii tion will jii rhament June TO ck is all jig meet T sXas and )i,!Penick, rrrinis" in king with i if Texas me coach, cpflch the He took AMiohal col- r ■ : r ; ' V \ * ■ f \ ' I;•iff \ ' Three Games On Tap For kend; Rain Stops First Bart Haltom, Jack Barnett, Travis Bryan, Jr., and John Henry, standing in the usual order, are the first four members of the Aggie golf team, Southwest Conference champions of last year. They play Texas University today in the match that will probably decide this year’s cha At present, Texas is leading A&M, 19 points. On the right is Gaythor No coach and pro at the Bryan Country • \ • hampiot 19»: to fowell, Gab. pi on ship. m team Aggie Relay Team Is Only Returning Champ At Drake ire is due to he a number of champions crowjned! at the 9 Relays in the University t of the *Herschel Malt? is in his third vear as a member of the Aggie base ball squad. A lefthander in thetield and in the box, Maltz special izes in showinjg how the fielding at first base should be handled. The Houstonian has another year of eligibility remaining. Ben Hogan Doesn’t Know If He Will Ever Regain His Top £blf Form NEW ORLEANS, I April 29 -^P> Golfer Ben Hogan made it known today!that if heiuantt swing a club with the heat of them again, he isn’t much interested In swinging at all. ; The njatiomal [open and PGA champioi) /came here: for u medical checkup on progress of his re covery from a highway accident which almost took his life last February 2. Hogan said he didn’t know and “I don’t think the doctors know” if hq’ll ever rctujrn to the form that earned him the POA’s vote as< “golfer of the yhar” fop 1948. \He and his wlftVsyaldri, arrived today by train. TheyX^xpcct to re' turn tomorrow th Fort Worth, Texas. Hogan was critically \lnjured when his automjiblle and NT bus wyre in collision near Van npm, Texas. Stan Mutual's .348 lifetime batt ing average is the highest mark among active National League players. DOUG’S CAFE College and 27th I I'M'- . Specializing In j MEXICAN DISHES CHICKEN FRIED STEAK DINNERS AGGIES ALWAYS WELCOME I - ■ ' .f /.:M- ' ► Th(*i new |< Drake division this weekend. Most old champions will not mum. Only on* event has its last years victor entered at tbU date. That race is thdi mile relay| whose 1948 chump unit record nplder Is the speedy Texas A&M Missouri is considerjvd a (Infinite threat to the Farmers in the mile relay. Thus far this! season, the best time recorded by A&M is e 3:17.1., while the lads from Mis souri turned in n 3:13.5 last week at the Kansas Relays. Can Wirt This is not a. definite indication that the MisSodrians Wilt win, but it will mean I that the Aggies will have to step up their pace to come in first. The A&M team is consid ered better than their number one time indicates, for they have yet to be pushed by any teiim since the season opened. Last Syear at Des Moines, they turned in a 8:15.2, and the boys from the “Show Me” state may be just what it takes to push| them into it again. ‘ George Kadera of Aggieland, is considered a top contender in the discus throw, along ! with Byrl Thbmpsort from Minnesota. Thomp son, a sophomore, ha^ tossed the platter a distance of 169 feet, 2% inches, this year. This' is just inch better than Kqdera’s best. These lads should mhke quite a contest out of it at the Drake Relays. Hampton Faced Beat J. D. Hampton, top Aggie and Southwest. Confererijce distance star, wilj probably rpn into, some tough competition fh catching. LOADS OF GOALS ■Ii ! * I ' ' / DENCE —

— Harvey :enter of the providence I he American Hockey Lea- cyntly scored eight points ' e—three goals and five > tie the league total for contest. Bob Gracie and Ityriiiton both tallied eight the same game, on Feb. while playing for Pit|ts- DfTHER'S DAY CAROS Ii * ]/ r \m ihh ■ our tkrge dliplay of Vol-- Mothe r's DajjClrdpyou can to find lie r^ht senti- and design lhat is Worthy er. Comet in and oh our. 1/ Th. Store