The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 06, 1949, Image 4
r' r l i • / — / /• *, ■ if- ■ yf — . ■- V.' /■ ■ Tp ~^y. r 7- 7r / ■ ' 7. \ /' • \J • 1 L 1 Wildlife Students Plan Field Trip | To Port Aransas Students of thp marine ichthy ology class are planning a field trip to Port Aransas Friday through Monday, according to Frank T. Knapp, Instructor. Marine ichthyology is officially listed as course 3tt! in the Wild life Management Pepartment. The class will collect marine specimens to supplement the present labora tory collection. The technique of; collecting spec imen* will be Htudied, Knapp »uld. The class will leave College Sta tion at 3 a, m. Friday and return to College Station Monday night, Saturday and Sunday nights will be spent on the beach, Knapp ad ded. \ A. i ■ ■ ' , LTL ABNER Set Him Up In the Other AMeyft /^-sothereISa n ; 77. . 11. : ' ; 4 I I UTTLE CRUMB^rmi' eyebaus.'T-ah KIN SEE THINGS NOBODY ELSE. KIN/Z, OUR UL FRIEND. . HAs/E A SWELL V TTME.r TAKE HIM TO ANT n —-- y.- lotonropToAf < wrr NO MUMSML >< ESCORT.?’-tru- ljook pmnjL-HE ifTTW « ^ AUONE.?i MiilBiii Ill'll llili Mlil! I'll ll! ! STAVS\ / jl -Members of the class are Ralpl Paxson, Larry Campbell, Buck Wray, Leo Isswls, Bob Conger, James Fielding, Don Simpson and Jimmy Nipper. I ( & here Sn unlay Bra Sul Rosses# Club to Hear On Masonii lice Cluh will present ■ program of semi- mnee will lie given In Onion Hall and another leal and impdlar songs at the Annex. .7 The Sul Ross Rd •neet April 6 at TiaQIp. m, 0. E. Lecture Rootrj, liudolp i fexiay. | iH thi ^ M ^ {Hv Heston announced foday. y ;; The club will heaiMa discuss ip jn the Masonic Home, by H. (tliBb ind a discussion on the The Sul! Ross Reae nch Club will also start making yjan^ fttt meeting for a picnic.; to l# hM in May for all Masonr adl-tlfcir; fam ilies, Huddleston sdiq. a. c. rer Gfadiiat CHIROP Mpdfem Uptcjwb Office; Main njt 26th.ov|jrf fcrenmland i Phono 2[-’J rn 1 Kobe : ■; H SpecU. ; , Inlroductory ■ ! / ! ■ Aggie Ex Fallows Rules to Letter The Former Students Associa tion got this one irt the mail the other day: A questionnaire sent out to all former students asked the exes if they had been wounded in the war, and, if so, to ex plain briefly.’' One gentleman obligingly ex plained “briefly” as meaning “of short duration.” Architects Exhibit 18th Century Art The Department of Architecture has arranged td show the collec tion of pictures of life and archi tecture during the 18th century, assembled by the editors of Life Magazine, -Ernest Langford, head of the Architecture Department, said today. 1 ' ] The exhibit is., a collection pf Landscape Design Majors Plan Trip Senior landscape design students will inspect sites in Texas, Louis iana, and Mississippi, beginning Wednesday, April 13, Robert White Landscape Art Department, said today. The five day tour will start at College Station and go through Natchez^ Mississippi, and Shreve port, .Baton Rouge, New Orleans, and Lake Charles, Louisiana, The group will return through Beau mont. Students will inspect private gardens, individual and commercial sites, and the physical organization and operation of the offices of the prominent landscape architects, White concluded. Betty Nell Pate To Be Cotton Duchess Betty Nell Pate, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam B. Pate of Bry an, has been chosen by the Brazos fifty pictures and accompanying County Home Demonstration Coun- text which wqs organized by the oil to represent their organization Metropolitan. Museum of Art. . in the Cotton Pageant. The exhibit will he on display Miss Pate is u senior at Stephen until Monday on the top floor of F.'Austin High School. She plans the Academic Building, Langford to enter the University of Texas Mid. „ in September. Her escort for the Cotton Pag eant and Ball will be Charley Roy- alty, Aggie varsity footballer. City Councilmcn Renamed Tuesday! Joan Kaufman Will !;. W. H. Badgiitt, 0. W. Black and Represent AIKK What cmild be ft|b|igar|me}jlon- pwing E. Bjrowh -Were unopposed to of your baby than i| his owd shoes lih mctallznd. SHp^s bronze.j silver Orfg $3./M) per SendllName tuid J ill. PrVvtt Box 40,73 - Ify pin fed Hv ill >alrs Adders -•flf. candidates iprthe election held in Mi»> Joan Kaufman, Texas Uni- College Station, Tuesday. versity freshman from San An- j Padgett . is councilman of the tonto,' has been "elected os Cotton South Oakwood ward, Black of ®. a Huchess of the AIEE student the College Hills ward and Brown chapter. ^ of the Nortp Gate area. Badgett The selection was made by Pro- and Black were up for re-election; feasors N. F. Rode ami H. C. Dil- while Brown;was the candidate for lingham of the Electrical Engi- the post previously held by F. B. neering Department. Brown, Jr. ' !1 ■, an Be Fun resiling, Too l WhaVs Cooking ABILENE CLUB) 7:15 p. m.. Thursday, YMCA Ex-Students f Lounge. AGGIE SQUARES, 6:45 p. m., Thursday, St. Thomas Episcopal Parish House. Supper meeting. AMARILLO CLUB, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Room 123, Academic Building. Easter dance will be dis cussed. CASS COUNTY CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Wednesday, Room 126, Aca demic Building. Easter party plans will be discussed. DEL RIO CLUB, 7 p. m. Thurs day, YMCA Reading Room. Final plans for Easter Party. 49ER CLUB, 7:80 p. m. Wednes day, Beverly Braley’s Shop in Bry an. Fashion show. GALVESTON A&M CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Room 129, Aca demic Building. HEART O’ TEXAS CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday,! C. E. Lecture Room. KAUFMAN COUNTY CLUB, 7:30 p. m. Thursday, Room 303, Academic Building. Cotton Ball Duchess election,; NORTH TEXAS CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Room 301 Goodwin. PHYSICS SEMINAR, 4:15 p. m. Thursday, Room 86, Physics Build ing; R. D. RivenT-will speak on “Cloud Chamber Stereoscopic pho- tograpjhy.” PORT ARTHUR CLUB. 7:80 p. m„ Thursday, Academic Building. Easter party plans will be discus sed. SUL ROHH RESEARCH CLUB, 7:30 n. m., Wednesday, C. E. Lec ture Room. SAN ANTONIO CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Room 203, Academic Building, Easter plans to be dis cussed. 1 ; waco - Mclennan county CLUB, 7:30 p. m. Thursday, Room 301, Goodwin Hall. WEATHERFORD CLUB. 7:15 p. m., Thursday, Room 104, Aca demic Building. ; WICHITA-FALLS CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Room 301, Good win. ; Mm f m Pago 4 MISS EDLOE WEEMS will represent Sam Houston State College at the Cotton Ball and Pageant. She will be escorted by Sam McKenzie from Alvin, Tex. A UATTALIOM tUUa 1 , , If a; ulus 00 a.m. of U» day Mo* a—w—«■—maul— wirntf IIAV* your th«n»*, thssls, PMU. PIMM MT0S, SHOP, toot K. 23rd. MISS ANN KERR from Dal las will be the SMU Duchess at' the Cotton Ball and Pageant. She will be escorted by Walter Williams from San Antonio. f rrPma, DuplM/at ; horn*. il*l* Mala aid • FOR BEN 1 FOR RENT—Unumwlly nld Ur^ fumtahed apartment. Jliiit OfffwNI Screened porch, guragt, Elect roh ! Pliico.. 101 Montclair. I'lione 4;^ . FOB 8 ALE .jl FOR SALE^STBulck Tudor." Contact Henry, B-6-X, College n FOR SALE—Practically new ropCpgi* die—<45.00; under costg Mid >1 Steves, Apt. 9-A. Vet Vlllagili Louie Clemons free show at.i FOR SALE —1941 Chevrolet co^Vt\ New,, engine, good top,; tires, c One' owner car. Bargain at Can be seen Alday only »fter i Hughti, Dorm 5, Room *18 FOR SALE—1940 Plymouth 4-do«ij' $675.00. See at Sample Servlceisi 306 W. 25th. p ,! ' 11 ONE MORE SPRING FRANCIS GIBBINS is the Trans-Pccos Club representative to the Cottpn Ball ami Pageant. JEANENNE LAKIN is the Cotton Ball and Pageant duchess of the AIChE. FOR SALE One 1948 TuJof St) Chevrolet Sedan. Sealed bldil received until ip a m., Wednescj UP. 1949.* The, right is fegerv] | ject any and all bid* and to rnd all teehnlcallliM. Addn troller, A.AM. College of'Tex* Slntlon, Texas, for (urtlidr • LOST AM) FOIJ >•' \ -'a • CO|,^ j. ! /I ■ .!! j . ( ^ tK A Our Menu of HOUSE PAINTS: j i Benjamin Moore, $5.45 per gallon — Devoc, $(U0 per gallon —- Peerless Semi-paste, $3.65 per gal* 1 Ion. FFA Judging Meet Brings 350-41)0 To Campus Saturday Between .350 and 400 Future Farmers of America will take part in judging contests to he hell on the campus Sat unlay, O. M. Holt, Area Hi supervisor, said today. The contests will determine the teams to represent Area III In state competition here <May 14. Aren III includes approximately 60 high schools in 24 counties of Southwest Texas. The future farmers, who arc taking vocational agriculture in high School, will compete in beef cattle, dairy cattle, dairy products, poultry, and meats judging con tests, Holt said. College depart ments will handle the contests in their specialized fields. The contest Will begin at 9 a. m. Saturday with a meeting of en trants at the Assembly Hall, Holt continued. After the contests aire completed, banners will be presen ted the winners in the Assembly Hall. The Collegiate FFA Chapter will assist in conducting the Contests, Holt concluded. Johnson Countians Plan Spring Picnic “We’ll make It stag or drag, pre ferably drag,” Dan Buckner, preel- dent of the Johnaon County A&M Club told mcmberH of tho spring picnic planning committee today. The annual spring .picnic will be held Friday, evening, April 8, In the Bryan City Park. "It will start at 6 and lust 'til you want to go home,” said Buckner. He requests everyone planning to attend tho picnic to come by hjs room at IH Puryoar and buy tho special fl ticket. L04T- Pair blue plaetle r|m $1) ij-d clue lA vlclplty of Biftxelf If ilirn lo Oerry Hueknor, Room, 'S iwile.. Elmer Earl Hhnw frelf] (jampur t- v - FINAL PICNIC PLANS FOR LAREDO CLUB WILL BE MADE Final/plank foe the Easter picnic will be discussed at the meeting of the Laredo Club meeting Thurs day evening at 7:30, Ralph Duke, president, announced today. . The party for the graduating seniors, at the semester’s end will also be discussed. Automotive Electricians Starter, Generators and Carburetors Tune-up — Magneto Service Bruner Battery & Electric Company ] 113 E. 28th St. — Bryan Bryan, Texas to Post Office” Phone 2-1318 POOR old Sheedy hod a hang dog look before he tried the Finger-Nail Test and twitched to Wildroot Cream-OU. Today—he’s a blue ribbon winner. Regular use of Wildroot Cream-Oil now givet him * snappy, well-groomed look. No longer Is he bothered by drynew and looae, ugly dandruff. He’s out of the dog house far good with his girl friends. Why not dog trot down to your nearest-drug store for a bottle or tube of non-alcbhoUc Wildroot Cream-Oil right now l And ask ■ * \i \ >Ty your barber for professional applications. You’ll find that once you start using Wildroot Cream-Oil containing Lanolin, you’re a gay dog in even the beat society. j(c of 327 Burroughs Dr., Snydtr, N. Y. Wildroot Company, Inc, Buffalo 11, N. Y. J. Paul Sheedy* Switched to Wildroot Cream-Oil Because He Flunked The Finger-Nail Test ..