PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST r • • ^ i . 1 , T": I Li- . J | ' F ■ ' / \ - / N f v ■ ■ Li':':. . I \attalion INTEREST W A GREATER ADH COLLEGE/ |' Aggiclandl^TEXAS, TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1949 ji ! J ^fi IM COLLEGE STATION ( limit oa^xavai ThJCAfl, TUE8DAY > APRIL 5,1949 x r | Issues Class Hears Gossett El Scheme; New Atlantic Pact E THEhSINGINC day ut Gulon Hal!., ■Mduflli Ball Theme of Gold (iKOKGE The Sojdiomor^ w^ll ket undei et’* settint of Bill Turner, gave their spring concert Mun- t UUlOll Hall., j jjh; I : Turner haw fajnlgn|d|j fftiiti jKinge of ftounfa ln ||Bu»lc to continue directing the Cadets. Pill Have {Rush Days ited f ikml Id dust pjina” golujiCjeji’ jmp WMifd saloon props. i[ f / ji [Entering thru saloiflri-lik^ doprs aphomoreB and theiid gu^taj wil find a : rejuvenated Shi^a limited b; cajndlea and decorated Witfe i Ward covered wagoils aro&n dt nce floor. Painted || in the sides lol each ^prairie schdinbr SwillJ he “('alifornia or bust”! . £ 11 •(i l Manpower To Make V'h Wednes# James C. O’BrienI dirlctori of the manpower division of Jthe Na tional Securities BodijdJ Washing ton, D. C-, wiU speak to Ufe tnpm- „. os Wednesday at 8 p. in., S|dR herd of the Great Issued M - - ' J ^•^ihmon, head of tHi history : d' dartment announced ‘today* | j ?i[ [O’Brien’s speech, [One ith id toda^ i, [ one fit Great; Issues series,! wilL^ “Manpower problems^ pnvo%e iiaitional security pjrOffra tafk is scheduled InL i'pon the Electrical Engiif|e;in T ‘ - ’ L ti’Hrlcn I ms had j piun of experience in exkeuU . i» the government, [Dr, (hi mm on said. He wax executive off icer: i)f the National Roateif of tHi' 8. I . •[: A journalism grnduata of A University of Kentucky: and 0 umbla University, Carter i»riL director of public relations fofjtL Mergcntbajer Linotype Company, He has given' talks on typni- graphy and newspaper make-kb before state and national nation*. • ' 4 ! Carter was employed, befot Joining the Linotype Compan a reported feature writer, and tor on weeklies, dailies^ and the wire services. During his ohm* ership of,the Elizabethtown, |ty.* Enterprise, he won first plact wards for typographic excels and also for the outstanding c| munity newspaper in the state^ f | He has spent a number of S^ars in specialized government sexv and has engaged; in publicity j public relations work in Wash’* ton, Baltimore, and New Yofji He has redesigned the fori " weekly land dai}y papers in different states in this country, ih Canada, Mexico and overseas; jf' ! 1 " ■ -£ )llege system for discussed before 3ma| Ed Gos- .n fron l the 13th Iphil district, first explaln- iien; answered < e, audience in rejga c snstitatidnal amendment rpaent system for electing is art open i ivitation to issdtt warned!. “It would ip a closel flection for tbi disqualify of technical- Thwarted Radiomen Suffek \ | I J J ’ tj j j ’ j®, ‘ During Battalion Progra By DAVE COSLETT i\ One weary and nervous engineer a cast of thankful performers, and two disappointed contestants — those were the left overs \>( The Battalion’s “April Fool’s Edition of the Air," broadcast over WTAW last Friday afternoon. Working under the strain of n galloping clock dial and a number of engineering gremlins, the show participants squeezed every word and bitr of music possible into the nllottul time and came out with an extra two and u half minutes for which they could find no outlet. Winning answer to tho first contest question for the “Campus Views" portion of the program was read by veteran’s wife Mrs. Vir ginia Baker. She giave her opinion as to whether or not a veteran student’s wife should help him with his home-work. Time wouldn’t allow the read ing of the answers! to the remain ing two questions although the winning contestants did receive their prizes. The answer to the question of how to solve the woman shortage at A&M ran thusly: “I didn’t know there was a woman shortage at A&M. I.see plenty of women around here. All four floors of the Academic Building are full of them. When 1 get a book out of the main library it is checked out by .a woman, when I get checks at George's or the Cave I pay a woman, a woman gets my record out of the files when I report to the Campus Security Office, I had to see n woman when I got my senior ring, and when I claim my laundry, a woman gives it to me. “I just , can't understand why anybody should ask « question about a woman shorlajre. "However, if there is such .a shortage, I have done hiy best to case it—in the first place 1 mar ried a girl and brought her here, and in the second place we now have a daughter. What more can a man do?" [J .' AM' Vice President Or Nothing . Job Interviews Make Graduating Seniors Sweat, Listen And Wait By BUDDY LUCE Hair combed, suit pressed, slick shave, shoes shined—all these make up only a part of the person al check list of a graduating senior preparing for a placement office job interview. After weeks of watching the de partment bulletin board for inter view notices, Joe Whatchacallit saw a notice one morning concern ing one of the companies he was interested 1 in. He joined the foot race to the administration build ing and got on the interview list by a nose, v Joe had a few days to wait be fore the ijrterview, so he decided to read up on the company and be for anything the jo|ter ik him. This was Job’s rview and anything could hen the day came for the In- iew, Joe attended the general meeting in the YMCA chapel and tried his pest tp ask at least one intelligent question. He got a laugh out of the rest of the boys any how. /: I ; \ l|| The interview was at 2:30. Joe ate an early lunch at Club Sbisa and immediately developed a case of inuigeslicn. He went to his hole, gulped four Alka Seltzer tablets and tried to drown himself in the shower. By 1:80 f Joe was in a lather and taking chunks out of his chin with the four-bit razor somebody named Gillette had sold him; He finally got his wounds bandaged up and got into his mail order suit. When the dock arrived at the conclusion that the time was fin ally 2 p. m., Joe was ready. He picked his way across the campus and, for fear of working up a sweat, walked slowly app cautious ly toward the administration build- The second floor of the admin istration building looked like the waiting room in a maternity hos pital. The granite floors were slow ly being worn away as the pros pective job applicants paced up and down the hall like caged lions, some muttering to themselves and some just sweating profusely. Joe joined the floor-walking squad and took up a position in the third rink where he could watch the door to the interview room. Every time the door opened the whole congregation of freshly groomed applicants snapped to at tention. When a man came out of the interview room he was swamp ed with questions from Joe and the rest of the cijewV When the interviewer stepped out into the hall and asked for Joe Whatchacallit, Joe breezed by him annon Ball and, once inside i the poor, wrung poor man’s hand like a long lost brothi Mr. Joker asked Joe to sit down and asked the only miestion that Joe didn’t know—who won the basketball game last night? While Joe sweated the glue out of the chair he was sitting in, Mr. Joker tried to put him at ease and Joe answered tjie questions wilth his much-practiced sales talk. The fifteen minutes seemed like fifteen class periods to Joe atul the chair got harder and harderr When the interview time was up, Mr. Joker handed Joe an applica tion blank with instructions to fill it out and send it to the company with 49 pages of personal informa tion and 64 personal references. Joe nodded his head and ran into the door on the way out. Two years later Joe Whatcha callit, vice president of Diapers, Unlimited, received a letter from Mr. Joker. “Thank you for d wr like the Wabash Cannon Ball and, Mr. Joker. “Thank you for your door, wrung the .application and Interest, Mr, What- — ’— loetlcnacalltt. but your qualifications do not fit our company." The winner on this question Harry Gooding, a married A' tecture student from El Paso: test judges admitted that his ing question posed wore at problem than the one used iii contest. <]> The final question concemet best way to explain u pink fa 1 slip to one's parents. The had it been broadcast, wqul sounded like this; m /<] 9: “I would say, ’Mama’—'matha |il* ways gets my grades—I would, 'Mama, Tvo got somo bad -m for you, but^I’vo donor Someth that wiU make you proud of nf then I would hand hor the pat that I picked for her from in # of Guion Hall. f i’lj “ ’Mama,' I’d say, 1 fltit a course but TVe got a real that prof is an un-American wants \ explained that hia t would not do away the electoral vote, but lange- the method in i a vote was cast, rb lent Jystem is set up so tjw electoral (votes of a to either onb, candidate thdr. Under tijio proposed tne electoral vcfte would be toiled among thf candidates Imi is of“ho number of pop* they receivfjd. new system,' he said, ‘ d to reduce! the power-., ve pivotal states—New msylyunla, Ohio, Illinois irm. I on* Was apijnt In these platforms—^nd I mean c Us well ns Republican ten to shtldfy minority groups in thjse 6 states. , ue of the If.E.P.G., tho hch law, the ainti-poll tax *1, and others like them, thb power of these ptvitol cotald be reduced we would dple coming down here ► win friend* and influ-f pie tho. utvival of bur country i lay depend on our having gniips within the gov- h« commenced, and with ps las those in the pivotal hajvlnr a hand in govern- unielfish groups may be of our election sys- s long overdue," he conclu- ‘Therd are some people who th^t the proposed system weaken the two major par- -- n M • ■«• / j mu • I-■ thib I can only say that any that cannot survive under y Blanton, social Senior Class, annqun- r. I ,. j • . ■» i, Nijtuifdtty night dance was it idlfer with BOO tickets ut affaliv The other |1B0 i. w II be on sole for tho df j the week in Room (IWin Hall, Blanton said. Wednesday and Thur- (lt) Mir ’ G' Kxlwl HMtMf sal is will be made from 1 6:3 I J) rh. They will, be .sold y Friday and from 8 a. m. |12 Veto r double, The banquet tickets erviews Slated Research Seniors in Dairy Hush; leave on their annual .insjx trip April 12,13, and 14. Thej visit plants at Taylor, Round! Austin, La Grange, Houston Schulenborg. i -J’ 1 The party will be compr BoachboaiS oj the Daisy Hi dry Department. ■ should be siqce ad- be made sr on the r of Insti- tion, 30 for ' [L ■: I Pierson, dim t program of the % international! Edt