i'\ - H /' ■, 1 Page 2 th nr Campun « mir ^rntstor ia m ttea of four director of Stud m wtiiiv wttH hold Im' m'nl pluim for th»ndr theno planii in w fcHurw. Thin commit orully tho policy Jlu ei mpu« bound Ajivl# irig "ontertainmct at the Slab. Th « ante Ways free, costi belnfl: c( mpuleory twepty-centn g^d for student rec attalion ri/!' : 'i f. TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1949 Statesman, Knightly Gentleman” . 1 / ■ • V ' >: : - j .1' : / ivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions . -\ ' n • * 00 Sunday and bb reserved foi Thursday for dincing; Saturd „ furnished either by ah o ! the Aggieland orches aid Wednesday for Ifve shows can not be The Wednesday a A Letter t )r the sum- by a com- >m and the Their first devise gen- later to fill itsrtainment follow gen- s^immer, The nild find even ing going on rj^nt was al- Hed by the Ht’snion char- layr m f ngs.are to lesday and for square g to music iece combo jukei box; mes when )jild be light ecti< shlted. the card-1 g| To the Commun C omrades: v After due re that we are im t ie students at with a genuine ter A»d thus given to Ijearn firsthand the! Communism in Wfe have observed students do not appreciate w tone for them. Ijhig real, live C ulate some thought on nd they, poor l|o hang Kim. Hojw u Their conduct ho receive the jiii ilonal biological; kind iuman mannerf*and »oor do!I'm simtiUted ho window sill.! '[ j] What disturbs us Ik limltting to eend us a?Comn ’s Hamte • • live decided have honored ' of Texas arty mem- pportunity ticality of ,tes., diversity’s t you have o!u gave them qrder to stim- otty Acres, res, want they fte? children | [m-wa the educa- i Mictions Im A ptly bash the out against ou have, by unist as you Hollywood d; T ist week and ned out the larily make acod OdA (greed that England rear’s greatest pictur^l-, Hollywood does- npj: ... . :hat sort df embarraskini admission, but after spending A year imaging more head lines for smoking marijuq^ than making good films, notimuch^else could be done. Sir Laurence Oliviers monumental “Hamlet” received the Hori-S ibare of votes for the Best Fil n of 1948,/and Olivier got the nod fpr Bes: Actof^ | j That is altogether if itting and proper. We have seen the herd we believe it is great d and great acting, if OH for his production of * be created a royal This year rharks foreign films hkve so the United States. Th Hamlet,” and great cinema was knighted V” he should “Hamlet.” 'iffjit time that ly invaded raft of good The Battalion City of College Si Friday afternoon, talion ia pobliehed! year. Advertising musical programs provided by profession- Al or colJegiAU entertainers. The Tuesday And Thursday movies would bo re-runs of old but first-grade picture This entertainment would be carried Independent of nijrht sofUmll games, ami a regular schedule at Gulon Hall. With all i>f these activities available kummer school should not be too great an ordeal. (i | To share thli/entertainment with reg ular A&M students and estimated 200 girls will be enrolled. AH these entertainment features— dances, movies, intramural games, and live talent shows—-will enable students to participate in a full recreational program costing only forty cental Certainly this planned program of summertime entertainment deserves our consideration and interest. To go to summer school at A&M is one thing; liking it is quite another. Perhaps this year we’ll enjoy our evenings even ! though the daytime sun scorches paint off Boomtown walls. did the University, slurred the fair name of our ischool and as much as said that A&M is not worth wasting party members j on. J/; :■ * V That is most insolent of you! We be lieve that there are people at A&M who are as much in need of some good sound education oh the subject of Communism as anyone you’ve got in Austin. * And this we promise you. If you will send us a Communist, we guarantee not to treat him as shoddily as Wendell Ad dington, TU’s Red, is being 'treated in v Austin. We will not break anything. Your early attention is invited to this matter. Everyone will profit-ryou will 7 have a chance to apread the word (which we believe ia mainly nonxense), your man r will he Able to see this part of the state, and we will have the opportunity to punch i4 holes In his arguments. Wo rtftiain your faithful servants (see ^ that proves we need your attention), The Battalion Editorial Staff Fingllsh titles showing (all more artistic than the American numbers), several French selections of note, and Italy has continued her_.standard of high quality- low budget. i . The French and Italian shows don’t get Wide circulation because sub-titles don’t go over well in small! toWps, but-the merit of the foreign language films is un deniable. , ^ k In the nomination for the Best Picture of 1948 “Hamlef’jfWon out over “Johnny Belinda,” “The Spkke Pit,” “The Treasure of The Sierras Madre/'-and “The Red Shoes” (another English'film) . % While the l|. S. drags oars, our trans- Atlantic neighbors are carving niches of honor for themselves. But had Hollywood worked Sundays, it couldn’t have made a more majestic “Hamlet” than England did. That’s one Oscar well-deservdd. . Th© Ainocifttcjcl Fro crodltod to it or not oth od herein, f Kighui of re; KntorH m mwmmM iittUm at It* l tori, T< Uw Act of donartcc of March ” News tentri doodwln Hill. Office, Room 200 = KENNETH BONty TOm| Hill HlllinvcAr : f C « Kerrey Cher»y. Art Howard, 0)tt Harvey Cheriry I John Singletary ri . Chuck dabanku, Cl Mack Nolen Clark Munrob .......... Mr*. Nancy tytle 1 Alfred Johnston •~ }f ..,.l. Emil Bunjes, H. O. ( Lacour, Carlcy P . , Irown e Battalion tper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the ■: published five times a week and circulated every Monday through jholidays and examination periods. During the summer The Bat- Tonday, Wednesday and Friday.. Subscription rate $4.30 per school ‘ on request. , ; * '[ | ■l—■ - . .. i. - - - ! led exclusively to the use for republication of all ndwa dispatches ^edited in the paper and local news of spontaneous (trlgin publish- WM Editor ' r. Managing Editors Editorial AwbtanU Feature Editor .W mu n'» Page Editor J • Religlou* EdStor Kolbyie, Henry Si} i|h, Marvin Reporter* of all other matter heroin are also reserved. Member of The Associated Press j i , ■ 4= tnade by telephone (4- tihy be placed by telcpt iteprecentod nationally hy* National Ad- vrrUdng Service Inr„ at N*w York City, Chicago, J.i* Angelas, and Ran Franclaoo. 6444) of at the editorial office, Room 201, telephone (4-6324) or at the Student Activltiea ••eeeneaaaaaae»4»*eeeea>«*ewa**#«eene,eaae«ee»»a*nfj*aSanecBec4eeMnn^fca*n*n4M*******' , ** # **M*V' ■;..Co-gdltors Pave Coclett, Frank Ctiahlng, Oeorge Charlton, Buddy Luce, Chuck Malcd. H. C. Michalak, Marvin Rice. Carroll Trim. ..feature Writer* Bob "Rack" Spocde. BUI Potto Sport* Editor. Lfcon Somcr, Frank Simmcn, Andy Matula, Scotty Swinney. Travis Brock, Ben ,■ Lumpkin, Frank Manltoas Sport* Reporter* Andy Davi* - J! ...j.. Movie Editor Carl Thrift Circutotion Manager Kenneth, Martric. Sanv Laqford, R. Moral**, Frank Welch, C. W. Jennings ................ Staff Cartoonists Jot Trolino, Hardy Row Photo Engraver* tUF / v y; ' ; \ S. \ i A> : * aUESTION OF IDENTITY w ‘ v |'" v .' 'T ]' I Boyle’s Column • — ■" i'r 4!v' flh- - By 0AL BOYLE ib, Letters To The Editor j GUILTY? |j • / Editors, The Battalion: My purpose In writing this let ter is to give someone an oppor tunity to keep his good mime. I do not know what penalty the law assesses against a person who throws 7-tJp bottles from a speed ing automobile and breaks the windshield: of another car—as hap pened to fny car on the corner of College Road and Lake Street Saturday, i March 26, 1049, within ten minutes of midnight. But I ex pect to find out soon, for the T-Up bottle did; not break and finger prints were visible to the naked eye. The bottle has been turned over to the authorities for the purpose of trying to trace the fingerprints. If this Is successful, 1 shall file charges unless the guilty patty contacts me and makes restitution. If be waits until the charges are filed, it will then be a matter for the courts. It will be to our mutual advan tage if the individual responsible for this act of vandalism will con tact me as isoon as he reads this. . Tolars truly,, Haynes Clark Claaa of 1950 ; Labor Laws To Reach House ilif BO BYERS AUSTIN, Tex., March 29—UPI— A bill representing Labor's only hope for’ weakening 1 restrictive Texas labor laws will reach the house on a minority report from the Labor! Committee. | A majority of the "panel yes terday ijecom mended i that the house not pass the bill by Rep. ' Blake Timmons of Amarillo re pealing 11 Maws and wrapping up modified Versions in a single act. It would also create a media tion and conciliation service and allow arbitration of disputes by mutual agreement of manage ment add labor, The lobimlUrte volR waa 14 to 11, The five dissenting votes gave Hep, Otis i Leo of Port, Arthur the exact nmpunt of strerigth needed . to secure a minority Report from the; 21-minvcornmltte!i• touf? himself ; r jay jgoulil want A team of two naval fliers will be on the campus Wednesday and Thursday to interview all seniors interested in obtaining either regu4 f lAr or^ reserve commissions in the Navy, according to an announce ment from the Office of Naval Of^ ficer Procurement in Dallas. Lieutenants James E. Tout and Clyde W. Chapman, representa tives Of the ONOP, said yesterday that men between the ages of 19 and 26 who are American citizens, and who will complete their college j courses either in June or in the summer would be eligible to'apply for the commission training. The interviews will be principal ly to contact men interested in the new! naval flight training program but all persons Interested In sur face or administrative commissions Will be interviewed, Lt. Tout stated. Those men Who can maet the; roquIrAments will bo sent to Dab Iuk If they wish to take the phy<>| sical ami mental tayts. The naval 3,<9»0 Resurfi (no navai iiignt, vraming pro-; ^iN(qci announced gram U divided Into three stages, i Of this figure. 8.1 Tout said. Piw-fHght at Pensacola, tore being tr®Vrn Ha,, basic, and the last stag**,, Wi,,* th( , P#(rUU ,, SW-M m .as 'I i Through thel result oU a [uestionnaire sent W> Oi ^aeryg. Corps officers mber, 4,JM)0 offlcerf of will be transferred in tl days Inactive Cfljl. Oxcar B, Abboit, ,, ecMWVe for the Texas Mil fllghf training pro-: |Dlst‘let announced today,; id ji ' NCKl v J 0 farred for not J pilot training. The Interview team will l»c in the library of Rons Hall from H a, to, until 6 a, m, on ht*