A :• ^ 'Y : •1 1 M' 7 .,!• Page 2 h » .1 to • !: O' ■ f'lf! ICft at tali on 1 ■ ' 5' "1 THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 11)40 r 5 )ldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman'* Sullivan m The Case : : The Battalk ological peak of and has started *' , i At first thOUl believe that wq semester to get problems and d per and use the the onepming ec But we do We constan newspaper fro: view. We constap lures, pertinei coverage, and The features, tion angles arp n led in and from-1 our readers’ help i» ;ht Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions ./■ - ttalion Relief... the chron- 19 school year home stretch. more complete news coverage. Our readers can give us news leads in several ways—by telephone calls, by let ter, or by coming by The Battalion office and telling the Managing Editor. Every club, every department, and every cdurse on the campus are potential . sources of news. We,play no favorites with epaea r onen departments, schools, faculty, or students in our search for news; news is news re gardless of who makes it. We repeat, we do need help in order to give mord complete news coverage. Our telephone number is 4-5444 our Is, complete news mailing address is the Faculty Exchange, readers might use the first with the many iiil)lishing a pa- this pattern, to improve our lers’ point of for better fea- ulation. ials, and circula- whiich are hand-j fke, but we need ier for us to give Little n secure (Le. apd watch the knock down, dra The Wartime- stymied largis ft grow even largff dgniflcance. C i advanced, signs | tweeh Texas 'if Trimmed to fij expansion cofi4, to become Texi papers, one fro Tort Worth the table a With a s; lar plhnt the ing its nails to. caught flatfj Telegram is large annex to The Houston bed up their give repairs. What wil and our office hours are from 1 to 6 every afternoon except Saturday. Give us a ring; drop us a card, or pay us a visit. Aid in our drive to give complete news coverage. to a Decision • • • me circulation is mean better and more thorough coverage ) can sit back of news wherever it happens.. It will mean |n giants have a hot competitionf American style will be Irpulation battle. gCd that so long oils 1 ambitions to about faded from Ihfipntoi sight are the tic struggle bis- Well, to jMnitan, newspapers, gv pfidition by huge aded by the desire |t,; two Houston as^ and one from their g] ty would fight, six million dol- rijing News ie bit- g; |kfrmish. Not to be Worth Star ompletion of a ai(i printing plant, has recently brus- ines with expen- HWI iHII I' I I| |f ■ to the readers limited to subscribe. thrust before every Texans’ eyes. The metropolitan paper of next year, or the city daily of even this summer will have broad render appeal interesting the rancher of West TexaAas much as the cot ton farmer ih Central Texas or the oil field roughneck in East Texas. Small hometown papers need not hold too deep a concern for this war of giants. People in the circulation sheds of small loves upon papers want local news as much as they want the news covered by big city papers. The metropolitan paper will supplement the local' daily land’ vice -versa. Home folks won’t mind the local sheet not being able to afford color, they will get color in their city dailies, they will find color in local news about people they know. While the titanic struggle is going on between the giants, little newspapers whose circulation is secure will prosper. And as in any tournament where the fights are bigger and better, the reader in whose favor i“bei It will niefipi A idr-eisSbd-up paper with the audience will profit in enjoyment with colorfed pictures and color adds. It will each round. . : r- r : ■•r ■ ~ ij: •,ir if < ft ill day! 1, dirt on things < assumed thatHyi spirit. Thisj is n* Our brartg^-o; than any sc color for i . We havje Inptil William of Oran the auld soil hateful to th— Diplomatic authorities predicted today that Portugal probably will join the proposed Atlantic Security Pact despite Portuguese objections to Spain’s “exclusion” and other matters. / ? : A Portuguese embassy! state ment last nfght made cldar that the Lisbon/government has not yet reached a final decision and that questions about the treaty are still being asked of the American gov ernment. Portugal’s chief objection ap peared to be its expressed deter mination not to m.ake any treaty commitment which would compel it to grant peacetime bajses to a foreign power in the Azores Is- lapdsi It was learned, however, that tho State Department is assuring ihc Portuguese government that the treaty would carry po com mitment to grant bases ijmd that the other member power)* ip tne alliance would h*Ve no aiuthority to decide that issue for Portugal: The position of the United States Lee Speaks to A] Majors on Loans Di', Virgil 1'. l ST. MARY’S CHAPEL '’a ;/ PALACE Bryan TODAV Aril <0 ■ ©AY FT Features 30 - 3:45 8:28 tures - 3:45 - 5: IDAY : UN . ]’/ ' ! Today— ■ -6:45 10:00 , -V 1 Friday— - 7:38 - 9:30' erick Crawford lombstone” Award Winning o ! iXf THE MATTERHORN’’ 6= ay Prevue 11:00 p.m P »AT. thru TUBS. FIRST RUN PLIMS C'.AKTf t/IV l TOON /! ? um/ \ THIJRS. & FRI. time bases to uy would not be, the United States, They have bum assured that they rAintt Of TAM "Wliiii I* man?” I'salms H:4 licould never accent ih* Idea that man Is merely a bunk Of pro- idptoam Which I* driven by a sex urgA That I* perhaps otdy the thing thii! man I* aide to see as he look* at other men through hit* maifi eyes, We do nnt look at the shell of-n pecan and then throw It kway thinking that the whole thing in exactly like the. surface, Instead, we break It open, dean away the waste and then use the good part. That js the thing that God does when he begins to work o na man. He goes deeper than mail cun see and then cleans away the filth and uses the best there is. In looking at others, as well as. ourselves,, let us try to find and use the best part rather than harp ing so mpeh on the bad. •t Post under 1.117*1. f ! . • Member of • The Associated Press / Represented nationally by National Ad vertising Service Inc., it New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. tiay be made by telephone (4-5444) or at the editorial office, Room 201, ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities i Hall. ■ ■ ■: j - .• IARTER..1 2. -i- ....Co-Editors Associate Editor . Wire Editor Managing Editors Frank Cushing, George Charlton. *. Chuck Malael, H. C. Michalak. Dave Coslett. Buddy Luce. Marvin Rice, Carroll Trail Bob '‘Sack” Spoede. Sill Potto ...Feature Writers j. Sports Editors Editorial Assistants Kolbye, Henry Selph, Marvin jjt Staff Reporters Photo Engravers Feature Editor Circulation Manggas . Anode, . Leon Sumer, Frank Simmen, Andy Matuia. Scotty Swlnney. Travis Brock. Ben Laapktn. Frank Manttsas Sports Reporters Mrs- Nancy LytU „Women's Page Editor Alfrad Johnston — Religious Editor Andy Davis Movie Editor Kenneth Marak, 8 Frank Watch. u Lanford. R. Morales, W. Jennings __ Staff Cartoonists TD K I TT and FRIDAY FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. “Once a College Man ... But Now SAVACE CUNNING . KEPT HIM ALIVE / k n 4 A LATEST NEWS !/. . \' Hi SAT. Starts ;|ION ;pXM I . Saturday 10:00 a.m. bring your parents '//to: SEE f T. SHIRLEY TK W her first picture in her Fnji: “LIITLE MARK.,., ! ’!l i. — PLUS — GO BILL” & TWO CARTOON; PETE SMITH (LET’S COGltA lVBRY — tDANGEROtS DAN McF 9 PLUS “Dangerous ©an avey cartoon McFoo*