The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 16, 1948, Image 6
'! !: >i i 1 i A ■ ' ‘ ' t ■ir < I m I •1 ft tf" A What's Cooking L COUNTY CLUB, 7:30 p. irsday, Room 105, Academic Mnny\ UilcK hrlHtnuiN Dinner ui nuncnn llnU TueKdu.v ni«ht. tierr Chancellor and Mrs. r i^ral |»nd Mra, William II. |iimi|i«on airw nhoWn aejitcd nl Ihe Coriw HUiff hie, M^tleti «1 Ih# enij of the lahle la Cadet Colonel ut the Corpa lloh McClure. rlii ho: l PlMtlO — Oonvertlh ■fHr ri —.. . 'NBiag.- R. C. ECHOt|S ,jA BKAtTOB Over p pho: rr < \ >■ —— Consult * « i * I • £ U be Dr. CarllH ^ IPIgi our! Visual Problems 203 S. Main — : Bry|| OPTOB With Yc- J ' i A- Phone; MB62 |I ■ milkary comtnander in Beilin, jaid the two towers wefe demoli^ied by French forces this mornjnp. The radio was not ibn the air at the time. I Ganeval said he - ^-as compejled to destroy the towerS because they were “a very frreat fianrer” to al lied airlift planes (Jomfnjr in by radar to the new Tefjjpl Field in the French -secfor. Thei toners were w-m RADlATOI|fTROUBLE ? ? i EfCicietft One Day Service i ?. fif iUS < L’i.wl l!Mj 1' | Dilhfyjun Bonliae Co. 100f N, Parkoij ±LM. itinst-r-ll—iiiwimjlil MHWO nl iwj|i|»|»l Will MWI lll« I I French ljynainite Soviet Radio lower Menacing Berlin Air Lift ? T 7i- \ H. T 1 T~V’- T ^ ' I j! By WU8 CALLAC.jHRR BERLIN, De^. IB, (i 1 ?).—The French today blow up the towers of the Soviet-controllecl Radio Berlin, knocking the ' station off the ait. t j f The Russians, however, have another tower outlet. Ger many’s old Deutschland sepder, 20 miles east of the city. Briff. Gen. Jean Gfievial. Frc^h * near thi field. The 'French commander said he had' notified the Berlin radio station; management on Nov. 20 that tljie demolition would take place today in order to allow the management time j to arrange new installations in another sec tor, He said the demolition took place Without incident. German postal authorities said the French' nojt only blew up the radio tcjwert}, but also thei control installations for the towerk Demo ishing the towers climaxed a long fiur-power dispute over Ra dio Berlin. / . The radio station itself is locat ed in the British sector. The Rus sians have successfuly resisted British efforts to force them from the station, which tfhey took over when Berlin fell. Todaj’a French apt ion came as a surpr so to mahy, although the French ; communique said Berlin Radio pad been warned in ad vance, A U In his statement! Ganeval said that since Tegel Airfield began op erating iat full capacity under the airlift Idutiies have been coming and goiing under all weather con ditions. | “Nowj radar is ^'m'kiug," Ganeval said, "J . blit Hince the planes are flying withm|t visibility, the two laive jtbweis of Radio Berlin whieli ilimd in tile immediate vi- .einlty eptistlt»t4i a vary great dan- irer forj allied piques. I eouhl no hpiger ; iieCept nis|»<oi«ibillty for popsitdq areidefiitH,- i imsequeotly I exeeuteil tpday a decision tnhen NOIlli t|ine ago in druudlsli ’ tile dowers.” ( Bryan • 2 s r m Phono 2-lflHrt if ■ T a* Building BIG SPRING CLUB, 7:30 p. m. Thursday, Room 127, Academic. DEL RIO CLUB, 7:30 p. m^ Thursday, YMCA Reading Room. Final plans for Christmas dance. 3, 7:15 p. m., Thursday, Room 326, Academic Building. EASTLAND AND STEPHENS COUNTY CLUB, 7:30 p. m. Thurs day, Room 323, Academic Bldg. FANNIN COUNTY CLUB, 7:15 p. m., Thursday, Room 327, Aca demic Building. FALLS COUNTY CLUB, 7:30 p. ik.: Thursday, Room 228, Aca demic Building. FLAT COUNTRY A&M CLUB 7:00 p. m., Thursday, Room .125, Academic Building. GALVESTON A&M CLUB, 7:30 p. «., Friday, Room 129, Academic Building. HEART OF TEXAS CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, M. E. Shop Lec ture Room. Plans for Christmas Party to be discussed. HILL COUNTY CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Room 324, Academic Building. LAMAR COUNTY CLUB, 7 p. m., Thursday, Room 205, Academic Building. LAREDO CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Room 126, Academic. NAVARRO COUNTY CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Room 228, Academic Building. NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS CIJIB, 7:15 n, m., Thursday, Room 301, Goodwin Hall. Plans for Christmas dance, TEXARKANA CtUB, 7:00 j). nk, Thursday, Hdom 10(1, Academic Building. TUANS I’ECON Cl.UH, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, YMCA. Tickets for ChHstma* dunco will be dlstrlbut- ed. THE .'inr.TH COMPOSITE SQUADRON (Air Rexcrve), Mon day, 7:00 p.m., Room 301 Good win. Training films will bo shown. UPSHUR COUNTY A&M CLUB 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Room 304, Academic Building; Advanced Cadets Payroll Is | Higher A&M advanced cadets on the military payroll drew $224,745 dur ing the months from October 1, 1947 to October 30, 1948, accord ing to figures furnished by Col. H. L. Boatner, commandant. The money was paid as subsistence al lowances for men with advanced contracts at a rate of 79 cents a daiy. Future payments to cadets will be!" somewhat higher, as the daily rate of compensation is shortly to. be raised from 79 cents to 90 cents a day, according to Col. Boatner. : I ft . Mm 4; jpaja The|»erfeet Gift Y i; . r l Christmas is a beatiti* ' ‘ el.'! See our watches, , #1 diamc^ls, gold chokers, pearW,Ccorapacts, and mfiny |!»#° r other - fifts. We are .alwjays 1 glad M have you come by ‘* ,.1^. I and l . ' —— i ' si yi-i T j, ..ii :,L ,• , • Arty r' •' ■ML fi i! North Gati; ATOMIC PROVING GROUNDS POSTED WASHINGTON, Doc. 1(1 -I/P- The Uijited Stales Uwlny posled a new “keep out" sign around ita Eniwetdk atomic weapons proving ground.! A - County Rent Board For Rent Control The Brazos County Rent Control Board voted to advise the Housing Ekpeditc-r in Washington that they cciuld not advise rent de-control for this area at this time. Meeting Monday, the group vot ed for continued rent control after considering the testimony .submit ted ut a recent public hearing in Bryan. Rent control in Brazos County is scheduled to expire March 31, 1949. ;V P T i EL /\ ■ ft'/ • ■ A 7 /1 An Alone by tXf IWtpHoM j •' (I > 14 I'll - BLAST YOUr ^TO LISTEN TO "STOP THE MISSRYrpr SKIM 1 v/H ydId E vail <TftD tSoaSvstStch Girdl^STyacm I AND a thousand tons of smoked THE CAR rl herring? %>«« c. , tSSe’s K CARrr-i r- *. fT" itf • f •' i *}. y K’j • fl 1 i-1 00a _ INtt MY NAMl The Battalion k/ : 1 CLASSIFIED ADS Page 6 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1948 SELL WITH A DATTALION CLASSIFIED D. JUitM . . . 3< a word per inaertion with h 264 minimum. Space rate* in Zlauiffai Section . . . 60< per column eh. Send all clatsifieda with remit- nce to the Student Activities Office. Ml add should be turned in by 10:0Q a.m. day befora publication. HAVE your themes, theaia, typed by «*- perta. Phona *-8705. THE SCRIBE SHOP, 1007 E. 23rd, or sea our avent after 5:00 p.m., Cplleae View, C-1S-A. LE-HOYAL PORTAULE TYPE- 8mail (iown payment, small payments, “(Jive the *lft of * nn business Muhina do. sin, Dial M»2». Uryan, port SALE- WRTpM. monthly: psym fe* . FOR HALE Wnodj if ft. lanvths 110,001 II fl, kniilhs 11^.00, Dry or u(har win*lHli[: If di'slrwl, Insureil sUto-nUle llveslwk and •tli'f lrtmkln|r. II. K. lliHuIrli'b, NOS H. I’feslitn Ave„ llryitlr, 1'; 1.0105. Collin A&M Club To Change Dance The. Collins County A&M Club’s Ghristiiias Dancp will not bo held at the McKinney Country Club ns planned, according to B. G. Deny- berry, Club president. All members are requested to watch their local newspaper or contact one of the officers to find out where the dance will he held, Derryberry said. • |j r; Cooke County A-M Club Plans Dance A dqnce for the Montague and Cooke Counties A&M clubs will be held at 9 p. m. on December 22 in the ;Recreation Hall at Gaines- yille, Ralph Shannon, social chair man of the Montague Club, said today. J ! ■ ; | NIGHT CLASSES in borAkerping, short hand, and typinir start Novemtx-r 1st at 14eKi.-nxUvBaliiwin Business Collegr. En. rollmmU will lx taken October 15th. DWI 2^655. ,'V i . . II .. .1 TYPING—Phone 2-G9HS. H-54, jlrynn Field VHIsire. FOR SALK—Honle nenr e.ollegif. Two bed rooms, jame fenced in ynnl. (tnnlen plot, Imluire a fur 5 p.m. 4402 dollesc Ave, nue. Willinm Edwin Praiher-free allow ' ut Campus. i. i FOB SALK-1941 PonMufl Silver Strrok “hC tudor sudan, ropalntod,: new rlnys. Hood I Ires, radio. rr|ce Mfid.OO, ( all 4.1)844. IRFAIIATH OOPIIM tif f,' n. Clark’s sltldv of Texas b,leetlim t.aV* are now available for llftl a ropy la lltyan at the office of 'I'he Wallace rrlallOu Company, FOR HAI.E ’47 Cros|ey, 'iierfi'r( rondln4i, (irlalnal owner. Dt.HI^I. Wllev. FLYING Cl.UH ImIi.k oraanlsed. nnll^- Hod boors for one year. Mlearmnn air- erjift belnir used. flOO.OO per memMr. Hoe at Timberlake Airport or pMie. K., H. Menefee. 4.5351, .lame* Cnmljla: FlitmiKiin free pare to Campus. ‘ —*4— ‘ u.sMH FOR SALFe 1047 Ford, perfect cnndltk o. low mileape. I’rleinl l<i sell. Phono II Tdlbert 4-8,94. KOH SALE $17.50 HemlneUip thr.-eM'pid rleetric raror. excellent condition. Jld.pOl Phone 2-7296. j .1 PFiRSONAL -Ornn: Plehse speak to IlLo; 1 eun’t live without you. Willie. t Mexico, or ■H f 1 - — ''■1 l : f I; B thWi e->Klb I 'Mli a !=? , ■ ,1 i • wANTfBD--Hid- Christmas to " ' D« over for vete IM8-C, FOR. IMMEDIATE SALE— , Aen> Sedan, low mileage, i walls, radio, heater, -very reasonably ; prieed. Apt. B-17-D. College {iView. Bet 534, Coileri? Station/ }! f ry reasonably cov Stra' i Mil JOHNSON’S J- >L8TERING SHOP Back of "Eagle” O^lce i 'ijji BEAT C( Plastic or JOHNS UPHOLSTERING Bryan Phone-2-162 L—. Si EXPERT SHOE REPAIRS ■ While You Wait Cowboy boot* made ti order )•' 1 '' ' I JONES BOOT SHOP-, riji Southalde p ' ' "i' | : ' i ' r - it f i''' f gjjj S BUT YOUR G. R. RADIO TOIIAT '•'Jr Portablos. Tahln llodelfMfrConnolne 110.95 and opi ■ McCULLOCH-DANSBY APPLIANCE ST0RH Bryan ! W.8.D. CLOTHIERS College Statiorf 1 , »i. , : i • j . TTT i-4 •* 1 D.a OldT. UWe S; Antiqi ! ,3l 8200 Coill 6. S If i, ’ 'll a , iriM si ■r B0|f)| rth (a ■ -r tthlffer ■ rw, iPI MtriM'jllvdlyJniirUlitii a Wrnri'iw’d Ii : Phfnti 4- J TTT 331 FOR t ilOHI N«|W Mtkjel Pm 1 I; Ffouiitnln SHAI-'FElis bc .N#rth (Ihibe I'ThUne 4-)88 >■ : 111 Jk j -H- * 7 SHOPPING DAYS FILL CHRISTMAS I , j.. Up,-, . V. |<- 0 ■' r •! m$TMature l| - p, m- xz STOKE • 9 •fa /■: ' ' V 5? /allpiit' 1 Gil, HKT V Ol HTOKK kS ’49 ep "61" •Dih . ^ L STORE SAVE ON YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS Call tmlay about our . . . RATK REDUCTION Billie Mitchell,’42 MTATK, FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Phone 4-7269 Above Aggldand Pharmacy AUTO — LIFE — FIRE - I $0 ^M\C^ $0 / A / at lowest cost r.-'.,: : . i' . : / i; if i Vi s 1/ “ VALLEY PINK GRAPEFRUIT GUT CARTONS Hoiul a Uomt or a HiinIicI Shaffer^ Hook Store Nttrllt Gate I'lotoc 4-8814 % STAFFER'S CRAFTSMAN SHIAMIIti ’fl UnuSUAL OIF ITRKWOHKS— th» Book ol HopptnoM I* todoomaklo In nloitilnmonl «t tny tlwo. FiUndt and ,lr abko will itval In noai.ln* Uita . dadly Dilloranl Gill, danoffilnaltona ol 91.00, 52.BO and >9.00. kak about tham at tka Boa OHloa today. *1 (fcAMPUS THEATER BUNTE CANDIES from COPE’S ’A CONFECT. .,.-J dRY Ooad looking, aaiy to writ# With, Iona l«tln*. j*,' from | Hie Exchange Store OKNIE at... •il/ LEON B. WEISS I’EBSOSAI.IKEO I.KA'I IIIICK axms ww|b Sttllnn ; iPfT^lfpr S O U T H S I D E Food Market ill yf : t Thistle Down Sweaters h4k| Electric m Ii' It - ' ,\M m Fra ” t m BiLECTRIC Sltdp r • •,| 'y- y Bryan Radios— Exchange Store^ mb HENRYr« BILLFOLDS THE Exchange Store nr AIT /1R - MADE ^ BUSHEL TEXAS •- ill PEKRUIT - i —'$4, Prepaid in II. BELTS j«y. JONES BOOT SHOP *?| TAILOR - MADE SUITS From CORKY’ 8 I t. P R U I T :f IRIC S for CANNO; Nylon H<w4 j j E ’ \ Shlrli ■ •f ; • j J lored -r-i ting r i . ii. I ! m ^ i.. .-, , v. - t \- r !' : t. ’ll' 1 l ■ 4 ■if ’ V.