The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 16, 1948, Image 3

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_i - n i
The Freshman
hall and college rep
the Annex mesa hall
7 The committee, appoim
regimental command
■R iHi
up Discusses
rotests With Officials
Lack «{Me
Noted in F
Pigskin Parade
New York, Dec, ieU(/P>^
The 194B college football sea
son goes down in the record
ItookS as the year of no de
Nfttlonal Colleglato Athletic Bu
reau defensive statistics released
today show the neve leaders turned
in the hlghcRt—-or “worst’ 1 '*—fig
ures ever td earn a team first place
.in national defensive rankings.
Georgia Tech, Northwestern
and Michigan took top (spots in
the four major 1 classtfications
with defensive figures that seem
stratospheric compared to pre-
j* vious seasons. if'.
I : i ■'
i Georgia Tech won total defense
! honors by allowing 151.3 yards
; per game via both , rushing and
i passing, a total almost twice that
: of last year’s Penn; State mark of
76.8. The previous high good for
a national championship was the
141.7 turned in by Notre Dame in
1946. ■, ' J.. .fi M I 1 - ■
. . Georgia Ti
11! !
■ 1 1
pata, freshman!
f j-om each of
and | the veterans’
student senator; I Job ri Geiger. Many
of (the committee ip
unable to attend ; 1
which began at 3 p.w
er, consistsorthree m
♦the battalions,
mbers were
>a Tech led in rnshing
frith a 74.9 figure, al
most fivp times as . “loose” as
. Penn State's all-time ■ record of
of 17.0j»tablished in 194?.
Rose Bowj| bound Northwestern
took forward pass defense laurels
with a 54.1 yard yield per game,
considerably higher than the 1947
mark of 39,3 by North Carolina
' ' " ' '' " 11! 1
Michigan’s national champions
kept the enem^ofr^he score-
board more frequently than any
one else, allowing Ai points, fol
lowed by ClemSon, 53, Penn
State 55, Tulatffe 60 and WillUm
and Mary 67\ •. , :
heretofore atvjeast two teams
went through a season Without any
touchdown passes against them.
But nob a single team succeeded
in touchdown pass pVoi4ance this
Northwestern, Callforniuj Georgia,
Nevada and Huir<l!liii Blm|nons two
etch. Most scored upon via' passes
was Nebraska, against whom 73 of
141 passes were eomploM for 19
present at the m
ita, Dean Reed
iman Bait, \
and W. E. Fosben
ve erans were
r !]•
Hearing the complaints were W
thro other-
L, Penberthy,
i’ennlston, subsistence director for
this college, Oscar Plant, Annex
Annual Party
Held in Annex
Student Center
The A&M Annex Christmas
party was held Tuesday night
at the Student Center. The
program was arranged by
iZ Mrs. Ann Hilliard, hostess.
“ng the prograpi.was the
f band freal
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Page 3
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Class Elections Post
; jvj ,4-5
IndeMtelj Harrfco
■ I' M : ' I ' •!
mess hall mnnu
butt, jdean
an (of men, J. G.; organised an orchestra. The Sing
Ing Cadete were then presented
In a program of Christmas music.
“You Were Only Fooling” was
rendered by Tom Savage, vocaliz
ing, and Stuart Templeton, accom
panying. Group singing of Christ
mas Carols ended the program.
r, jpr. J. P. Ab-
i college a| the
Annex, Lt. Coll (Robert L. Meicher,
/lIlIICAi i-iU, VyUl, a-s* Aftciviisit
commandant at) the Annex, and
Luke Hanison, dean of men at the
r.’7 If
Acting as temporary chairman
for the corps gjroupi Reed read a
list of the most common complaints
against the food being served at
; the Annex mesis hall. They were
divided into five) sections—prepara
conditions, and
of the food.
i-The meeting!, called as a cli
max to the protests registered
by the freshman throughout last .
week, proceeded after the re
port with a general discussion. 1
1 I 1 , • fi !•[ j
When asked iby the committee
about the laick of “seconds” on
meat, Pennistoit replied that the
only reason the campus students
were receiving this was that there
is always a large number of va
cancies during | the ! meals there.
Therefore, he <
plus meat is v
servings. Penniiton band that the
Annex studentsj would not be able
to receive those because the mess
halls are operated separately.
group Of bund
orchestra, a
hmen who have
Refreshments were serv
The party, sponsored by Student
Activities office, was for all An
nex students, faculty, and staff.
Starting early in the week, Mrs.
Hilliard began decorating the Stu
dent Center for the party. She re
ceived compliments from admiring
students and staff throughout the
evening on her efforts.
Explained, the sur-
ised >ni the second
Several o(
Plaints' were
ever, by Pem
the committee,
serving of
or potatoes,
selection of yegi
considerable sti
inor com-
upon, how-
Plant and '
were the
all meat
or not, a
retables, and a
ing-down of the S
line. It was agreed that the lat
ter would aid in giying the mess j!
hall staff ample Jipne for prep
aration. . jj! * '
After three hours of discussion,
the meeting wai ndjqumed. Anoth
er meeting wm! bo called in the
middle of January to review the
progress of the Igroub towards bet
terment Of tho bessT hall food.
The Ferris wl
22 Band Members
Visit Beaumont
Twenty-two members of the
freshman band accompanied the
varsity band on a trip to Beau
mont Saturday for the national
American Legion ceremonies held
Only certain instrumental vacan
cies occurred in the campus band,
permitting these 22 to make the
trip, Col. Verne Adams, band di
rector, announced last week.
San Antonio Club
Announces Dance
Plans for a dance during the
Christmas holidays were announc
ed at a meeting of the Annex
branch of the • San Antonio Club
Monday night by Bill Wahrman,
president of the campus club.
Persons interested in the dance
or plans for it may contact Ted
Stephens, Barracks T-153. Stephens
is president of the Annex branch.
The dance will be held on De
cember 23 at the Shadowland in
San Antonio, i
kes its name
from its designer, George W. For-
rls. American
(ngineer and bHdge
1NDO, Calif., Dec. 16 lAPt—Ice
on the carburetor Tuesday forced
down two endurance fliers after
568 hours, 47 minutes in the air.
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May there be a "Song ia Your Heart" all through
a kjterry Christmas aijid » Happy New Y
lit ■EKi
PfP o|
Religions Work Increasing .] < >
•j • - y I • ! ' 4 • -
Looking back on the religious work at the Annex, a
schedule of church services has been formed to bring church
services to all students. Preaching services are furnished to
all students by their own churches on Sundays, and, in addi
tion to thes^, a union service is [held in the chapel every
Sunday morning. During the week the students hold their
own services.
Prayer meetings are held in the chapel at 12:30 every
weekday by the Aggie Christian Fellowship. The Baptist
Aggie Christian Fellowship meeting is at 6 p.m. Fridays.
Members of the Lutheran Students Association meet each
Monday nig^L
These meetings will continue after the Christmas holi
days for the convenience of all who wish to attend.
(Lpemte for linger Classes ...
Over 1150 men are now enrolled at the Annex in the
cadet corps. This fact was emphasize^ at a meeting of the
officers and non-coms for the freshman regiment by Colonel
Boatner, commandant. A larger freshman class is antici
pated for next fall, and can be assured through the coopera
tion of this year’s group. “If each man can interest himself
| CoL Boatner
Speaks Before
Annex Leaders
' np. ■ : 1 T\T \7 ■
The second group of fresh
man officers and non-com
missioned officers met in the
theater at the Annex Monday
night to hear Col. H. L. Boat
ner, commandant and PMS&T
of the college.
Col. Boatner iipoko briefly on the
rexpoiiHibllltien of the n4w freeh-
man officera. after which the
Kroup wan shown a short film
slide on voice commands. After
the film, Col. Boatner gave several
comments and other instructions on
the subject
Colonel A. A. Horner, deputy
executive for the Texas Military
District Headquarters, was pre
sented. He headed the inspecting
team at the college Tuesday and
Wednesday. Colonel Horner, a for
mer classmate of Colone) Boatner
at West Point, spoke to the group
for a short time on his own ex
periences with voice commands.
Last on the program: was Lt.
Col. Joe E. Davis, assistant com
mandant, who lauded the freshman
regiment on their progress this
year and encouraged the new of
ficers to reach an even higher
point of efficiency.
lengthy period of time in which we freshmen will be able
to see our buddies, impressing upon them the greatness of
A&M College. This can be done with sincerity for we believe
in our school and what kind of a fellow it can make our
buddies. When we see our friends these next two weeks,
let’s try to leave a favorable impression upon them, upon
their families, and try to prove that A&M is the greatest.
! ■ i , .v' J j' ( j ' . !1. 1 ’ !'. (7 \Y 7'| J ;,
Capture an Athlete ...
ecruiting message
iz, freshman yell
ur outstanding hi
Along with the above recrui
gestion from Johnny Alaniz,
about trying to interest your outsta
ge comes a sug-
yell-leader. How
high school ath
letes in coming to A&M? This action would be received
with all gratitude from the AthleticDepartment, we are sure.
With the two-week Christmas vacation in sight, the
Freshman Batt staff wishes to take this opportunity to wish
all of its readers a very Merry Christmas and Happy New
Year, urging you to travel Carefully and return to Little
Aggieland on January 3 ready to hit the term examinations.
Our Readers Write
Editor, Freahmnn Matt:
Speaking ui a little fifth in a
big pond, ! Want to apeak up in
pialfto of whbmever wax reiinon-
ftlble for bringing the Melody
Ma'dft down from Beaumont a
cpupl* of wetkft ago to ding for
uh poor, lonely Annex boyn. They
wjtre wonderful; they booeted the
morale here considerably, ahd I
whnt to exteml my defiional thanks.
Willie, we arc glad to see you
take it upon yourself to congrat
ulate these "whomeVers.” The par
ty responsible for this program
Managing Editor
Feature Editor..
Snort* Editor.
Now* Editor
Reporters, Colum
Chief Photographer j
Military Editor...].:.... 1
Club Editor L_.
was the Student Activities office,
ropreftented at the Annex by Luke
Hnrrifton. Arrungementu for the
program and for nouiilng the girli
were made by Mm. Anh Hilliard,
Annex hoNteftn.
Editor, Frefthman Batt:
I have juat returned from a very
fine Ghrlfttmaft party, that wan
given Tueaday night at the An
nex Student Center by Mra. Ann
Hilliard. You couldn't recognise
the center for ita decoratlona, the
program was marvelous, and “a
good time wan had by all.”
...] — .. Dean Reed
.. L. O. Tiedt
L... —j..— G. F. “Fig” Newton
Frank N. Manltaaa
..._; — ; A. C. Margottta
Bill Thompson, Zane Martin, Weldon Aldridge, David Rice,
Alfred Thorpe, E. W. Neuvar, Fred Stanley, Jack Skilea,
Lynn Houser, J6e Creighton. R. A. Moreland’, David
Darter, Jerry Houser
...4 ; i — — Hank Cole
John Tapley
.._. f H. M. Cor!
The Freshman Page, newspaper of the Texas A. A M. Annex freshmen, is publiahel
each Thursday as an inside page of the BATTALION, and is sponsored by Sag
Sobthwell, faculty advisor. ■/,<
News contributions may be made at the Freshman BATTALION office in Ug
Student Center ftt the Annex. j i ■
j o | i . T; ■ ' t # j;
Fellows Graduating in January
j jV- » 'yf ; ' . ' I ! • 1
fi’ 1
IjY |!
i I A ;
Excellent Appearance
h j' . is \
4 Necessity
Hai th* Exact Suit
j >/ j ■ ■ N ; ' '
‘j Plans for the election o
been cancelled at the Annex,
poned indefinitely, it was j
Luke HaYrison, dean of men at the
The announcement, made
at last week’s class meeting in the
Annex gymnasium, raentiom;d that
the Annex Student Senators would
meet sometime after tha? Christ
mas holidays to discuss |d» '
the election and nominaUob
ficer*.'' : [
The; election
scheduled for December
ware made at the Decembef 0 cla
meeting. The committee Will de-
ride jit the January meeting
whether to keep these nimia in
nomination or to reopen t|ie lift.
Another method of nomina
tion* will probably be dli^uaaed
aald Grady Hmallwimd, ^bocond
battalion Mtudent Nenitor; after
The meeting, Conducted ftt /reg-
“ nijppi*
imental commander Rola
ta, was called after it wn (
that a sufficient number &>f stu
dents were not present to continue,
Nominations hud been n\Ade for
president, the three vice-prOsidents,
and the secretary. Other. ’ offices
scheduled to receive nominations
were social secretary, treasurer,
sergeant-at-arms, and parliamen
tarian; 1
Another item sjet for/discus
sion by the committee of student
senators will be the method for
election of the three vice-presi
dents. At the last meeting of the
election committee, it w|s *ug-
j —■ —fr _
am n third
ftum.tHe campus meiaber* of
tie ClaM pf ’52. “ ; , !
^ J , (J , thWlidwae at
teduled for December 14v NdWI- |,| diasimating vras t in restric-
tions for most .of (he|afflces Mp pMW K .|:gi|,ilily. ft. I
».mad«»t the DecemberdtlRM fohaU.w^wl)l|d««ci(l(^ whotimr only
nex/tflrps: mt.nuom may rtin
'^whsthur Uto raci will be c
Thl» tosull of ictm »thfr i
breo-viol-preii dentij.
1 Y 1?1
m .
The but)s ah* dtxiked.(with bowg
of lodly; aiulji (Jlirl itnufi i spirit is]
crowding: timt fight n’ Aflgle H|iirit
foir top-mDftt'Witim n. the An-
nex. The freshman barracks seem
tope Conleetifig each otl or for the
npst decorative . it the Annex,
Uflginj? froh? the ti ees, ights, and
Htnims decor itions lie-
the aca-
1048. Several are
plannhl for Thursd ly night, while
most Will iepeld Friday night.
t-Hrit -
os are jthe theme
days ojf
Luther I,eat her wood talk* for
awhile at the Annex ChriidmaM
Party which took place Tuesday
Box Rent Due At
Annex January 4
Annex postmaster T. 0. Walton
urges freshmen to pay box rent,
which will be due January 1, be
fore leaving for the Christmas hol
idays. The rent is fl and will cov
er the months of January, Febru
ary and March.
Were, -. r
To You Straight
’ E '" - 1 d N,W v™-. k5.
iwuys bit*
clean Avartlrdbc ren
nos. Bring your! clothed
.... prepareg.
nted ovOlf 1 he Kxchange storh
ait all
Iky 16-
"Oretythe E>id
1 j
. » LB
tlH mtidti.
Grand final* for aijioltday fout... our'Xtiouth
loo emm ... colorfully dcooratod in tho
your order, today,
mjm to«hby Lilly Im Crewh Corr
j-i^Ldk i. ;
■'7' ..
j #1
4 ■' u
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