. m Page 2 — ■. f : 1Vl ffr |' m * 'fj \i lion rl RIALS UrT* NESDAY, DEG 1948 "Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman" Sullivan Rose, Founder of Aggie Traditions L ; ' ! i?! ff.. tn i i i your chin uh Hz r ' J ' 1 » A • / i 1 / j ¥■ .1 . * ? > f pp tf a N v •r : '■ tnent . L I f ipus Enlei . ,*^-.y : more than a few of the otherwise dreafy weekends on the campus have been made Enjoyable by top quality performances headlining some, of .the best in f' Town Hall jhas made the greatest; single improvement toward giving A&M the best available at a price everyone can afford. - The “extraaT such as Cugat and Spitalny have been well received and appreciated. In Guioh Hall the pictures are noi; quite so third rate as they .formerly were. Considering r the-price, a quarter buys-t wo hours of pretty good entertainment. Per- ■ "tT” ii m M , I ■ H J Ji. It’ Giraffe n i ■’ii- iT- ift 3 I'ffi ■ m - s . fili-: Trio Over So B, T. NAKBRT ■ . Mjr aMt ...4 - C^wibuj), Inc, New York, 1048. 'ii V haps if the pass list were not so long, even better pictures could be looked with the additional raveiiufc from “pass-listers.” Campuai inj^amural facilities’couild be increased giving dormitory teams more games and mores people opportunity to be players rather than spectators. Appoint [form Countielbp • ,• . | During lb4b there was no visible effort toward the installation of dormitory counselors oh the i faynpus, but the idea in receiving sympathetic consideration from many college offieiuls, , ! The need !of'|f)imselors can not be lenled. Men' In college should have counseling as well as clitasiotjm instruction. Coumcling and the presence of counselors would ♦ K.. our system of education allows to develop h: 1/pMh/If ■ r. '/j! ; _ • j w from an idea to a plan; we hope 194» will Written Bui Unsigned . . ; | o / ; Tessie Group Comments On A^ie-W Relationship Grandfather vs. leading title, leading. The i father vs. Carlos i Murphy is operator wi let. He’d be erated on 1 , street, or any American street that matter. He does all / Peru. Only Grandfather match his wit and Grandfa i didn’t try it but once. Ij |. . Grandfather, Grandson, and Car los Murphy chase g pregnant affe all over Peru. The motivw force is the elusive “quick buck” of all big time operators, giraffe leads the trip and their friends to places Baedeker didn’t -i' 1 I *W w write a ! artist/ und byjtbe nose lor of •&2' fn idcAi W Read “Aggieland Forever" in the ’49 ^4gyic C^a(enclcu ■ (Kdilor’h Note: The following letter wnn received | unHiKtiod with a TSt’W dateline.) smooth off randy jof the "rough edges in our thinkibg iuttl our behavior. In 1948 ionHAH. ;jlj F i' ' |: j j \1 It has stned men moved to Foster Hall, and expanded by the addition of a router, a machine whiefr bnablee The Batltalion to have brighter, more legible, cartoons. Before tie lab* installation, all Battalion pictures were sent to San Antonio to be engraved for printing. This process required a minimum of three days. With the new^photo lab, a basketbill player can leap into the air in DeWare Field House and thre|hf>ij|rs later his picture will be set up in the press, ready for printing. The addition of this lab has given The; .Battalion a photo service on a par in speed with apy bf[the state papers.'I' . I ; | T ' ’ ’ Jjl j •[ j. Open Faeitlly Panels . . . ; j.- k . • ! y During this pa& year a measure cif bur resolution to make Faculty Panel trials public was at&iivA. . , J The present policy regarding faTu ty panel trials permits the defendant to present as many witnesses as he chooses, and hfe may be accompanied to the trial by several friiti*- , fir'. ; . v P f • • , . f In a sense, th^ Faculty Panel trials have become public—public to the extent of those directly'. iiit^Ve^tod or concerned trial.: 1 ; However,- The Battalion feels .that the results of Faculty Panel trials should be available for jiewsj)apers to print. We jfeel that results of Faculty Panel trials are of interest to ouir student body apd it is oilr duty as the college newspaper to print them. Teach “iilight ys; Wrong” ^ihics ... ; | In an indirect way, we believe the school this year has gone a long way toward realizing aip( ptftc|icing "Right" and'[Wrong" ethics. ' ; | I I Thn. we had not really realized there: were any hard feelings between the Ag gies ami Tessies. We don’t sing the Aggie War Hymn because we have! to, and we don’t go on the Corps trips because we have \' j ■'! We do ’ them both because we want to; thole thot don’t want to sing the Aggie War Hymn don’t sing it, ami those who don’t want to go on Ithe Corps trips don’t go. But as far us we know, this group TODAY thru RAT mdr run hit PVatiiroi* Mtal In turn I ho Tessies, as a whole, do appreciate gentlemanly be havior from the Aggie*. We still have faith In the so-ealled lust ! hrnlher-sfster relationships he- twwn THCW und AAM and have never lost sight of It. Again we are sorry for the rude |letters you received. A group of Apologetic Tessies, PALACE Bryan Z‘$$79 WED. —THURS. FBI. — SAT. 1:40 - 3:40 ■ h:»l - 7|flfl HitOO . tOMAHa i STARTS THURSDAY 4 It will give your heart a new lease on A Here Is Hti who-own«-oii(t dbpUrtmpnt. Former (lovonipr Ellis Arnulll of Gaor succoMsful fojPe [policy. .* This domes veston’H southt R»m from our ttsk-thti-ilimn itho ten outstandinif younir men of the nu- jtion of 1948. shys the|;t Hitifl States must pcrPect N? better qualified to make Its domestic'jboScp before it can h&vo a RU( 'b a Hliifoment than Arnall. Durinijr his ^h ! policy. term as tfqvornor of (icortfia ho not, only ic kmlicy] told V Gal- «w th.; ™nditk,n« ho dwribea, but »uw rn town hall last might, what to d( about them. ' • must include “i qMtleaa war on ignoranco j We on oiv disease attd!physical infirmities* (and from! Galv on Povortjr/^| II ; i The former {governor was voted qnje of Georgia $aitation y hope that our fellow Rebels witon will remember his advice longer thdn did our fellow Rebels from Ong of them is a _ icturer who wanta put him undergroifr randfather is a spcl*og}sU-Tai < r—WTiD gW, . : jf il.l ■'i 7:9#P.l - • K T -Jf| a , J A N l| M i»« i r® ■ ' A7, l»M Ki, ‘Get dressed for the 6( cason” ' iNimmirs *14l ; ’f X / 1 in!' and OMA VApON 4 i. - » i i S' P •' XofUe only p/af/ ! f J h. • PLUS €A 'N — NEWS - : FRI.—Prevue 11:00 p.ra. M-oouLrxiK MRHT RUN .... W// TECHNICOLOR DniM n* «iim« l* Sm Uhm W GEORGE SEATON WILLIAM PERIBERG CUIONHALL X •iH'iSiS.. 1 LAST DAY ill I i>| J: | 1 . " i !; |i •*. - i ]f at 1» 1 ; ;f ; jrn T Hi TTi^ Fabrif fr'h&tfpe . .“Acroijs From;, the Post Office—Bryan” .Fx^-Jr tl ION HOSI 4. - - ;4: ! • CANN J.|{ : E—51 gauge • LINEN BRpaE SET . : I : LINEN HANDKERCHIEF j ■ : v ■j- CANNON tOWEL SI /. - i !’■ ' X.' !• l-i" I . ! i !:■ ii4. $ ff-r • BATTEN BED SPIt • WESLEy SIMPSON Pure Silk / »r •L • D i • j ii; to $1.50 , 14 m *7.50 -f I 1 ^ Tbo Battalion, official newspaper of City of College:' Sjt&titm, Texas, is published! five tisv 1 Friday afterrtodn,! except during holidays talioh is published ^orlrweekly on Monday, idvertiwhriljsftea farn " echanical College of Texas and the ind circulated every Monday through J J «. During the summer The Bat- . . 1T1| , 1 Subscription tate $4.30 per school year. Advertisjhfr rdjles fdrniahed on req^ ^ the .AsdocijitMi^ess Is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it off licit [otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin publish ed herein. Rights pf' republication of all ptjher matter herein are also reserved. r— s vT|U(iiti|i". ..nil.. 1 • 1 1 ! ill.! • " • Entered m Sccodd-el*»> jjn.tUir; at Fcmt ij Office at College -.fityiM, Ic***. under the Act of Con»r«j>* 3/ 1870. TllC News contributlojtls may be made iby tc [her matter heroin. MembSSflH Associated Press Goodwin Hail,'. Office, Room SJOD, ed^ads may be plai Hall. KENNETH B( )M CARTER u « 'f—-—W. —-1 wnsTfacg—.— • Featui U/Ua 4. Woman’* Pat ilriii ephone (4-8444) or at the editorial office, ed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student i I • ;■ - '■ " t Wli» Alan SSS lUaiurth Marak, S»«n j/iitford, *. MoraU*. fcsr -"ite'itess : •i, “4 j I i i | I ii! ; 1 . ■'i sb s: . ir t —Prevue Uado KtN BRYAN- V tHt Reprcacntcd nationally by National Ad- g Service : Inc., at New York City, »epr« y*rtbp Chicago, Lot Angeles, and San Francisco. Room 201, Activities Co-Editors Sport* Editor 1 n’VInQ* IlpXMI|r ... Sport* Reporter* ^Q^i7•bWaS^* VW, Writen t ■ IB L / m x 1 - ft- V ■'-r n 1 ; 1 - j|i ■ r j j jj , Ajj | MIDWAY CLEANERS Special Rate* on Caab & Cany i. TWO DAY SERVICE i ■ -i L' ■ . Satisfaqtion Guaranteed BDDAWAY AND COLLEGE ROAD IxL-l ■ u,- .1 ••'4 '' ■ • > . V ll. ■f & .! J i,. Mi asoiwgg A SYDNEY »O*»O0UCTK5N \c A Pr.ltH). Elclur. ttlMMd tbioujl, PU S CARTOON — X p NOW ON SALE ... gift op cnrERTAinincin in unusuAL . . m- nmm; tHf- f. !| .111 K! ij 1 . ! -# .do to $8.4# !Wf m- i i 1'. I . I; rljvif-if; j: i f: ,mw mAm Cojjfrf Cnfpu, v- Special mailing qartipns are for CaL r v. Sold and |F ikJ III . ' !/ i'l ; ! • r ■ - ! The Seniot Class li ■■ 1 1 4t ■ ; III i ; ; ]/: i l'i V iimm .Ji n'..J. m ■: . -1 '-ft. • v , fl-.r!’ it^lwagtwtacni • •T • i laHMMtiitniammiMMiaMaitwMm* 1 * in . 4| ' ini V I i !■ Hi; : ir , !• : HI i, J . r: ■ I VJ ' ■i I