The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 15, 1948, Image 1

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The first general rains in months
fell over droughth-siricken -Texas
yesterday and today.;
The much needed moisture came
in the form of a slow .steady fall,
and the weather "bureau said con
ditions were ideal for; it to continue
through the next few hours.
Farmers ana ranchers were
hopeful it was the beginning of
the end of one of the; most general
droughts in !recent years. Grain
crops had suffered and spring
plowing had been delayed in many
areas. \ ■■ : ■ [* •
The heaviest rain was in the
i and WiC'
Abilene and
iihita Falls sections.
At mid-morning Abilene reported
.41 of an inch and ;Wichita Falls
•27. . j • {
The Weather Bureau said it was
raining in the Panhandle, West
Texas, the Rio Valley,
South, East and North Texas.
In Dallas rain-fell throughout
the morning, fit was %he first real
moisture in 155 day?, thei longest
drought on record for that section.
Dallas County Agricultural Ag
ent A. B.. Jolley saidj farmers had
stopped sowing crops of any kind.
Along the coast a heavy, fog pre
vailed. It was sb thick at Houston
to cause cancellation of nine air
line flights. ; 1 I
The rain came on: the heels of
one of the hottest December spells
in recent yeapjjl.-j | .
HOUSTON, Dec. 15 —UP)— A
State Department official today
said he expects an agreement be
tween the western powers and So
viet Russia on the /Berlin situa
tion sometime rtext (Spring.
Geoffrey W. Lewis, special as
sistant to the assistant secretary , _
for occupied areas, said the settle- titled to m litary preference^ >
ment will come ("after the Rua- «-j>»j ^ ^
sians have been shown the air lift
can work in the winler.”
4 Tt will work," hp commented.
•'General (Luclus)i Clay says itwlll
work and I know It will. There will
be rodgh daya, Tberi will he
ir r.
ougn dnya, ’J herf win be per
iods of fug^ >liu|, a reserve is being
built up to take care of these per-
lode," fj ; J
Is'wls shid the Russians could
•ton the airlift at buy iimte hut
realise the roiweiiueoces aiinl to
date have, shown no .'Inclination to
•tart a shooting war.
He said It (would he Impossible
for the westartt powers to leave
Berlin unless they font to turn
the wholo of Europe over to the
R«du. j! ;.•! I |
There are only tWn things the
United States wants: of thevRus-
sinns,” he added, h
“The United State? wants terri
torial expansion td stop and wants
the Russians to cease their inter
national "activities.", ,
PEIPING, Dec. 15 —(A*)—Chin
ese Communists completed the iso
lation of Peiping today.
They cut tpe railway to the sea
after the government itself closed
the city’s airfields.
Authorities disclosed that all
traffic to Tientsin was cut when
the Reds attacked and destroyed
aections of the railway near Lang-
fang, 30 miles southeast of Tient
sin. IP [■
Repair gangs were proceeding to
the scene, but authorities were in
the dark* over the number of Com
munists .operating in the area. The
railway often has been cut by gue
rilla raids. PI !
DALLAS, Dec. 15 —(Al—Dallas
and,southwestern members of the
Communications Workers of Amer
ica are “strongly inpfavor" of re
maining independent' of both the
CIO and AFL* Ray Hackney, CWA
State Director 1 , declared Tuesday.
Hackney’s statement came as
CWA President Joseph A. Beirne,
in Washington, announced that the
236,000-member independent union
might merge with ejther the CIO
or the__AFX early ntjxt year.
Volume 45
‘ ^
r U.|
t 4
t 13
Geijeral Simpson Commissions
Cadets in Guion Hall Ceremony
Cadet commissions were awarded last night in Guion
Hall to officers of the Cadet Corps by Lt. Gen. William H.
Simpson, USA (Ret.).
Gen. Simpson told the cadets that they were fortunate
'fin being able to be cadet officers,
Jobs Open For
Mediator And
The United ] States Civil
Service Commission announc
es examinations for physical
science administrator and for
Positions (for the physical science
administrator are in Washington,
D. C., and Vicinity with pay rang
ing from $5,232 to $10,305. Quali
fications for physical science ap
plicants include a 4 year college
course in science, mathematics, or
engineeringi and 4 years technical
experience. Tn addition, applicants
must have had three years of ap
propriate professional experience
which has deluded or been supple
mented byi administrative experi
ence in fields of physical science.
The maximum (age limit it ;62
years, with waivers for persons en-
Mediatora offices will be located
in Washington, D.C^ but mediators
will spend most of their tipne
traveling about the United States.
Salaries fange from $5,231 to
6,235. Applicants^ mhst have had
i years of; responsible experience
in making or interpreting labor
agreements, on such matters as
wages, hnuns of work ami working
romiltlons, lor In mediating be
tween. manajgement and employees,
No written test Is required end
there are no age limits.
Appllrittlens for the tihyelcsl
science administrator examinations
will he accepted at the U. S, Civil
Service . Commission, Washington
26, DJC. until further notice; those
for medlatojr must be received not
later than January 6,1940.
Additional information and ap
plication forms may be obtained at
the College Station post office.
'■ ‘l* I ;> I—-
since the training they wojuld re
ceive in the various positions
would be invaluable.
He also said that they she
employ the basic fundamentals' of
personnel management in exercis
ing their duties. This training
will help you in civilian life! as
well as in the military service,! he
As each cadet stepped across
the stage, saluted, and received
his certificate, Gen. Simpson con
gratulated hjim.
Colonel Bpatner, PMS&T and
Commandant, gave the introduc
tory speech; of the evening in
which he stalled that he was proud
to be commandant of such a fine
group of cadet officers. He also
stated that of all the commanding
generals in the army, he had rath
er serve under Gen. Simpson.
The background of the stage was
aranged with the various flags of
the ROTC units with two cadets
acting as honor guards.
Prior to the ceremonies, Gen.
Simpson wak guest of the Cadet
Corps at their annual Christmas
dinner in Sbiisa Hall.
During his army career, the gen
eral served as an infantry offi
cer and general staff officer in
various assignments.
He is a graduate of West Point,
the Infantry School of Fort Ban
ning and thh Army War College
in Fort Leavenworth. During the
latter part ,of World War il he
was Commanding General of the
Ninth Army,
Plan ImmIh
Mid-term rommenrement exer-
«Inm, proposed for January 1949
graduates, Will definitely not be
held, W. If Street, director of
the faculty committee on gradu
ation, announced Tuesday.
A recent poll conducted by the
Senior Claks turned down (he
proposal by a vote of 208 to 71.
■ >)
. , U' ■ j. nj ■ ■ v : ' : ■ U • j
Various lines of grapefruit were on display during the recent
Horticulture Show. Here is a small section on the citrus display.
Folzenlogen Wins Top Honors
In Annual Slide Rule Contest
7~r~n; i .r ■(ip.
M. D* Folzenlogen, a chemical engineering student from
Dallas was awarded top prize for this year’s Annual Slide
Rule Contest at 2 this afternoon in the Annex gymnasium.
Dean of Engineering H. W. Barlow presented the award, a
large engraved plaque and a slide
sbecial ceremony presided
Dir. J, P. Abbott, five slide
• ■
Turkey, Carols, Candles, Santa
Highlight Mess-Hall Yule Meal
With Christmas turkey shortages the fatherest thing
from their minds, Aggies got their fill of food last night at
the annua Christmas supper.
enu itself was a challenge to any appetite and to
ill I
WASHINGTON, Dk 15 -<*)-
Private medical treatment* for ex-
GI’s cost thu government III,437,-
730 lant year,; 1 ,] 1
The. Veteran* Administration
aaid today the avejiie charge wax
$4.18 for the 2,735,429 treatments,
given 7(11,165 war vtieran*.
In addition (165,0P4 patient* got
1,680,1811 I realmenll from VA
staff doctors, The kleney did not
what. thIX
leal care
The economic cooperation adminis
tration said today (tree nation*
have resold to American business
about one-fifth of dearly 190,000
tons of aluminum and lead scrap
they bought with Marshall /Plan
dollars. f Ui |'T
: i
W E A .T H E R
:; East Texas —
Clotidy and mild,
showers and oc
casional rain in
eastjj portion this
afternoon and to
night- Colder
norl^iwest portion
tonight / Thurs-
day partly
cloudy, colder in
interior. Moder-
ate to occasionaJ-
RSO ! ; i, J f t f 5 esh “outherfy
1 W I Qn coast.
West Texaor-Partly cloudy this
afternoon, tonight
Colder tonight and
est tonight near
handle, .
L ;
i it
!: J
(id Thursday,
lursday. Low-
in Pan-
The m
many a student who overestimated^
his capacity it was an undoing.
Meeting the hungry eyes of corps
members entering the mess hall
were Candle lit tables well supplied
with turkey, dressing, fruit, lima
beans, rolls, sweet potatoes, cof
fee, milk, and mince pie.
After the fourth helping of tur
key and third helping of dressing
many were unable to summon the
energy to stand up, much less
1 ' * ’ |li
Entertainment was provided! in
the form of a Christmas selection
of songs including a new rendition
of “Jingle Bells” by the Singing
Cadets. ' • I .(j .jfl'-*!
Santa Claus made his appear
ance between the second helping
of sweet potatoe* and the thjird
I regalia, he strode down
aisle tossing various
helping of lima beans,
in standard re
the main ait
kind* of candy bar* t|o anyone
within throwing distunco.
Decorations were the rye catch
ing attraction*, though. Multicol
ored light* on the ceiling, long
stream* of red and green crepe
neper, gmtmry tle<T with red
bow*, and a pirtorisl i ('presenting
the nativity all added to the at-
moepbara of tha |c«a*tyn.
Included among the guest* were
Colonel ami Mrs,! Boather, Chan
cellor and Mrs, (Wbb Gilchrist,
Colonel H. H. Horner, Lt. General
and Mrs, Wm. II, Simpson, UMA
(Ret,), and other memlmra df;Uia
faculty, administration, and trilli-
tary department.
North Texas Club
Cancels Meeting
A regular meeting of the North
Texas A&M Club , ochpduled Fgor
Thursday December 16, has been
cancelled, Hal Dungan, vice-presi
dent, announced today, z ij!
Reason given for postponing the
meeting waa the nearness of the
be made
WISE ADEN, Ger., Dec. 15 -<*>
The number of C-54 EhqfnUMpni!
flybffittei airlift to Beftin will be
increased to 226 by the end of this
month, U. S. Airforce Headquart
ers announced today.
At present 206 C-54s are assign
ed to the airlift.
Christinas Holidays.
The club picture will
after the holidays^ ,
-I* ' i 1 ‘S '?
: i(
L ;•
Johnson County
Club Plans Party
The annual Johnson County A&M
Club Christmas party will be held
at the American Legion Hall in
Cleburne at :8 p. m. Tuesday, De
cember 28, IRurt Hemrick, social
chairman, has announced.
* Refreshments will be served and
record music will be available,
Hemrick said. Tickets may be ob-
tained from Steve Heyward, 8-L
Puryear, for $2 each.
Members of the Aggie-Ex Club
in Johnson County and members
of the Hillsbpro A&M Club are also
Invited to attend at the regular
feat of $2, Hemrick said.
Four Players Will
Have Operations
Four Aggie football player* will
undergo knee operations inis week
and In January in an effort to be
ready for the 1949 Southwest Con
ference campaign.
Clarenc# i Lawson, freshman
fullback from Wichita Kalla, and
Hulin Smith, Junior center from
Grand Maline, are acheduled to
have knee 'operations on Thurs
day (Dec. 16). Hobby Dew. Jun
ior halfback from Corsicana,
and Hugh Meyer, sophomore
center from Gainesville, plan op
erations between semesters—or
late in Jaifuary.
' Lawson tpok part In only one
freshman game last season after
re-injuring a knee he previously
had hurt while playing high school
football at Wichita Falls. Smith, a
transfer from NTAC, saw Xome
service with the Aggie varsity the
past season. However, his partici
pation was limited because of the
knee injury.
TSPE phapter
To Meet Monday
The Brazos chapter meeting of
the Texas Society of Prof
Engineers Will be held
December 20 in the Elec
gineering Building at 7:30 p. m.,
according to r T. R. Newton, chapter
secretary. .j.
Votes of the recent el.
be canvassed and the new
announced, Newton said.
ectioa will Col
sw officers to
In a
over by
rules and! numerous plaquo* were
awarded first anq second place'
winners from eoek school of en
gineering anq from the architec
ture detia (ment,
liicludoi in the program was an
historical sketch of the slide rule
coldest by C, W, Crawford, head
haldcal engineering de
partment land a sjieecli of congroi-
Ilona by H. W. Barlow, Dean
of Engineering.
Crawfoijd also presented the spe
cial prises q;f slide rules to the
highest scoring participant*. Reci
pients of special awards In order
of highes( score were M. D. Fol-
senlogan, Bob Chapman, Stephen
R. Kokke, Kenneth Stout, and
Charles E. Schoettlin.
Contest) winners were as fol-
lOWS: ! ! ' ;] J •
Aeronautical Engineering
} I. C. Trauth, Jr., Houston, first
Jadk Craig, Dallas, second
Agricultural Engineering
L. A. Homes, Donna, first
William ; CJ. Bybee, Amarillo,
Paul L. Shaffer, Big Spring, sec
Chemical Engineering
M. D. Folzenlogen, Dallasl, fifst
! Kenneth M. Wiggins, San Au
gustine, second
Civil Engineering !
James S. Noel, Lockhart, first
Baxter (Honeycutt^ New London,
second i [i i ' . I : •
I Electrical Engineering
Kenneth Stout, Sherman, first
D. E. Walston, Woodsboro, sec
Geological Engineering
Weatherford Club
Pictujre Scheduled
All Weatherford A&M Club
members are requested to meet at
7:30 Thursday night in Ahe: YMCA
to have the club .picture made for
the 1949 Longhorn, according to F.
H. Blackqurn, club president.
Military students are to wear
the number one uniform and non-
military students are requested to
wear ties i and coats.
diaries E. Schoettlin, Port Ar
thur, first
Management Engineering
Lynh Esteu, Jr., Dallas, first
Fred Stanley. Lubbock, second
Mechanical Engineering
F. J, Dougharty, Liberty, first
0, E, Bailey, Pallas, second
Petroleum Engineering
It, L. Robinson, Gladewater, first
Charles H. Row In, Hm-ken ridge,
seennd ' . .
In (hej division for Rtudenta with
' _ i work; Bob Chapman
of Houston wun first, Stephen R>
Uokkc of Sioux Falls, S, D. won
Second, Gus Fox of Dallae took
third and Kerry D. Savage of
Teague won fourth,
2 Staff Members
Added by Libraries
Two graduates of Peabody Col
lege have been added to the libr
ary staff, according to Paul Bal-
iance, librarian. Miss Mary Hodge
has been appointed to succeed Mrs.
Billie Jo Peirce at Cushing Me
morial Library, and Robert E.
Betts has been named librarian of
the Texas Engineering Library.
Betts replaces Dwight W. Shan
non, who became assistant librar
ian of Cushing Memorial.
Miss Hodge comes to A&M from
Atlanta, Georgia, where she ser
ved as assistant chief of the library
division of the Veterans Adminis
tration. Previous to that, she was
librarian at a VA hospital in
Memphis, and during World War
II she was with the Navy Library
Betts is a native North Carolinan,
and was previously acquisitions
librarian at the University of Ida
ho. Before that, he served with the
Social Security Board, the Library
of Congress, the Department of
Agriculture Library and the Army
Medical Library.
LONDON, Dec. 15 —UPl Buck
ingham Palace announced last
night Princess Elizabeth’s baby
will be christened Prince Charles.
Philip Arthur George of Edinburg, eions.
' ' V • ' r> ',-*1 r i.'! H h -'HV
j, 1 ; ' i ' . [' , ; . . J i j I),. .Hi • ;
Concrete Bali'
r • T ■ ■ ’■ T • '
Be Erected hi
' ‘' I' ! ' [ t “Construction tit a
: | III
i(' :.V' K
' V “Oi
stand to
! i
Number 96
Meats Cooking
Held Monday
. : • 1 ■
Demonstrations on methods of
cooking meats were given by Miss
Edaline Stohr of Chicago at 7:30
Monday night in the Animal ; In
dustries Lecture Room.'
Miss Stohr stressed economy in
the purchase and preparation' of
meats. She prepared such dishes
as “Budget-Wish Steak,"-!a»d
“Mexican Luncheon” out of the
relatively cheap cute of meat to
demonstrate how the housewife
can economize without reducing the
palatability of the meat 1/
She stressed the importance of
using the proper cooking methods
and the beneficial effects of using
low temperatures witK>all methods.
In the preparation of the meat
dishes, Miss Stohr discussed and
demonstrated how to properly cook
meats by using the moist heat
method, the dry heat method, and
the liquid method.
At the end of the demonstration,
names were drawn and the Iticky
ones received one of the meat dish
es prepared during the <li*monHtru-
tion. I ■ N - I
Similar demonstrations will be
held at 7:30 p, m. Tuesday ami at
2 p. m, Wednesday in the Animal
Indu*trlea Lecture Room.
Chief Investigator
For House Group
Is Former Student
Robert E, Stripling, {former AA
htef investiga
tor and administrator for Uw
M student, Is now chief Investiga
House Un-American A c 11 v Hies
Committee. J , ! v
Stripling attended AdtM as a.pre - J
medical student after his gradua- [;
Gon from Allen Military Academy,
and later attended TO. He was
born in San Augustine 35 years
ago. I
When Martin Dies was elected to
congress, Striplirig obtained a pat
ronage job as doorkeeper in the
House. Stripling became the first
employee of the Dies Committee
when that committee was set up
in 1938. • ’ Ml |
After 15 months service in WW
II, he returned to the House in
vestigating committee in 1946,
A&M Send?! 3 To
ASAE Convention
W. S. Allen, extension agricul
tural engineer for buildings and
Price Hobgood, associate profes
sor, and P. T. Montfort, professor,
in the Agricultural Engiiieering
Department, are attending the an
nual winter meeting of the Ameri
can Society of Agricultural Engi
neers in Chicago.
Montfort is a member of the
council of governing board of the
society. Allen was recently made a
member of a sub-committee on
farm housing. The committee as a
whole is made up of a number of
extension housing specialists from
other states. A special meeting will
be held following the regular ses-
UI •-t-u •>. j- 31 fi
"Construction bf & concrete w# bricl
Grove will begin abound February; firtt, -
be finished by AprE," C. 0. "Spike”' White,
dent activities, said today.; }
"Plans for the bahd stal,” he^conitinuBdrinclude three
.. ,! 1 ■ ,i
ck barid stand in the
and ,we hope will
tor of atu-
Over Holiday
All dormitories will be
ed over the Chmlmks holi
days with the exception ; of
Dormitory 14, according; to
Bennie A. Zinn, | itssistAnt
dean of men. 5 The dormitor’ies
will be locked at 2 p. m. Sat
urday, and will be opened
again at 1 p. m. Sunday, Jkn-
uar y 2 - ■ Ip f
Students remaining <>n the <;km-
pus over the holidays: May obtain
rooms by contacting some resident
f Dormitory; 14 wholWill notjj be
here through the holid^yi# and
ting written pennissfinrto
that student’s room Vfhile im is
away. ■ ,
The note of permissjoh musljjbti
brought to Room 100 Goodwin Hall
where the student wilirAigr a fos
ter showing what j wm he jvlll
occupy. Haturday, Decimoer 18, I*
the deadline for signing the r64er,
The la*t regular meal In khe
tnes* halls will be sup|r*i‘ 8aturday,
Hbisa Cafeteria will reopen Thhrs-
day, December IK) for'pe remiln»
der of the holidays, serving (inly
the noon meal each diyr Keg^lar
serving will begin Hiinday, Jam(ary
—-r-| i lifli. ./.i
Flax! Country Pic
^ ,, i will ^eet
Thursday at 7:00 ’
125, Academic .
the club picture made ffir th
ntry uuo wiu
00 p. tiii In .Iteom
Building to Have
made tor the Ldtng-
horn, C.) H. Welkner^ club presi
dent announced. )|r | :• 1
Corps members should wear [the
number one uniform^; and non-
corps students should I .Wear coats
and ties, Welkner saidL :;
Slow Boat to Boredom
A&M Week End Nile Life
Bows Only To New York’s
This weekend Is one of those
black dates on A&M’* social calen
dar. No djances, no football game*,
no date*[ and no qulzte* from
Saturday noon until Monday morn
ing. •i j ] JJT
Some critics of the college com
plain that when a two-day break
like this comes, the County Brazos
has naught to offer. These person*
have absolutely no imagination.
There are unlimited thing* to do
if you’ll: only look about you—
with thejMt Palomar telescope.
First, here are the things you
can do in our neighbor city of
Bryan: y^ni can go to Bryan.
Now that all these suggestio
concerning the nearby metropolis
have been offered let’s turn/our
attention to our own College Sta
tion. Sad to say, you canVgo to
College Station. Now, now, don’t
you’re in
'ge f™--.-
eomplain.) You justl
ou must realize i*
liege Station. (AH
to why should be add
Amplification 2
- J
lions as
to the
lent of the
aper to which you are now
ran you go
Now then, just whan . . _
In College Station? Right off
come* tni* bright Idea—you can
go to the roomfnext door. Some of
the better rqbm* you can visit in
clude Archies Casino, in case you.
are feeling the warm smile of the
Luck Lady. And in the room across
the hal/ there’s Andy and Bill’s
Discussion and Debate Society
which covers all subjects from re
ligion and women to politics and
Spend a few hours here improv
ing the mind about women, and
then catch a cab to the room down
the hall which houses Bill’s Comy-
gie Music Institute to hear the lat
est dirty songs via philharmonica
and a quaint string instrument
known as the guitar. 1 '•
After a stop at the coke ma
chine, for a quick bracer, go up
to one of the penthouse clubs on
the fourth stoop and listen to a
name band at some choice spot as
Red’s Trianon Phonograph Room.
». you can *l-
Hank’* Toddle
Around midnight
way’* drop in at
House for a light meal of peanut
butter and crackan r topped i, off
with u cup of euperb coffee (bring
your own cup, sugar, and cream).
Now, you go hack to your hpme
to crawl in bed and discuss the
exciting events of the night With
your roommate until the wfe
hours. < . tj/
Sunday morning, you can get up
and go into the reading room
where the day’e newspapers are
scattered conviently near the line
of thrones. ^
The afternoon may be spent at
the theater. One of them has talk
ies now, you know.
A tasty dutch lunch is served
on Sunday evenings at Cafe Dun
can by the famous chef, Antoine
Stock Show fiidges
Include A&MProfs
Superintendents and judges - for
the 1949 Southwesterly Exposition
and Fat Stock Show, Vthlch will be
held in Fort Worth January; 28
through February 6, have been; an-
/ | A j QGj fg, j
The superintendents fthd judges
from A&M are F. I. Jpalberg,[su
perintendent of swine; ;!Fred Hhle,
judge; J. M. Jones, superintendent
of sheep and angora goat*; Dit J.
C. Miller and Roy ‘W. Snyder,
judges; A. L. DarnellMsuperinten
dent of dairy cattle f.aud G.: WL
Barnes, superintendent;of steers.
Texarkana {dub/
To Plan Party j
' ; 1 ' ij' fSlif I j
The student Texarkana Club will
hold an important nphtihg M f
Thursday evening in Room 106 c
the Academic Buildiidf, accordln
to Paul Ravesie*; preifident of [th
room* In the rear of the structure,
two fot (test rjoamsj and one for
/pUrposCs- .
stage, which will stand
four jteOt |from Ithe ground, will be
flanked ny two pot rs leading to
two jaurefstorage [rooms. Concrete
^ - Iwilllsad «p to both sides
ige.”'. ! ‘, I ■ i j '
r Carleton W.
rstjMa Architect,
II sjUnd approxi-
high. The band
»M( k
|#j one of the
of one of
lywood ceilings in rest
rooms, fleWZoniretej wallu on both
sides cif 'the structure, will be oth-’
er f&tures of the hind stand.”
“Cdnstruction will be supervised
by Rjsese Spence, htead of the of
fice -Off .’physical plmts, and bids
will i>e opened fanuiry 11 at 2:00
p.m.” White cqntinued.
Money/ appropriated by the
Board, of Directors for construc
tion jeotnes from Exchange, Store
profits, jStuderti . Activities Fund,
and College Fnhds.
'“iCiS hoped,]’ White concluded
“that; construction of the stand
will be coitnptoted in April so that
unedj as ja possible site
fop siich Icheduljcd dances as the
Senior Ring Dance, (the Sophomore
Is Namci
e Board
; -! t[ •- •
C, Barrett, mslstanl profei-
the Agr a 11 turn I Kngitieer-
wit, hat been named a
a imur-man hoard of
/ The boiifd will review
the Migltioinring
imposed draln-
Big Creek wat-
L, rt» *ndtoch-
n^l/htPHits fbi i
age ptoleci for the
erehre ro Fort ter , .
Thfr project involves a proposed'
drainage dcvelbjmek of farming
aiteh ftonj? the 3ulf| coast Of Tex
as, comprising 2|70 square miles.
lemberi of the board are Gar
rett, Masoi|i G. Lockwood, Houston;
C. E4 ; P
arid „ ,_■„ U
rado. jThey were Selejcted by Harry
P/ Burleight, olf JUld Bureau of
Rdcl4mati<m, Adstinl The meofinty
in Hdustoti last wetk was calwf
by H. E. Robbijis, regional direev -
va^cr., Washihgton, D. C.,
R. lakisch, [Denver, Colo-
Purppse of the meej
in conjunction with rtexarkish
discussion of plans foi
mas party to be held
former students.
of the recent AAM-BMU football
*»mt. ' ['f
UUnoiH Meetinjp
jj: Jar,
As the shades of night fall once
again, curl up in a big wooden easy
chair in front of the cheery radio-
books and your
!4ll 1
in front of the
tor to read comic
weekend is complete.
Oh, well, you could always study.
' : i! • ! !
r /
i /
During the ChristnlKs bolidty
ree Aggies will attend the tjnli
msry conference of Inter-Var i
Christian Fellowship 1 ill Urbf.
according to pOR^Ohl) ll
for the Aggie Christian
- ■ 1 !
r San
chem s-
Those attending aj
hire, agriculture sb
Antonio; Lyman Os__._,
try major from Pampaj and Frank
Poole, petroleum engineering gtui-'
dent of Houston, /-j
conference will begin Del-
27 and wdl 1 continue Until
>/ B
January L
fog at the Houston Municipal ai
/ :
; \
tor, Bureau of Itecl^mation, i
Lockwood >a member of the,
firm, of. Lockwood land Andrews.
Rams*r W|s forinerlyi With the US
DA and lakisch was iformerly chief
drairigge engineer with the Bureau
of Reclamation and iki now consult
ing Engineer fo|r thj; bureau* 1 with
headqpartetrs at! Deliver.
Tail Dance Plans
Tins Galveston A&M Club will
hold, a mee
evening in
demijr bu Iding
plana;; fori; the i
30 flmrsday
Rooiir 11201 of the Aca-
discusB final
anmjiil Cbyistmas
dance will; hie held i in the.
Rioom Jofj the Galveston
Pier on December ' 23.
Ei ^ ^
eke to [may bt purchased from
wub member.! j M .
SaS DanerSidulcd
**“ glMiipTi
TH0, Aggiela>id dlrehestra
fumteh ftnpe foRthij holiday d
to to Md 1 Ini jttiil : Falls': H
to held Hnj' jtha TallsR Hotel,
ThutWay Deceml er]$0 at 1130
m., tioeoHBng to I erhert
i M
xpirlL ,
night at
at wfalci
mas -da<
For the
one, auita
toll room will.
tne Christmas
I ’ y m . -
(M the dub be*
Win will be
TburSfJay in
Building, Ra- .,
made Medmeeday
11 i th if Science Hall
said Bill Evans,
..LUTT* b> ,■
ent of th«
ting will
me plains
fpr the Christ-
club ilctult, corps mem-
be the garb
hers. . T'
f ■