The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 14, 1948, Image 5

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i.: 1
• i: • i ; ■ ■: M \ t
Only tl
school footbi
into the sei
These are
ton Heights
crown. The
the title with
Lamar of Houi
Pt. Arthur, 1
erhouae, continued
tory pamde, ar ^
. T season, Saturdi
cintr the Ausf
Austin. This
- team with ari!j
pressive jcecoi
conscious Ti|
In the o><
final match the
son squad will be
touRh Sandies I
who are rated ojr*
Waco and Pt. Arth.
the only AAttehnu:
finals that does n 1
feet record. ^
This is the ,iirst
Denison team
tm of the crop is left in the Texas
|-offs. Six teams with perfect records
vn club won4
victory over
st Saturday,
ijf Coast pow-
[lead the vic-
‘ ivo done all
mindly troun-
ons, 86-C, in
icy meet a
equally im-
lo's giant air
^Se^^mni?ih?Uhti«f arc chronic
AA semi-
brisini; Deni-
H club to the
ir with both
Denison is
in the semi-
have a per-
ear that the
vod so far in
1 three of the
pigskin pic-
scene of the
number one scrap thin week when
I ■
•I ■ I "M
winners in the atl
r. ture. • • . j|
Austin will |>e th
Port Arthur and^Whco hee which
team will ropl'cHiiiit iouth Texas, in
the finals, pri>bnbly against Ama-
rlllo. ! :! ' ■ A
, In the (iMajf i/f: semi-finalH
. Monahans meets fewf I,oiulon
ami New nriunfel^ engages the
! upset min<i(>d Knlfurrias team.
* Monahans, New London and New
Braunfels all have linsuHied rec
ords while the. Kalfurrias team
lost an early Henson tilt.
This is the jjdni|dula' for the
week’s Hemi-f|ijaiiiiiA
Class AA-flaturday: Amarillo
at Denison, 2 to. jwMWaco vs. Port
Arthur at Austin, Rip. m. 'x.
Class A—FridayriFalfurrias ft».
New BraunfeVs at San Antonio, h
p. m.; Saturday-: Monahana vs.'
New London dt Srownwood, 2 p. m.
New Braunfels is the favorite
for the Class A crown but the
Falfurrias team’has upset clubs ■.
before in this season’s campaign.
Last week they defeated the Al-
dine team, whoj in turn had end
ed the El Campo- Win streak af
ter more thin thirty games.
Jerome Bindseil, injured at the
beginning of the Season, has re-
> turned to top form to lead the New
Brqunfels Unicorns in the, post sea
son campaign. Connie Magourik is
the outstanding star for the New
. Londoners as they defeated the
Bowie eleven 3$-2 last Week.
AH of the Bcdrijig done by Mon
ahans was ddne by Waldo Young
i'ii-of that team !hs it: Checked Phillips,
T'13-7. f 11 '
In the double A bracket last
week the lois of fullback Claude
Fox hurt Amarillo Golden
Sandstorm Rk they edged by the
Odessa Broncos 12-6. All-state
*— M K ..—A—
a W'
v ■ f
v i 11
■ /'••I
.... .I
M r' ;: .! ^ ii j
TLl rp
In Top
'i :/ i
A 1 , -•
1 /‘;
■ . | , j
n ■
Ba t lal ion
ER 14,
Page 5
i ! 1 [ ; -i |L ; /j| A ;
end candidate James Garner was
the only scoring factor in the
game for the Panhandle eleven.
Garner 1 is the cousin of Hub
Bechtol, former All-American
endiHrU. W-Mr
Denison edged Breckenridge 7-6
and Waco routed the Texarkana
Tigers 20-?. Next week should find
Amarill^ and Pbrt Arthur meeting
in theiAA finals and New'London
and New Braunfels in the A| finals
according to the experts. . .
Aggies Engage
Bearkats Here
tomorrow At 8
The Texas Aggies and the Bum
Houston; State Teachers College
caget'H Will medt for a second time
this scittijon in a game in Agfcieland
Wodmmday n|ght'at 8 o'clock. The
Aggie Klisn team will also perform
carTidit iin the night when they
meet the B squaders from jHunts-
The : Bearkats defeated the
Farmers once this season in a
game iin Huntsville 47 to 43. It
was the Second straight defeat
that the Aggies suffered before
licking the Abilene Christian Ca-
gers in a game at College Sta
tion last Saturday night. |
\ ' '
,The Bbarkatsi who have won two
games ih three starts lost only to
Rice in a close fought content. The
Huntsville cagjers led by Acher
Hanks are rounding into; shape
fast andj ought!to give the Aggies
another real battle.
A huich improved Aggie squad
will bej out to prove that they
were underrated in pre-Season
predici|ons and ought to giVe the
Huntsville boys a real battle be
fore the home; folks.
The fresh magi team will also
play another of their twelv^ game
schedule Wednesday nightj when
they_me?t the B squad from Sam
Houston^ Jewell, McDowell,! fresh
man addition to the squad who will
be eligible for varsity competition
next seinester,: ought to pjrove a
real! hel i when the freshman bid
for their second straight victory.
1'' ' —.ij-, 1
i ;
pickiqson Cbllcge in Pennsyl
vania or ce made 227 points in one
football game, f
f-f.. ’ •
lonference Champs M , J
Beady For Spring
December may seem a little early to start track to some
people but not to the Texas Aggie track squad,. Nearly all
the members of the Farmer team that has won Conference
track and field crown for the past 2 years have been working
■ "i
• # This is a bookworm. Get* out
of brralh turning pagps. ( 'ouliint hurt
I ill To tafip a Iraffrom your
> mmpus style book, got a sm< rt
''Manhattan” sporiahirt.
This is a ^Manhattan” sj ortshirt.
Eden makes bookworms feel active.
Tailored for style a id comfort
Washable rayon gabardine ir choice/
■:'j of handsonwcolors.
out on Kyle Field since they ro-
tum#d from the Thanksgiving
The distance mpn, who formed
the Cross Country team that won
the SWC title last month, have
been working out since the first of
QuartcrtnUer* have been busy
since early in November pr»«|
paring for the Sugar Bowl Fes
tival in which A&M-k«M been
asked to enter the mile relay.
Other track and field men vying
for places on the Aggie squad
started fheir work-outs during the
first week in December.
A&M’s opponents in the Sugar
Bowl race iiave not been announ
ced but Oklahoma A&M and LSU
arc likely prospects. The event will
be run December 30, two days be
fore the Sugar! BoWl game be
tween Oklahoma and North Caro
Likely prospects to make the
trip to New Orleans are: Ray
Holbnxik, Erwin Bilderback, Don
Playoffs Line Up
For Intramurals
Intramural activities this last
week in December have Simmered
down to: the minimum with a few
playoffs holding the highlights.
Vet Basketball reaches its cli
max tonight when the Vet court
championship will be decided Iin
DeWare Field House at 8 p. m.
The league leader pf A league
Flag football was determined Mon
day afternoon. Dorm 16 Won over
Puryear 7 to 0. Dorm 16 scored
when Art Burch passed to Bob
Hovel in the end zone; Burch also
kicked the extra point and was
adjudged the top player, of the
game. These two teams haid played
a deadlock earlier but Puryear was
unable to offer any offdnse this
“A” ASA scored a !12 to 0 vic
tory! over “D” Vet. Mel Moncnef
and Gene Johnson scored for the
ASA team. Buck Wray made “D”
Vet’s only score.
In Volleyball, “A” Cavalry won
two straight games to swcjep thdir
match from “B” Infantry. i“D” In
fantry had a tougher time down
ing “A” Signal, two games Out of
three. • “D” Vet forfeited thiir
game to “B" Engineers and Dlay
Students did the same to “C” Air
In the Tennis playoffs between
“A” Infantry and "A” QMC, dark
ness stepped in and halted the sets
when they were all even. They will
be continued later. “C” Infantry
swept its series with “A’’ Air
Force in just three sets.
Many historians think that the
oldest game in the world, is dice
! b~
[; i, yt;
Give a ’4:9
: . : . '/ i V i h
: ■ :
Mitchell tnd Connally Ludwick.
Other quartermilers trying for
the team include: Don Cardon,
Warren Wilson, Cecil Inglehart,
and Benton Terry.
George Kadcra, A&M’s great
weight man, was among those
working nut in recent practice hoh-
•ione. Yesterday Kadera heaved
the discuss approximately 160 feet
and put the snot over the 46 mark.
Theite are exceptionally good
marks considering the fact that it
is tWo and a half months before 1
the first Hchcdulcd track meet.
Hooker,, who specializes In
the Discus, losscd the plater Ih
the viclnty of 140 feet yester
day. Booker may prove to be a
valuable asset to the track squad
if he continues to improve.
Bdth.- Hooker and Kadera were
ends on the Aggie football team
this past season.
Freshman thinly clads working
out on Kyle Field this past week
included Hurdlers Billy Bless and
Paul Lemming and Sprinter Gary
Anderson.'All three of these men
won their specialties in State High
School track meets last fall.
Anderson and Bless ran in the
City Conference State meet, while
Lemming ran in the Class AA
State meet.
An over-all picture of A&M’s
track prospects for the coming sea
son I point to another Conference
track crown for the Farmers.
Best Tilt of
Basketball To
Start Earlier
—UP) The
Southwest Conference did a
neat sidestep on the expan
sion situation at its winter
meeting over the week-end.
It not only voted against expansion
at this time but politely told the
schools toVplease not even ask
about getting in for three years.
We doubt if th* conference
ever takes in another. member..
In other words the fellowg who
run this athletic set-up are satis
fied with the situation Ra it is.
There lis justification, for the
stand. The Southwest Conference
is a tough football circu&! Rival
ries are deep. When a coRch takes
his team through six conference
games with each of the traditional
variety it’s enough. Pointing six
•la I
b 'Ufip
k •'* yv4
: ;k r i : ■ * -H
\ ir
li m
j it’s «
times in png.
. ition. I-
Already, the confei
ember h
untied season
, Doyle Griffin, !
four men who
John Garmony,
line after him.
Already, the conference is
tough a member has little hope
of an
waa H
intersectlonal play. ThUa, it pre
vents a member of thei confer
Wiinds above
ence getting anywhere
national ratinga.
But tl
in th*
3rd placed Griffin;!!, M. Whi
Cotton And Sugar B
hT ' '! if# 1 f t :
Conceded To Have B
* fv
ked by the next
er, Sth place;
conference did isome-
Port Arthur-lfeco
Week in S'lFC 1 Tickets On Sale
thing to help interscctiphally in
another sport. Pt decided that bus-
ketball practice could begin Oct.
IB instead of: Nov. 1. M ,
A look at the conference’s inter-
sectional Cage record thus far this
season shows how the new rule will
This conference starts basket
ball after the other conferences
have been training for weeks. By
the time the southwest teams are
in form and playing top basket
ball they already have lost most
of their big intersectional tests.
It was the second week of the
campaign this year-before the con
ference jfnembers started taking
some victories. It’s going to be
difficult for the teams to catch up
after their disastrous first week.
It was: the observation of Claire
Bee, Long Island University men
tor .that Texas Basketball players
were as good as those in any other
section but that the boys didn’t
play enough. He pointed out that
teams in the east made it a year-
aifound proposition. If a boy Wasn’t
playing at his college he was at
some camp or some resort during
the off-season getting in basket-
tmll ■■•'l-V'/
By-HILL POTTS 7 championship two; years ruhning,
it wits (heligT.
* , i, • iii.. , I, » ; 1 Went last year si
Rabid football bowl fans ble this timo;
are beginning^to pack their
bags now wnile they take a
look at the old expense ac-
j : j :
i^y ^ wse
The football teifm
Dallas, Dec. 14—GP) South
west ^Conference basket ball
teams play in the east, south
and midwest this week but
one game—Baylor vs. Phillips
Oilers—holds the spotlight.
This game at Bartlesville, Okla.,
Saturday night will have a revenge
monvi.. | ,
Last week Baylor became the
first college team since 1943 to
defeat the mighty Oilers in reg-
ulajf season play. The Bears’ 15-
Sl victory^ was their first of the
Phillips last year won the na
tional AAU title and formed half
J, S, Olyhipib basketball squad,
ic hottest pre-conference sea-
teams are Southern Methodist
and the University of Texas. Each
has won four games in five starts.
Southern Methodist added two
eastern scalps to its belt iRst
wto^k, beating Niagara, 67-47,
aMi -city college of New York,
Texas’ top victory was a 49-40
decision over Oklahoma, preseason
favqritd for the big seven champ
Arkansas, long a power in
Southwest Conference cage play,
failed to help its record any last
W'ebk. The gangling Razorbacks
dropped ohe to Long Island X'ni-
AUSTIN, Dec. 14 —UPi— This is
the ticket set-up for the Waco-
Pprt Arthur A A semi-final high
school foqtball game at Memorial
Stadium Saturday:
Reserved seats on the west side
will be $2. General admission $1.60.
High schobl students, 60 cents.
Tickets will be available at Waco
High, Port Arthur High and the
University of Texas Athletic Of
fice. ,
They mi|iy be ordered in advance
by check from the University Ath
letic Office. ( v T ; ; ‘
versitv, 42-56, and to Canisius,
Texas Christian and Texas A&M
broke intc| the credit cqlunin for
the first time last week. Texas
Christian downed east Texas State
63-54, and A&M beat Abilene
Christian College, • 68-40. Other
feature games this week match
Arkansas against Kentucky; Texas
Vs. New York University; Baylor
vs. Missouri A&M vs. Louisiana
State; Texas Christian vs, Denver;
Southern Methodist vs. St. Louis;
and Texas, vs. St. Joseph’s (Phila
delphia). ' j ; a
Jack Brown of Southern Meth
odist University leads in scoring
with 84 points. Slater Martin of
Texas and Tom Hamilton of
Texas arc second and third with
81 and 66 points respectively.
come January 1, I949j Its not
many days until that all-im
portant date rolls around, j
By the time that !thejy; are in
their favorite bowls, braggittfe to
the guy next to them about the
slick way they managed to obtain
tickets on the 39 yard line, their
temperature will be up toward the
boiling point, concerning the game.
Although fans of that caliber
can be found nearly everywhere
there is a bowl, most of their
interest lies in the “Big pour,”
the Rose Bowl in Pasedenf, the
Cotton Bowl in Dallas, the Su
gar Bowl in New Orleans, and
the Orange Bowl in Miami.
Out of the four, the two con-
ceeded to have the best drawing
cards of the lot are the Cotton and
Sugar Bowls. 1 ]
SMU, the host team in the Cot>.
ton Bowl, will meet the co-Cham
pions of the Pacific Coast Confer
ence, the Oregon WebfoOts. Ore
gon tied with California for that
conference’s top honorsi gnd offer
ed to have a playoff game for the
championship but the Bears de
clined. In a vote by the members
of that league the Bears were
chosen to play in the Rose Bowl.
.Oregon and SMU have similar
records this season, the Web-;
foots having lost only oite, that
to Michigan, while winning all
others. The Mustangs have the
same record with only one loss
to Missouri to mar their a.
Fans who see this one will: get a
chance to compare the i passing
aces of the two teams, Gil Johnson
of SMU, and Norm Van Brocklin i
of Oregon. Besides those two, Doak
Walker is expected to be in top
shape again after being slowed by
a bad leg the last paH of the
season so anything can bt expec
In the Sugar'Bowl, .North Caro
lina’s Charlie Justice will be ex
pected to show his speed and raz
zle-dazzle to Oklahoma’s great all
round team.
Jack Mitchell, superb quarter
back of the Oklahoma Soonera,'
and a galaxy of other stars will
be expected to stop the Tarheels
because of their grRat defebsive
play shown this season. . I;./
In the Rose Bowl, the oldest of
them all,, Northwestern’s Wildcats
take on California’s Golden Bears
in what promises tb be another
embarassing day for the coa;st con
ference. This game, somewhat over
rated, will draw the largest crowd
of them all, something ove^ 100,-
000. \
Because of thiiiiN^Hhv^iorn,
the runnor-up to Michigan’s d(h
pkihs of the Big ffjnoj’.waR se
tW Forty
Acres, the oyer-fated anIF four
times defeated Tii&i Longhorns
have been the target of, some
not-too-complimciURry remarks
tossed at them by various jsports
scribes, purticulajrly from the
Miami area where the Orange
bowl is.
iS 1
»ngh< j
>4 will tangle withij
a, champlona
i p
1 HI „
rflhlhj* only!
■ L 8bu 11west* 4
a(n on
| ry* -n I
, Conference, in
New Ytara Day.
campus over on
ijys that they will
so the Bulldogs to
h rlr disappointing
Cflsrly the last
they caa or Jtot
unor bowl in which
Conference tram
ih taking on Wake
Dixie Bowl at Bir-
injuary 1.
I ■: ■’> fl I ■: ?■• 3
I '
, ■ iS 11
• ■ ' -j:
I ! ;ii.
For #
j . . ' \ ! , . ’ ll I 1
h*. contract
between the Coast Conference
By the terms of th«
and the Big Nine, the Urtter’s
teams can go to th* granpappy
bowl only once every three years.
Michigan, winner of the Big Nine
Christmas Specials!
• ji 1 \1 ; . ; | • i 1 , ! *
Large Selection Of Solid Brass Lamps of all kinds
: U'
j' ! ij 1 »!ilii|NA VASES
M-'d I ' dl
Zr ;•
Caldwells Jewelry Store
i I ■ , j N. Main : |J|
before your car it a Victim
of "srraiNG wobblies” is the time to
aa! Results of unbalanced or put-of-line
wheels, they reiulc in too-short tire life,
too-dangerous blow-outs—too many
accidents! Play safe! See u* now for
a quick, sure safety check-up with srien-
tific BEAR equipment
foxt ll,
w r
T ' T /7.T
, Glen Plaids
1 /
ility, fetjyjle.- and
*” ikyOnly . . .
(and $1.50
ji r
1 p j
tu /:
Cfikmpus '
teat «
t !
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•I 5
4 ‘rt :
> .
■ /
W 1
>! •
DRESS m FOR cNpilt
|-m 'J R .I’ra<1 • iTi.
■ . E i/sv.L
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Ik 1
• 1
it them
Here^ a smart
s .a smart p
fs —jiiddst nev
5Ct» 3m
Youfl like four looks
,6 have
tux in allj
•• #,
. r 4
t>ldck tie
, t U>
!♦ >
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T, ■
•: 1
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