Vi- Page 2 Back Ba tin lion ITORIAL FRIDAY, Knightly Gentleman’*'; ° ^ . in. Sullh I 'ounder of Aggie Traditions mammtmmrnm i! m ■ . \ in l . At their last jneptinfe' Committee set tjiis year's policy regard ing delivery of Senior friiigs, Their decision wjas rjieifely to strip the old rifle of itili i^ccfptions and return to the hard and fast jrulis juf the pre-war days. To receive; tHe jring n )w the student .must be a classified Sejiici* In his miajoit Lsubject, have |n i>\4ra)Jj grade-point ratio of one, and h sot>h|)more Melon- A inotloi) |(»!jprmlf rbig deliver^ to slie | spjihom >re defieleneies j-War Level | . . ' I 1 !he Senior Ring schqpl by the draft. The wartime emer gency hasbeert-removed. K;L-| I'-.j Jn many other! colleges and universi ties' throughout tlje country there is no difficulty in sCcuringi and little signifi cance attached to, School rings. Their ring meads little more than interest) in a parti cular School. Soipe require enrollment; Texa/'^U^int^rview^emL'efeetri- BlinkeaS^pSy cal, mechanical and chemical engi- a, man qualified to 8 neers. ! \ I 1 a,r conditioning and hea Chicago,! Illinois, jlwfll interview ; Agricultural and LHwrt! . mechanical, electrical, civil, and (1) Business and chemical engineers. [\ ' i graduate interested in (6) December 15—Southern Al- sura nee his career kati Corporation to interview cherti- American Surety VCoi rs and chemists. !.:! New York, Houston, T( ber 15—Young Men’s tion open is for a s] hem Al- sura nee wchfedh- A meric* l foMr Associations to Inter- fM mt'll pAMllUj! t|« : Atwl mn :.J! policy of the point gmlc pdim i At id at mlri-Momoitar togothnr ^ithllhi flpipjr < lusslflent Ion ip tbdr pmjbr giib.iitit Hlodi lij Ihn Committed for want of a|. j Wo ohdorsd thl^ rlirb Senior king Comm lit ce. We want the Senior Ring to bo a sign of achievement Hveil ns a sj-mbdl of s of past years e conditions of present. There v * is {well t Texas A»&M. Theiexfceptior oday jbdcitus< do not fit tod£ u mseth past years are no longer ; it are no large numbers being called from . ■ “ ]j -• . v | J . ;[• From the Gridiron to the deficleiicios having it nnt- ; . . ,1 li:. Psychologistsr^tell us w)e learn actions by imitations. ; 'There is one actions, however, we hope the local boys doh’/t pick up. ;The melee is under way, and it's send off has been auspicious' if not enviable.;! Several intersect ipnal scrimmages have resulted ? ih ragged play all-the way frontf the centm circle to the- top row in the granidstancs.^Ilie foul-out rate has been terrific .ami/Joe Fan has helped the cause along liy doing every thing except .swing from the rafters. VOur own hardwood ijthletes got a taste of this-scirt pf fan’ conduct two days ago in a city fftrnous for the suppression of assault and rioting* Evidently the things you are dleansed (of on the out skirts of Hunlalyfle.! afd cjondoned down- dor —SEE LKAD EDITORIAI.— some do not. 1 j ■ ■ . , But the Aggioji Senior rimf Is not so I'ftsyj Ip obtain, ani»r s from IStlW, l uti Hit. Not iiring iii Uit> jCoriJS; 1 ii pp 1 Slioitld nay atiyihitiK, aim I cMit (, hod fori n rat H ntntw'N my lil.MMl ail* ot ivsMi^it te wrllv duwit ImiM* mid vulj lh<* wlutlp m'luHii eul. M*,vN* NAM w»s at Hu* wrmtt. 1 will tea ssy mtypiaiS nliUijit thut. but wit) donll you (ril (Item (hsl 'MViqilt* JL \ arc hue step nearer to our revered “pre- warf condition^; . | \ thp Aggie Ring is a Senior Ring agaip. i i • I ,in,«-n we Potjtmaster Asks Early Mailing Of Parcels and Cards Hardwood * j|* iit the next most vulnerable thing to the American fleet at Pearl Harbor. For these reasohs we’d like to ask the DgWare Field hoijle fans to keep a grip /dri themselves this’ year. Particularly! on free throws we ask your indulgence. Usu ally h man gets a free toss for being foul ed. let’s not make! it another One by ver- balljjj fouling him from the stahds. ‘'hen-you get fhe temptation to yjell- j down a man taking a free toss this year, With normal moil volume jit an all-time high, Pcptlhaster General Jesse| M. Dontlcison has warned Christmas mailers that unless par cels and Christinas cards are |maii- cd well in advance of Christmas. Week, they face the likelihood or not being doiii'eml until after Christmas. The polstmastW general ha's di rected attentioiji to the fact ( that the normal mail volume has teach- ed daily proportions equal to the peak of the Ohmtihas period of a year ago. This large volume has created the most acute mail, con gestion and trar sportation problem m the entire hi uory of the Postal .Service. Approximate!/ SCO,000 tempor ary employees have been pressed down to a town. - | J |j j j [ That isn't our primary issue, However. We aren't u.!i|uj| t’onteined with the! irand of bull ^ur neighboring cbnl’ereineej prefers. ()ur blgi ^orrjt is that some of it light develop tnj4ur own hack yard. Basketball In a fljh' flolrl for the grow-! (U of bad manicu, ithe jutnion Is fust; the, lend changes lamd fmiaently; officials! (Iccialdns must (flilck and frequently err; and finally, a man Ukinir a free shot ) ■ / I!' J-)T| look {down th6 row iat that jerk doing the same thing. Looks -(stupid, doesn’t he? He obviously doesn’t know much about the game,, and has da|rn sure never played it or he’d keep his mouth shut. Let’s try to keep this type ininijnum this year, 1 Without being , smug, we think ’ the Aggies distinguished themselves, in foot ball Sportsmanship ; this year. The school _ is still basking in the light of praise from • " across tlie state. : into service to mail load. Howe handle the extra vur, unless mijilers cooperate by sending greetings and parcels early, m preparation will Donaldson emphasized. NEW! ost; of this advance have been in vain, CLUB GROUP COMMUNION DEC. Vi —j 10:00 o’Clock Maas who live In kUmn h»UM«s hHouM* n’t throw Nt(tneH?r - I immut by thin, now many Ag* glmi have ever Iman rittod up by a Tt*Mle7 Well, lutre'a one whu wait ed two luiiint tin a Dnllatt ulruet eonivr for mte to i«lmw, amt ntM- lenit to aay, ulu* tlttln'll AImi where tlo they get off M*ll- Iok tin we're not Frit men I An If. 1 care a helluva lot, It npiH'ito to me that moot coltene women have an enlargwl opinion of theomelvea. I don't know why, maybe It'a their Hr-1 time away from h6me, and they feel thirl they have to -how off n certain amount. IMVase, Kd, write an editorial on the Aggi'V iwint of view. I’m not bitter, just confused. John H. Mjoseth A&M Annex (Editor's Note:, We believe! that the A&M students cad best express the Aggies’ point of view by letters to the TSCW Dally Lass-0. Since several copies of The Battaliori are sent to TSCW^ The Batt Letters, to the Editor Column is certainly open for replies.) * j j. . , I ' . iEljinb of ®lji3 “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heav en.” Matt. 6:10 The kingdom of heaven cab be realized only in proportion ais God’s children do his will. And surely there is nothing of greater importance in his sight than pub lishing the gospel of the kingdom to sli men. This prayer, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in e^rth, as it id in heaven,’■ it earnestly, prayed, will show that it is our desire that God’s will be done in our lives. Lot us not only pray it, but let us live according ly. ical e: (6) Chris view men Interested in grou secretary! positions and p education secretary poaltlons. Gen eral Meeting 9 a. M., YMCA Ch* pet, (7) December 15—Soeon uum Oil: Company mechanleftl, ehimkal, leum englneors interested etgh aerWw, General Meeting OdlO a. m„ YMCA Cabinht Root (H) Dabambar llH-Mafnolla troledm (Jittmpany to intei view ehanleal ami rhemlt'»l entflneer* terejited it reflnlngjworH, Gemi mortlng IfifiO a, m, YMCA Cantaat Rami, DeLUXE CAFE SgRVES THE BttST famyrn-HoM (U) Daicemhar lll*l(W*>Cartar Oil umpany! to Interview pativtleuni, meenanlohl, eleHihal ami nheinl- ttal ettglimets Intt'ie-tad In hinlnr petyoleum engineering pjMlUnniii Engineering (ri Tim St. DmlH.Siin K TOmaljip UallWay Company, Springfield, Mt). ar FOR CHRISTMAS PALACE Bryan 2*5579 FRIDAY PREVUE 11:00 P.M. It will give your heart a new lease oiT ifel •‘ !■, QAR TER i...,... n ..*...»..4i.. ■ n1 ..*• As lofllats Editor — 71 Wo lyviM •Aistk^M, , WoDlWl 4 |*l Ii^Mi’imO** t*V(a4kl|TiM ,f«,|ii«Mtrn*tt««ai )tit .tflititytM irt'|i'ti.K ^♦'iipdKaiias •ws«efj*s«»s»*s ••••••••asetss^s Assistant Sports “ Loon " ia^L’iss.'KW'T Htf’.inSfeiL iwm, , Ban Francisco. f .Co-Editort v Sports Somer, I'rank Sommers . .8|«rU RepdrU’-s ! P|oto Kuuraven, Tet Kislds, Ottii gunae, H. 0. Mlehslak Marvin riMturo Wrltent Radio Repair... -J- i |1 ; ! ; b 1: ■ . . . is our specialty % Radio Shop One Block west of Post Office on W. 26th St ‘A member of Philco Service” BRYAN ! • \M M PHONE 2-2819 , > i;i ] i ; I REP • • COMPLETE REPAIR on all makes and models of radios Also fUSO BATTERIES OR YOUR portable: FOR Y mwm FOLLOW YODR TEAM i m