Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1948)
is t | i * 4., .i ' UHini LLtf! i M !|'! n StatUMff, mt Sullivan I To Chang 0„ M Um th. proposed changd? In; tions that some j —the name of or Longhorn. li 1 ! In the past, proved for thflf , been such hot however, the each $witch mi change. . T I JUl The present i1 is the name of tl out taking eithi present the arg^ MONDAY, DECEMBER «, 1948 n-H#' h M4 r'i l f •nir i&htly Gt/ptlmm” •under of Aggie Traditions l;, ; I v.. . ange if, L •]' ; ! •IMfa'.-fl/,- I:' 1 ■■ i Ji ! r' * N’T SANTA CLAUS f 'A art these ideas. For ohe, the advocates of change argue that Longhorn has not al ways been the name of the yearbook as the Olio preceeded the 1903 issue. Also, ii j: p, j the frontespiece of the 1903 issue, in dis- these changes ihave cussing the name Long Horn, indicatesi did i some haven 11 that the editors of thit year were not too pleased with the title,! but gave it that •uifrrun vcat I\ aO UJ, e of i|he old institu- ips think outdated studerjt annual^ the st invariabij has oppose^’ tu$a it was IIh •!' ; [• before the students the hope that final' judges, student goveri form their opinipijisi. name for lack of a better one. Thieflei|Sljame hesitant editors wA)te that they expected the book to have a new name by the heart yeair. i . 1;S yearbook. Witt - * In 1903, the TU team was known as , the Batt wants b J Varsity. Not until about 1915 did the af both parties i i | sports scribes began to refer to them as ■Who will be the the Longhorns. Frorrj that date forward, AgSfies have had to explain that the Long horn is A&M’s annual and not TU’s. The question seems to be this: Do you ’ '•/ •’ A Visitation Week Waco a Initiated By A&M Chri8tma8 Methodist Church SUm This week, December 5 through December 12, ha« been set pride dub, ini as a Week of Visitation at they A&M Methodist Church, Asbury I^0TTOX» •; • >1 ’• 11 i- 1: i f r pi < I* ce ; The Waco - McLe Club will discuss Dance SOI Goodw Jr., pres. r . s announced. ■' . ,, Ijirf 1.1 associate pastor, hjss an- nounesd. (The visitation campafi ferent, Lenox said, in dents are invited to visit (star Esther thi ox h louniro sn the minister the Methodist g the student, J will be In the Methodli day this iElimk of |pi I every i. to 0 p, m„ and t from 8 a, III. V» U in., noil aaks that every Methodist student come by and visit with him. Lenox but* • j said he wanted students to visit him even If they could stay no is j, .".rjic*” k , , ,; ■ y I If 1 wore asked to t(ivo the m»Ht ng eharacteijMitlc Of d not say that It wiar h I Would not say that It wi is ability to span time a I would say that It was :# : (Store » 1 < : n 1 J .■1; t ■ ■ I U Letters To The Editot five minutes. of visitation program, . .- I , T , L . r a ox safd, will get students to finite capacity for , dsit the church, will help students passion, his slowness and pastor to know each othsir‘ the greatness of Ms better, and through this acquaint- er words, it is his ance, student attendance upon the of love for us, his e services of the Church will be at- loving children, celerated. ■ : 1 •[ ; s ‘ .11, The Methodist Church is located :• two blocks north and east of the North Gate. i fW| clous con anger, *r anlfestatiojn ng and uri- MMttli tihe system of noW in force-—wi 1 gically and not fron ! the conservative vidWPoint of “We’re agi i feel that the Longhorn name is so deeply all changes.” j.ftjfj A rooted in A&M that (it should remain? If ii ' On the side ledger which advc-T^to, inform your student senator. Or, do cates keeping the hfrtne Longhorn, there,; you feel that Longhorn is no longer sym- are these pointy: 'jrle present name has I bolic of Aggieland and; that some other [nJ(^|fiie- Annual sine 1901 name would be mo^e fitting? Let your it.i |||‘ly deep-rooted tradi- | elected repre too, the ekef blight opposi [ Lastly, if 3 namd of the yearbook whki j let your senfii hM. lij i: ']rjj[ ■ ' j Final Review From the 6th : e|ijpoint of view, there }■ of your own. El : More On 1 it Dccontro fy been the name pi which makes itp f$irly deep-rooted tradi- j elected repreBentativje know about it. tfonr Then tod ill| jfnight oppose j Lastly, if you do desire a new name, 'Charigo in the name of the yearbook whkji \ let your senator know if you want it callecf they established. !pi ! Final Review, Reviejle, or some pet name bjody]* for ijpt coughng up the USE OF COKE MONEY Editor, The Battalion: In the following paragraphs We’ll attempt to put into! words ah idea that hame to us like a bolt opt of the blue after reading a cpuplq of your “Letters to the Editors”, and after hearing a few of the prominent minds in the dbrm discuss the subject: “What’ll \yo do with the,coke money?” It seems to us, and so 5 far every body we’ve spoken to about it agrees, that the solution of the coke money question stares us in t|ie face every time the Aggie Band play* a note. We’ve rend edi torials commending the Bund, for Incidentally, we’re not in the band and never have befen in the band. We live in Mitchell Manor. You might point out that Mit chell Hall’s net profits for last month were $39.72, and that cur rent balance is $315.65. JUST ON[E DORM. y T In a year’s time the camphs coke machines should accumulate enough to finance the Band to Villanova and maybe LSU, cer tainly to LSU! Mike Williams, M6 Buck Wyatt. ’49 George Butler, ’J? , Marvin KUers, ’44 Art Howard, *49 R. 0. ECHOLS REALTOR Over Canady’s Pharmacy X Bryan PHONE 2-6484 — TOR THOSE WHO Id j DEMAND THE BEST College Shoe Repair North Oath I ■ < ; • ' ' T. h ; Consult Or. Carlton R. Let* OPTOMETRIST For Your Visual Problem* 868 8. Main — Bryan ' Phone 2-1662 Tho crowds Mining cMitioniH anil [ ing in the ftryan-Cblli'gd Station area of the high rent#'|n:>i(fin B)rynh-Collego Stn tion i nrou cam^ ih |or Mooie hflatod diin- cuaalon Inxi Fridli rti evening at a publi s hearing in the l!)i*1 riet Cmnft room of thp Braxoa County :|C|mWhojiwe,i Local fjtaltojjf*hill profwj'iy owilera re quested the hekriiti ro present their faetjt and ftrgurnent»|o|tlji Bteoi County Ren Control Board In ;;it<Vor of rent decontr for Brazos County I i i l ill Some of the reMins for rent decontro given by local r£nt jrf’op<irty (owners were Vacancies now#viflablfj indicate that the r: !• • demand fpr apai supply and therefb is unnecessary* exorbitant and cldc p j 11.1 signal for rents'to gt •; V. ^ * are being disconr^. property because];)! entjj is" equal to the further rent contro charges now are no itrol would not be a sky high.” Buildeni qd from i building ren their investments,,, repairs and maim' because present rc Reasons for cd p many cases needec i ance cajnnot be mad^ rates are too low. inuatioh of rent con trol given at the jtUstirig wleriet Flimina- ( its effects are still present in this corn- lion of rent contnii •mu Id place the repto if 1 munity where veterans are completing in the unfortunate r rent or moving out; reconditioned uhitd, not been rented fot The Passing the Ihrgr number ol| eollegc-enrolled mar ried veleraHH whosr jir^iehce is tempor ary causes incretisetrcorripetion for avail able apartmente. Given another year of control, they argmj, theite veterans will f not; be here in such mipihcrs, and then it might be pttssible to abandon rent control altogether. \||;■!' : , .|| On Monday, December l.% the Brazos County Rent Control Braird will meet to | dedide whether rent control is to continue. On behalf of nearly An eighth of the ( A&M Student Body who live off the j campus 1 in places other than those provid- ! ed by the college We urge the Board to | seriously consider the last reason given l by those in favor pf continued control. \ In a year the demand for apartment ! space by married A&M students outside those operated by the college will be in- rlough for tihe Band’s travelling eXpvnWH. i • WE’VE gpt the dough, nil of bH, iiml If there’ll a better rauno jin the CttitipUN than flnanring the Aggie BhimI, where is It? ran this rtiggeHtl'in, that the dike ntnehim; prof it 4 be given to NOW YOU SEE IT NOW YOU DON’T the Hand for travpllhig exiKMintm, t’lde to nnv he put beforb the Rtudeiit body? laheklddln? Mont Aggliks tire Id favor ( a nur-^ vtiy ryiitem or our own, GnllunV kaput), or will agree that a major pjirt of the future rpeomc Nhould Editor, The Battalion. Where are the “rldon offered »t preHent to Kentucky, TeimeHsec and Ohio ..." which George Charl ton riiyh, in WednuHday’H Halt, are to Ik* found on the Academic Bulle tin Board? I've tried via the board for two montiiN to get a ('hrUtmnw •ide to any of there thrw rtatex. TODAY thru WED. ONE OF THE TIRMT MIIOWINOS IN TEXAS Featurea Start 1:30 • 3:40 - h:W> * 8:00 • 10:00 ,s ’ Come in and see ua’ for large or small appliances:; RADIOS . . ELECTRIC IRONl STUDENT L. FLOOR LAW. » PRESTO COOKERS COFFEE MAKERS KELVINATOR . . rfOT POINT —and miny other uwfula— UNITED jAPPLIANCES FARM & HOME STORK * AGGIE RAMOi Phonic 2-1406 ; T ?y Jean! loliifSuttifl Wr«mf) by' «h mX. cimtuht rox arSomero el. Cobb :fd by liodu g.j) to the Hand. Maybe it could in} divided In this manner':. Hand 75% Dor mm 25% This 25% reserved for the dor- miltorien could be applied towards magazine subscriptiona for the Immge*. furniture for the lounge’s, miscellaneous contribution, etc. These dorm coke funds, us they stand, are nothing but a source of disagreement.; The sensible ideas presented so ■ far are few, such as lounges, water coolers, etc., and the College seems to be doing most oil that, without help. This campaign-to-be is cer tainly-worthy of the Battalion’s Support. Martin B. Mars '45 Editors Note: Charlton says that when he looked at the bulle tin hoard the day before, the not leva were there. WNtaWWRNj* Thrill In Thi LAUNDER IN LEISURE ... Laundromat Equipped ONE-HALF HOUR LAUNDRY —Open Dally 7:30 a.m.— Last Wash Received— Mon. 7:80 P.M.—Sat. 8:80 PJVL Other Days 5:80 P.M. STARCHING & DRYING FACHilTIES AVAILABLE so little retmn oil j s jg n jfj can t ; Then it might be possible to ■ decontrol. The already strained purses of mar- ; ried A&M students can hardly stand a ) rent increase. The war may be over but sition of paying mort! ^ew apartment units *nd units which havi I their war-postponed education. Rent de- ! control now would probably force several A men from college and cut short their rea- wo years are free of ' lization of an educational ambition—a rent control. The unusual siltuation exist- I ■■■., j: ■ .(I vf • • • '■ m . ‘I ! ;1 j ‘ Thin is one oi thofte nml-of-thc-milll rjotices from the national ca litlol. T In the last five months, the govern ment has spent $^439,000,(MO more than it ha» taken in., j i The Treasury hb|i today (expenditures, The BatUllo: City of College i Friday afternoon, exciB talion is published trip year. Advertising ra The AufeiateH P credited to it pr Wot ed herein. Rights" of diploma from Texas A&M College. totaling $ 15,54H,000,000, exceeded income by that much through Nbvembof of this fiscal year which began July 1. And the heck of it is if we overdraw la buck sixty from the home town bank, jwe have to hire a lawyer to beat the rap. , V. PRE-INVENTORY SALE ON ALL Furniture • . ’ - . n Vi Discount l . . I : •' DECEMBER 1ST TO 13TH • / ‘ j ,'j>* Henry A. Miller & Co. North of Bus Station. College Station Phone 4-1145 AR 1R0TTI i ;>■ I It's a great day loi ...for Laughing..., Tyroie M Irish 1 r m ; j In Mlb m i f J . ■». Ikilk|}wav Dir«t f a by HFNRY K9St|x b Prorfue.. h . > The Ba oflii al ndwNjiupifr of thl Agric ul Static^ Tcxuh, f(( published five tl n n, excie it during hojlidayB ahd exaim oh Mdnday, Wednest ay and ilohed on request,. ii) entitled exclusively to -<*“• ii Entcnd m «oconH Office at Colli’B'' Stlitinn, the Act of Conarces of Mid; jdntroad . .... I HI. ... ^(lerwiiifl ctcdtteA in the pnrier and local nows of spontaneous origin publish- puhjicaticiin of all other matter herein are also reserved. Ucprrucntcd naOonelljr by Netionel AS- vert in bis Service aic., »t 'New York City. News contributioi Goodwin Hall. Clas* Office, Room 209,; Go KENNETH BONQ, ii SajSS^rssrijsa Clark Munroe ... *L 4- S; ijUer at Pini| 'exalt, iiTidor h 3, IpTO. ! Member of The Associated Press mayijbfe ed ads vin Hall. Chjiek Cabauiaa ’ ' ' ' •I f r 1 be rjiado by telephone s mhy be placed by (4-1444) or at thd editorial; of fide, Room 201, telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities 3 ry *... V. j; ITER Associate Editor M4na*lne Editors .; Feature Editor e,,,, SS >• «*»♦—« L HZ MSr, **« - r u ation Mwiairer AsubtMUtl \ ttalion J4 Itural and Mcchgnical College of Texas and the >cs a week and circiilited evety Monday through aiminoition periods. During the! summer The But- Friday. Subjcription rite $4.30 per school —^nGIVE YOUR CAR THE BEST • YOU U UKt w EXI’ERT SERVICE the use for republipation of ill news dispatches (T\ c $ x!) °N ALL MAKES OF CARS , —Plus— ,| CARTOON—TOM * JERRY “PROFESSOR TOM” LATEST NEWS THURS. - FRI. - SAT. . ^ . l .;^ . .. . MONTH!) MARSHAL m BIHNIt HHN CL.... ‘'•“SSt&s- 'it l l ,r fT” LIFT sale: zo. CIMTUtV fOI COBB i FRED K0HLMAR ' i V ENTIRE STOCK Ott# . 1 1 1 !' i WHi THE HOLIOA1S 1 s- 1 ■ jv , ’ ••• • , • t % LEON B. WtlSfi ;• 'i •• ••• |. Ii 1 Loa Anrolea. and San Francitco. I i ML r k- Fred Somttlors Sport* Re ; , i, Co-Editors Sport* Editor Editor EmiljBi !• tt, mnk t «d Ed2 u s m Sport* Reporters Photo Engravers, \. ling, Tex Reids. Otto Kunie. “■el. H. CiMkhalak. Marvin - Jj4 — Feature Writer* A. :C. Gollob, Bruce 'I Lacour, Yea, Sir! We are the SERV- ICE HEADQUARTERS for all makes of cars, i We have complete facilities to help you maintain your car in tiptop condifciain.JSo when-you need aervice, bring your $ar to usl FRIENDLY SERVICE Drive in soon. You’ll likfe our friendly service. SKILLED MECHANICS Our a caff of experts is pre pared to render top quality sendee. T ;i!-i d 1 # INGWE tUNl-UP 9 \NHEEL AUOHWO • EUCTWCAV StAVlCt # MAKE RtUWNG j « RUMPINO-PAINTING % lubrication S -rffi v JR. A Re-MliMfle AND DONALD IHfCK ( ART(H)N NEWK ' 'll ;• . ;]| " NOW ON SALE .. r AH UHUSUAL CUT OfiOTHTAIMW » * V • » 0 if■ ■■ (iivpH youij .. , 2j)|iKiAeiit .. ; . discoutiitjitTaiKhflhrough th<5 eiitirc'Mc uk of And what Values?? Tailored .,. k al aUds, 4i||ikind dines j FlAm^ls . , |in the Unseat asijo tmert mT colors . all si ill A ' HEM. price an> —Coine EAHU r ifi- ■ ■ asil aavfc. •N i •dt » m Reporter* i - 1300 S. College Road — Bryan, » v lr u. A l**.u«« M *U06. »t.I | ssoo. Ask tkeut thu, *t th* Im OUtc to4*r. i ■. -ii! . f V lilt.:..- i' y 1 i I y 1 . ,i li m -lii :• • .j. : . . Jii >•.. S ii ,! iii ;V : i. Hi V/l •A