«! ) j ■— t- FHIDAY, —*■ • ‘T ! ’ ‘ . t tali PO UKCBijlBH 3. IMS Ji! * (lh ■' J -— I! I-! , — Page B —>* ! — if. p < /li' rr;l J m r.v . ? 'V t f m r. xas Aggies Slated t« Fight Far Fourth With Owls and Hogs 11^ LEON SO|l if ! ! - $ Cadets Op&n Season Tonight Against Trinity in Sc hfant III iHtuii h<|>mmi;us. :|? IKK.:.; j . I . Apul)’ b»|LHkotbull^H Inviulr siinny Sun ii) ploy Trinity Uiilvt^liy In i | . ... PH , U'ij*;firs| gannijoC 4In* UMijiflH hi'uhoii, At’tMt s<'V*in{.j. wtfkti »f working uic CitHuh Marty m Kim)W drcldotl mi In Hittt'ttng tclmi Umi will Ml yflllUH', HlH 'l'nrfUiowi’iiiii'l plth.4—, ' &r ifiliy "KiijiAuK" Qtti'dmuv dTO'l tWWiljt Klfklaiifl i|n d'id wimH, i 10 yu* Haul ji'iiklns 'and •(iwnMir; Walkoc of tiui ilLmlwoii#'* Skilio ki'l ui guai'da.| : |ii| . ! ?.oi)u di’frtiw K of T -uitt »Ui Wallace "ItOo “Hamln” Alin itti si|iia(l UMm KcIko’ i(!K jlf Modll, t 6»i: Kobci'l A rathui* Inigo tiWyo conaistin " Mobley, Marvin ‘‘Bones" AlletiJ '■ BenvKi Sommers, Sid “Rocky" Bill Batey, Guy'Wallace, ie “Slats" Mililer will W'are Field; House at 8 morning. '•» , (?• The .smaller squad make the trip East in has not been desigjbat|4;|(as yet, but one of the mojre squad members! already over the holidays. than he did all last yej > playing in familiar sur With this; In has drilled the, 1 leimles gejnera Fled ■ of defenstf. Hjfncbovy, j LjttU- id kn* had Jack- it*y teuip. but I < JH V ‘; Per jered to be a t< |i Friday J . Ill ]. ! r 4' dUhit HeWlU anii ~ ’ j i " • ~ qaaic «IH. he Ttioiflan JidlerHaa dlma malcr. Tiinity is eNpti'leij to emplbiy a ngaiiis|. the Auiditts. it itid, jiGdacb KSirow «|iin jiiii various! of- lly] cimceded to be .«*n< fno.'t, cries8ft 1 .kgalnst Ibis ' type n'f' f i! i > jl wii 4t| gime is cqnsljd- ss up!; |h, ,viii] Tigers Open First Basketball Drills their, starters back from last; year plus a fouitll player who suited in several gamds. Returning as start ers this ySejiaon are A1 Madsen, Tom Hamdtf>n, Slater Martin, and Vilbry While, The fifth member is .expected to be Wilson Taylor, up from last |y« ir’s freshman team.' ‘ The scramble for I the fourth spot in the conference,, race should find three teams, AtlfeM, Arkansas, and Rice, in tin thick of the battle. The Severn! momt|cr of the con- fereiuev T(! U, is i(ot oxpeeited to offer - tyo imteh eompetitioii this season, m - ! 'll The jigc,le squad, with itiiwl of (Is |d»>e»s hark from timl year, could (R|i\ij to be the ’dark! horse' in the lionfereare jraer, Melina Bill Batey, •ft in a flurry of ties, bogi fining to tui^n basketball. Only rs, Ritte*) A&M, Arkanatts, . Sum Jenkins, j Billy rn;. 'urnbow. Mike Garcia, and Gene Shrickel. t'p fnim last year's fish squad are John D^iWitt, " Mobley, With tile 1948 fooroull seaHojn ending Southweat conference sport followers are their attention tol the winter uport of four of the Heven conference menjibe and TCU.I caiti turn their full abl tention toward their cage teams ‘ !M f® r the 194|k4ft t«a»«n_are as the thKf remaining nvelnberH, SMU, Baylor, and Texas,; have post-season football bowl ehgage- ments to fill. The Baylcir Bears, despite the loss of ,'their star perf«ji|mer Jackie Robinson, are still favor ed to repeat as IConference cham pions. Fbur Bruin starters of last season, Bill DeWitt, Red Owens, Hill Johnson, and DoniHeafhing- ton, will be on hand this year. The other starter will probably be Odell: Pfeston who was the number six! player on the Squad last season. j G I Expected to offer the most op position fpr the Baylor tea in will be Texas and SMU. Last year Tex as was the only team to defeat the Bears iiti Conference iday. The Ldngporns have three of tjlf ttlln Stop vored •/. • •1 ff /' v I m Ay t : : ■ f; i.! ij- <;lfr i* i ij ■ Fred Somihars. Truett and Wallace Mtum. ! Ai junior college transfer, Sid Hrachovy, is also expected to bol- ster the maroon and white squqd. iRjice Is also expected to field a strong team; thi$ season. Like most of the other conference teams the Owjs will have most of last year’s team back. Leading the Rice squid is Bil Tom, 6’ 7” center, who was th? Owl’s leading Scorer list year. In jaddition to Tom the tiaip boasts, fine performers in Javjid Cook, Warren Switzer, Bob I’oley, anti T6e McDermott. The Arkansas Ra^orbavks will be somewliat handicapped^ this year by ti e loss of last year s two star performers, George j Kok and Al Williams. Kok,-at fl’IO", a*d Williams, at 6’7”, 3 were two of the 1 tallest players | in the nation; last year. However, [the Hogs rre reported to have [several finLi sophomore stars to offset the CSs of the two tower- ling eugers \ _ ; j» i Expected |tk) otfcupy the cellar' this year i -T.l’U. The Horned Frogs lost th^b lettoruum fiom I lust hchhoii’i iiuin iukI arc not ex-i! j me ted Jo j ut up too mui-h of a fight \n liiiIs yetir’s copfcriurtl (wee, Six htthljjinuji, Julius'Dolidea, Hob HeipU'iitk||i, Frank Kiidlity, | jlob Yuung, tji ne Wardyipki, |»ml Gene SHijii »cu Bodts Simnioiis. (Thi^e 2"«!l n !ii r f*!r"L > ! rltelf£: lettornen, James iPrew- p,. Will be l j tl Masjon f asLion, ami Dickey r T?i ndinB l I Dowell, Nve Jjuit turned ip thpir trr- tr stfifir# TAXI Prompt I? ■ V I if' Courteous; C; f WL. ■J' prviee 11 phone .mm Bryan b liLllL -* aiona ists. AVimdrow Wilson of Dallas plays Arlipgton Heighlk iff Ft. Worth at Dallas Friday ,night. A throng of 15,000 is forecast. Saturday afternoon Lamar of Houston clashes vrith Thomas Jefferson I of Sap Antoluo at (ttrrias. Open Against Lauds Aggie « NTSC Dec. 10 GameConduct !$ pi tigs meet at Fal- FORT WORTH. Dec. 2 seven’ lettermeri ItM* not icome In our plintpr buck and A letter commencling the With “splendid behavior” of the A ‘NignudI (ieorge E. Htitl Dlfec* Longhorn Bands". ; ! |'iV G ■ ic c tor, Longb Idt'Hse lu.ipi' nut 4t|UlloKit t «. Murti IrnttortunR hottevet, is;ihkl you pertljd nutheiutv vnifuftilu^ iatlutis ob llir splendid IxmiD 1(0 of lhr AjimIc NluileHts, n c "Pt(htSii[Jnve 'my reguf ls ! tn Hen Wyatl and the otutjr Agiile Iwulcts With whoqt we had contqpt^ practice Monday after-1 u ouston w ; t i, isnon oridlcted ‘ ^ IIP 1 l noop with 23 ^ididates reiKirting HoUHton Wl,h 18 ’ 00H ,,redkttd - Mike Garcia, who rrtrtlc more to U >ach [ B(K j Ls I football unifo :iib. All throe men will In.* trying for theit third bas ketball letter. |-| J .1 i, S|ix rpturn nj^ squadmen also j! turped oijit to Ij spots on ithe ’ Thijy art*: McGee, jFloy.. W u W |v.. a .„. Pots, Lloyd Cay, and Roype Rod- Verk. j ; ; ■ • , Ip 1 addition, {.'seVei'al' gridiron starts will bt put for the Tiger Aggie Fish Boast Best Record In Conference Play I't I director/ of The Band at the Thei biggjest crowd in Class AA is forecast; at Odessa vyhere thei, What a , difference a [year cab Broncos- play Wichita Falls Sat-1 ,,,^^1 urdaj afternoon, A sell-out.of 18,- t year, Texas A&M’s fresh- ,s ,d u f as ^ dL>ssa makos its, , nan fQ 0 ^|, i ] l |l. tifam did not win a clinib back j into prominence after ., inK , an early Reason drubbing from | f This ye J. th() j. oung Aggies won more games than any other mem- r h r , Amarillo, (tdes.sa will be a solid I roach taking nvc- at tC^a-lnn™ ! ¥*!>• #«- I. U.U.’s 12-map basketball squad, UGRt A&M - lejXllS foptbftR J will (hum its lb48-4!) .season Sat-; game, in Au»t n has been re- urday. night against Not tit Texas , ce j Vti d jjy \\ L. Pell- ante Collrgr in the tC-t Kymna, ^ |wrt))J . from E ^urt, '\l . j. l!he game will be the team’s first under the coaching of Byron (Buster) Brannon, T(T gradu- I Texas. ate of 1935. who tutored two Hurt in commenting on the week Southwest Conference champion- end activities, s kid, “Because it is ship teams in four years at Rice part of mv job to bo responsible Institute bef 0 .™ he entered mili-. | to the Dean of Student Life for the tary service in 1912. j conduct of our students inside the Six iettermen form the core of stadium at foot tall games, I feel the Frog squad—Centers Julius { that I must wr, te you a letter of Dolnics and Bob Hendriks, For- | complipiept for the magnificent be- Notre Dame • USC Came Tops Card w ffi « Kt p^uamiicn 01-'/ . . . T.. , t ‘ NIHWJe gumy.-i Limtl f ght for tljc open I choice oven the twice-beaten i u\- t ^ ( , Sopphvvest Conference ik!Dr lick 1 MciiDionald, —.. , , • . . ,, ...v.-..., . , , . CubG who tied the Tcx-i Nvas 0llt inost of last Nasob with „ i hs F ro^h flasbingi at; Waco ilt theiaftiernoon. I ’ . nl/k/tn * ; I 1 '* wards Frank Kudlaty and Bob j havior of the ^ ggie studeht body sjarting. lineup.! °^£ s ; ‘and Wound-up G>eir‘brilliant sea- Y oun' ear except U aitlynski, who Day. quintet, linciulitg John nil lough, j John Coojlev, i m Jahtes Dqdley. | Six ofthe' candidates 4re over i six’ifect tall, J iu Simmons; expects | to have a fai * feam in shape for ! tlm; disttict lac * vvfhich sftartH/in ■r "W" ♦jiff" - ,_ i • y*! ,1# m .lawuajy. The njotoi cy niqtqi’.di'ivtm' 'yl icb.l, I ;■ 4,-p'j le His the pioUCvr : »*>->»» iil i Denison expects 9,(j)00 to 1(1,000 to turn out wfith the Yellow Jackets light f|iV(i(it.c». Waco lows for 12,000 ds tne Tigefs move against u Palestine teaip gjveni little chance to stop the Tiger (jugger naut. ; j Satu|rclii|> thenf uill Ini four Humes,! al| dav aMairs, tea lured hy ihU IWlj Arthur - Haktown clash ijit Hayttiwb. I’mt Arthur ami Biiyfifwti represent thr only vtjv ... , ,1 made a report to Mr. Bible GV1S, had the highest in -ju’ ies - . 4 ' , and he joins mt ih saying to you for tin season. 7 he seventh veteran on the squad ; that the, Aggies played a won- Glen 1 nnman led the Vggie is (iiiard Kendal! Bond, letterman ' derful game on the field and off Fish in scoriitg with six touch- in !944 and squadman,last season j the field, downs. Next came Robert Shaef- Also ,:uk . 11 ' >ln Inst Jem s squad , ..j j C)low , 0 f nothing that marred for of lilj Paso Kith onjc touch/ ' IS horwatd oruee t taig. the' [meeting o (mv- (woj student dofvn and five extra points. J Three of last year’s Iettermen [bodies, except those mliu'd' clashes Kenny .Sliobt bf Gorpus (.’hrjsti, have been lost—Red Brothers, wfhich can hapmii anywljei'e. We Homor IttUr 4nd Yale I .ary of Nolan Weeks ami Hroc Jerrel. I should be hopi tg for t be impos- Fort Worm, Robeit Datidsonl pf Brothers and Weeks graduated J sible if we expected to bo without Pori Arthkir. Ghai'les Hoflge jif just spriHg. Jerrel ¥(iis elpgjble; that almost negligible minority .. . , , NEW YORK, Dec. ll ’ ■ U(i)AD | 1 TG Radio Ri Hf - epair w! is oitr specie Ity II 5 ■ -- 1 * ■ ! f 1 / The Radio Shop buttle betp(mu |ii(ilef< sled l(n ayed / one “ j-1 • j j LETE REPA akes and models of • r Tiv Also • | ' EKIES PORTABLE ,1i! A / _z = /! y 'ewelnj that the Gift W I, T :| ti i I i o il l t i 2 ti I Hi i Pet. j■, m ActljA t are This Christmas . I.. GIVE JEWELRl / ! ' ' ' ' ' i" M c C A R T f vl/ /. i- 1 -! !i / NORTH GATE ! r j 11! to play IIuh year but did not rc» turn to ayhool; Three men have lltoved up to the vnrsiry squad frmij last year's "H" team Rob Hartnii, auidlomora guard: Hiib law, juninr fnrwaiTl; ami Bill Moran, sophomorp for* w.i(rd One new man is "(> tin; squad a/jd In evpeeled to s4e plejltV of action Hill Klllot, Fun worth soimomore who was Poly High HtjmiolV high'snd'er 4h IbtA and aria In tn HMih Hill add lloh Moor, man. twin defensive ends, frohi the Frog football team, are also r*Xpeeled to ban I he baakuthall squad this Week. I Four of the Ii I'riiu hurdwimd Htca w ere . all-state high school j players: three la Ipdlami nail i one In hansgs. HchihliH, caplaia of the Frogs lids )i>«K won all stair honors at Evansville, lad. Fiidlnty nl South Bend. Iml.' ( and Hcmlricks at Huntiogton. lad. Moran was alLsthtc at New, ton, Knn., la 1917 and lettered on Ncwtonjs stule championship team in 19lfl. , which occasioiiijjlly guts ! out of hand. "If anylhlnijt did huitpen that The Largosl , , . KKECflHICAti AI‘IXIANCE STORE * In Itrynii— <;mm> in ajnl sea us tor; , laige nr small abpItulit'oD' UADKIH , I'll.irTIMC IIION8 HTUDENT I, AM I'M FLOtm LAMPH PltkMTtp imoKKHH (loFFF.k MAX EMM SKKLVlNATt »St . . HhT POlNT > ami many o4hor tiselul# UNITED' 1 '-j APPLIANCES <11 me I AHM A HOME MTOKK A AGGIE RADIO I’hotve 2-1408 —— 4- The vvU, course is, St. An By winning Clemson cajn capture And at Birminghnnie, Aja., Au- the Southern Conference cham pionship. _ _ . p L; ; —f-i »>>*■■'IP MU. LEKU Laun ONB- ! * TTv —OP**t Lwt Wl Moo. 7:: « FACI 4 4 w’s U i Qihllod to-! With; aovett! iluy* tho UnLl t' Miami. Fla., j Richmond at ! Winter ne! on the . I !' 4 faniqua golf and! Ancient Scotland. s-r Equipped (OUR F ],/'!■ ' 7 nrii- r ’ DOUG’S CAFI! , College ind 27th [ ■-Ti/.TT I j : .MKXICAN iiisaan CHICK KN rlUNO KTICAK mi!kf4i.r/\YS rcidistAtr v r / i. j\T TTTii ir: 1 ; ORDER SUITS NOW BEFORE DEC. 5 fori f / CHRISTMAS DELIVERY y! is - . . i. 1 ! , ; i ii ij — . gle f — '! I mm* «MMi : |i|j |.- *. IIP ;i: (S’to,, , !:Tv Da* J 3— nnWw j It’s Christmas Tim" " LET THO; j’l.F *0 - • m vti > *. -4 IE ;.r • • k,.' • ’ t US HELP GIFT sel: f :i ' mm tom : ' " : A‘ H ■ '. Aggie Jcwejra h tor. 60 Yea&k' u -/ I Ik -/ ■ Ml f t* ■ [''; : 1:41 k ifi Texaa j jlf hi iiv, . m. ,( A r H|»‘. - I •Vi> -• II .-•f i j