The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 01, 1948, Image 4
j. i-.\. 1 : CHICAGO, Nov. thousand persons ed a 48-year-old last hight for his 1 an unscheduled eve show at the Int stock Exposition; A few minutes gave an ovation to of Port Worth, Tex., ateer leaped a 60*fu r ,.__ the massed spectators ht the show. There were screams of terror from amonr the crow. Jinkens, cattle breed* ter horse exhibitor, ; horse to the fence, vlet a leap from the saddle, the animal and led it bo arena. i 1 [ji« . Police Capt. Prank if bald that Jinkens* actio most .heroic he ever haL said that the steer runhb sr,M c ^l ! Jinkens was at awaiting his turn fo tion of how a cowboy ter horse “cuts out" o Jack Hart of Marsl made a pass at the? sU™ # The steer shied^ 1^1 for fence and cleared it at a hoi into the space betweittithe } and the stands where; special crowd to watch the exhibitions.: Jinkens sited up thefpituatipn immediately. He raced hit horse to the wall, and he leaped from saddle over the wall aud onto the steer. He thrust bis fingers into the animal’s eyes, huntf'aroimd its neck and brought it to its ki “The* I crashed it ; into fence a couple of tinreii to stun it,** Jinkens said, “and guided it through a near-by gath; into the show ring.” ’] f Asked if he was ' - ri ' ■. lock, i' r.r I sHero J es all my It WeT hi ’ fr been i: horses all my liije. I knew I had to do somethii gjor be a heel all my life. I w^J scared ’ I’ve been in a lot tougher down under aj Brahma ^uh, towhere y would . Nurses Needed To Serve With ■ rces tiave i ItfrightenecL Jinkens said: 'j ] 111 “I’ve been around -.cattle and TEEN AGE HEIRESS MARRIES “JUNEBUCI? . BENNETTSVIIXE, :S; C., Dec. 1 —up)— a teen age ifiulti-million dollars heiress once known as the “richest baby in the world” an&' her childhood sweetheart, nijck- named “Junebug,^ Honeymooned today. 3 m Jr Anne Cannon Reynolds, attrac tive 18-year-old jhmre^fi to textile and tobacco millions, ifiind Lldyd Patrick Tate, a .North Carolina sportsman, were Ouielly married here yesterday. The gfi»m is 22 The Army &n4 the Air Force , - j n military hos- irdi*g]to Colonel Oscar «r ■cma.: • | The need for guinea has arisen becausei of thn recent passage of the Selective Jctvice Act, Abbott said.' N I’ \T ' . Any profess onal nurse wishing to join the Argiy Nurse Corps will be required to serve at: least a one year tour of 1 |ity. Nurses ma,v request an exten sion of their t mi* of service with- the lost sixj months of their tour of duty, but they can not reduce the time. Resignations are accep ted however, for justifiable rea sons.. j £ Commissions will be granted up to the rank o ’ captain, depending upon the indi ddfual nurses quali fications. i A ten day lefresher course will be given at t le' Air Evacuation School, Sgpdilph Field, January 16-28 for gracuajte registered nur ses under 36 who have had the flight nurse course. Applicants for this course will be limited to mem- bers of the Army Nurse Corps Re serve. ] >' Purpose of the refreshed course is to acquaint nurses with new de velopments in the duties of flight nurses on an evacuation. Accep ted applicant^ will be ordered to active duty fdr lihe ten day period with full payj agd allowances. " | ij. 'i —j-n H BIDS BEING TAKEN FOR VET HOSPITAL TULSA, Okla., Dec. 1 —UP)— The U. S. Engineers are taking bids for construction of a veterans administration hospital at Bonham, Texas. . Ill i .... - JI’ / iff ri ' /.I' : ‘•'1 /' ' • ; r r-1 M . XL §- r : /• ■ y Page 1 ■ - SELL WITH A BATTALION CLASSIFIED AD. . . . S< » word per Inaertion with » 214 minimum. Spac« rates in Classified, Section ... M4 per column 1 inch. Send all classifieds witk remit tance to the Student Activities Of All ads should be turned in by 10:00 of day before publication. P i t. ■I V ' i K \ j - neBvUaUoi CLASSIFIED ADS : ’ . ■ I • ; ■ I ■ ' ^ I ' ‘ 'I • Wm \ ■ 1 j . i;^! I WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1,1948 I i . y : ** ,■>. 1 ! r''* 1 ' ’ rmic Office. :00 a.m. FOR SALE-ROYAL PORTABLK TYPE- WRITER?. Small down payment, small monthly payments. “Give the gift of a lifetime.*: Bryan Buiincaa Machine Co. 209 North Main. Dial 1-132*. Bryan. Texas. James Franklin Stuart free pass , i.) HAVE your themes, thesis, typed by ex perts. . Phone 2-670G. THE SCRIBE SHQP, 1007 E. 23rd, or see our agent after S:00 p.m., College View, C-13-A. LOST—Green', U.S.N. fur lined jacket. Believed lout at creamery. See W. T. Thompson: C-15-Y, College View. P. O. Bex MM.j Reward. ; ; , ; AMOS WELDON and FELLOW DOG- NAI’PEpS IMease take good care of our little ilog. We have had him many yearn and certainly mlxa him. Will call for, him. next Turkey Day. TLOK Holme. Charles 5 Wayne Clark free show at 1 Campusi • 3 . •~~4i——4^—•—~ FOR SALE—Dachshund puppies. Register ed A.K.C. Csn lie seen at 801 West 27th St., Bryan, Texas. THE SENIOR who left his camera In my ear, Thahksgiving, may obtain it at *00 E. 27th, Bryan, any day after 6:00. OLD FURNITURE MADE NEW Wft (Specialize in Refinishing Antiques and^Venetian^Blinda I Furniture Refinishing .Painting Contractor 8200 Highway 0, S. Ph. 4-468J WASHING MACHINES nS WEDELL’S SERVICE SHOP 2010 Cavitt Ph.2-8200 SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 13«* A.P. * A.M. Stpted meeting on second Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in American Le gion Project House. J. J. WOOLKET. W. M W. H. BADGETT, Bee. T ‘A&M Started This,’ SMU Fan Comments After Tie With TCU A v WA / V 1 VJ UTABOTiB — Cash aad Cany BUT I. ALL ' ■ 7T7 ■ yf"' jifi ■W 7 rr , «WKINSDW FVtCE?-' SHOULD AM,WHEN, I DIVINELV HAPPY AMOKiG TH' HAWGS/> , YO CAINfT MARRY NO HAVC?T- ) AN AH HAlN'T GOiN* TSUPPOPT NO' / r iH' REST O' HAH NATCHERAL L ' fiiiiBi fe/r m m r CHIROPRACTOR Geo. W. Buchanan, D.C. COLONIC X-RAY 805 E. 28th St Ph. 2-6248 SEAT COVERS / Plastic or Straw JOHNSON’S; UPHOLSTERING SHOP Back of “Eagle” Office Bryan Phono 2-1C39 !* V rK SUITS l i , } ORDERED BY DEC. 1 WILL BE DELIVERED! i- DEC. 17 f •. ii?- j He who hesitates is.lost* r-is-r hit i : .4- • r i. it jl I if!: *'f: If 111 I i i By CHARLES KIRKHAM Peruna stamped impatiently as the SMU team came from the hud dle up to the ball on their own one yard line. In the stands 67,000 people quiet ed expecting something to happen. The Cotton Bowl time clock show ed one minute and forty-one sec-/ onds left in the game. In the press box reporters collected notes and camera men were packing to go home.] , All afternoon SMU’s great backs had been bottled up and the TCU line had opened holes that Stout and Bernr,could have found blind folded. Usually aerial TCU had attempted only three passes in the game while usually terrestrial SMU desperately relied on Gil, Johnson’s arm to heave them out of the hole. So £ar a few of his passes had connected; the majority, too long. Johnson’s first pass to Walk- -er was knocked down. Johnson hit-Milam on the SMU 19. John son, finding no pass receiver, ran out of bounds on the 41. The dock stopped on 31 sec onds. Another wild Johnson pass, and a few people ataried movint: to ward' the exit ramps. Johnson then tosfied to McKissack who was downed on the TCU 36. A quick huddle, 17 seconds to go, ami John son: found Milam open on about the Frrtg five. Milam had only to turn around and take a couple of steps to pay dirt. i Doak Walker, who had looked Civil Service Needs I* ‘ ' , ‘ l : ; • f'r . Personnel Workers i . ] T ■ 1 j A personnel officer roxamination has been j announced by the U. S. Ciyil .Service Commission for fill ing the following positions in Washington, D. C., hftd vicinity. Personnel officer, personnel as sistant employee relations officer, employee relations assistant, em ployee counselor, personnel rating examinerl position classifier, place ment officer, placemen^ assistant, occupational analyst, and salary and wage analyst. College; study may be substitu ted for tbe general experience. No written test is required. Information concerning these positions can be obtained at the College Station Post Office. like an average back all after noon, kicked the extra point. Mustang fans went.berserk while Frog fans gritted their teeth re- memberihg last year’s game when another outplayed SMU team luck ed out with a last minute touch down to gain a 19-19 tie. The SMU yell leaders turned flips befpre ffenzied student fans. And xpn hei andj charged her trainer. Perjana reared vpn her hind feet uncinff 1HE OPENING OF THE Dillard Pfipng Go. .:l! 1 I 1 ,* * I m. ■ 1 ' ! ! I. ■ $!. • llji: V • I: ftiitfvfe, a ..j. i I* Location ||1I South Main Next to Bryan Hotel A TEXAS 'hat was the ball game, the cldsing seconds saw a short kick returned to the TCU forty and thjp clock ran out. As the Cotton Bowl emptied, a thousand people gathered around the) SMljJ band as they swung into “The St. Louis Blues March.” Joe Patterson, SMU Student Body President, commented, mopping his flushed face, “It was- A&M who started this. I can’t stand many more;” Bill Polasek, A Senior Com pany, said, "‘Only one play, just one saved SMU. Otherwise, TCU roiled Over them.” The lines have been drawn and next year’s TCU-SMU game at Fort Worth might Eclipse our Tur/ key Day Contest on Kyle Field. , * What's Cooking AGGIE AERO MODELERS, 7:16 P. >n., Thursday, Room KIH, ME Shop*. ASHVK, 7:30 p, m. Thursday, Mechanical Engineering Lecture Room, j ACADEMY OF SCIENCE CLUB 7:30 p. m„ Wodnefcday. Room 10, BELL COUNTY CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Room 105, Academic Building. COLLIN COUNTY CLUB, 7)30 p.m., Thursday, Room 224 Acu- demfc Building. CASS COUNTY CLUB. 7:30 p. m., Wednesday, Room 126, Aca demic. ■ FORT WORTH A&M CLUB. 7:15 p.m., Wednesday, Lecture Room of Science Hall. Fipal plans for Christmas Dance. FALLS COUNTY A&M CLUB. 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Room 228, Academic. (Club picture)., HILL COUNTY A&M CLUB, 7:15 p. m., Thursday, Room 325, Academic. HJSK CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thurs day. Room 325, Academic. HOUSTON COUNTY A&M CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Wednesday, Room 308, Academic. (Club pic ture). HENDERSON COUNTY CLUB, 7:30! p. m., Room 223, Academic. LAMAR COUNTY CLUB, 7,^. m.. Thursday, Room 205. Academic. LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSO CIATION, 7:30 p. m., Wednesday, Lutheran Student Center. HEART O’ TEXAS CLUB, 7:30 p.m;, Thursday^, ME Shop Lecture Roopi. (Club picture)., NAVARRO COUNTY CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Room 228, Academic Building. Club picture will be made. MARSHALL A&M CLUB, 8 p. m., Wednesday, Dprm 10 Lounge. Picture taken for Longhorn. NEWCOMERS CLUB, 3 p. m., Wednesday, YMCA. PORT ARTHUR A&M CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Room 225, Academic. PRE-LAW SOCIETY, 7 p. m., Thursday, Ex-Students Lounge, YMCA. TEXARKANA CLUB, 7 p. m., Thursday, Room 105 Academic Building. Christmas party plans. WILLIAMSON COUNTY CLUB, 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Room 203 Academic Building. Final plans for Christmas party. AL ON CHRISTMAS CARDS ; i; f I j • JOB PRENTINC j ^ 1/ V ■ I ! ;V I \l ' i ri LAUNDER IN lundromat Equipped ONE-HALF HOUR LAUNDRY —Open Dally 7:80 mil— Last Wash Received— Moil 7:80 PJtf.—Sat. 8:80 PJM. Other Days 5:80 PJL STARCHING A DRYING FACILITIES AVAILABLE iL ' : ri T ! , ri Jri- ifl'lvl .1 . i ! 'J v ■ ■ rV.., , -MMSWOMPEDUPA \tVCHNOr-A | YANKED , V 1 r; i -' iri 1 T- j r ri. ri i : ‘ ii 'I j; P i I |/X-i 1 : • r CTT" - '-'-'-! K: BUY YOUR G. E. RADIO TODAY ! | ^7 Portablea—Table Modelo—Consolee Cowboy boots made i/ 119.95 and up IA | , }/ 171 • } MeCULLOCH-DANSBY APPLIANCE STORE ' ' i’ r ^ / Bryan * / / \ 1 • W.S.D. CLOTHIERS College Station EXPI SHOE You WaH PAWS ri: ’■*:}. i Irii JONES BOOT Southsido MONOGRAMS One day aer tials in gold, grayed in lent! ^SHAFFBR’ North Gate aider os 1 ' »■ an il j.. 8 BOOK STORE fri. 4-8814 ZS2 co MB r| Box 1105 SERVICE lOge *» : i \f I : ri II r ’ <■ x A m sn I Itation ri' > \ A ;,1 S e Haulm m- 4 K: M ',4p 'M -•ri v'''ri-' ' r i M J fti feta K t :• mm Qmi i r r ■ * [ft ri )-I'i M tiji: M; Vi / ' mi J £ s m Wr* ri ‘ i +, .■ri; j ; | j ri /] „ t!|| j I ^ i .. j More independent expert* smoke Lucky Strike regularly than the next 2 leading brands combined! *. i • ; J ! " K 'M-F r fir An Impartial poll covering all the Southern lobacco market* reveal* fhe »moking preferenco of fh^ men who really know lobacco — auctioneer*, buyer* and warehousemen. More )0f these Independent experts smoke Lucky Strike regularly than the nexl two leading brands combined. r'- jit mi 5 fe-, .f \ m ' ft 81 m mm ft. 11 I ' r m {■sf. m A J f , k- m u m r-’ i Wim. m mm mWm i L«-, /ri I. i lirii \ i -iri'i'ri. \ pixel LUCKY STRIKE MEANS FINE I 'l I ; ,V» V ,n A r»ate4« w f 8 to (bMBANT 1 ■!' ! ;• i . I ri ,'j \-a1 -ri. r •iri