o 1 I.J yfi' .1: RAKOW$ Northwestern 'BARNEY POOLE k Mississippi 1 ij-l > : -a. CHUCK BEPNARIK Pennsylvania j * FRANZ California IP 1 BUDDY BJRRIS Oklahoma m ffeji W?,' I , 1 '!i DOAK WALKER t' • soah." fn Methodist ! m *r,c Again; Scott on . ! :? Te«Bi mstr(‘ gatil All-America Runner-ups v ' t ■ r ; 1 %. ’ J •/' t ■Ft V 'J . ' ■ 4!C ‘ !- ! ’ • i 4 -,y -1 f I i! i ^ • •ii Second ^ . Dartmouth. S? g 6uTe son, Michigarj State.. LEO NOMELLINI Minnesota DICK RIFENBURO Michigan ■4«——— moiis mille ■I 111. Texas A&M's|hafBaJly been invited to run id. trie Mid-Winter Spf New Orleans, Col|| announced I today. ?t, |l|i m This Will make,the siechnd^ppearance c relay team in this ailj!lua^ip)(im < ' carnival. The .Sugar fBowlj^itlne between the Universi^’ bt ;T)kla- homa and the Univ^rs^V piponlji Carolina is the fea^re|M|| tni$ years Sports carrilvaliV iflp.'!’ Col. Anderson also that A&M’s opponents for tie not yet known but tjfeey: be announced as soon as pbssd|% The to Run estival if fclay team has Is Carnival atljl Aiiijclerspn, Agirit} track coach, A T f |he Aggie mile * — r—-i-——■ j)kK£ j' '' j: ' Battalion WEDNFSDAV. DECEMBER 1, 1948 Page 3 -H~ 4 Mid-Winter Spiorts Cahiim ally gets the best imle^'ejajj^uins in -the country to com|let(jj;;j|| \ I Jai 14m. he - Last year the Aggfe against LSU and Okla^oid^ The Oklahoma Aggleili yi event when the TexasfAgjjfi® h a close sect Last yealrl's, I of Art H a rook, Ervin I Spill Napier. T iv«j of t |!jNapi^r and !»e on the; tea Harnden con and Napier farnde: n ilthis jyear. . pi ;ted Es eligibili- is| nowj a sprinter ind dfies not, r inithe quarter-mile. dropped the baton, ( however^ recovered in ! ti SOLE Tidl tm w^s compos-. ^ feden. Ray Hol- lilder; frback and these men— eni—will not Three men ird now] vying fur two vacatei places pn the team they are: Con ia|ly Liidwiek, Don fatcholi and Don! Cardon; Ludwick an 1 fardoii Ijoth ran the team 'nfm time to time ist year wpi e iMitchell was a f'reshman. v- iSI #ra' soEks iSl'MA-q kVti y hi y m I:" - • i f. n n u ^ I ■ , jip if Two nutfeijii ^ *■ CorAe lit nowht UFiil’I^II .su as 80GKH4 uU;ikil f. .| ml ■ -t !#L ■ • l J igr ilf ;l * I Ji i; ■fli ;f Jjy hHttnd i j . (iMMottH tlitnc mjd mPnt y VH K/Vllf 39c Ilk Berry Leads Ground Gainers n Season’s Final Standings Seconi Dale A1 Don Dick ; Harris,j Texas i Bill Healy, Georgia Tech.. Bill Kay, IoWa,i.. T ... Mel Sheehanj Missouri Charier Ortriiann, Michigan., Clyde Scott, Atkansas John Rauch, Georgia...: Emil Sitko, hidtre Dame. i TPosition Third Team End. Tamburo, Petm State TacKle J _...Meseroll, Tennessee Guafd Quim^ Cornell ....Centlr Thompson, William & Mary GuaM Sterling, Santa Clara Tackle ... Stautner, Boston College End .Hart, Notre Dame Back (..........Van Brocklin, Oregon ...... Bac|c ......j. Gage, Clemsoit Back.... j. ...Price, Tulane Back .{....i Jensen, California First Team James Williams, Rice- Morris Baile George Petn y, Tcu vich, Texas. Jim Wfokhr] A&M Joe Wtttson, Rice Buddy Tinshlyj Baylor- Dick Hirris, Doak Walke-, SMU... Clyde b eutt, Lindy Berry, AP j All-Sottthwest Second Team (. Folsom, SMU Ends.. ........Hillhouse, A&M Texas. . Arkansas.. TCU...i,...j.... 4** Dick M iKissiick, SMC ...Tack Tack ...Gu ...Guar ...Oen .. Bac ...Bad ...Bac Bac ...Etheridge, SMU Brown,. TCU ... Peters, Arkansas Stautzenberger, A&M Huebner, Baylor Borneman, Texas ... Sims, Baylor Page, SMU Johnson, SMU First Tram James Williaiinn, Rice L Morris flullei, TCU George ilVlrovich, Texas Buddy Tinshy, Blnylor, i). Statij/eiila'igei?, A&M Charlie IStoiwi Baylor Dick ilarrls, Texas Doak Wiilkeh SMU .,. Clyde Srott. Arkansas Limly Bprry, TCU. .... Ray Bornemiin, Texas. ,, INS Ali-Southwest ”V Position •Rndl En«| Tackle Tackje Guam GuKijil Center Baer.,, Back Bacif... Buck.. Hecond Team BlaMy, SMU Holder, Texas Bamberger, SMU Lummy, Arkansas brown, TCU Vaalctk, Texas Watson, Rlcei Johnaoh, SMU Sima,* Baylor Rote, SMU Goode, A&M can • 13! ’.^4 A-r -1 •' w I i.’ ed of eleven men from eleven of the few jtimes that no school h; than one man on the team. 4 Leadihg the star-studded first earn are three grid cheats Who made this same A11-America team ast year. They are; Chuck Bed- iarik of Pennsylvania jit center, Bill Fischer of Notre Dame at tackle and Doak Walker of SMU In the backfield. ickle and Doak Walker of the backfield. Bedtiarilala 233 lb. 6 ft. 3 lh. senior, calls Bethlehem, Pa., His honte toWh. Bednarik, Who is ‘ also used as a puntCr is an Air Corps veteran. Fischer, captain Notre Dame team has pi . guard and tackle this year. Last- year he made; the first team as a guard, this year as a tackle. He is (5 ft. 2 [in. tall, weighs 220 pounds of this iriigRty lias played both and Hails fra! Walker, better known to South- West Conference fans ii|i "The Chicago, 111. fans Harold Ratliff, Texas Films On |QB Program Tomorrow Color films of the A&M-Texas game Will be shown at the final meeting of the Quarterback Club tomorrow night at 7:30 in the Assembly Hall. Coach Stiteler will not be present because of a previous speakipg engagement, but Harold Ratliff, Associated Press sports-f Southwest Confeijence play came to a close la liy and after final statistics were compiled Lindy imj ' ’ ! * close la$t Satur- erry of U emerged as the top ground Igainer of the year. , HAIR HAIR jklity 1 lafuedilb 6.(15 1 ,98 Nei i I- : ;iL fill WEISS j ■ Caim])us Thea nj ... Ji I LI - I " m V^Ll’i IJoK , One-fourth off on c —G a b e.r d i hie, S Smart new ! | TT fr l * U1C,: - *44 ^an i j| . ir entire stock of Srutter Cloth, Fail one h»d two pieeb new dress for an| dbcasion and at so littl 9 to 15 and lOfoi! ! it , L ;i _ Also a small group l .j / :1 Broadcloth. Hei will want to plit * ' '• ■I i■ m the Spring m Values! o .M i' ' D; bottan dresses in (Ihambray and :t for Christmas Gifts and you aly several for yours r . ! 1^ . f 1.):;- j j . . Now oitl; r ■ I' • yr ia ei» Slo 1 i ’vr 79r Berry gaiiied 117 yards agaipst * !MU last .Week and this gave dm a (ofaTjof TFTyirtiTuTThe year. Close* behind the TCU halfback were Ray Borneman of Texas with ;7(H) yards and Clyde ij&oit of - Arkansas with 670 yards. Sicotf led the ground gaiti- eCs untijl lakt week's games and probably would have remained in the top jposition had he not been lout of the William & Mary game because!of jinjuries. Goff of A& M, who was in second place at the beginning of the season, ranks eighth with 531 net yards. In passing Johnson Of Is Ml' held on to tlje top pd.sitioii with 78 l;oinpIeti(>ris'iout of 1-8 g item piled passes for h total gait^ of B'nrds,’ Njmd of Johnson’s; passes went for! topchdowns, Cpinplufifig The t Uhijh- iinii ami Huty, (Vuhittn uinikeil stiv- enlh with 111 rouipl' Ii'ltm. for 1^1 yard" am) Mily ranktal ajglilh wiili ii!a woni|iluti(ins for HI yhnU, D"lik Wulju)!' of ,H,M U itit'lu’ll did IH he.i ltd* I'h' puhti't will) ll ill. I yard hvi'Hurf. Behind Wnlkei wore two ArkniisaM |ii/k,yni'ft, lUird'im Ieth teams.: I Ini n) 14 ivop oval! i Dorm 15 \shhii A, It 'Gibson Ipt is njnl fan It hack, rnr Ilie Jlaiiaoii then fllrkfil a nass G'lbsjiii f(ir 1 hr roiivpr.-jmn, 11, D. imliiiid Mini B. >1. Bnrlijhaui were Dorih ,lfi‘a 'iiiilRliilallng defeMsIve yer». Law Hall ran qwny from Viillon; l|i I'Tug Kfotlgill! IH to (I, iked fh In twin straight . , ■■ h H VollMbnll, ASCK "kunked flic vio Vejt Modlel|ne Ciu| ga Army sccired but one touchdown against Haivurd in the firsf 13 games plajjcd between the 1 two schools, beginning with the, 1895 contest. ! / ncs.; Montgomery Uoiioty Club I re winners over Atuitit' Club, twp games to one. n the Forfeit list, FFA foi’felt- to Bunge and Forestry in F00U 1. Mitchell fulled to show for tb<|ir Volley Hall game With Dorm 17. WafO-McLehnon apd Landscape Art Clubs (were involved! in .double editor, has agreed to be present. There rS no charge for admission, and everyon; is/invited to be pre sent Ratliff will also autograph cop ies of his bo^k, “I Shook; the Hand” This hook is made up of stories concern ipg threat Southwest ath letes and tleir records. Copies of this book will be on sale in the lobby 9i Xhf .Assembly IJall Drior lot the meeting, courtesy of Bhaef- fers ? Book Store, r One of the largest crowds of the season is expected to see this picture. These films are in such de mand that several copies will be made to supply all of the re quests, Coach Stiteler said yes terday. Four copies will be made to send out to the ex-student clubs requesting them, and the original will remain here for thb u&e of fhe players and the coach ing staff, j For the first time in several months the poaching staff was tak ing it easy yesterday, with the exception ojf Jitifcelcjr und Marty Kurow, Stiteler w'as busy with leftover problems of the football .season, pmrjning speaking engage ments, and watching high school ganglia. ^ 1 , ;. [ j , Kiiiovv was huay ipakiug trans- nivreepted a ], | 1 4 l . lttl j 0 |, lirrangements riir the , ' ul 1 haskHliall teani's oped lug game with Ti'inlR’ UniversHy In Han Ariimtiii' ne|xt, Ftilday night, He said thtit, the starling Hnenp was not denjnlU; as yet, Tmj that Bill DeWitt, (letie Hehrlcltel, Ham Jen kins, and Jim Kirkland Would prob ably ho starters for t|te opening gumo. ' • ; Aggie CageFS Meet Trinity Tigers Friday * Basketball moves in replace ootball as the headline college : port in the nation this Week with :very cage team in the Southwest Conference seeing action sometime his (week. The Aggies of College station pljay their initial game of he 1948-49 campaign in poakw,” ill ope of tho f Vc Juniort on this toam. The m renter t'' tor of!! S’&or ■' Stautzei making thg lithe AP seal not toiejat ejjL» and r d Odel and C guardf J\ ; in addition to fitrst team, made am. Winkler was tm HIS t$am. • - clhasyjAggie team haid working ed on .the INS Southwest this slot! SMU whii Ray Bo: fourth r p Folldwi ers from given hoi AP A11-A: I jBHdip &M; BillyjRii, Williams,, Hlce{} TacklesjSaJoe vr Aggie second on the I! Bob Go back, was ' team jini mention bn| thi* jAP sqUad: Bobby Gdff,' hard running Aggie fullback receivec honorable tion on theji AP iquad,. Another positibn on the All as hard to given honorable kP sq ting . men- taSSKL. (’AP selectors mot in the OT gave ik McKissack of ; I ble INS afelejctors made if T^xas their ie backfield. list of the play- thwest who Were mention on the rica team: ! H llhouse, Texas A Arkansas^ James Dthridge, John Hamfeerger _SMlJ: ■ ] George Petrovich, as Tech; Baylor, ayi GuaidsU Peters, At Baylor' and 1 Job Watson, B - r ’ I'M* 4HVI Si. Good New, f/GlHT O '' H! i it SMU; fexas; Dan Pursjcl, Tex- V, “Buddy” Tinsley, j x i T I l* Lewis, SM|U; Ray n4as{; Odell Stautsen- hjarles mje Hui m, RIci . TCU. C»mpl j hNftWi r HMU; Kylo Itoto bertfer, Toj S « > w*wb -V— 1— ■ / A r \ .In -*— 1 llpv . - j - i|ti; - ; v Ft 1 ;» n f 'Pi n .. .■K r vf l •