The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 01, 1948, Image 1

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'••f". : • h
i ROME, Doe. I —
SltR Monday Huffoml
ijffpftt »lnc« the nfttl
tloniMtf hHt April In '
‘i ••
&or0t«m lialUn !p&VliNfl§f
: The former, AuNtrltttv iwvlrtc
of Trent'ami Alto Adlfe ba
. loUnjr for a 46>a«at nuioMl’ cou
ell, Ti\« OommunlRt mty non 01
M\.;h two HetttN/and tholr
' ftlllen three.' : ■; 'M • I!
Premier Aldde de Oaiperl'e
ChrlNtlun Democrats won \1. eeaU.
The Volkflpnrtel, made up. df Oeii-
tnnn*apeaklncr South. Tkrpleani,
Won 18. A dlaaldent GathoUO proub
called the party of Trent recolvoU
four, the Antl-Comrminlet Soclaj-
ieta, three, and four* urnttU anti*
Communist parties, one s|«| enelj.
Hartley favors repeal
Rep. Hartley (R-NJ), ifo-authdr
of the Taft-Hartley Labor Law,
said yesterday he favors repeal of
r the present requirement for an em
ployees' election to determine
* whether there should be a, union
shop. ! . : , ? Ill • 3
Experience with this imquire-
^ ment, he explained, has demonstra
ted that it Is “costly and TOtaecel-
* Bary.”
He Said union shop agreements
could be made a matter for bar
Sa l^A io hf*?
cost Aggies Stock
By LAlfRY GOODWYN '. [■ ■ ' ;; ^
•i'rniBo m wonderful’ thlng, cspecinlly when it comeir
fronji smirce» for nfield 0^1 more especiully when it in jde-
A&M, tlioinkn to a certain 14-14 tie lost Thursday, has
in for mdrcl than its shore of*
(3* . >
■ I!
% i .tin
~ A&M COl
to he
So time dut to psk the
pn the back ^htte
Sah Antonio ndwapapifert!
ing on the Thanksgiving game.]
Fipm ‘the dolnmn of T ''
Scheirwitz,' spirte editor
praisle—and the piost encOurtlg ng
is that a 1 the praise appears
H r D ITT;
, r
We quoth
Son Antonio Light, comes the fol
lowing post-gamfe commentaiy:
“When the itecord of the South
west, Conference^ 1948 football
gaining directly between labor and
Hartley told reporters; he also
believes that the present^ require-j
ment for labor union officials to
file non-Communist a f f i/d a v i t s
should be extended to management
. ." r V 'd .|||| ' i I
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1 _«>>—
President Truman said yesterday
thorough congressional investiga
tion of lobbying < activitibs would
have "a very salutary effect,”
The, chief executive added that;
he would “he glad to sod such an
investigation undertakenqlr
Truman expressed. hli-view in
a letter to Eric Peterson,j general
sucrotary-troHMurer of thb;, Inter-;
national Association of Muohinisls.
The president was replying to a
telegram from PeUirsomi i urglpg
has cnlle<l for u congH'ssionul
season is written; one of the miost
remarkable chapiters will be de
voted to Texas! A&M College.
“The careful, searching histor
ies'will write it down as one| of
the most successful] seasons in
Texas A&M History, even if the
Aggies did finish dead last in
the standings.] T ! '
“From a playing standpoint?
No, because tne.Texas A&M team,
while a courageous outfit that has
given practically: every foe a hard
afternoon, is’siot a.good team. It
[ lacks many things, mostly man
power replacements, first-class
performers who can go in and re
lieve the (log-iirfd regulars in the
closing mimitejs and hold the fresh
and fiery foeniaii.
“But there’s one thing A&M
does not lack ^nd that’s a Won
derful new sblrtt. You can sense
it in the atltitpde of the stu
dents not on jlhs team, the farul-
ty.i! the player* the old grads.
Especially, ti e bid grads!
“KoV years |w»f’v(< been Hstjewing
to the 'beefinK f?f Aggie farmer
pro be of lobbying nctivltfaft durlpg
the 80th congrehs. h ||
TOKYO, Doc. 1 War ;
time Premier Hidekl Tojb and six
other top Japarume wlrmakars won
an eleventh nour roapita ytaterduy
from the hangnmnW^UMMa
General Douglas MucAl'thui' said
they would “certainly nor bo ex*4
cuted until the .SuprcmesCourt; of
the United States has acted on
appeals by/two of the condemned
men. 1 ■
The nekt Scheduled meeting of
the Supreme Court 1ft December 6,
The appeals from! ths:. Internal
tionul Military Tribunal; verdict
we«e filed in Washington yesters
day in behalf of Farmer Prerriieil
Koki Hirota, who helped plot J** - !
pan’s pre-Pearl Harbor war plans,]
and Gen. Kenj.i Doihara, knowi
to the Chinese as the-“Bird I of
Evil Omen.” I|,
... i‘ i m
NEW DELHI, India, Dec. l|
<iP)— India’s 50,000,00(I>,untoueliH
ables, former outcasts Of Hindu
society, are granted’ equality with
Other citizens of the Indian union
> by a provision in the drift ebrtsti-
tution\now being drawn Up.
The \ constituent assembly • yes
terday adopted a provision out
lawing’ untouchability and provid-i
* Ing penalties for its practice.
-—r -' re- , V
• WASHINGTON, dDec.fci —UP>-4
Senator Hill (D-Ala) warned the
nation’s military chiefs.'-yesterday
he intends to “raise Hain ijmtii
' ' there is real unification of the
armed forces.” f i*£.; j
As a member of the Senate Arm
ed Services Committee,’Dill said,
he will demand in the. : next con-
greas that the Army, NaVy and Air
Force put aside their “patty fight}-
ing” for the country’s good.
-•re 1 *—■—f Frl
7 WACO, Dec. 1
R. Poago (D-Tex)|; beV
‘r headed
are fiercjfly
)t*ermr pi
Atudents ... 1 veil, those old grads
■ l " p ‘o-tAggto, Thcylre »o
tni*r«!rft nothing j that
compares to thgir school and‘It*
rkft that thfy Himnly mind have
of tho be« football toum*—If
When they don't got
y’I'O n trifle rough oh the
uytH they thl tki:*houkl he provld-
ng one.
You’ve all hf
g of uneei
and groaning
permeated the
feolllng of uni
trd the moaning
recent yean. It
tool. Thiro wag a
and unhappineNH
everywhere. Things h a p p ened
mg^tbe atiulent* that pro bub! _
wouliln't havk pccurred if the
)Id oi lirious silence oi' the
of anger and disappoint-
are already
I • to depreaalon.” I ||
Poage emphaalaed, hbwe
wa* not |n'e<Heting eco:
ver. ho
in the very near futenn.«tfepeiv
on what eongrea* doe*, :# *ald,
“The governmenir; can not
trrmlne nfoaperlty by
' continued, "but It ban
' f trend* In cheek for awh
can change curtain trek
tupatiHlon of government
for the military and faf
air may b<* the factor
ka Ik
among ^he Bltodiint* that probably
- - tV " u
school'* athletic]fortunes hud been
up and A&M pebple hud been Uni
fied by a force the equal of which
has not been discovered in modern
higher educalt op—a winning team.
And‘that’s the truth.
“Now, as if by magic, i, the
whole picture has changed. And
one of the miost consistent losers
in A&M history has changed it.
‘ Everybody-Mnclud ing the old
grads—smiles] dmiably and talks
“pull together.” Coach Harry Stite-
ler gets a pay raise in mid
season. Defeits are accepted with
complimentary jitelegrams instead
of the old
, “We said a losing team has done
this. The statjeraent is not exactly
truie.: The spirit on that losing
team, the couching behind it and
the promise of better days certain
to cotne—and qpick—are doing it.
“It/s somet lirtg of a one-season
miracle. But i t’s there. The Aggies
are together aijgain. And that
means storm Warnings up at all
the other conference schools.”
To which t »e ^Battalion has only
to jadd: “Mr,. Scherwitz, Amen.”
fs , I ,, . I 'j i^j.l ^ ’L i i
And from unfther San Antonio
source. Dick Peebles, sports edi
tor of the San' Antonio Express
comes the ! bljowing boaqnet.
“When the Tfexas Aggies picked
themselves dff‘ the floor of Me
morial Stadiiim Thanksgiving Day
to battle the hikhly favored Texas
Longhorns t4 f draw, the 68,000
persona in jtl e concrete horaeshoe
may have w tneftsed the dawning
of a new gold on era in Aggie foot
ball. . , . Tliepo have been great
Aggie team* in the past; team*
that went ehrnpgh a rugged sea
son bowling, over opponent after
“But we don't think there wu*
ever an A&M Gum thut had more
fighting Mpirlt than)the 1048 team.
Thl* tHlitlon pf 'the Aggie* had, if
ROA Schedules
Dinner Dance
December 11
The Brazos County Reserve
Officers chapter will hold its
third annual dinner and dance
December 11 in Sbisa Hall
according to Fred’ Benson,
chapter president.
Besides the regular membership,
reserve officers of all branches of
the service and cadet associate
members are eligible to attend the
chapter’s annual social event
The dinner is scheduled for 7:30
p. m. and the dance will begin at’
9, Music for the occasion will be
furnished by the Aggieland Or
chestra. !’'■ -iii
Joe Cullinan, chairman of the
social committee, is in charge of
arrangements for the dinner and
dance. ! ! . \
“This is the time each year that
reserve officers have the oppor
tunity to get-.dressed up in their
old uniforms, if they still fit, re
splendent with ribbons and battle
stars,” said Grady Elms, vicO pres
ident of ithe chapter. “Old battle*
can be riffought, verbally, and bat
tle experience* can be relieved,”
Elms »aid; , ‘ . : ;|p
Last year, according to Elm*,
more thmi 360 persons attended
the dlimpr 1 and dance.
if' 1
[£.. Lj 1 ' 1
, { i; :
Iii H >■’
Melody Maids Sihedul
Concert Here Satu
Beaumont Has
• l/i
M ■ ••• !'
v ; :
j The wail of the piccolo and the mournful notes of the base horn
provide music for the Elephant Walk which took place on Tuesday
prior to Thanksgiving.
Poaif you'll pardon t|» «
I'kpresslon, gut*
d given a break
icre, they (night
und lot* of
here and a heeajk there
have won •Ini.. ..
gaCe Baylor, jHMU, and Texas busy
they Might
me or two. They
„ t L “For the AgiieHi that on*, play
reverse the downward ; eertnomk iBaty's pass! to Wright) turneti
trend.’’ ! ]1 . r;|; i[ qarkne** (ntp eunllght. Already,
raF*« N
CORSICANA, Te*., IN| l Utl
A special train to' carry
to Washington fof thetihi
I ” lim
ay the Texas Demoeratib InaugUUV
al committee. .I ■ i re J
State Chairman John C, Calhoun
of Corsicana and Biutis. Jackt
of Hillsboro are to go tb Waahii
ton next month to plan-entei
ment for the Texas
All Texans, regatdl f
they voted, were JM »
the delegation,
they’re thlnktnjr about next sea
son. They hilj the bottom this year
noUr they’re may to rebound. They
are proud of 11 fine freshmen eleven
and of the tork that Barlow
"Bones’’ Irvin did with the Fish.
‘Anyhow, thtyt tie with Texas
gate the Afgies a new leaSe on
fife. It won’t! bb such a long, cold
winter.” i • Mil IT"<1
BATAVIA} Jiva., Dec,
1ST TAKBn h/j:
Ml —(Si
news agency, An-
yesterday the Re
ad captured rv ’ ’
Communist fpree* i*
Longhorn Releases
Club Pic Schedule
The aehedaio for club pieterea
to he takch thl* week has own re
leased by ithe editors of the ! Long
horn. It; is as follows:
! Wednesday—Tau BeU Pi, 7:30
n. m., Petroleum lecture Room;
Houston County Club, 7:45 p. m.,
Room 308 f Academic Building; Phi
Etu Sigma, 8, Physics Lecture
Room; Marshall A&M Club; 8:30,
lounge of Dorm 10. i;
Thursday—Bastrop & Lee/Coun
ty Club, 7:30 p. m., regular meet
ing place;] Rio Grande Valley Club,
7:45, YMCA; Galveston Club, 5:30,
Agriculture Building steps; Navar
ro County Club, 8, Room 228, Aca
demic; H^art of Texas Club, 8:15
ME Shops'Lecture Room; Montague
County Club, 8:30, YMCA;, Hen
derson Cpunty Club, 8:45, Room
223, Academic Building;. [Falls
County Club, 9:00, Room 228, Ac
ademic Building. /.
Friday—Petroleum Society, Ag
riculture Building, 12:30 p. ip.
JTAC Engineers
To Visit Campus
Senior engineering students of
John Tarleton,Agricultural College
of Stephenville will visit A&M
College December 3 and 4. They
will be accompanied by H. C. Dore-
mus, director of engineering, H.
W. LeacH, professor of electrical
engineering and Jack D. Herring
ton, associate professor of archi
tecture] |
Students who will make th/. Mp
include W. H. Adam, ConsU at
Hood, Floyd Mock, George Pruett,
all of Seminole; Morris Baker,
Hal Haltom and W. C. Strawn,
Electru; Donald Barnard and Dar
rell Warren, Crane; W. D. Bent
ley, DeKalb, Robert Brown* j De*-
demonn; Bert Dlmock, Jr., Bowie;
Louis Engelbrecht, Crawford;;Win
ston Faith, Goldthwaite; 0. P.
Johnson, Terrell.
Other* attending will he M. D.
Kay, Dim Smith, Gordon Smith and
Thomas Welch, Siephenvillej S, K.
Moredoek, Santa Anna; Gorman
CWv, Pearl; Charles Whlttlrigton,
Coleman; John Harlan,
Graham | I). R. Dodd, Sea-
grave*; Morris Miller, Waco;,Arch
Herndon, and Jack Mudd, Anson;
Arnold Wedeking, Stamford; Wil
li* Winters, Taileton Station; H.
N. Price, Kvunt; Clinton HoWerth,
Glen Rp«e;; Charles RIchaNlson,
Quannah;. Johnnie Scott, Oroes-
Pre-Law Society Will Visit
SMU Law School December 9
The Pre-Law Society will rneet at 7 tomorrow night, to
discuss final plans for a trip to the SMU Law School. The
fneejting will be held in the Ex-Student Lounge of the YMCA.
Trips to different law schools in the Southwest have
been planned by the campus society, Phillip Goode, co-spon-
1 "" ’ tr——l"" ♦nor of the group, said. Although
Tishler Is Named
Of Health Group
C. K. Tlshlcr, Lad of tho Phy
sical Education Department, hw*
boon nuihed president-elect of tho
Ttixa* Health, Physical Education
ami Recitation A*Moelaiion.
Tishler wa* appointed during tho
umiuul meeting
day. Every year
mMta ' (luring
holiday* I since
In Dalla* Katur-
tho Association
the Thanksgiving
t tlint time, all
tepeher* jhave tiijno off from reg
ular teaching aOtivltlc*.
Member* of the college staff at
tending wore W, M. Dowell, Curl
Landis*, and Herman Sogrest.
Students attending thd meeting
included Earl Beasley. Harold Zeit-
jman, and Charles! Hodga«. >
Phi Eta Sigma
Meets Tonight
Phi Eta Sigma, freshman honor
[society, will hold its regular meet
ing in the Physics Lecture Room,
tonight at 7:15, according to L. V.
Massengale Jr., club president.
The group picture for the Long
horn will be made at this meet
ing in the Physics future Room
Corps members should wear
shirts without blouses. Non-corps
members are to wear white shirts
aiid ties, Massengale said.
In addition to having the picture
made, there will be a discussion of
ithe national convention!
Galveston Club
Pic Scheduled
The Galveston A&M Club will
[have its picture taken Thursday,
[December 2, at 5:30 p. m. on the
steps of the Agriculture Building.
Veteran students are requested
to wear coats and ties.
At 7:30 p. m. the same day, the
club will hold a meeting in Room
129 Academic Building.
no more than one will be taken in
any semester, the plan would en
able a student to iiiKnect all of the
major Jaw schools within u period
of three years while he Is nt A&M,
Goode added.
Some 26 Aggies are expected tp
make the trip to Dallas next week,
Chuck Ottlmniss, sbelety president
The plan* for the visit to the
law school have been made in cO-
operation with Dean Robert E.
Story of SMU. The A&M student*
will travel to Dalian on the even
ing of December 9. Upon arriv
ing at the Hilltop campti*
will bo assignod room*
men's dormitory If they
hav« private accommodations
their own.
After assembling Friday morn
ing at Dalla* the Aggie* will at
tend several SMU law classes un
der the supervision of the lutv
faculty. During the afternoon, tljc
group will participate in a round
table discussion with the law fac
ulty. Any questions concerning the
SMU Law School will lie answered
at this session.
Saturday morning the Aggie]
group will be free to investigate
the other facilities of the Dallas
campus and will be able to gain
information at the numerous
school offices concerning other
phases of the SMU student life!
• J'il
Housing quarters will be avail
able for Friday night on the cam
pus as well as for Thursday night.
Arthur Stewart, co-sponsor of
the organization, said that Dean
M. T. Harrington has been very
encouraging towards the group
in their planning for this trip.
Stewart and Goode plan to mak^
the trip to Dallas with the pre
law students. They said that this
and similar activities of the sof
ciety will help to gain recognit
tion for A&M as a pre-law in
stitution. [
Cabaniss explained that all per
sons who will need SMU-provideld
sleeping quarters on the trip mu4t
bring $2 to the Thursday meeting.
He emphasized that the respon:
to inquiries about persons desirim
to make the trip has been enth
siastic. All such persons need
be present Thursday, Cabani
The A&M Crops Judging
Team placed third in the In
ternational Collegiate Crops
Judging Contest held ii|i Chi-!
cago, Illinois, Nov* 29, and
placed fifth in the National
Intercollegiate Crops Judging
Contest held in Kansas City,
Kansas, November 24.
Members of the team were Frank
M. Zabcik, Richard P. Bates, John
E. Endrizzi, and Willie A. Kelling,
alternate. F. G. Collard, agronomy
professor, was coach of the 1948
Zabcik won fourth place in total
points scored in the Chicago con
test. This was the second highest
ever achieved by* an A&M' team
member. Coach Collard holds the
high point recora which he made
when a member of the crops team
in 1941. ] ‘
While in Chicago, the team at
tended the convention of the stu
dent section of the American So
ciety of Agronomy, November 27.
On November 26, they were guestft
of tho International Harvester Co.,
and were shown through tho trac
tor division of the company.
Tau Beta Pi Will
Meet Tonight [
* i
A short meeting of the Hew and
old members pf the Tau Beta PI
will he hold at 7:15 tonight In the
Petroleum Engineering Lecture
The purpose of the mooting 1*
to elect a treasurer and a ;eutulog-
Uer for the sm'lpg fteme*tjer. Also
plan* concerning the December 8
initiation ceremonies Will! b* dls-
Membership certificates: will be
presented to old member^. *
During-the meeting the picture
for the Longhorn will btj taken.
Corps members are to wear the
number one uniform, while non-]
corps members are reiqueisted b
wear suits, said Howard R.
The Melody Maid# of Beaumont,
choral program in Gil ion Hall jSaturdu.,
whose a,
f >2,sjhavo ‘b
)f the out*
groups in :
second performance will be given dt th&^tnheyj Student Cen
ter at 8:15 the same toig'hl]
| The group of yopng garls,
College Station
Kiwanians [Will
Elect Officers
j b -: ■; i, •
The annual banquet of the
College Station Kiwdnis Cliib
for the installation Of newly
elected officers will [ be held
tojiight at 7 in Sbisa Hall,
Sid Loveless, president of the
organization, said today, ;
New officers to. be installed to
night include Ralph StUen, presi
dent; Joe Motherni, jfirst vice-
president; A. C. ’ Magee,; second
viije-presidont; and Sadi Clelawl,
secretary. W. S. Manning will re
main as treasurer of the orgapizu-
tioin. j, L I ■; A : ' ■
Of the [eight member* of the
board of director*, four will «is-
xu no office tonight They arc R. R.
Lyle, J. G. McNeoly, lij G. John-
Ktfn, and J. Wayne Stark. ItieUm-
lient* include Carl BirdweU, Dap
R. Davis, It. M. Plpkertipn, and G.
E. Made ley. Board mejnber* are
elected to .servo for two yeai^.
Bragg Callaway, lleutipnont-got-
orpor clefll of Division ; 3 of the
Ktwanls iPlentatlonal, ilflll install
new officers, Low1#m< paid. •
•/ *’•; ‘•tpr
Mi; ,u ;
5 Y«nng Cirk
I. •
vill present •
at~6:15. A
§i i>,j ii.I
range fitoir) 14 to
stk y ‘*ra become one
arklinlg entertainment
le Soith./During the
last year,' tl eir rt putaUon ha* be-
:ome nationwide through their ap
pearances Op the West. Coast,’
where they]wore the guests of the
International {Lions Club conten
tion* and Ire New York at Madison
Square GaPdeh where they enter-^
tainisd another tiphs convention.
Their reccjnt itinerary has also
included appearances ip New Or-
eans amlat the Waukegan Music
©pganizeddn 1942 by Elojse Rush
Milam of Bcaumjont, the chpru*
first became knoWn through pro
grams at many military camps in
Gulf Coast^itsa, (he Orange USO,
In the ::.l
nndi the Beaumojnt
centers, where thou
were entertained hy
group. 4
bile tho Mel
entertainihgi! for
Hhof in BoipiiPon
gfoprlng frtaii 17
preabhfl 7p
wartime p^igran
xly Maftls were
every war bond
,,! the fcroup was
members to thei.
[iirt pedognition of their
, rfigrairiH, the Uggrega-
tioii r^elV(|l a ejituition from the
Texas VwUltftlon
for K the eSeb) ■'
S rei
loncort ■;
ulna ehor
now /uma
dlUpnal f "
Hall MPdi
be twenty
e An
'A 1 '
Munden ‘Sto
!.•■-!: i • • |V ; ; rei j •• MW
By TU Sweeih
service men
sands of GI’s
the beauteous
Of Music Club*
uni .service the!
ipe wnir effort.
•a na of the feml-
illfiliuiu modern pud
ftidipM a* well a* their
W'pd tioti* of the ,tr»-
p lU'Hf*.
both ws Gulon
icx concert* will
»|e !■*■»■■ iwi i *ii
Gaze and Gasp Milam, director of the
Melody Maid* from Beaumont.
t* m ’
- «
Academic Bulletin Source of
Strange Notions, Comments
‘‘Are you a spaed fan? Do you
,.. » y . . .
like to dig out at 80mph and drive
Ut 115 mphT Buy an ^MG" Rolls-
Koyce. Ju*l $2,395." read* one of
numerous card* In
the "For
Church Broadcast
Schedule Changed
The College Station Council of
Church Women have changed their
Thursday radio program time on
WTAW from 4:15 to 4:45, Mrs.
Dallas Belcher, radio chairman,
has announced.
More co-operation between the
local churches is the theme On this
program, Mrs. Belcher said.
little” section of the Academic
building bulletin hoard. [ j
Tho bullstin board, doaignod and
monnored by the Student Senate,
ik divided into six distinct
lion*, "Hide*,” "LoM” "Fo .
For Sale;" "Wanted,and "Mis-
{ At one time or another the
“Rides" section has featured trans
portation to nearly any extremity
of the continent. At the present
time rides are offered to Cali
fornia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio,
and Juneau, Alaska. Anybody go-
spirit, notices have been placed
in th« same section by Aggies
Hacking, rides to Mexico CUyi
New Orleans. Miami, Puerto RL
pp^oMpip .. . HVRI
co, ( allfornla, and point* nortH
to a screeching halt at Denton's
Reader* can't help but notice
added humor nt the bottoms of
many cards. In the “Lost" seotlol
wa* found [a notice with one of
more* choice comments, It reai
"Lost. Black Wallet containin
registration card, bank hook, nn
receipts. At the bottom of thb
card was lettered in pencil "T. S t
Drop by my hole and I’ll punch
your card. Signed ‘'Moose.” , !
In the “For Sale" section was
found “Best Presents for Chris
mas. Japanese Invasion money.
One hundred pesos, formerly pric
ed at 26 cents, now priced
at 10 cents each.” Another notice
in the “Best Presents for Christ
mas” aeries advertised “South Sea
dancing hula skirts. Perfect to gife
your girl," Wowl
; OccsHlonally the person who
puts up the rsrd comment* on
his own notice. One of t|ie curt
rent notices read* thus: "Lo*t,
One brown, leather, sipper Jack*
et with paint stain on left
sleeve." The author of the notice
goes on to comment "It’s get
ting damned cold. Would apprr
elate return of my beat-up Jack
•$• i • I ! •
To meet the requirements fdr
use of the bulletin board; a four
by six inch card must be ujied, the
card must be posted in thei proper
section and must be dated; cards
must be removed the second SaU
unlay after posting.
Another current notice recei
ed much comment and small w<
der. It reads “Would like to r<
apartment with space for purse
Would like to sell r
matic shotgun,
married Aggie couple.
A&M’s Ugly Man, wps back 6rt
the campus today, victim of a last-
mi mi to switch in plans in Austin
diiring the holidays that cancelled
his proposed date with Ann. Ty
nan^ sweetheart of the [(University
jCharlcy Munden, trying, to play
hip part in the “Ugliest-Prettiest"
get-together between A&M and
Texas ran afoul of an old, barrier
—[the oth£r man. According to
plans ironed out between the Bat
talion and the Daily Texan, Mun-
, ■ .1*.» . i .■. 1 ,
Dairymen’s Course
Begins Monday i
% ’; J • j If.. j : j]'i,,j z
Seventy-five dairymen aire ex
pected to attend the Dairymen’s
and Dairy,! Plant Fieldmen’s Short
Course to be held here Monday
and Tuesday, according to Lucian
Morgan, assistant director of the
Placement Office. '
Registration will be held In the
YMCA lobby from 8 a. >jia.. until 11
a. m. Mbnday. Meetings will be
held in the YMCA Chapel. Regis
tration fee is $3 per person,
A banquet, will be held Monday
night, in Sbisa Hal|. Banquet tic
kets may be secured at the regis
tration (leak in the YMCA for $2
deil i
of M
I Jiti-.
official escort
1** Tyhiltl as the Turkey Day
game. The.jplun deemed eapecinlly
workable Since the blonde beauty’*
tthrojb was George Mc-
who. woijddr
curient hi
Call, Texi
able to tal
> •
gSoie Sj|aSed
off. Wh^thet or
who. wouldn’t bo
to the game any-
all, who ap-
to the idea origin
n thej eve of tnq f/
the y'hoile affair
not pis decision ~
to information he
rr ing Munden and
ambitions, Me-
Awyway, Ann
me thoroughly ch-
octupaht* of the
_ r j aholrt course will end Tue*
day afternoon.
t Whethteti or
was 'based on la
received [ CpiR s
his] Thank^glmng
Call didp^ say
wept to’ the ; a
corted by fcdfowi
Forty iAc^f ’
Howeyeri Muriden was ] not left
out in tfie] cOld entirely. Through
the effort of Hill Smith, Aggi«
ex who fe POW qditor of the Daily
Tegan, Mtmdeh dated the drum ma-
joretto Of |the T exas band during
the* gam® Apparently, however,
thq girl] jfaji no competition for
t*e|f--Charley can’t re-
, ha ne, but he’s well
equainted with all the facts con
cerning 'jjjjoW. tie Aggie* scored
thdiw ■
1 1
Fort Worth Club
fill Meet Tonight m
i| [j, •
Tho Fort Worth A&M Club will
moot tonight at 7lift In thl lec
ture Room of the fjoleftco H*(l> R
was! anmnmml today by Jim (lur-
rlson, president of tne tlub.
The purpose of the meeting will
be to approve the recommendation*
made by the Social thimmlttee as
to the place and time for the
Christo as Party,
Coffee and (loughnots’ will lie
served the meeting,
'.'f' |i
Houston County
Photo Scheduled
County- A;.M Club
Will meet at 7:30 tonight!
Xc Building, -to
res nmddffor *4S
have. clUb! pictu _
Ltinghom, T. J. Morgan, y chit
president, j has announced. ;>.;
-fouirth period touch-
loWns, A-’tru® Aggie, no less,
JWhUe lii Austin after the game,
Milnden^eamr u > with the follow
ing eyplajation whibh seems as
good as «|y, of why the Memorial
ed? , 'The
and the^ Agi .
the tlmH ha^ ^he original struc
ture roiirti Inid intact. Hut when
? fi iaily
irii wan
lei coult!
in 1924
win all
Tegas oftt rgi^d the horseshoe thl*
the JOb V *S a geiit by name of
I. B, Fe« IWbrt i, And Mr. Finis-
wdrth Ha| ion* to be In Aggie ex, *
Hi burM the Jinx somewhere
down livtlmflv’ cemonb- gond ole
Mblpg tber*!
you nin)
*o*t B
atter t
entntorH Can
:ki*d Up Today
or to-
ten 1
r copy ^
were returned by
ee due (o Incur-
r, In the cane of
a|gMieral de-
re I
v . (